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LATE! LATE! LAAAAATE! I’m so goddamn late on this one! I’m so sorry! Been way too busy lately! I hope you all will forgive me! Hopefully, things will be clearing up soon though.


1st:  Gon and Killua, 2nd: Goten and Trunks, 3rd: Mac and Bloo, 4th: Yugi and Mokuba,
5th: Alvin and Simon, 6th: Naruto and Konohamaru, 7th: Juniper and Ray Ray, 8th: Luffy and Chopper, 9th: Meliodas and King, 10th: Midoriya and Bakugo, 11th: Ben and Gwen, 12th: Conan and Ai,
13th: Ash and Max, 14th: Numbuh 3 and Numbuh 4, 15th: TJ and Gus


“AGH! ALVIN!” Simon yelped as he bounced out of bed, falling on the floor with his white t-shirt flipping up a bit to reveal the Star Trek undies he had on. His brother laughed at him as he wiggled about a package of Icy Hot.

“Heh. Feeling a bit of the heat on your underside brother?” Alvin grinned cheek to cheek as he waved the bottle about.

Simon growled but smiled. “Oh yes. I’m feeling the heat alright.” Suddenly, Simon jumped and tackled Alvin to the floor, rolling about and gripping his shirt with intense force. Alvin wiggled about and tried to move away but that only caused the strain to hurt more. Eventually, Simon got his shirt off and swung his foot back to literally kick Alvin’s ass out the door of their hotel room!

Alvin screamed right before his face plopped against the wall and he slid down it, clad in only his Thomas the Tank Engine underoos for any passer’s by to witness.

Alvin’s eyes rolled and stars floated around his confused head before he felt himself shake that off in favor of hurrying back in. As soon as he turned to rush into the room again, though, his face bashed against the closed door and rocketed him back off it, smiling brightly with a derpy expression, now seeing floating planets along with the twinkling stars from earlier.

“Look it…~! Pwetty stars~! Gotta gwab em and make a wish~!” Alvin sang and wobbled about before he shook the dizziness away again. “AGH! S-SIMON! Let me in!”

He grabbed at the door knob and jiggled it, yanked at it, and grunted as he tried to pry the door open. Of course, it wasn’t happening. This Chinese hotel functioned just like all the other ones with secure locks.

Alvin put his hands in front of himself and blushed, smiling nervously at the girls who were also staying in the hotel as they walked by and saw him. 

“H-Hello ladies. D-Don’t mind me… j-just… underwear modeling baby clothes for… monetary purposes…” He gulped before shifting back around and banging on the door again. “SIMON! DAMMIT SIMON!”

Simon merely stood on the other end of the door and got dressed, a smile etched on his face.

“I warned you, didn’t I?” The smarter chipmunk finally spoke up. Alvin raised a brow. “From here on in, it’s gonna be more antagonistic. No more playful pranking. I’m getting down and dirty with it this time. You’re free to join me and try your hand at revenge if you dare.” Simon sneered, pressing his back to the door. He felt really invigorated now. 

Alvin stood in shock and awe before a smile also crept onto his still blushing face. “Oh-ho-ho. It’s like that is it? Fine. Challenge accepted.”

He stood there confident before a shiver went up his body. “R-Right after I take my morning crap!” Alvin yelped, grabbing his butt and racing down the hall towards the bathroom…

Simon: 1

Alvin: 0


“WHAT IS GOING ON!?” Ben screamed, teary eyed as he planted his hands against his cheeks, fidgeting about in abject terror as he looked down at himself. His bed wasn’t wet but that’s because he wasn’t wearing any underwear. Instead he had a diaper on, a bib, and a baby blue bonnet! Not only that but the diaper was wet!

Ben looked ahead and saw Conan sleeping at the foot of his bed, sucking his thumb and curled up in his Masked Yaiba underoos and white t-shirt. Ben seethed in anger and shot his foot at Conan, whacking him in the face and making him fall off the bed!

“What are you even doing?! WAKE UP!” Ben snapped, shooting to his feet.

Conan shot up and grabbed at his face, sniffling and teary eyed. “W-Why d-d-did you… w-waaaaAAAAAAH!” Conan began crying loudly. Ben shrunk back and winced. 

“N-No! No no no! Stop crying! Your mind is gonna regress faster if you-AAAH!” Ben yelped when a shoe was bashed into his face, making him fall over and slump onto the bed, splayed out with starry eyes.

“What did you do?” Ai asked, standing in the doorway with Gwen behind her, arms crossed. 

