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1st: Ben and Gwen, 2nd: Yugi and Mokuba, 3rd: Juniper and Ray Ray, 4th: Alvin and Simon

5th: Meliodas and King, 6th: Gon and Killua


Manzo stood in his underwear and white shirt, hugging his arms and shivering. His teeth chattered a bit and he swallowed a little, looking forward at all the contestants that he had to wake up before they froze to death.

“O-Okay… s-so we’re here… in the uh… Arctic Circle…” Manzo muttered, trying to keep a smile on his face. “Sorry, no hotel or breakfast today. Haha… ha…”

All the remaining contestants stood before Manzo, all in their underwear and shirts except for Gwen, who was fully dressed.

“Were you sleeping in your clothes or something?” Ben snapped at her.

Gwen crossed her arms and grunted. “Meh. I just don’t trust anything so I always stay prepared.”

“What are you? A ninja?” Ben grumbled.

Everyone else was more focused on Manzo, wondering what was going on here. This clearly wasn’t normal and he was acting very much not in control of this situation.

“Why did you stuff us in those boxes and crash the plane…?” Ray Ray asked, jittering about as he hopped up and down a bit. 

“I… didn’t do that… uh…” Manzo looked to the side, grumbling. “Well… I mean…”

“You don’t know what’s going on do you?” Killua spoke up, growling. “What’s your deal?! Where is Mokuba and Yugi?”

“They’re not here… and I feel like I may know why… sort of…” Manzo muttered, poking a finger to his lips. “But if we just stick together and… maybe huddle up together in the plane for warmth we may get out of this without having to eat each other.”

“Simon might taste like betrayal.” Alvin muttered. Simon frowned.

Juniper rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Fact of the matter is, this isn’t a game and we need to figure out what the deal is before things get worse for us.”

Manzo pouted a bit. “Are you insinuating that I don’t know what we should do?”

“Alright. What do we do?” June leaned forward with her fists at her side.

“… Uh…” Manzo looked to the side, tapping his foot, not noticing the floating television coming down behind him. Everyone else saw it and gasped when it turned out to be blaring Mokuba’s face at everyone.

“Hello all!” Mokuba shouted. 

“YEEP!” Manzo yelped and jumped, turning around to face him. “M-Mokuba! Hello there… what exactly are you… doing…?”

Mokuba grinned and began laughing.

“Oh-ho-ho. Welcome everyone… to The Mokuba Race! It’s MY show now!” Mokuba laughed.

King raised a brow, “That’s quite an arrogant name.”

“All of you look quite chilly. Not to worry though, this will get you fired up in a jiff.” Mokuba said, raising a small switch and shaking it about. “This… is my boomstick.”

“What a cheesy reference. You suck.” Ray Ray muttered.

“Shut up. I’m talking.” Mokuba jabbed a finger at the screen. “Anyway, we’re here with you, in the Arctic Circle. Do you see the mountain far off in the distance?”

Everyone turned and spotted the mountain in the distance. However, there was a weird metal structure with lights around it on it. 

“I’m over there. Come by and you’ll be sheltered. If you stay out there, you’ll freeze to death.” Mokuba smiled. “However, the obstacles you have to overcome will be taxing and hard to chew on. Come hither my slave.” Mokuba beckoned for Yugi.

Yugi walked over with a collar around his neck and held up a tablet. He swiped his finger across it and started to show them all the obstacles.

“Bear traps. Electric fences. Lasers. Even Duel Monsters!” Mokuba said happily. “It’s gonna be a blast seeing you try to survive all of it.”

“Uhm… okay…” Killua muttered. “So, what if we refuse?”

Mokuba laughed again. “Then you’re out of the competition. You’re also out if you die.” 

“Bah! There’s a big flaw in your plan! I’m a magic dude! I can fix you in a jiff!” Manzo snapped, poking his nose into the screen.

Mokuba laughed. “Alright then. If you feel so sure of that, you come up first. We’ll talk it out. The rest of you, start your engines.”

“No. He’s gonna fix it so let him.” Alvin snapped.

“Uh… there’s no promise that I will but I’ll try…” Manzo chuckled. 

“Plus, I have a bit of another feather in my cap.” Mokuba smiled and wiggled the switch in his hand again. “Throughout the competition I’ve been doing something a little naughty that’ll ruin your career Manzo. Hahaha. Aren’t I delightful?”

Manzo winced.

“Also, people might get hurt… but oh well.” Mokuba grinned and waved. “I’ll see you soon Manzo.”

The TV turned off and floated away. Manzo grumbled and began to sweat.

“Alright. Uhm… so neat set up eh? Y-Your challenge today is to reach the mountain where Mokuba is. If you get there first and stop him then… uh… you win!” Manzo said, grinning happily. 

Everyone just stared at him.

“Right… so… good luck with that.” Manzo turned and began running towards the mountain. “Good thing my magic can bolt me there quickly.”

“HEY! If you can do that then bolt all of us there!” Juniper shouted.

“Sorry. Can’t do that! I can only do it with a limited number of people. There’s a reason we were taking a plane everywhere.” Manzo said, waving back, disappearing in the distance.

Everyone stood quiet and confused before Meliodas smiled and trotted forward.

“Welp. We have our challenge. Let’s do this thing.” Meliodas smirked, hiking up his briefs before going ahead.

King sighed. “I guess… we don’t really have much of a choice…”

“We’re not seriously going to compete against each other during this thing right?” Simon asked, raising a brow with surprise.

“No.” Juniper said as she walked forward. “We just need to trudge through the snow in our underwear and keep as warm as we can.”

Ben put a finger to his chin. “Hmm… well… we can probably make a sled out of the plane wreckage to go forward. No need to walk through the snow.”

“Are you a smart enough person to know how to construct it?” Gon asked.

“Me personally? No. But Gray Matter is.” Ben smiled, raising his hand before he was stopped by Gwen.

“No. Save it.” Gwen said quickly. “I mean… if you do that now it might not work later, and if we need to speed away with XLR8 or warm ourselves up with Heatblast what’ll we do if it goes haywire?”

It sounded like a decent enough point. Simon raised his brow though. She reacted quite fast there.

“No problem.” Simon said, raising a hand. “I can lay out a mental blueprint that’ll make a competent enough mode of transport.” He then stole a glance at Alvin. “A-And Alvin is pretty good at making bobsleds in the snow… r-right…?”

He hoped Alvin would talk to him. Alvin glanced at Simon with a pout and looked to the side.

