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1st: Gon and Killua, 2nd: Luffy and Chopper, 3rd: Meliodas and King,
4th: Yugi and Mokuba, 5th: Juniper and Ray Ray, 6th: Alvin and Simon,
7th: Ben and Gwen, 8th: Mac and Bloo


“So, what are we going to do?” Simon asked Ray Ray as the two of them stood out in the hallway, contemplating their next course of action. 

“I don’t know…” Ray Ray muttered under his breath. “Mokuba is doing everything he can to mess with us. It sucks but we gotta stick with it for now and hope for the best.”

“That’s not going to fly.” Simon said back, his hands resting on his hips. “He’s using information about my brother as a crutch. I’m not going to let him do what he pleases.”

Ray Ray nodded. “Mad respect dude. Well then, we’ll just have to kick his butt super hard and get him out of here!”

Around the corner, Mokuba was spying on them of course. He leered at them with a snarl on his face. “No way is THAT happening losers…” He then faced away from them and felt a fire light up in his belly. “I think I know just the person to talk to about this next action to take.”


“What?” Alvin stared at Mokuba, a bit surprised when this kid not only sat across from him at breakfast but had the nerve to suggest such a thing. 

“It’s true. Simon’s going behind your back. I can stick with you guys and weed out what he’s been saying about you with ease.” Mokuba said as he leaned closer to Alvin.

“That’s… that’s ridiculous. Wh-What could Simon possibly want to share with anyone about me?” Alvin tried to play it off as though he didn’t already know. However, he was a bit worried. Simon wasn’t the kind of guy to just go against a promise he’s made after all… right?

No, of course he wasn’t.

“Alright. If you say so.” Mokuba smiled then patted the table before standing up. “I’ll stick close anyway though. I just hate sloppy deception.” 

With that he turned and sauntered off, smiling happily to himself as the chipmunk was left alone, sweating and wondering what, if anything, might be going on…


King yawned as he floated about on his large pillow, hugging it close like the Sin of Sloth he was before he found himself bumping against the wall. “Ack… what the hell?”

When he noticed he had hit the wall, he sighed and spun back around only to be face to face with Gwen.

“EEK! What the-?” King yelped before Gwen reached over and put a finger to his nose.

“You seem rather happy and energetic lately.” Gwen smiled. Ben was standing right behind her, arms crossed and looking to the side. “You looking for a partnership?”

King narrowed his eyes at her. “Uhm… sorry m’lady but that’s something I have to take up with my captain. Though I’m certain he’d say no.” With that he stuck his nose up at her and floated away. Gwen growled and yanked down King’s pants when he wafted by. 

The shocked fairy felt the breeze, blushed, looked back, then yelped as he scrambled to pull his pants up and not let anyone see the Tinkerbell fairies plastered on his tighty whities. He ended up falling off his floating pillow and smashed his face against the floor before bolting up and running off, majorly embarrassed.

“…Hmph! What’s with everyone these past few days?” Gwen snarled. This wasn’t the first time she’d be spoken to so harshly.

“What do you think?” Ben spat, “You were being a jerk last week. Like a really huge one.”

“Oh, come on. I wasn’t that bad.” Gwen said, on the defensive.

“Yes, you were. You purposely destroyed a potion that was meant to fix the brain of a guy who was reverting to a baby.” Ben corrected. “Who would want to do anything with you after that?”

“Oh please.” Gwen waved it off. “They’ll get over it. And so will you. Now let’s go.” Gwen turned and stomped off. Ben watched her try to walk off but then smiled. He reached over and pantsed her. 

Gwen strutted confidently with her panties on display before she heard snickers coming from Chopper and Bloo when they came by.

“What’s wrong with you two?” Gwen stopped and fired annoyed glances at them.

“Those are cute.” Chopper said.

“You make the Minnie Mouse panties work sweet-pea. Good job!” Bloo gave a thumbs up.

“Huh?” Gwen was initially confused before she finally felt the breeze and jolted in embarrassment. She looked down and yelped, toppling over and falling onto her stomach. “BEN!”


The plane ride was smooth today. They were all headed for Nevada where they’d all get to experience the slots at a glorious location.

“VIVA LAS VEGAS!” Manzo shouted over the mike. “It’s time to test your luck everyone. We’re going to have a fun time today!”

Everyone was dressed up in their best fancy clothes for their visit to the big Casino. Luffy, in particular, had on a nice white outfit that made him look like Hunter S. Thompson. It was pretty neat.