“NOTHING!” Ben snapped, grabbing his head where the bump was, tearing up as well.

“He kicked me in dah face! WAAAAH!” Conan squealed and rubbed his fists into his eyes, bawling his eyes out. The two girls shot Ben an evil glare.

“N-No…!” Ben waved his hands out in front of him. “It was just… it’s just… he was supposed to keep watch! I woke up in BABY clothes this time! You’re supposed to be helping me!”

Ai sighed. “I supposed having him keep watch was a bit of a long shot. We’ll have to resort to stimulating his mind with tactical maneuverability rather than spy missions and such. I figured as much but giving him all we had to offer seemed like the most efficient way to go about this.”

With that she grabbed Conan by his arm and led the crying boy out. Conan soon sniffed really loudly and blinked in confusion. 

“Ugh…! My face hurts! Why did Ben have to kick me like that?” Conan grumbled, suddenly very annoyed. He then blushed and looked down at his state of dress, walking with Ai in these embarrassing underoos! He yelped and tugged his shirt down to cover himself. “Hey Haibara! Why did you let me go to his room in just these briefs huh?! HEY!”

Ai sighed harder. This switching back and forth nonsense was going to be the death of her. She could feel her soul leaving her body in protest of having to deal with this bullshit…


“Is everyone enjoying their fun time so far? I hope so. It’s taxing watching you all continuously humiliate yourself each challenge.” Manzo laughed as he played with the speaker over the plane.

Everyone watched with narrow-eyes, angry at this drivel. Manzo had been messing with that thing for so long. He would sing into it and eat into it on a regular basis and it drove everyone crazy.

“This dude sucks.” Ben grumbled with his arms crossed.

“… Hey uh… can I ask you something?” Midoriya turned towards Ben. “Why are you dressed in a diaper and… a bib… and a baby bonnet… and not wearing any shoes…?”

Ben blushed and began to growl, lurching forward a bit as Gwen started to chuckle. “I ONLY HAVE UNDERWEAR LEFT AND I COULDN’T GET THIS WET DIAPER OFF! It’s stuck on me with… I dunno, GLUE or something!” Ben snapped and yanked at it, whining loudly.

“Heh. Loser.” Bakugo grinned with his head in his hand.

The plane, thankfully, landed soon after Manzo’s last announcement. 

“Welcome to Oulu, Finland!” Manzo stepped out and opened the door. When he did, a swift waft of cold air blew into the plane and made everyone shiver.

“What…? Seriously man…?” Bloo asked. “I was NOT given fair warning that we were going someplace so cold! Imaginary friends are cold-blooded.”

Mac rolled his eyes. Bloo made up facts about Imaginary Friends whenever it suited him.

“Head on out one by one and head on over to the Manzo-Box over by the Sauna. You’ll enjoy what it says to do. I promise.” Manzo grinned, teeth sparkling.

Gon and Killua looked at one another before sighing and rushing ahead first. 

“What fresh Hell is up ahead?” Killua asked.

“He said we’d like it.” Gon said in response. “99% of the time he’s lying but what if this is the 1% time he’s not.”

“… That’s… impressive optimism.” Killua blushed a bit, thinking over the things he liked about Gon again. When Gon rushed a bit forward, his face got a bit red when his eyes traveled to his bottom. “Guh… I’m really not good at keeping this a secret…”

“What was that?” Gon asked, turning his head a bit as he ran.

“I… I’ve been trying to tell you something for a while now and I… I… l-listen to me!” Killua shouted.

“I am…” Gon raised a brow, confused by that outburst.

“Oh… okay… uh… w-well… I… Gon I-” Killua began before Gon interrupted.


“Hey! You said you’d list-AGH!” Killua snapped right before he smashed into a tree. Gon stopped and stood beside the Manzo-Box and the large sauna before them.

“I was but you weren’t looking where you were going.” Gon said, pressing the button on the Manzo-Box and taking out the tip. “Let’s see… this says that we’re supposed to head inside the sauna and stay in there fully clothed with weird gases sprayed at us for 10 minutes…? O-Okay…? A-After that, we’re supposed to press the tip for the Manzo-Box inside for the next tip. Cool. Let’s go Killua.”

Killua stumbled back and wobbled about, tongue out and eyes crossing in dizziness before making his way inside the sauna. When he got in, he plopped onto the floor right before Gon followed him inside soon after and shut the door. When it closed, a timer indicating 10:00 minutes came up.

Gon jangled the door and saw that it wouldn’t open. “Ah. So, we’re stuck in here no matter what.”