“… Yeah. I can help.” Alvin muttered.

Simon sighed.

“Coolio!” Ray Ray jumped between them and pulled the two of them close to him. “Then let’s go stop that maniac!”

The teams got to work making the slay, using all of their collective powers to make a convincing bobsled.

King was moving a metal beam around to put it under the slay and grumbled a bit when he couldn’t pound it in correctly. “Dammit. It’s not on right. Hey captain, come and help me…”

He looked around and gasped. Meliodas had gone ahead and they didn’t go after him! He was gone.

“Uh-oh…” King muttered.


Meliodas looked around, standing in the snow with just his Red Power Rangers briefs on, tapping his chin and shivering.

“Hmmm…. You know, I feel like I may have gone a bit too far ahead without anyone else.” Meliodas muttered. 

Thankfully, though, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

“Ah. You guys caught up.” Meliodas turned around and was staring at a metal chest. He looked up and saw the red eyes of a giant mechanical bear.

It roared in his face and spittle of oil spattered on him.

“… Hmm… you’re not King.”


“Go faster!” King snapped as everyone rode in the bobsled. It had a weird, make shift motor on the back that was propelling everyone forward. Everyone was keeping a look out for Meliodas except Gwen who sat in the back with her arms crossed and her head leering out of the side of the vehicle. Just seeing her like that made Ben grumble.

“You know you could offer a bit more help. At least look in the correct direction.” Ben snapped at her.

Gwen muttered something unintelligible and then leered forward a bit… and then she looked up.

“Uhm… giant snow ball headed this way!” She yelled and pointed.

“Huh?” Simon gasped and yelped, steering the bobsled to the side as the giant ball of froze smashed down next to them. They almost swerved out of control and found themselves a bit off kilter.

Suddenly, more began raining down from above. Simon kept having to steer away from it as best he could but the frozen tundra was starting to make his hands numb. With everyone in their underwear, this felt like a terrible excursion.

“Where is they coming from?” Ray Ray clutched the edge of the bobsled, gasping in surprise.

Juniper looked around and squinted her eyes before spotting something odd in the distance. It looked like… a giant cannon with robot legs?

She stared at it a bit more before she caught it firing another giant snow ball!

“Over there!” June snapped and pointed at it. Simon looked up and caught a glimpse of it for a split-second and then swerved, going down a narrow pathway that overlooked a long drop to a frozen sheet of ice below.

“Uh… this is a little dangerous….” Ray Ray’s voice jittered as they slid across the bumpy rocks of the narrow road.

“Sure. However, going this way will keep us away from the walking snowball cannon…” Simon said as they started to make a turn.

“Uhm… guys…!” Alvin winced and pointed behind them. Everyone except Simon turned to look and saw little robotic gremlins following behind them with little ray guns in their hands!

“What the hell? What are those?” Ray Ray gasped. “Where are they coming from…?

Killua rubbed his chin and then snapped his fingers. “Those are Feral Imps.”

Everyone turned and eyed Killua with a look of confusion. 

“… Feral Imps are Duel Monsters cards.” Killua said. “And that cannon that was firing at us? Did it have three cannons on it?”

“Yes, it did.” Simon and June said in unison.

“That was the Barrel Dragon.” Killua smirked.

“Oh wow… you play Duel Monsters Killua?” Gon asked with a chuckle.

Killua blushed and looked to the side. “Haha… well… I like toys and junk… card games count as stuff like that for me as well…”


The ray gun was firing at their bobsled’s rocket. However, instead of exploding, it turned into a baby bottle!

Everyone’s eyes widened with extreme confusion.

Ray Ray gasped and put his hands to his cheeks. “Those aren’t Ray Guns… those are BABY guns!”

“… … Is… Is he joking?” Juniper muttered.

Simon winced as he tried to make another turn. However, he yelped when another snowball somehow managed to roll in his pathway. Simon spun the vehicle so that it rode a bit along the wall and dodged the giant ball. He landed back onto the narrow pathway, causing it to jump a bit. Some of the gremlins were crushed by the passing ball as a result.

“WOW! That was…” Alvin was about to praise Simon before he looked to the side. “I mean… well… at least you’re useful.”

Simon smiled a bit and kept going… that was until another ray gun was fired at their second rocket thruster. That one was turned into a baby bottle as well.

Simon winced, feeling the speed of the sled halting a bit. He saw a bit of a wider area approaching at the end of this narrow road, which was a good thing. The bad thing was that there was a huge drop after it.

Simon looked about and began to think as hard as he could before he turned back to Gon.

“Gon! That nen thing you do? Can you smash your fist into the back of the bobsled when I give the signal! There’s a cliff-edge we need to reach just above us and if we don’t we’re going to fall off the one before us and smash into the ice.” Simon explained, as calmly and as fast as he could.

“Uh… okay. I’m on it.” Gon stood up and began charging his fists. “JAN… KEN…!” Gon shouted.

Simon leered ahead and gritted his teeth. “NOW!”

“POOOOON!” Gon shouted and smashed his fist onto the ground and made the bobsled jump!

The shift in weight made everyone leer back. Gwen snagged Ben by his shirt collar and yanked him back, surprising him and everyone else as that was the thing that made the two of them fall off the back of it.

“GWEN! What the HELL?!” Ben screamed. He flailed about as they fell while Gwen plummeted with him, her arms crossed and looking disgruntled. Ben finally managed to press down on his watch and turned into Ripjaws.

He dived harder and smashed through the ice before shooting up and grabbing Gwen out of the air, landing on his feet and setting her down.

“Thanks. I appreciate the save.” Gwen smiled.

Ripjaws snarled at her and looked up. 

The bobsled’s landing was rough but they all managed to make it to the top of the cliff. Simon sighed and pressed his face on the wheel. “Never go sledding in your underwear folks…”

“Phew… that was close.” Gon said. He felt a bit weird though. Something was against his crotch… He looked down and gasped when he saw Killua’s face had jettisoned into the front of his briefs on impact. “GAH! K-Killua!” Gon blushed and helped Killua move his head away from his front. “Are you okay?”

Killua’s face was red and his eyes were rolled up. He had a super happy smile on his face so it seemed as though he passed out from an influx of lust and pleasure.

Juniper walked over towards the cliff and looked down at the ones who had fallen off. “Hey! Are you guys okay?”

Ben turned to normal and sighed. “Yeah. We’re fine. Don’t worry about us. Keep going!”