“Feeling lucky?” Chopper asked his captain.

“Oh yeah!” Luffy grinned. “Now that the curse is gone, I feel like I can do ANYTHING!”

Mac looked over at them and smirked. “A general confidence booster is always a nice thing to have too.”

“Oh yeah. You said it partner.” Bloo smiled and smashed his fist against Mac’s. The two of them were feeling really peppy now.

Alvin squirmed in his eat, feeling rather unsure of himself today for some reason. He looked over and saw Mokuba smiling and winking at him. Alvin gulped but smiled and waved back.

Simon saw this and felt a bit confused. He wasn’t sure what to make of his brother’s odd behavior…

When the plane touched down, the first team, all dressed up in their finest suits, were tasked with leaving first. 

“Alright, head on out and enjoy your challenge.” Manzo said, kicking back. “I’m sure you’ll manage to somehow, despite what I have in store for you all.”

“HAHA!” Killua stood up and pointed at the sky. “Who’s afraid of the big bad Las Vegas Challenge?”

“Not uuuuuusssss~!” Gon sang and swooned as both he and Killua pressed their cheeks against one another and giggled like school girls. The rest of the people on the plane sweat-dropped a bit. The two of them were really chummy and clingy now that they had both confessed. It was great that they were happy together but man did the peppiness get a bit weird sometimes.

The two of them found themselves running out of the plane and making it to the entrance where the Manzo-Box waited. With a fist slammed down on the button, the tip came out and Killua got to reading it.

“Alright. It says… you must head into the Casino and pick two venues you wish to complete. When you complete one you’ll be given a golden ticket. If you have two tickets, you can hand them over to the conductor of the transporter that’ll take you to the Chill Zone.” Killua read aloud. “Hmmm…”

“Ah. So… we just have to get lucky.” Killua said.

“Not necessarily.” Gon stated. “We could also try and be good at the games. Some of this stuff requires skill.”

Killua smiled. “Haha. Alright then, let’s use our skill!”

“YAY~!” The two of them said at the same time and blushed at the other’s cuteness before heading inside.

The other teams that followed read through the same information and managed to head into the Casino looking for wildly different venues to try and beat. 

This was VEGAS so there were bound to be some sleaze balls who would use the slots and the luck of the draw to their advantage. Or they’d use it to cheat.


Venue #1: Gon and Killua, Ben and Gwen, Mac and Bloo

“Place your bets!” The dealer shouted out to the players standing about in their suits.

“So, how does this work again?” Gon asked, rubbing his fingers together while Killua got sparkles in his eyes. 

“Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie! I WANNA PLAY!” Killua drooled, his gambling addiction coming back in a really big way.

“It’s simple young one.” The dealer spoke as he turned to Gon. “In fact, I was told to make it even simpler for the sake of your little show here. The ball will roll on this little roulette table and you have to place a bet on whether it will land on black or red or odd or even. You can even make a bigger bet by going for a color and a number in this instance. Losers of the bet can go again after they give up something.”

“Neat.” Bloo said. “I’ve got nothing to give so that’s coming all out of Mac’s pocket.”

“No problem.” The man said.

“Wait… hold on…!” Mac began to protest before Gwen nudged her way in.

“Roll us first.” Gwen snapped before pushing Ben forward. “You. Make the call.”

The dealer began the ball roll and Ben sweated a bit.

“Uh… BLACK!” Ben stammered.

It landed on Red.

“Oh. So sorry.” He said. “Hand me your shirt buddy.”

Ben muttered in annoyance and took his new fancy shirt off, handing it over to the man and standing bare chested.

“My turn.” Bloo smirked and watched as the dealer spun the roulette. Mac’s teeth chattered as he watched this play out. “I call BLUE!”

“WHAT?!” Mac screamed.

It landed on Red.

“Uh… okay, hand me your pants kid.” The dealer said.

“THAT DOESN’T COUNT!” Mac snapped, shaking Bloo’s head violently and making his pupils shake. “WHY DID YOU VOTE ON A COLOR THAT WASN’T THERE!?”

“Just trying to keep him on his toes.” Bloo said with a smirk. “You see, he’d be EXPECTING us to pick either red or black.” 

Mac smacked his own damn head against the table. Then he slowly began stripping out of his pants, exposing his Party Clown briefs to the Casino goers…

“Uh-!” Gon began before Killua nudged his boyfriend to the side. 