“Ugh…” Killua groaned as he sat up and rubbed his face. “I hate smacking into stuff!”

Gon sat down and patted the bench next to him. “Come on. Take a load off and sit with me. Let’s have a chat to pass the time.”

Killua smiled at Gon and picked himself up off the ground and sat down next to him. “Okay… uh… d-do you have anything you want to t-talk about?”

“I do but you can go first. You said you had something to tell me, right?” Gon asked. 

Killua fidgeted. He didn’t even notice the weird gas pouring into the room. He didn’t fear it because he couldn’t be poisoned… however, he didn’t seem to take into account that the gas most likely wasn’t going to be something that affected his internal system…


The rest of the teams headed in and got their saunas going. They each all had an equal 10:00 minute timer on their saunas. The challenge, however, wasn’t really hinged on the timer, more so how much the gas affected them. That would decide who left and stayed longer than others as staying in there at a pre-set time in the order they came would just lead to them leaving in that same order. Whoever had the strongest mind would win.

“Everyone is in their saunas now.” Manzo smirked, having watched them all rush forward, read their tips, and enter their 1st challenge prisons.

The cameras inside were showing off everything happening inside.

“Guuuuh…” Trunks gasped, sitting in there and spreading his legs to keep the sweat from scrunching up against him. “I hate this.”

“Me too… but it’ll be worth it when we get a chance to see TJ and Gus squirm again.” Goten laughed. 

“You know it. That Mokuba guy is like the best thing to happen to us this whole competition!” Trunks said, fist pumping Goten.

In the sauna with Yugi and Mokuba, the two of them were having a bit of a different conversation though.

“The idiots here are so easy to manipulate. Man, it’s so much fun. Who said easy pickings were boring?” Mokuba laughed before coughing, due to the heat. “Ugh… I have so much hair. It’s soooo much worse…”

“You think YOUR hair is making this bad?” Yugi asked, yanking at his slumping hair-style. “Mine is so wild and insane, it’s practically falling apart.”

In Numbuh 3 and Numbuh 4’s sauna, the both of them were suffering due to them both wearing sweaters.

“UGH! This sucks! Why’d I have to wear this sweater today?” Numbuh 4 whined.

“You wear it most of the time though. I don’t think we switch outfits much.” Numbuh 3 giggled.

“Hmm… well, whatever. This combination is the worst. Jeans make it feel especially bad. Like I peed my pants and it’s sticking to me.” Numbuh 4 said, yanking at his sweaty clothes.

“Hmm… mmmm…” Numbuh 3 giggled and began to wobble about. “I feel weird… hehehe…” 

“Wh-What’s going on…?” Numbuh 4 got light headed as well. The gas was filling up the room. The two of them began laughing with one another. “Hehehe. I feel… goooood~!”

“Yeah weally good~! Feels gweat!” Kuki started to flutter about.

The same was going on in the Juniper and Ray Ray sauna. June was mostly chuckling to herself, slumped over as she day-dreamed about making out with Marcus.

Ray Ray, however, was drooling with a happy, mouth-opened smile on his face. “Daaaahhh… S-So many pwetty butts… wook at em all…!” Ray Ray reached out and squeezed imaginary bottoms in front of him. He wasn’t normally so thirsty for booty but this gas really was digging into him. 

It was effecting people in weird ways. Some were getting rather aroused by it. Others, like Alvin and Simon, were getting drunk off their rocker.

“WHOOO~!” Simon yelled and did a double fist-pump at the ceiling. He almost stumbled into Alvin, who laughed when Simon’s butt smashed into his cheek.

“Back your trunk up nerd boy. I don’t swing that way. Especially not with my own bro.” Alvin smirked. Simon giggled.

“Oh really? I’m happy d-dat you don’t c-cause… I wouldn’t want to be with da biggest jerkiest guy awound… yous… yous suck Alvin!” Simon laughed as though he just threw a great zinger. He didn’t. He just said Alvin sucked.

“Bwahaha~! Are you stupid?!” Alvin said before he reached behind his back and whipped out a can of whip cream he took from the hotel. “Open wide!”

“Wha-?” Simon turned his head and got blasted in the face with a ton of whip cream! Simon wobbled about and trudged about with his arms waving about before slipping on the sweat on the floor and falling on his face! His bottom stuck up and Alvin rested his feet onto it, sighing with happiness. “Grrrgh…!” Simon moaned before he poked his head up and got a ton more sprayed onto him before his head was covered completely in it.