“Okay…!” June sighed and turned back to the others. “Well… they’re going to catch up later. Can this thing still move?”

King got out of the bobsled and looked all over it. “It… might still be able to function. We should probably tidy it up a tad and then-!”

Before he could finish, a ray gun blast shot into the bob sled and turned it into a crib with wheels.

“Uh…” King’s eyes widened and he slowly turned his head.

There in front of them was a line of sorcerer robot Duel Monsters with wands in their hands. Most likely, the baby ray was built into their staffs.

There was a robot Dark Magician, a robot Dark Magician Girl, and a robot Magician of Black Chaos leading the charge. There was also a robot Jinzo, a robot Rude Kaiser, a robot Celtic Guardian, and several more…

“Wh-Where are all of these coming from?!” King screamed in shock.

“It doesn’t matter. We’re not going to let them defeat us.” Juniper ran forward and got into a fighting stance.

King sighed but nodded and summoned his sacred spear. “Let’s do this then.”

Gon hoisted Killua over his shoulders and stayed back. “Sorry guys. Killua passed out and I used up a bit too much power back there. We need a bit more time.”

“No problem!” June snapped and ran ahead with King. The two of them easily ducked the roaring blade of the Rude Kaiser before the magicians started to fire their rays at them.

King spun his sacred spear about and was about to launch it in a move that would easily demolish all of them without any effort… but he got blasted by the baby ray!

“YEEEEK!” King yelped as his underwear turned into a diaper. His shirt became that of a toddler’s and a bib formed on top of it. He also got himself a baby bonnet and a pacifier as well as some matching baby booties.

King plummeted to the ground and winced a bit before he sat up and looked over himself.

“What the…? I d-don’t… understand why but… I feel wike I wanna cwy! WAAAAAAH!” King began crying on the spot, which allowed the Celtic Guardian to smash its sword into his head! 

It wasn’t sharp. It was blunt. It broke apart and a large lump formed on King’s head. His eyes began rolling and he saw stars and birdies float around his head. “Duuuuhhh…”

King fell over and laid splayed out in the snow, easily peeing his diaper on the spot.

“Those baby rays are pretty effective.” June grumbled, holding back the Dark Magician Girls’ wand. The Magician of Black Chaos turned to fire the baby ray at her but June spun the Dark Magician girl and made the ray hit her instead.

The Dark Magician Girl robot shrieked as it’s robot model was diapered and dressed like a baby like King was. She fell over and began gurgling and babbling like a baby too.

“Ha. Those things are too effective. They even work on the robots.” June smiled and stepped back.

The Magician of Black Chaos was about to fire again when Ray Ray jumped onto it and covered its eyes. The ray it fired was blasted off kilter and missed June, firing into several of the other robots behind them.

“Ah man.” Alvin muttered. “This isn’t looking too good… but it’s not looking hopeless either.” 

Simon sighed and looked the crib over. “I wonder if I can create jet propulsion rockets for this crib…”

“Well, if you can, hurry and do it. We don’t have time.” Alvin grumbled and ran forward.

“… You could at least say please… being mad at me doesn’t mean manners don’t exist anymore.” Simon said with a pouty face.

Alvin charged ahead with a warrior’s scream and began dodging and ducking all the ray gun blasts being fired at him, managing to trick them into firing at each other with his trickster like movement.

Simon didn’t have much to work with here. It was just snow and wood. It wasn’t until he saw the robot parts flying did he smile with a bit more confidence in his ability to handle this.

“It’s great being surrounded by monsters like them.” Simon grinned, reaching down and grabbing a sparking robot arm.


“MOKUBA!” Manzo snapped and kicked the metal door in of the castle. “What the hell are you doing?! This is seriously unbecoming of a contestant in my show!” Manzo stomped over towards the computer where the little evil mastermind sat.

“Ah. Glad you could join us Manzo. Tea?” Mokuba sat with his legs crossed as Yugi stood beside him and poured tea into the cup. Yugi was collared like a dog and standing in just his tighty whities and a shirt. That was literally it. He was blushing and muttering something under his breath.

“No. I don’t like tea.” Manzo crossed his arms.

“Me neither.” Mokuba said, splashing the cup into Yugi’s face.

“AAAGH! DAMMIT! YOU SUCK!” Yugi cried and stomped about in abject anger.

Mokuba laughed and clamped his hands together. “Anyway, you’re here to talk about the nature of my takeover? Well, it’s really quite simple.”

“Considering the security outside, this nonsense doesn’t feel all that simple.” Manzo muttered a bit.

“Well, those robots were all made using stuff I stole from your room.” Mokuba laughed. “You’ve got some really weird stuff in there. A lot of baby items and junk.”

Manzo blushed and grumbled. “Yeah. So, what?”

“I used one of your magic wands to construct a base and a factory that pumped out robots based on Duel Monster cards. I even imbued them with ray guns that baby people. It won’t turn you into a baby but it’ll make your outfit more embarrassing and disrupt the flow of your bladder and bowels.” Mokuba laughed and kicked. 

“Wow… people just… don’t respect my privacy at all huh…” Manzo muttered. “You’d think people would be more weary of pissing off a wizard like me.”

“Bah.” Mokuba reached over and pulled out several of Manzo’s wands, waving them about with a wide grin. “It’s fine. Ammunition means I can do whatever I want. If it makes you feel any better, the original plan didn’t account for this. I probably would have been foiled if I didn’t find out you had these wands.”

“What were you planning to do before this?” Manzo asked. “Were you going to hire someone to build all those robots for you?”

“Nope. I was just going to fly in a bunch of guys from Kaiba Corp and have them be the obstacles.” Mokuba said, leaning forward. “Guys who admire my big brother and wouldn’t hesitate to make me happy so that I could please him to be exact.”

Manzo pouted and leered at him. “So… what are you planning to do now that you have this stuff?”

Mokuba kicked back and sighed. “It’s easy and simple. I have the bombs planted in all the areas we visited around the world. Should the people out there refuse to cooperate with me or if YOU refuse to cooperate with me, I’ll set them off and blow up the random area I put it in. It won’t kill anyone but it’ll cause a ruckus and your show will get blamed for it. No one’s going to find out I’m behind all this and you’ll get ruined!” 

Manzo grumbled. “Oh really… so those bombs are just to ensure that we don’t refuse what you want us to do… I see. I don’t have means to shut them off either.”