“I’M going next!” Killua smirked, rubbing his hands together.

“Killua, you might want to keep calm before you-!” Gon started before Killua reached over and planted a kiss onto Gon’s lips. Gon straightened out, smiled, and let his pupils turn into hearts before he passed out.

Killua then spun the roulette. “COME ON BABY! I’m betting on RED!”

The wheel landed on Black.

Killua tossed the man his dress shirt. “AGAIN!”

“Let the other guys go this time.” The dealer said, sweat-dropping at Killua’s eagerness. Ben stepped up and got looked at rather harshly by Killua. 

“Uh… I’ll bet on Black.” Ben said, hoping to get this over and done with.

“Alright, here we go…!” The dealer smirked and began to spin again.


Venue #2: Alvin and Simon, Yugi and Mokuba, and Juniper and Ray Ray

“What is going on here?” Ray Ray snapped as he put his hands to his head in confusion, eyes swirling as he felt as though he were going crazy.

The Slot Machine had three X’s on it. Ray Ray got nothing!

The challenge of this venue was to get a Jackpot. The machine had been rigged in order to make it more plausible for this to happen for the sake of the challenge but it just wasn’t happening.

“Alright. Let me try this time.” Alvin cracked his knuckles and sat down, tugging down on the lever and watching the items scroll by.

Mokuba watched as the items scrolled by and landed on two Dragonball icons and one Sonic the Hedgehog head. 

“DAMMIT!” Alvin smashed his fists onto the machine in anger.

“Hehe.” Simon giggled.

“It’s not funny…” Ray Ray muttered to him. “We’ll be stuck here forever if we don’t get by.”

“It’s okay. We’re all good.” Simon chuckled. “So long as Alvin is preoccupied, I’m sure he’ll drum up enough luck to get us through.”

Yugi sighed as he walked forward and sat down, tugging on the lever for his turn. “Alright. Time to see if I can make myself useful.”

Juniper stood with her arms crossed. She was tapping her foot, hoping for a chance to get going next since Ray Ray’s failure. Granted this was as simple as tugging on a lever but it still felt more personal when it was you.

Mokuba leered over at Alvin as he got off the stool. Then he smiled and sauntered over to him. It was time to kick this into high gear.

“Oh Alvin.” Mokuba said with a sigh. “I regret to inform you that I’ve found out what it is that Simon’s been keeping from you…”

“Huh…?” Alvin turned to face him, startled by what that sounded like. “Are you crazy? Simon wouldn’t…”

“He’s let the secret loose I’m afraid.” Mokuba shook his head. “You’re bi-exual aren’t you?”

Alvin’s eyes widened and he stared at Mokuba in astonishment. He then tried to speak but was stumbling over his words. 

“It’s okay. Trust me. Your secret is actually safe with me.” Mokuba shook his hands about. “It’s too bad your brother couldn’t be as trusting.”

Alvin began shaking with fear and then extreme rage.

He stomped his way over to Simon, leaving Mokuba waving back at him with a wicked smile plastered on his face.

“Okay… it looks like he’s done…” Ray Ray turned to look over Simon’s shoulder. “… He looks mad.”

“What? You mean Alvin?” Simon turned and saw Alvin’s searing red face staring right back at him. “A-Alvin… what’s…?”

“Mokuba knows my secret! How’d he find out Simon?” Alvin got straight to the point.

“HUH?!” Simon yelped. He hadn’t expected Mokuba to just outright tell Alvin he knew the secret. Why wouldn’t he lord it over them that he knew what it was to keep them tied down? “A-Alvin… I didn’t-!”

“Didn’t what? Didn’t think it was important?” Alvin leered into his brother’s eyes.

“Hey!” Ray Ray stepped forward. “It wasn’t his fault. It was mine.”

“Huh?” Alvin looked over at him.

“Oh yes.” Mokuba sauntered over. “Ray Ray was the one who informed me.”

“I was?” Ray Ray gasped, surprised himself. “Wait… did I?”

“WHY do you even KNOW!?” Alvin shouted at Ray Ray, making him double back. Alvin then suddenly realized what was going on. “Wait… THAT’S the reason why we’re in an alliance? Because you told HIM the secret!” Alvin pointed his finger at Ray Ray.

No. This wasn’t right. Alvin was getting this all wrong.

“Alvin. I didn’t-!” Simon began.

“I can’t believe you told him!” Alvin kept screaming, not letting Simon explain himself.