“Enjoying getting whipped boy? HAHAHA! Get it? Whipped?! HEHEHEHEHE!” Alvin twirled it and reached open Simon’s pants and underwear, spraying more of it inside there next.

Simon: 1

Alvin: 1


“SCREW YOU! YOUSSSEESS A JERKFACEE!” Midoriya shouted and tugged at Bakugo’s cheeks! The gas was making him angry! 

Bakugo, however, was crying and blubbering.

“Y-Yesss! I am a jerk-face! I’m sowwwy~!” Bakugo whined and blubbered, bawling his eyes out as Midoriya kept yanking at him.

“That’s right. You suck! Know your place!” Midoriya spun Bakugo around, reached into his pants, and gave him a painful wedgie, yanking the Superman briefs on him way above his head.

“YEEEEEK! I’M SOWWY! PLEASE STAHP MASTER DEKUUUU~!” Bakugo screamed and cried, flailing about as the pain from the wedgie made him even more light-headed.


Ben was sucking his thumb as Gwen gently rocked him in her lap.

“Gooood baby~!” Gwen said happily.

Ben smiled as he continued sucking his thumb, allowing the warmth of his “Big Sister” Gwen (despite being cousins) to overtake him and take care of him…


“Bossssss~! You gotta wet me lay on yet cheeeest…” Konohamaru said, blushing as he rubbed up against Naruto’s chest.

“N-No! K-Konohamaru, th-this is inappropriate.” Naruto sounded like a weird, spine-less nerd who was afraid of getting intimate with his girlfriend.

“Inappropriate? Why? This is faaaate! It’s FATE! We gotsta be together!” Konohamaru rubbed his face into Naruto’s chest, sighing happily.


“Giddy up!” Chopper shouted as he sat on Luffy’s back and whacked his butt with his hoof.

“WOOF! WOOF! Do I make a good doggy Master Chopper?” Luffy asked.


“No talking like humans. You’re a doggy! Bark for your master and ride!” Chopper demanded.

“YES SIR!” Luffy cooed as he barked and wiggled his bottom about, rushing around the sauna.


“I wuv you~!” Max said to Ash as they held hands.

“I wuv you too! Yer my bestest fwiend in da WHOLE world!” Ash said, sitting contently as he also held Max’s hand.

“Wanna know what I wuv about you da best, my bestest fwiend in da whole world?” Max asked.


“It’s dat you wook soooo cute in that pink diapee and dat pink dwess!” Max said.

“Oohhhh~! Tank youuu~! I wuv da cwothes you make me wear toooo~!” Ash said, giggling happily.


“I’m so SCARED! Help me! SAVE ME KING!” Meliodas shouted as he hugged King’s body.

King patted Meliodas’ head, his chest out with a confident smirk on his face. “Not to worry Meliodas. I, the mighty King, will protect you from harm!”

“THANK YOUUUUU~!” Meliodas teared up, lip quivering.


“Hey TJ, are you pondering what I’m pondering?” Gus asked, poking at his head, smiling evilly.

“Gee, I think so Gus, but how are we gonna get the Weasel to hold still?” TJ asked, eyes crossed and tongue out the side of his mouth. He looked so stupid.

“No, you idiot. This shift in our personalities will make us invincible in the challenge. You’ll be dumb enough to do whatever I say, and I’ll be underhanded enough to make whatever I wish to do work! It’s brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT! MUWHAHAHAHAHA!”


“ZIPPDY-ZOPPIDY! BOOOOOOO! BWAAAAAH!” Mac was jumping around the room like Daffy Duck, whopping and hollering and drooling all over the place.

“Mac! I swear if you don’t stop, it’ll be a ruler to the behind mister. Behave and follow the rules. Do you wish to make a fool of yourself on live television? This is seriously unbecoming of a young man like yourself.” Bloo said, waving his hand about like a proper teacher.

“BLOO-BLY BLOO BLOOO! YOUS A DUMB BLOO BUTT!” Mac turned and farted in his direction. Then he laughed and began running in circles again.


Manzo was watching as the ten minutes had gone out for all the people in the sauna. It was up to them to compose themselves and leave when they realized they were in a challenge again. Who would do it first?

Manzo stood outside in a coat, eating chips and looking at his watch. “Hmm… so if they don’t come out I may have to get some paramedics to come in and get them…”

Thankfully, one of the doors opened.

Out stepped Conan Edogawa. He was standing in a pair of babyish overalls that had extremely short shorts to them. He fixed his glasses and sighed.