Yugi looked to the side. He didn’t wish to say anything in front of Mokuba right now.

“Yup. It’s not like it matters anyway. They have no choice but to do it if they want to survive.” Mokuba showed them on the giant monitor behind them and laughed.

Yugi watched the screen and grumbled. He saw the speaker and wanted to snag it to say something but again he was kind of stuck here…

“Your goal is to just be the host now then? Why enact it so close to the end? We’ve only got like a few episodes left before the finale.” Manzo asked, truly confused.

“Because my goal isn’t JUST to be the host, idiot. I want the prize money too!” Mokuba smiled. “Cooperate with me. Either the contestants make it here in one piece and I close the show as the host and cement myself as the kid who successfully took over your show, thus proving to big bro that I’m totally ready to take over the company… OR you give me the prize money now and we cancel the show, also proving how great I am to my big bro. I’m good with either direction. You can’t refuse and go for a third option because I’ve got the bombs. If I set them off you can have your show back but you’ll take the blame for it and you’ll be ruined anyway.”

Manzo tapped his foot and looked about the room. “… Well… there IS a third option though?”

“What’s that?” Mokuba asked.

“They make it here and kick your ass, wrestling control from you and we have a happy ending where you’re arrested!” Manzo snapped, stomping towards Mokuba with a fist raised.

“HIYAH!” Mokuba shot the wand towards Manzo and zapped him. Manzo screeched and stood frozen in place before Mokuba brought him over towards a separate room, shoving him inside by blasting him in and shutting the door. “Well, we talked. Those are the terms. Think it over and maybe we can talk again.”

Manzo stumbled and plopped on his butt. “Dammit… If I had my wands I could have teleported the rest of them up here with me. Without it I could only manage to bring myself. I need some way to talk with them…”

Manzo looked around the room and spotted one of the monitors that Mokuba used to send out the message to them earlier. He ran up to it and pounded it with his fist. He then grabbed it and began surging his magic into it. Immediately it turned on. 

“Ah-ha! Underestimating me will be your downfall… maybe…” Manzo muttered. With the monitor turned on, he tried to find the signal of the monitor that was just outside a while back. He grumbled a bit annoyed with himself before he finally got an image.

He saw the snowy region and was controlling the camera of one of the outside monitors! Success!

“Alright. Time to find those guys...” Manzo sneered.


“AGH! I c-can’t… keep this up anymore…!” Ray Ray winced and panted as he tried to keep getting the robot magicians to fire into their own men. He stumbled a bit and that led to the Dark Magician firing a baby ray into Ray Ray!

“Oh no!” June snapped and turned towards her brother.

“EEEEEK!” Ray Ray jittered and fidgeted about before it stopped. He was in the diaper, pacifier, bib, baby shirt, baby botties, and baby bonnet combo, the same as King. Ray Ray blushed and fidgeted about before he grabbed his stomach and promptly messed his diaper. “OOOOOGH!” His eyes crossed in pain before he fell over and hit the snow, his leg twitching. 

King was still laid out in the snow, drooling like a baby and seeing stars still.

“We gotta get out of here. There’s too many.” June said. She wasn’t looking for a split second though and the Celtic Guardian was about to nab her with his sword.

That was until Gon jumped in and booted it’s head off with a kick!

“Whoa! Nice save!” June turned and gave a thumbs up. 

Gon landed and smiled, giving a thumbs up back. “Thanks! We’re good now! Right Killua!?” Gon called over to his friend.

Killua was at the front of the crib with plugs in his runny nose. He gave a thumbs up back and smirked. “Yes, we are… Right?” Killuas asked Simon.

Simon closed up the panel on the crib and hopped inside of it. “We’re ready! All it needs is a jump start.”

“On it baby!” Killua smirked and began to surge electricity through the crib to start it up. With that, the jet propulsion went off and started to launch the crib forward. It was going way faster than the bobsled was before!

“Alright!” June grabbed the person closest to her, which was actually King, and hoisted him over her shoulder.

Alvin rushed over and grabbed Ray Ray, despite his bitterness, and rushed ahead, jumping into the crib as it passed by. Juniper soon followed and the crib narrowly avoided being blasted away by the ray guns in their way.

“We’re on our way again!” Simon smirked. “I even managed to build a heater in this thing.”

“Oh wow. You’re right.” Gon said, sitting on the soft mattress of the crib. “My butt is getting a lot warmer. It feels nice.”

Killua chuckled. “You talk about your butt too willy nilly.”

“What? You mean you’re not interested in how warm my butt is?” Gon teased, leaning over and pressing his cheek against Killua’s.

“AH! N-No… not saying THAT… hahaha!” Killua laughed.

“Alright love birds. Cool it for a sec.” Juniper said back at them. “We’ve gotta keep focused on the objective.”

“Right. If we can make it to that castle, we can end this quicker.” Alvin muttered. 

“I need a diapee change…” Ray Ray moaned.

“Ugh… momma…?” King muttered. The two of them were pretty well out of it. That baby ray took a lot out of you it looked like.

That was too bad because they were being chased by the robot duel monsters and getting blasted at by the ray guns yet again.

“Dammit. This is gonna suck.” Simon muttered. “Well, at least this is already a crib.”

“Bah. You say that as though there isn’t still a chance you won’t screw up somehow.” Alvin muttered.

Simon gripped the controls he installed on the crib and sighed. He didn’t want to get into it with Alvin right now.

That was when the TV monitor came down before them all yet again. On it, Manzo’s face was shown, instantly brightening up their line of sight.

“Manzo?” Killua raised a brow.

“Where are you?” June asked, keeping her arms gripping the bars.

“Hey folks.” Manzo smiled and rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, turns out the situation is worse than I thought. Uh… Mokuba has stolen all of my wands and I only have enough magic to do very small, minimal stuff. I don’t think I can break out of this room and even if I could, he’d just blast me back in.”

“Did you at least figure out what the hell his deal is?” Alvin snapped.

“I did… he wants to prove to Kaiba that he’s ready to be a big boy and rule over a corporation. To do that, he wants to host my show and make it look like he took it over brilliantly from within and if you guys don’t cooperate, he’s gonna blow up a few random areas around the world from the places we visited and make it look like it was my fault.” Manzo muttered.

“What?!” Almost all of them gasped.

“He’s insane.” Simon growled, thinking back to the way he played him and Ray Ray for fools.

“Yeah… he also said that I could skip all that by just making it look like I conceded to how awesome he was and foregoing the rest of the competition by just handing him the million… for the record, I am NOT handing him the million.” Manzo explained.