“No! I forced him t-!” Ray Ray tried to speak up but Mokuba grabbed his underwear and yanked them up into a wedgie! “AAAAH! WEDGIEEEEEEE~!”

“You don’t understand!” Simon began shouting back.

“I can’t believe I trusted you! You’re never going to be in my good graces again… you… you… SNITCH!” Alvin screamed at his face.

Simon stared at Alvin, looking shocked before his lip quivered and tears formed in his eyes. Simon turned and marched off.

Alvin crossed his arms and turned away. “Good riddance.”

Mokuba slung Ray Ray’s underwear over his face and kicked him in the butt to launch him into a garbage can!

“MMMMFFFHGH!” Ray Ray kicked around and flailed about in the garbage, unable to get out.

Mokuba dusted his hands off before Yugi came over to him. “I got all three Straw Hat Pirates symbols on the slot machine.” He held up the Golden Ticket reward as proof. Juniper was currently trying out the slot machine next.

“Good, good. Let us be off, partner.” Mokuba said, patting Yugi’s butt.

“Don’t call me that.” Yugi muttered back. 


Venue #3: Luffy and Chopper and Meliodas and King

“Ring the gong? HAHAHA! That’s easy!” Luffy smirked and grabbed the mallet. “Watch me!”

Luffy swung his arm back and… the mallet was snatched out of his hand by King. Luffy swung down and flipped over, smacking his face onto the floor. “OW!”

“Hahaha~!” King laughed and pointed at the Pirate Captain on the floor with his butt sticking out. Chopper crossed his arms and huffed. 

“Oh, come on.” Chopper muttered to himself, rolling his eyes.

“I can do this!” King said pointing to himself.

“Uh, King.” Meliodas tapped his friend’s shoulder. “It’s good to have confidence in yourself but sometimes It’s still smart to be aware of your limitations.”

King sighed. “I got this. Trust me okay. I’m quite competent in a battle.”

King was competent in a battle with his sacred weapon. He literally couldn’t defeat a baby without it though.

With a swish of his arm, he swung the mallet back and then slammed it down onto the bell… 

The bell didn’t even jump.

Luffy and Chopper watched the scene and began bursting out laughing, kicking and holding their stomachs.

King sucked his lips in and blushed. “… I… well you know… I didn’t STRETCH before I did it.”

King grunted and lifted the mallet again, stumbling a bit, then swung down onto the bell again. 

Somehow less than nothing happened. 

“BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!” Luffy and Chopper pounded their fists on the floor now. Even the man holding the Golden Ticket began to chuckle.

King was beat red and sweating all over now. His eye twitched before he bent down and lifted the mallet up one more time.

“O-Okay… well clearly it’s a bit… unresponsive. I’ll be sure to-!” King began before his pants fell down. Tinkberbell was flashing on his briefs and a ton of camera flashes went off all around him. King, surprised, let the mallet go and it landed onto his foot! “YEEEEEEOOOOOOOOUCHIEEEEE~!” 

King jumped up and down, holding his foot before he tripped and fell onto one of the craps tables. His eyes began rolling in their sockets and he looked confused as hell.

Meliodas sighed. 

“Oh, that’s hilarious.” Luffy smirked and grabbed the mallet from King. King shook his head and sat up. 

“Hilarious huh? W-Well let’s see you do better you-!” King snapped before Luffy smirked and slammed the mallet down onto the bell.

It shot up and rung immediately!

King’s jaw dropped to the floor as Luffy was handed his golden ticket. Both Luffy and Chopper then walked off while blowing raspberries at him.

King growled and began shaking in rage.

Meliodas sighed. “So… wanna let me try then?”


Venue #1: Gon and Killua

Killua stood in nothing but his Paw Patrol underoos. His hair was extremely messy and his eye was twitching. 

“D-Did we win…?” Gon asked, standing up and looking over at the table. The kiss had made him pass out and he was unable to witness what had happened next. Turns out, Ben and Gwen managed to pull out a win and move on. Mac and Bloo did as well.

However, Killua was getting really rotten luck and was thus down to his underwear.

When Gon noticed this, his face flared up. “OH… no clothes on you again huh…?”

“Hahaha… yeah…” Killua blushed and smiled a bit before he slammed his hands down. “I’m going for BLACK!”

It landed… on BLACK!