“Thank goodness.” Conan muttered. “That gas stimulated my mind quite a bit. I can function more clearly now and hopefully discover the mystery plaguing Ben and help Haibara finish my antidote… at least for the duration of this gas’s effects…”

Ai stumbled out soon after, smacking her cheeks with her hands.

“I feel weird… oh man… what happened to me? Everything’s so BIG! H-Hey… did anyone ever notice how huge our eyes all are…? It’s like… totally WEIRD right?” Ai sounded like a hippy. Conan sighed.

“She’s shifted her personality as well… but at least she didn’t lose her brain cells.” Conan gulped, realizing what they were going to have to do next. “This challenge is demented, you know that Manzo!”

“Sure. Whatever.” Manzo laughed.

The tip in Conan’s hand told them to do something equal to the opposite of what they just did.

This place was snowy and frozen over, so obviously that meant that they had to strip down to their underwear and run through the snow towards the stage where their final challenge was to be held before sprinting for the chill zone.

Once Conan got down to his Teddy Bear briefs, Ai got down to her flowery panties.

“Ohhhh maaan! Dis is like… totally embarrassing yo!” Ai blushed, shivering in the cold.

“Come on Haibara! We gotta move!” Conan said, blushing as well and trying to hide his disdain for this.

The next team to exit was TJ and Gus.

“Now we move…!” Gus said.

“Yes sir!” TJ gave a salute with his tongue out the side of his mouth and eyes still crossed.

Gus grinned evilly before sighing. “Alright… lets…. Get these clothes off…!”

The two of them stripped down and Gus was in his plain white briefs while TJ had on some Captain Marvel undies.

“Ahead my partner!” Gus shouted and pointed forward.

Bloo opened up the sauna next. Max cartwheeled out of there, already down to his Sesame Street undies. “I gots ELMO on MAH BUTT! LOOKIE LOOKIE!” Mac smirked and swatted his butt at the camera.

“So uncivilized. You’re lucky I let you out before we were to get a move on young one.” Bloo said as they rushed ahead. 

Soon after that, Midoriya burst down the door followed by Naruto stumbling out with Konohamaru hanging onto him. Gwen calmly opened the door next with Mokuba pushing his door open soon after she did.

Midoriya had actually slammed Bakugo into the door when he smashed the door down, which meant he was currently standing over him. Midoriya was grinding his foot into the back of Bakugo’s head into the snow, with Bakugo wiggling his Superman brief-clad bottom out. Midoriya, meanwhile, stood proud with his Tiny Tunes briefs on.

“You’re such a little dingus! What a putz!” Midoriya spat as he shivered and blushed. “Run in front of me so the cameras don’t see my underwear!” 

Bakugo blubbered and cried, sniffling as tears and snot streamed down his face. “B-But I don’t want people to see my undies too!”

“ARE YOU TALKING BACK TO ME!?” Midoriya snapped.

“YEEEEK! NO! PWEASE NUUUUU~!” Bakugo shrieked and crawled up to his feet, wobbling and rubbing his sides with despair etched onto his face. Midoriya kicked Bakugo in the butt and made him yelp and jump before they rushed forward.

“You look great in your undies boss~!” Konohamaru cooed, still blushing as he stood in his Amazing World of Gumball briefs.

Naruto was trying to pry Konohamaru off of him. He was wearing Madagascar briefs with a nice green elastic and red dots accompanying it for a bit of a Christmas look. He was blushing heavily, not just by being in his underwear but also because he was having trouble getting Konohamaru away from him.

“Nooo~! Th-This isn’t right. We can’t Konohamaru! Th-The challenge!” Naruto sounded like a blushing little girl, wiggling about with the composure of a person who wasn’t willing to commit to a relationship.

Gwen walked by them with Ben in her arms.

“Big sista! Everyone’s gonna see you in yer undies!” Ben said, sounding cute and babyish when he took his thumb out of his mouth.

“Don’t worry sweetie. Your big sister cares more about your well-being than that.” She said, running ahead with her happy Tangled themed panties on. Naruto and Konohamaru managed to rush by a little faster too. Mokuba would have caught up to them had he not currently been spinning around like a ballerina.

“Come on Mokuba. We’ve gotta go.” Yugi stood, swaying a tiny bit. The gas had made him mostly light-headed but other than that, he was fine. Mokuba, however…

“But wook at all the beautiful snow! The majesty of nature! It’s sooo pwetty~!” Mokuba’s eyes sparkled as he spun around and danced in his Sailor Moon briefs. He then began singing as though he expected birds to come flying towards him because of his beautiful voice. However, his voice wasn’t that great and there were no birds around so he mostly just looked kind of stupid.