“Good. If you did I’D have to kill you.” Killua smirked.

“Well, whatever. The important thing is that you need to hurry and burst through the front of the castle.” Manzo said.

“Isn’t the front the most guarded?” June asked.

“It was. I demolished a ton of the robots stationed there when I broke in… although he could send more out…” Manzo muttered. “Whatever. It doesn’t matter. Just burst past them all and smash your way in. Head RIGHT for him and grab my magic wands from him! If you do, you’ll be able to reverse this nonsense and stop him!” Manzo shouted.

“Awesome. Thanks for letting us know.” Juniper grinned. “We’ve got a plan of action now.”

“Does the plan of action include changing my diaper…?” Ray Ray whined.

“That jerk!” Alvin snapped, standing with his arms crossed. “When I get my hands on him, I’ll rip him apart for this.”

“I want dibs.” Simon said.

“Excuse me?” Alvin leered down at him.

“It’s because of him that I’m in this mess with you. After I did so much to try and rekindle our relationship…” Simon muttered.

“… “ Alvin’s face softened a bit before he stubbornly shook his head. “Hmph… w-well… y-you still said what you said. There’s no ignoring that!”

Simon said nothing back.

“… Fine. You can get in ONE pot shot. ONE!” Alvin said this and raised his finger… which extended him long enough for him to get blasted by a stray ray gun shot that made him dressed up like a baby with a bonnet, the same as King and Ray Ray. “Whoops…”

Alvin suddenly yelped and blushed grabbing himself and doing a potty dance. “AAAGH!” He yelped and started wetting the diaper, falling over and fidgeting. “Ohhhhh…”

“Great… three down…” Juniper muttered.

“We won’t lose anymore. We can’t.” Gon said, keeping his eyes trained on them from behind.

Ray Ray and King moaned where they laid, feeling winded still by the baby ray. Ray Ray was wetting his diaper now. “Why was I the only one who messed mine.”

“Haha… my curse is gone so maybe that’s why I didn’t… oh wait no… my tummy’s rumbling…!” King blushed.

Everyone else scooted away from the three babied contestants as the crib shot forward and started to traverse up the mountain towards Mokuba’s castle.


“How do you know where to go?” Ben snapped as he walked with Gwen towards their destination.

“I just know alright?” Gwen snapped and kept walking, heading up a steep hill and clawing at the snow to make it to the top.

Ben made it to the top and looked ahead at her. “I want an explanation.”

“Whatever. Just turn into XLR8 so we can get their faster.” Gwen pointed behind her. Instead of that, Ben stood up with his arms crossed and leered at her.


“Excuse me.”

“Stop saying ‘Excuse me’ everytime I tell you ‘NO’. I tell you ‘NO’ all the time. You can’t be surprised by it this much still.” Ben snarled.

“I’m just always surprised by how stupid you are. We’re in the freezing cold and we need to reach the castle. Why are you refusing?” Gwen snapped.

“Because then I’d be playing right into your grimy little hands wouldn’t I?” Ben looked at her, angrily. Gwen got quiet and looked to the side. 

“… I don’t know what you’re talking about but it’s probably just as stupid as everything else you have to say.” Gwen stuck her nose up at him.

“Why were you the only one fully clothed when we were found in the boxes?” Ben asked.

“Well, I-!”

“Why weren’t you helping anyone back there?” Ben kept prying.


“Why did you force us off the bobsled back there!” Ben shouted.

“OKAY! Shut up! God…!” Gwen tapped her foot and then looked up. “Well… it’s so that the teams could be cut apart…” Gwen turned and kept walking. The castle was in the distance. The trail before them was a safe one. All they needed to do was zip up the path and they’d be there.

“Cut the teams apart…” Ben muttered and then looked ahead. “Wait… is that the castle…?”

“Man, you’re slow. YES, it’s the castle. That’s where we’ve been going this whole time dumbass.” Gwen snapped.

“… Wait! So, you KNEW a SHORT-CUT! Why didn’t you tell the others?!” Ben shouted.

“You can’t POSSIBLY be this dense…” Gwen turned back to face him again. “Hello? Cut the teams apart? Following a short-cut so we can get their first?”

“… You… made a deal with Mokuba didn’t you?!” Ben began to jitter with anger. “He told you what his plan was and you agreed to it! Then you got us separated from the others so that we could take the shortcut into the castle and rejoin him.”

“Yup. Figured it out finally.” Gwen said, turning to head up the trail again. “Once we get their first, we’ll be the official winners and the others will be disqualified. Then, Mokuba’s gonna prove his merit to Kaiba and WE get the prize money.”

“How do you know he’s not playing you?” Ben asked.

Gwen smirked. “I don’t. It doesn’t matter though. Nothing’s stopping me from blabbing his plan to the authorities if he doesn’t pull through. I’ll make off with the prize money in the confusion anyway.”

“… Were you… were you always this… this…? You suck!” Ben stammered.

“Bah.” Gwen scoffed. “Stop complaining already. We’ve gone from being in last all the time to being on top of the world. Can’t you just accept that and be happy?”

“NO! I’m the HERO! I don’t DO stuff like this.” Ben screamed, waving his fists about.

“You only refer to yourself as the HERO to please your ego!” Gwen turned and pressed a finger to his chest. “Maybe you should just stop fighting me for once and go along with it. We’re not friends with these guys. We came to get the money.”

“Hmph.” Ben crossed his arms.

“If I was betraying people who were actually our friends then I could see your point. If I was actually going to allow him to set off the bombs he planted and not go for the route that saw us making the money instead, then I’d also see your point… but I’m not. I’m doing this so we can win and that’s it. No offense to the others but this is the way the cookie crumbles.” Gwen said.

“… Well…” Ben muttered, looking to the side. “I mean…”

Gwen smiled. “See. Coming around to my side eh? Good.” She patted his back before turning and heading up the trail with her eyes closed. “It won’t be long now. We don’t need XLR8 like I thought. All I need to do is press the button that’ll get me past the security and we’re golden…”

Gwen reached into her pants pocket and fiddled around for it… then didn’t manage to grab it for some reason! The switch was gone!

“What the hell?” Gwen gasped and felt around her pants for it. “Where’d it go?!”

“So…!” A voice came up ahead. Gwen turned to face forward again, eyes widening in shock.

Meliodas tossed the switch up and down in his hand looking ahead at them with a smirk on his face. 