“OH YEAH!” Killua shouted, causing people to turn and look at the boy in his underwear. He blushed and covered himself, grinning dumbly before grabbing Gon’s hand, and the ticket, and moving on.


Venue #4: Mac and Bloo and Ben and Gwen

“We’ve gotta pull off a magic trick?” Ben asked, his eye brow raised.

“Indeed.” The man in the top hat before them spoke with a peppy smile. “If you wish to acquire your second golden ticket, you have no choice but to pull off a convincing trick. I want to see it. Here, here.

“Easy peasy.” Bloo smirked and sauntered up towards the guy. “Watch this. Ahem.”

Bloo then went ahead and did the yanking your thumb from your hand trick. The one that was hard for him to do considering his hands were little stubs most of the time. 

“Ta-dah!” Bloo smiled.

“… Can you try and do something a little less… lame?” The man said.

“I can.” Gwen smirked and took off the man’s top hat. She walked on stage and grinned before reaching into the hat.

The four onlookers watched with interest before she flung her hands out of the hat and held up Ben’s Teen Titans underoos. “See? Amazing aren’t I!”

“What the-?” Ben felt around his pants and then blushed. “GAH! H-How did you…?!”

“Very nice M’lady. See? It’s as simple as that.” The man said, happily handing Gwen her ticket.

“Ahahahaha. What a lovely gift. Thank you, kind sir. Come on Ben. We’ve got a ride to catch and a Chill Zone to reach.”

Ben followed behind, blushing and wincing as it felt weird wearing nothing but his pants this time. He was going commando but it sucked because it didn’t feel right… like at all.

“Okay. Let me try again…” Bloo began as he took out a cape.

“No. Please don’t do anymore. Let ME try something now.” Mac said.

“Awww… but I’m peppy and I’ve got moxy.” Bloo whined.

Mac’s eyes narrowed. “That literally means nothing.” Mac sighed and turned to face the man in charge of this venue, standing in his Alvin and the Chipmunks briefs. Yup. He was a fan.

Mac huffed in a breath and began to move about. “And… PRESTO!” Mac put his hands forward at the ground.

There was nothing there.

“Uh… Mac, what are we looking at?” Bloo asked as he and the man in charge of the venue looked on in confusion. 

“Me. Dummies.” Mac said, his mouth full suddenly. The two of them turned to look at him.

There was Mac, chomping on some cheese cake. 


“Wh… where did…? How…?” Bloo muttered and pointed before the man in charge started clapping.

“Very good. There isn’t even any food around. Excellent.” He said, handing Mac the ticket.

Mac waved the ticket about and smiled as he wandered off with Bloo following behind him.

“That was excellent Mac. I’m really impressed. How’d you do that?” Bloo asked.

“Oh. I snuck this off the crafts table and stuck it in my underwear a while back. I was gonna eat it when we left but figured I’d use it to surprise you guys…” Mac smiled as he ate.

“… … …” Bloo blinked as he stared at his friend. “So… so you kept that near your butt?”

“No… my hip.” Mac said as he ate some more.


Venue #5: Yugi and Mokuba and Juniper and Ray Ray

“Ah. Darts. Lovely.” Mokuba smirked as he bobbed a dart up and down in his hand. 

Ahead of him was a huge dart board. If he got the center they’d let them on. That was good. He was a good shot.

“Man…” Yugi muttered. “I wish we could have played Duel Monsters or something.”

“You’re the King of Games. You should be able to do whatever and beat anything.” Mokuba said, tossing a dart and missing the center by a hair.

“I could…” Yugi muttered. Under his breath, he muttered an addendum that remarked that it’d be simple if he still had the pharaoh.

“Come on…” Mokuba muttered and fired another dart at the board. It bounced off this time and began flying around the room…

“Come on Ray Ray. Try it.” June said, patting her brother’s head. He was too down to give it a go though.

“Meh… you do it. We both know you’re gonna hit it one go.” Ray Ray said, brushing her off. She was obviously just trying to get him to do this to make him feel better.

Juniper sighed. She got the good luck to nab three symbols in a row on the slots but when they moved on, Ray Ray seemed a bit sadder than before. That wasn’t supposed to be the case in a racing competition like this.

“Come on Ray Ray. Just…” June tried again but Ray Ray crossed his arms and pouted.

“Nope. Not me.” Ray Ray said. “I’m not doing anything. I’m not even going to make any sounds anymore.”

“… Alright.” Juniper grabbed the dart and tossed it, easily landing in the center.