Yugi sighed as he pushed him ahead, walking with the Baby Dragon and Time Wizard on his briefs. He didn’t like their odds with Mokuba like this but hey, it was another opportunity to see him humiliate himself, which he was all for.




The sounds of making out could be heard inside of the Gon and Killua sauna.

The two of them were sweating buckets by now as Killua pulled away.

“Oh man…! It’s soooo HOT!” Killua said, face completely red.

“YEAH! You can say THAT again!” Gon laughed, slurping as he pulled away too. The two of them had been making out for so long that they didn’t even notice how uncomfortable this was starting to feel.

Gon stood up and opened the door, letting out the air as he held the tip in his hand. “Let’s get going now Killua. I’ve got the tip and it says we both gotta strip!”

“Ooooh~! Spicy!” Killua giggled cutely, wiggling out of his shorts and showing off his Mickey, Donald, and Goofy briefs to Gon. 

“So cute~!” Gon said, stripped down to his Curious George briefs next. The two of them rushed up to one another and planted a kiss on each other’s lips before sauntering out into the cold… and immediately hugging one another and shivering. “This… is gonna be hard…”

“Y-Yeah… at least you’re always warm enough for me!” Killua smiled and rubbed his cheek against Gon’s. Gon rubbed his back, happily laughing as they did so.

Manzo watched them trot on, doing their best to distract themselves from how embarrassing this was. With a chuckle, Manzo scratched his head. “I wonder what Killua’s reaction will be to this when the gas wears off…”

He was wondering this so much that he almost missed his chance to spot the next thing to happen of interest. Juniper walked out in a nice pair of Buffy the Vampire Slayer panties, day-dreaming about Marcus as she sauntered on ahead. Ray Ray stumbled out the door, drooling and blushing, wearing Princess and the Frog briefs, hungry for female contact of any kind.

Numbuh 3 stumbled out next, wearing Jem and the Holograms panties, looking for the same thing! Numbuh 4 groaned as he came out soon after, wearing Blues Clues briefs, feeling very sad.

That’s when he turned his head and saw Numbuh 3 and Ray Ray bump into one another.

“Oh… hi there Missy~!” Ray Ray giggled.

“Hey there buddy!” Kuki responded, smiling slyly. “You look like a confident, strong man…! I could get into youuu~!” 

“Me toooo~! Gimmie sum sugar!” Ray Ray said as the two of them pressed their lips against one another, kissing as they stood out in the cold in their underwear!

Numbuh 4’s eyes widened with shock as he looked on, his sadness overtaking him! “WHAAA!? NOOOO!”

Numbuh 3 and Ray Ray stayed with their hands clamped together and grinned over at Numbuh 4. 

“Oh? What’s wrong?” Ray Ray asked. “Is the wittle baby gonna cry cause his crush found a REAL man!”

“What a baby! He’s even got pre-school briefs on!” Numbuh 3 teased and pointed at Numbuh 4’s briefs.

Numbuh 4 blushed and looked down at his Blues Clues undies and covered his front, tearing up as the two of them laughed at him.

“See ya LOOOOSER!” Ray Ray said, spitting in his face as the two of them walked by.

“…. K-Kuki…” Numbuh 4’s lip quivered as he stuck his hand out longingly.

At that moment, Luffy burst out of the sauna next, trampling over Numbuh 4 and skidding to a stop, now down to his Twilight Sparkle briefs with Chopper on his back, wearing his Sleeping Beauty briefs.

“Giddy up doggy!” Chopper ordered.

“Yes master!” Luffy said, wiggling his butt about, panting, right before Chopper kicked him in the face.

“I said no calling me by my name. Speak only in DOG!” Chopper ordered.

“WOOF! WOOF!” Luffy barked and rushed forward, running over Numbuh 4’s downed body again. Numbuh 4 twitched and let a bit of pee dribble out of him from the pain.

King opened the sauna door next and walked out with his Tinkerbell and friends briefs showing off proudly. He had his fists at his sides with his chin up, looking like superman. 

“AH! That sauna was quite refreshing. Sorry young Meliodas. I would have come out sooner but I was enjoying the air in there a bit too much.” King said, sounding like a superhero.

“Aww geez King. Wh-wh-wh-what are w-we gonna do now huh? H-How are we gonna catch up?!” Meliodas said, wiggling with fear and teary eyes as he stood in his Incredibles underoos.

“We must be diligent and push forth my friend! NEVER give up!” King said as he picked Meliodas up by his underarms. Meliodas dangled there before nodding and forcing a smile. 