“Hey guys~! How’s it going? It’s cold as hell out here. Not a good day to be in my tighty whities.”


“They’re coming!” Mokuba leered at the computer screen, squealing with delight. “AHAHAAHA! I can’t wait to see the hope fade from their eyes when they see my security demolish them. Losing when they’re SO close. Poor things~!”

Yugi began sweating and looking at the monitors. He saw that Ben and Gwen had stopped on their way up. Meliodas was blocking them!

Yugi also noticed that he currently had the gate switch. So long as Mokuba didn’t look at that screen, they’d be able to get in.

“Now, let’s see how Gwen is do-!” Mokuba began before Yugi headbutted him! “GAAAH!” Mokuba fell out of the chair and grabbed his forehead! “What the hell man?!”


“I see the doorway!” Simon shouted.

“How many of them did Manzo destroy…?” Juniper muttered under her breath as they shot up the mountain and landed in the castle’s courtyard.

They shot forward and were treated to a pile of destroyed robots… and a giant Blue Eyes White Dragon robot!

“Oh wow. He took care of everything except the giant Fuck-Me-Dragon in front of the entrance.” Killua snapped and stood up. “I’ve got it though!”

He sparked with electricity and jumped up, firing a blast at the dragon as it started to charge it’s white lighting attack.

The blast still exited its mouth and shot over Killua’s head, making him squeal and fall back. Killua gasped as he got in the way of one of the stray ray gun blasts and was hit dead center by it!

“Killua!” Gon gasped and jumped out of the crib, grabbing his now diapered and bonneted boyfriend out of the air and landing on his feet. “Killua! Are you alright?”

“Duuuuuhhhh…” Killua drooled and his eyes crossed cutely. “I’m a baby~!” He sang, feeling loopy from the blast.

“Yes, you are cutie.” Gon giggled and hugged him close, rocking him about before running and jumping back into the crib.

The Blue Eyes was frozen and crackling, trying to still function and churn out another blast.

“I’ve got this…!” June jumped next and kicked upward, smashing her foot into the robot and making it flip over their crib and smash down behind them with a harsh smack! “Cheap thing isn’t it…?”

“Ah! We’ve still got to get by this door! MOMMY!” Alvin sucked his thumb and pointed at the highly fortified laser ridden doorway!

“Quick! Stop the crib!” June asked Simon.

“I can’t…! We’re going too fast…!” Simon winced and muttered a curse under his breath. “Even if I had a reliable breaking system, we’d still skid into it. We’ve gotta jump for it!”

“TOO LATE! We’re DEAD!” Ray Ray whined.


“Don’t touch that!” Gwen snapped and ran at Meliodas. She swiped at him and suddenly he was gone… and so were her pants! “EEEEP!” She blushed and pulled her shirt down, trying to cover her Dora the Explorer panties.

“Too bad. I already pressed it. Grabbed your pants while I did it too. So nyah~!” Meliodas stuck his tongue out at her.

Ben stood there astonished. That was so cool!


“You’re totally dead!” Mokuba stood up, grabbing the remote for Yugi’s collar. “How about a few jolts of electricity eh?”

Yugi closed his eyes, wincing a bit, right before the laser door shut itself down and opened. The rocket propelled crib fired into the room and headed right for them!

“WHAT THE-?!” Mokuba gasped, jumping out of the way as they all jumped right before the crib crashed into the computer monitors and destroyed it!

Mokuba rolled and tumbled, clutching the remote and grasping one of Manzo’s wands. “AGH! Dammit! You assholes got lucky!”

Gon stood with Killua in his hands. June stood with Ray Ray in her hands. And Simon stood with Alvin in his hands. King was sitting on his diapered butt, sucking on his pacifier with an angry glare on his face.

“Put me down! Meanie poop face bro-bro!” Alvin snapped and tugged at Simon’s ear.

“Ow~!” Simon winced. Even this baby ray wasn’t letting Alvin’s anger simmer away.

“You’re done bro. We made it!” Juniper said. “That means we all make it to the next round. Together.” Juniper smirked.

Mokuba gritted his teeth and gripped the wand he had. This wasn’t the deal he had. How did Gwen fail so hard? Didn’t she ensure that they went down the path that saw whatever they could have built would get destroyed? Dammit!

“You guys didn’t win.” Mokuba said, waving the wand around. “In fact, you not only didn’t win, you got trapped in the frozen tundra and were never seen again.” Mokuba fired a blast from his wand at the door and made it close again with an even harder metal sheen. “I’ll leave you all in here and make off with my money, then pin the blame on Manzo.”

“Is that a magic wand…?” Juniper looked on astonished. 

“Huh?” Mokuba blinked. “Wha…? H-How did you-?”

“I work with magic tools all the time.” June smiled and bent down before charging ahead. 

“AGH! Stay away!” Mokuba fired his wand at her but she ducked out of the way and managed to land behind him. She kicked him in the butt and watched him fall forward before she grabbed the remaining wands on the counter and tossed them to Simon and Gon.

Simon set Alvin aside and Gon gently put Killua down before they reached up and snagged them out of the air.

The two of them then faced Mokuba with a smirk on their faces.

Mokuba clutched the one wand he had and growled, sweat pouring down his face. “Ha… Hahahaha…AHAHAHAHAHA! LOSERS! I’ve still got you outnumbered!”

He pressed a button and suddenly the walls opened up, with more robotic duel monsters coming out.

Gon and Simon turned in surprise and ducked out of the way when the baby ray was fired at them. Juniper ducked all over the place and tried to charge at Mokuba. However, Mokuba smiled and fired a blast of his own at June.

She was being attacked by too much stuff and got hit! She yelped and fell to the ground in a diaper dress combo. Her eyes rolled and she laid there, extremely dizzy.

“Hehe. There’s strength in numbers missy.” Mokuba smiled and then faced the other two. “And now I’ve got YOU!”

Gon took out several of the robots but when Mokuba fired his next blast, Gon wasn’t able to dodge in time and got blasted too. “GAAAAH!” 

Gon fumbled about, now wearing the diaper and baby bonnet combo that everyone else had on. His eyes rolled and he fell forward onto the floor… right before he giggled and began messing his diaper.

“Oh man…!” Simon winced. There were only two robots and one Mokuba left. That was still more than Simon could handle.

“You’re done son.” Mokuba and the two robots charged their weapons.