Mokuba saw this and gasped. “Oh, come on. How can anyone be that good?”

At that moment, the dart Mokuba threw landed hard against Ray Ray’s butt after bouncing off the walls several times. Ray Ray’s eyes widened and teared up. 

“YEEEEOOOOOOOWWWWW~!” He screamed and jumped up, rubbing his bottom and bouncing along spewing tears as he did so. June sighed as she followed him from behind.

“Dammit. This is balls!” Mokuba snarled… right before he heard a dart thud behind him. Mokuba looked behind him and saw Yugi pointing at the board. He had landed one. “Son of a gun. You did it.”

“King of Games.” Yugi smirked.


Venue #2: Alvin and Simon

Alvin was sitting at the slots and constantly tugging on the lever but was turning up nothing. He kept getting nothing. 

“Dammit… DAMMIT!” Alvin shouted and bashed his fists against the slot machine before grabbing it and shaking it, violently and angrily. “WORK! Give me what I want you stupid machine!”

Alvin yanked on the lever again and landed on three Leaf Ninja symbols. 

“Oh… I won…!” Alvin’s eyes lit up and he turned around. “Hey Simon! Get your traitorous butt over here! We’re moving on!”

Simon wasn’t in Alvin’s line of sight. Alvin knew he was nearby enough to hear him though. 

Alvin grunted and hopped off the stool, stomping onward to reach the next venue. “Whatever. I’ll see you there…”


Venue #6: Luffy and Chopper

“HAHAHAHA! That’s stupid. This isn’t a game.” Luffy laughed as he sat across the table from this mustached guy in a white suit with a purple shirt and blue tie with white polka-dots.

This man was called Daniel J. D’Arby. He was a professional gambler and knew how to make people sweat.

“Alright. If you’re so confident then let’s play.” Daniel said, pointing at Luffy. 

The game was simple. Just say whatever you could to the other person and make them believe it. Simple enough.

“Your shoe’s untied.” Daniel said.

“I don’t wear any shoes.” Luffy smirked. “You’ve got on a dumb suit.” 

“It’s not dumb. It’s highly furnished and is way more expensive than that fake nonsense you’ve got on.” Daniel stated.

“It’s not fake.” Luffy snapped. “It’s super important clothes… stuff… from somewhere… I think…?”

“Oh? You mean to tell me it’s real?” Daniel asked, leaning over. Chopper looked between the two and started to get worried. Manzo had gotten those suits from this Casino. This place was fitted to be in line with the challenges today even. Of course, they were real.

“Uh duh! He got them from here… they’re like… made from real stuff…” Luffy muttered, tugging at his white suit jacket and tie. 

“It wouldn’t be hard at all for him to forge cheap stuff out of the fabric he conjures up with wizard powers though. See how easy it is for you to tug at it? It shouldn’t stretch so easily.” Daniel stated.

Luffy yanked at it and got surprised when he saw the seams break a bit.

“… M-Maybe they aren’t real…?” Luffy muttered.

“AGH!” Chopper gasped. “NO! Luffy!”

“Huh?” Luffy blinked in surprise right as his top disappeared and was replaced by a lone bib that had the word ‘Big Sissy’ scrawled in pink across it. “HEY! What happened to my top!? What is this?”

Daniel smirked and pointed at Luffy. “Everytime you get convinced of something I say, your outfit changes a bit more and more. I’m going for a baby theme with you. When this is done, you’ll be in diapers and a full and complete baby outfit.”

“Yeah right!” Luffy snapped back, blushing a bit at having lost so soon after saying this game was dumb.

At that moment, Meliodas and King showed up and sat down right by them.

“Oh! Hello there.” Daniel said. “You two from the competition as well? Well then. Allow me to explain what the rules are.”

“Oh, we already know what the rules are.” King said.

“Oh, you do?” Daniel raised a brow. “Well then let’s get started.”

“No need. I just won.” King smirked.

“Eh?” Daniel raised a brow. “How?”

“The game was to trick you into believing something that wasn’t true right?” King smirked. “Well I just did that by saying we knew the rules when we didn’t.”

“… Huh? But you clearly do.” Daniel said back.

“OHHHHHH~! I GET IT!” Meliodas smiled and put a fist into the palm of his hand. Daniel looked over at Meliodas confused before he got it as well.

“OH! I see… HAHAHAHA! You said WE already know the rules… but only YOU did.” Daniel said, pointing at King.