“Y-Yes! Of course!” Meliodas felt inspiration filling his heart now.

Goten and Trunks exited next. The two of them were trudging forward, groaning as they felt sick. 

“I’m gonna barf…” Trunks whined, face all green.

“What was in that thing…?” Goten whined.

The burping and chuckling chipmunks came out afterward, stumbling about in their undies. Simon was in another pair of Star Trek briefs with Alvin coming out wearing Sonic the Hedgehog briefs.

“You got me good with the whip cream but I’ve not yet *BURP* begun ta fight!” Simon laughed and drooled. “Heya~! Watch out! It’s a slippery slope in front of ya!”

“Dummy! I can sees in fwunt a me! I’m not as think as you drunk I am!” Alvin said this right before he bumped into a tree. “Owwiee…” he stumbled back right as Simon rolled up a snowball and chucked it at Alvin’s face!

Alvin yelped when it hit him and saw more coming his way. Simon’s shots were very lopsided and awful due to how loopy and drunk he was. He even sang it as he threw the snowballs. “Looopy~! Dooopey~! Tinky winky pinky dinky~!” Simon belted out a bunch of nonsense.

Alvin got snow all over him and ended up a big snowman.

Simon did a little butt dance up to the snowman and pushed it over, making it roll along the ground towards their destination! “WAAAAAAGH! I’M ALL TWIRLY~!” Alvin screamed.

“WHAHAHA *BURP* Dummy! You *HIC* gots a snow ball royal flush in your face pants… pee… pee pee… in my undies…?” Simon trailed off, somehow forgetting what he was saying. He smiled as he felt a bit warm in his front, not realizing that he was so dizzy and drunk that he was wetting himself on the spot. Still, he was conscious enough to know that he got one over on Alvin.

Simon: 2

Alvin: 1

Ash and Max were the last to leave, but only because they were so busy trying to be polite to one another.

“You go first Maxie~! I insist!” Ash said, bowing with his Pink Dora diaper on.

“No, you go first cutie~! You’re my bestest fwiend! Pwease! I insist~!” Max said, standing in just his Magical DoReMi undies for boys.

This was gonna take a while.


The treacherous path through the snow was tough on its own, however, it got even worse when it came to the frozen lake ahead of everyone.

“Come on Haibara! We have to make it across!” Conan shouted back at Ai as she skidded along the ice as best she could. She was a bit delirious so she couldn’t help but reach down and poke at it.

“Whoa… man… so icy… h-how does water… get solid…? It’s like a mystery.” Ai said, all slow like. “It could take the shape of a lake but when it becomes solid, if you try to put the ice in another lake it might not fit… but if the lake freezes, it’s stuck in that shape!”

Conan slumped and groaned, really annoyed by Hippy Haibara. He had no time for this. “Hey, Haibara! There’s a bong and a tie dye shirt rack across the lake.”

“Oh? Sweeeet broooo~!” Ai said, with a smile, dancing about across the lake to get by Conan. Conan sighed and began thinking things over as he took notice of TJ, Gus, Mac, and Bloo coming up from behind. They were close.

“Let me see…” Conan began pondering some things. “If I was in the room with Ben while he was sleeping than whoever snuck in to diaper Ben must have been able to do so without disrupting my sleep. Either this person is delicate or they are used to handling small people. Perhaps toddlers and children. Or pets maybe?” Conan began to think this over. “The most important thing is that they must have access to something that allows them to hide tons of clothing without transporting them in something heavy or obvious. Taking them all out like that would be too tough…”

Conan made it to the other side of the lake and saw the stage with a crowd of cheering people in front of it waiting for them. “Oh boy… something tells me we’re gonna have to make a performance… in our underwear…” He blushed.

“Sweet deal bro…” Ai smiled before shaking her head. “Ow… I-I mean… no… that sounds horrible. What? Ugh, I hate that I kept saying all that weird stuff?”

“Haibara! You’re back to normal!” Conan said.

“Yeah I think so.” Ai said with a grumble. “That sucked. I don’t ever want to talk about that again. I saw you pondering something though. Want to give me the details before your baby brain returns?”

“Yes. I’ll tell you right now in fact.” Conan said as they hurried ahead.

Gus and TJ quickly managed to make it to the other end of the lake next with Mac and Bloo slowly creeping up next.

“Now then TJ, it’s time for us to put our brilliant plan into practice!” Gus laughed and raised his foot. He then stomped hard onto the ice and made it crack. He then reached over and bashed TJ’s head against the ice, making him shake and rattle as the crack got even wider. 