Simon clutched his wand and raised his as well. The three of them fired at the same time Simon fired his.

The blasts collided and immediately the combination of the three blasts from the enemy slowly started to overtake him!

“HAHAHAHA! What a loser! You can’t handle the three of us!” Mokuba laughed. “GIVE UP!”

Simon went onto his knees. Desperately he looked around, sweat pouring down his face before he spotted Gon’s discarded wand. It was too far away though.

Or at least it was until Yugi ran over and kicked it over to Simon!

“YOU!” Mokuba turned his head for a split second.

“Yes, me! Screw you! You’re an insane rich maniac!” Yugi shouted. 

Simon snagged the wand and held it aloft, a wide grin on his face.

“Two? Bah! Two is still less than three!” Mokuba leered.

Simon grinned and pointed it at the door behind him. “I didn’t see Manzo here… so either you got rid of him or… seeing as how we saw him and his surroundings on the monitor earlier…!”

A loud banging was heard on the door behind him suddenly.

“Back away Manzo!” Simon shouted right before he fired the wand into the door and blew it off!

A haze of smoke was shown right before Manzo rushed forward and grabbed the wand from Simon’s hand!

“Thanks buddy! You’re the best!” Manzo winked and fired a blast at the collision to help Simon push the energy beam back at the three enemies before them.

“I-It’s still two people and two beams…!” Mokuba began sweating.

“Idiot. I have a better handle over my wand then you do. Add that to the fact that those robots aren’t using wands but stolen energy from one of them, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for one huge loss!” Manzo shouted.

As he did that, the blast Manzo and Simon fired got larger than ever before. Mokuba tumbled back and screamed as the power overtook him and collided with his body! 


When the smoke cleared, the two robots had turned into diapered teddy bears.

Mokuba stood there with his hair frazzled, smoking as he was in a My Little Pony diaper. He even had a matching bib, a pink bonnet, some sparkly baby booties, and a nice frilly girly shirt to go with it.

Mokuba twitched as the two of them stood before him. 

Mokuba’s eyes began to swirl with fear and he began sweating even harder. “I-I… uh…!”

“Well…?” Manzo smirked as he stepped closer. Simon fired the wands at the diapered guys around them in order to get them fully clothed and back to normal, even Yugi.

Now Mokuba was the only one in a diaper. 

Mokuba backed away and yelped as his diaper began to sag. He was wetting his diaper from an intense overwhelming amount of fear! 

“Hey now… m-maybe… I… sort of took it too far… but… but you know what…! I’m the BEST competitor this competition has ever had! I’m the one who overheard Alvin and Simon’s conversation and got Ray Ray to think Simon was the evil one!”

Ray Ray winced in anger.

“I’m the one who spilled the beans in front of them to make it look like Simon betrayed him fully!” Mokuba began to drool, as he started to ramble with obvious insanity.

Alvin’s face went red and he leered at Mokuba, gripping his fists intensely. Simon looked away and rubbed his arm, tears forming in his eyes.

“I’m the one who tricked Natsu into being afraid of Bakugo so that I could trick Goten and Trunks into thinking I could help them with their problem with TJ and Gus. When Goten and Trunks were useless, I got rid of them too! Just yesterday, I even tricked Gwen into helping me do all this by promising her the million! All of you were dancing in the palm of my hands and I still win! ME! MEEEEE~! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Mokuba looked crazed with messed up hair and swirling eyes, drooling like a maniac.

“Well, that’s over now. Give up.” Ray Ray snarled.

“NOPE! I WIN! I STILL WIN!” Mokuba laughed and shouted holding his wand up again.

Before he could do anything though, Cannonbolt burst through the newly fortified door and SMACKED hard into Mokuba and sent them both crashing into the computers! 

Cannonbolt unrolled itself and watched as the flattened Mokuba slid to the floor and twitched on the ground, looking like a pancake.

His eyes were rolling, his tongue was out, and stars and birdies were circling his head.

Manzo smiled as he got control of the camera and shined it on Mokuba to capture the look on his face. Even better was when Mokuba started to loudly mess his diaper in front of everyone.

Cannonbolt turned back into Ben and he sighed.

“See? I was right. He was tricking Gwen.” Ben muttered. “I’m not THAT dumb.”

Meliodas wandered in behind Ben and waved at everyone. “Hello guys!”

“CAPTAIN!” King shot up, tears streaming from his eyes as he hugged Meliodas. “OHHHHH~! I’m soooo happy!”

“Haha~! You’re rather emotional today.” Meliodas giggled. Meliodas then blushed and looked down at himself and at everyone else. He was still in just his Power Ranger Underoos. “H-Hey… c-could I get some pants?”

King giggled and covered his mouth like a child. “What’s wrong? Embarrassed that you’re in your underwear?”

“Yeah, kinda…” Meliodas muttered.

“WAHAHAHA! Too bad!” King laughed and Meliodas flicked King in his nose. King shrieked and was shot into the wall, making a painful dent into it. King fidgeted and groaned, wetting his pants from the pain.

“Oh geez. Sorry. Looks like you don’t have any sufficient pants to wear anymore either.” Meliodas smirked.

Everyone began to laugh a bit before slow clapping was heard. Everyone turned their heads and saw Gwen standing in her panties by the computer.

“Well done everyone. Well done. Now then…” Gwen reached down and grabbed Mokuba’s wand. “If you all don’t mind, I’d like to take my winnings and go. After all, I was the one who foiled Mokuba’s plan.”

“Huh?” Ray Ray looked over at her with a raised brow. 

“Well, of course. He told me his plan and I led you right to where you needed to go. I could have done a better job of sabotaging you but I didn’t. Plus, I kept watch over the switch that controlled his security. I could have called them off but I also could have made them MORE vicious and I didn’t do that either.” Gwen raised the wand as she explained this.

“… … …” Everyone stood silent as they leered at her. 

NO ONE was buying it.

“Oh, come on! Don’t look at me that way!” Gwen snapped.

“Gwen, it’s over. Put the wand down.” Ben said, sighing as he raised his hand.

“NO! I’m not listening to you, stupid!” Gwen snapped, waving it about.

“Come on Gwen… BE GOOD ALREADY!” Ben shouted and lunged at her. Gwen yelped and went to zap Ben with the wand but wasn’t fast enough. Ben grabbed her and pulled her over. He sat down and laid her over his lap before he began spanking her butt over her panties. “YOU TOTALLY DESERVE THIS!” Ben yelled, grinning wickedly as he delighted in spanking her.