“That’s right.” King smiled and tapped his head. “I eavesdropped on you guys and overheard the rules but I didn’t tell Meliodas so I could pull off that little trick. All I had to do was say WE instead of ME. Ta-DAH!”

Daniel clapped. “Excellent work. That might be a record.” He said, handing King the golden ticket. They were on their way to the Chill Zone now.

King smirked and blew a raspberry at Luffy. He and Meliodas scampered off, leaving Luffy growling in anger at King and Chopper blushing with second hand embarrassment.

“See King? You rely on your strengths, I’ll rely on mine, and we’ll win.” Meliodas smirked.

King smiled as he floated along. “Yes. You’re correct sir. I’m feeling more and more complete as time goes by…!”


The trolley ride over towards the Chill Zone was smooth sailing for Gwen. She felt great. Her legs were propped up on the seat and she was humming a little song to herself. Ben was sitting next to her moping and Mac and Bloo were in the cart seat behind them but who cares?

She had to admit though, Ben’s sour mood was really starting to grate on her.

“Will you smile already you dolt?” Gwen snapped and poked at Ben’s cheek.

“No. Screw you.” Ben muttered and looked to the side.

“Oh please. Why are you talking to me like that? I mean aside from the fact that we talk like that to each other all the time anyway.” Gwen chuckled.

“You…!” Ben turned to her and was about to snap but stopped and sat down. “Nevermind.”

Gwen grumbled. For some reason, him not yelling at her was making her angrier than usual. It was kind of like he was reacting to her like she wasn’t worth it.

The trolley stopped and the two of them got out and headed to the Chill Zone where Manzo was waiting by the large water fountain. 

“See? We made it!” Gwen smiled. “This time, we’re in FIRST place! Isn’t that great? You’re welcome.” Gwen bowed.

Ben muttered something under his breath and walked right on by.

“Trouble at home?” Manzo asked. Gwen rolled her eyes and walked away. 

Mac and Bloo walked on by and made it into the Chill Zone next. 

“Well Mac, we made it. This time you only lost your pants.” Bloo said, smiling.

Mac blinked and leered at him. “Yeah and once again it was because of something dumb you did.”

“Oh, come on. You know you love me.” Bloo grinned.

Mac responded by smashing the rest of his uneaten cheese cake into Bloo’s face.

“AAAAH! BUTT CAKE!” Bloo screamed and fell over. Mac grinned as he looked down at him.

“It was my hip.”


Venue #4: Gon and Killua

Killua was freaking out now. He had been stuck here trying to figure out how to pull off a magic trick for who knows how long and it wasn’t working.

“Uh… h-how about… I… I can… make lightning…!” Killua said, wagging his hands about. 

The people eyeballing the underwear clad boy started to yawn. 

“GODDAMMIT!” Killua snapped and stomped his foot down.

Gon giggled and stood up. “Alright. How about this…” Gon turned to Killua and began whispering something into his ear.

Killua fidgeted and began blushing.

Gon turned back to the crowd. “Watch and be amazed as I make Killua faint by doing nothing at all.” Gon said holding his hands up.

Killua kept blushing and smiling. He began to giggle and started sweating. He spun a bit and felt his eyes glaze over. His lower half even sprang up a bit before he toppled over and fainted before everyone.

“Ta-da!” Gon said. 

Everyone began clapping. 

Gon smiled as he was handed his golden ticket and picked up Killua, carrying him along on his back.

“Hehe. Promising to make out with him in my undies in our room got him really hot and bothered. I have a way to make him pass out now too~!” Gon sang happily.


Venue #5: Alvin and Simon

Alvin kept chucking darts at the dart board but wasn’t getting anywhere. He sucked at this accuracy nonsense.

He turned to leer back at Simon who was standing with his arms crossed, leaning against a table.

“Hey…” Alvin muttered.

Simon didn’t react. He couldn’t hear Alvin.

“HEY! Doofus!” Alvin snapped.

Simon winced and then looked up. Alvin tossed the dart to him which Simon had to fumble with it in order to catch it and not get nabbed with the pointed end.

“I got it…” Simon walked forward and tossed the dart.


Alvin’s jaw dropped. He turned to Simon and was about to say something but he stopped himself.

Simon walked onward with his hands in his pockets and his head down.

Alvin looked on and winced but then shook his head and angrily followed behind him.


Venue #6: Luffy and Chopper

Luffy was wearing an MLP diaper, a pink baby bonnet, and had a pacifier on his neck.