“AAAAH! NOOOOOO~!” Gwen screamed and flailed about, tears spewing from her eyes.

“Sheesh. What greedy butt-faces…” Ray Ray groaned.

“AHAAHAHAHA!” Laughing was heard to the side. Mokuba had stood up again, desperately clutching the trigger for the bombs he planted around the world. “I still have THIS! My ace in the hole! I’ll press it and make everything explode and then blame YOU Manzo!”

Manzo had the camera on and pointed right at Mokuba. He was getting this all on tape so that plan was shot as far as blaming him. There was still the problem of the explosions though… or so they thought.

“Actually, jokes on you Premature Ejaculation Machine.” Yugi said to Mokuba with his hands on his hips. “I saw every single bomb you planted and deactivated them myself every night. Each time you did, I ran back to where you put them and made them useless. You push that thing and nothing is gonna happen.”

Mokuba looked over at Yugi with widened eyes before he felt more sweat pour down his face. “I… I don’t believe you…!”

Mokuba reached over and pressed a button on the computer. It was demolished but a few of the monitors still worked to at least show him a few of the areas where he planted the bombs. He wanted a good view of the explosions if he had to resort to it so he set it up so that he could see when he commandeered this room. 

“NOW! For the honor of the Future Mokuba Corp…!” Mokuba shouted and pressed the button.

Nothing happened.

Everyone stood with their arms crossed, leering at Mokuba. The sound of Gwen crying as she was spanked in the background could be heard.

“… “ Mokuba felt another scared load of a stinky mess go into his full diaper. He pressed the button repeatedly, over and over again. 

Nothing happened.

“Please…” Mokuba teared up. “Kabooom…?”

Yugi charged at him!

“AAAAAAH! OOF!” Mokuba bent over when Yugi punched him in the gut. Mokuba gasped as he lurched forward before Yugi slugged him across the face. When Mokuba hit the floor, he groaned before he was pulled up by his shirt and punched over and over and over again.

“I’m sick of dealing with you! You suck! You’re terrible at hiding your smelly wet bed sheets in every hotel we go too! You stink! The skid marks on your briefs are gross! You moan and talk in your sleep and your wet dreams and the nasty orgasms you have every night, dreaming about your spanking fetish keeps making it hard to sleep!” Yugi shouted, yanking Mokuba up as his eyes rolled and he was back to seeing stars and birdies again.

Yugi spanked Mokuba’s butt several times and watched his face go red and seize up. Mokuba yelped and screamed, crying as he began panting in embarrassment.

Yugi then tossed him in front of everyone else and watched them approach him with their fists at the ready.

“Gabahhh… gughghah…” Mokuba twitched about, unable to move as they all crowded around him…!

The sound of him screaming as they beat the tar out of him echoed out of the building and rang across the frozen night sky.


That night, by the plane, Manzo had everyone decked out in comfortable winter coats and clothes… except Mokuba and Gwen, since they got to be mildly warmer than the rest of them this whole time.

Mokuba was tied up and sat against a tree with anime swirls in his eyes and his tongue out. The stars he was seeing float around his head still wouldn’t go away. He was in an incredibly bloated, wet and messy MLP diaper and had several lumps on his head as well as a black eye and a runny snotty nose.

Eventually, the police cruiser arrived and Manzo got things squared away with them.

“Right, so the plane is caput. I have enough magic to teleport us to the last couple locations but after that, I’m gonna be drained and I’ll need to recharge which will take longer than a week and I absolutely cannot miss a week when it comes to this show. So… we’re down to the wire a bit. There’s only going to be two more episodes left. One more episode and then the finale.” Manzo muttered.

The police grabbed Mokuba and dragged him along the snow, leaving a drool trail along as he was taken away and tossed into the back of the police cruiser.

“Gots ta go pee pee… p-pwease don’t hit me again… nuuu…” Mokuba muttered under his breath as they fit him into a straight-jacket. The doors closed and he was taken away.

“Good riddance.” Manzo snarled.

Yugi sighed happily, ripping up the contract that had him be Mokuba’s servant when that was left behind. “Excellent. I’m gonna ask the other officers for a ride home…!” With that, he waved and turned to leave.

“Y-Yeah. Good riddance. Phew~!” Gwen chuckled. Everyone leered at her and she gulped.

“Yeah, you’re not allowed back in either.” Manzo said, straight up. “Sorry but I’m done with heavy schemers and you’re not getting a dime of my money.”

“B-But…!” Gwen began before Ben grabbed her ear and started swatting her panty clad butt.

“BAD GIRL! BAD! BAD!” Ben shouted, smiling like a devil.

“AAAAAGH! I’m SOWWWY! STAAAAHP!” She squealed as Ben dragged her over to the police so they could head off.

Manzo sighed. “Alright. Everyone else, hang tight. I’m gonna summon a ton of energy and get this transportation portal going.”

Alvin stood with his arms crossed and looking pensive and angry. Simon looked over at Alvin and frowned before he shuffled away.

Alvin saw this and his angry face melted away into a sympathetic one. It was starting to hit him how much of a jerk he was being.

“… God… what’s wrong with me…?” Alvin muttered.

Gon and Killua held their hands and sighed.

“Seeing you as a baby brained loser was great.” Gon said.

Killua grumbled and poked Gon in his nose. “Silence. You’re still the sub.”

“Yes sir…!” Gon stood cutely with a pretend pout on his face.

“I think things are returning to some semblance of normalcy around here…” Juniper said with a sigh.

“Yeah… I can’t wait to finally just focus on winning now.” Ray Ray rung his hands together, right before he picked at the back of his pants.

“What’s wrong?” June asked.

“I think I gots a frozen wedgie…” Ray Ray muttered.

“AH!” Meliodas patted his shoulders. “Nice and toasty.”

“You’re more vulnerable than I thought, Captain.” King chuckled.

“Yeah, well, all mortal men are in one way or another.” Meliodas grinned.

“You consider yourself mortal men?” King teased.

“Shut up.”

It was down to the wire indeed. Just two more episodes and the winner would be crowned.


No placements exist for this challenge considering the nature of it’s conception. Tell me your favorite moments!

Team #1: Meliodas and King

Team #2: Alvin and Simon

Team #3: Juniper and Ray Ray

Team #4: Gon and Killua

Team #5: Ben and Gwen - ELIMINATED

Team #6: Yugi and Mokuba - ELIMINATED


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