“Wh-Why… dammit…!” Luffy snapped and pounded his fists on the table.

“Come on Luffy! You can do it! Just trick him into believing something!” Chopper said, bouncing up and down.

“You… SUCK!” Luffy shouted and pointed at Daniel.

“No, I don’t.” Daniel smirked. “You’re about to mess your diaper.”

“WHAT?!” Luffy blushed before sweating all over. This guy had been lying and tricking him for so long. However, he was so good at it, he kept believing him. This was the strongest accusation he could make considering what Luffy had to deal with for so long! “N-No I’m not…!”

“Yes, you are.” Daniel leaned forward. “You’re a baby who acts tough but your body knows what’s what.”

Luffy sweated harder and harder. He didn’t FEEL like he had to make a mess. However, what if he was right?

Luffy began to wince and squirm. He let out a couple of farts and grabbed at his diaper butt. “N-No… I’m not… I’m really… I’m just…!”

All of a sudden, he felt like he was.

“You’ve lost.” Daniel said.

“No… NO I CAN’T!” Luffy began dancing in place, tearing up and blushing harder. He started to involuntarily squat down and screamed as his bottom opened up and he began loudly messing the diaper! “GWAAAAAAAAAAAAH! NOOOOOOOOOO~! AAAAAAAAGGGGGHHH!” 

Chopper looked on in astonishment.

Luffy just kept bending down and squatting and grunting and pushing as he messed the diaper up nice and big…! “B-But how… HOW…! I-I didn’t NEED TO GOOOOOO~!”


Manzo waited as he watched the people cross the finish. 

Juniper and Ray Ray crossed next, with Ray Ray rubbing his butt with cold cream on his bare naked cheeks. He had to tug his pants and undies down a bit to reach the spot where the dart hit him. Plus, he wasn’t feeling so hot regardless…

Yugi and Mokuba wandered in soon after. Mokuba was humming a happy tune to himself. He had them all in the palm of his hand.

Meliodas and King crossed next, with King feeling good too. He was starting to recover from the battering this competition had given him and it was making him feel as though he was on cloud 9. Meliodas couldn’t be happier for him.

Gon skipped happily across the finish line with Killua over his shoulders. He was the happiest out of everyone. He carried Killua off to the hotel room, like he was eager to get there for some reason…

A huge amount of time went by before Manzo saw the next team come by.

The two chipmunks were the last team to make it. 

Both of them looked miserable. They were the opposite of the last couple of teams Manzo saw cross the finish of the Chill Zone and it baffled him. 

They said nothing as they went on by.

Manzo watched them leave and sighed. “Viva La Vegas…”


Luffy was planted on the floor with his tongue out and his eyes rolling and swirling. He was drooling as he was barely conscious anymore. More and more of his mess came out into his diaper as Chopper shook his head and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Daniel looked at his phone suddenly and smiled. “I got a message from Manzo. Your companions have made it to the end. Looks like this is where you get off.”

Chopper whined. “WHAT?! Oh… COME ON!” He turned to Luffy and grumbled. “What happened Luffy?! Wasn’t the curse gone?!”

“I… I dunno… he… he just… he did something…!” Luffy accused.

The man shook his head as he straightened his tie. “Nope. I did nothing at all.” He said this as he turned to leave. “All I had to do was convince him of stuff he wasn’t confident enough to believe wasn’t true. Probably because he knew it was all true.”

“But we got rid of his pooping curse.” Chopper said.

The man laughed. “Even if his curse is gone, it doesn’t matter. He was so scared of losing that all I had to do was say stuff to him and his body made him mess himself. All you have to do is tease him and it’ll happen. He isn’t cursed. He’s just got the body of a baby.”

With that he turned to leave.

“Ohhhh~! Phew. That’s a relief.” Chopper laughed. “See that Luffy? You’re not cursed. It’s just real easy for you to poop yourself. Isn’t that funny?”

Luffy twitched and passed out with his messy diapered butt sticking straight up.

Yeah. Hilarious.


Coming down to the wire now. Now it’s time to choose the theme for the next challenge. See you soon!

1st: Ben and Gwen

2nd: Mac and Bloo

3rd: Juniper and Ray Ray

4th: Yugi and Mokuba

5th: Meliodas and King

6th: Gon and Killua

7th: Alvin and Simon

8th: Luffy and Chopper - ELIMINATED


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