“Oh no! Those heathens are trying to make the lake break open!” Bloo shouted.

“That’s WIGGIDY WIGGIDY WHACK JACK!” Mac shouted, cartwheeling across the ice and letting out hefty laughs before booting Bloo in the back.

“AAAH!” Bloo yelled as he made it to the other side of the lake and smacked into the snow. Mac jumped and did a Tarzan yell before landing on his feet with his arms raised, happily flashing his Seasame Street briefs to everyone.

“YAAAAY! Perfect TEN! TENNY TEN TEN!” Mac shouted.

They were lucky because that’s when the lake broke open and the thin ice started to waft apart.

“NO WAY!” Midoriya shouted and stomped his foot onto the ice as they stood in the middle of a floating ice block as they had been in the middle of running across it. He grabbed Bakugo and held him over the ice water. “YOU’RE GONNA PAY FOR NOT BEING FAST ENOUGH TO REACH THE OTHER SIDE!”

“EEEEEK!” Bakugo yelped as Midoriya continued to bully him. “NO! PLEASE STOP! I’M SOWWY~!”

“Oh dear!” Gwen said as she carried Ben to the lake. “We’re not going to be able to get across.”

“Oh no. Now what dear big sister Gwen?” Ben asked, big puppy dog eyes on his face.

“Not to worry. I’ll take good care of you.” Gwen smiled and shook him in her grasp. Ben sighed and clamped a hug onto her as she carried him.

It was at that time that the superfast snowman rolling their way knocked them off of their feet and sent Gwen and Ben slamming to the ground and got them knocked out! The Alvin snowman rolled into the ice water!

Out of the ice water sprung a frozen Alvin with his teeth gritted and his Sonic briefs flashing brightly.

“Oh man. Now what?” Naruto asked this as he approached the scene, ignoring the unconscious Ben and Gwen at their sides. 

“Maybe we can cuddle and make the ice all warm!” Konohamaru said as he hugged and kissed Naruto’s side. “It’ll feel great~!”

Naruto blushed and tried to pry Konohamaru off of him, speaking in that whiney voice again. “Nuuu~! We can’t Konohamaru! It’s WROOOOOONG!”

That’s when Mokuba landed on Naruto’s head in a dainty ballerina pose.

“We can make it across with a little LOVE for the art of DANCE!” Mokuba said, holding Yugi in his arms.

“Uh… cool?” Yugi raised a brow.

Mokuba then danced forward and started to spin and jump along the ice blocks, making his way over to the other side.

“They’re too good! Nuuuu~!” Naruto whined again.

“We can be good like that. Dance with me!” Konohamaru grabbed Naruto’s arms.

“Th-Th-Th-This isn’t right!” Naruto blushed and fidgeted.

That’s when Gon and Killua showed up. The two of them giggled at one another. 

“They’re so cute together.” Killua said.

“So are we. Hehehe~!” Gon laughed.

They held hands and began jumping along the ice next.

“What a cute couple.” Kuki said, showing up just as Naruto and Konohamaru finally got to trying their hand at going across the ice blocks. “Maybe we should show them up sweetie.” She said as she tugged on Ray Ray’s arm and brought him close to her.

“Yeah. Maybe we can babe.” Ray Ray winked, a sparkle in his teeth.

“Oh really? How?” June asked, still blushing and fanning her face. “Do we float on the steam rising from my face, thinking about how hot Marcus is?”

“No. We use this loser.” Ray Ray reached over and grabbed Numbuh 4 by his Blues Clues briefs. They were all only in their underwear so it was either his briefs or his hair as far as easy things to grab and yank. 

“N-No! D-Don’t use me!” Numbuh 4 said, clearly scared. 

“Send him flying!” Kuki shouted.

“HAHA! ON IT!” Ray Ray lifted up Wally while he was flailing about, trying to get away. Ray Ray then tossed him hard and watched him get launched right into the back of Gon’s head knocking them both forward and making them slam into the next ice block forward.

Kuki and Ray Ray laughed before planting their lips together and kissing, hoping onto the next ice block and riding it forward with June sitting on the back end, swooning over her thoughts for Marcus.

Tossing Numbuh 4 wasn’t necessary at all. It was just really fun.


“We made it.” Conan said as he stood on stage. “What’s going on here?”

“Hello!” A man with a guitar sat in the corner and strummed it in front of them. “Name’s Greg. Greg Universe. Nice underpants.”

Conan blushed and covered himself with his hands. “Whatever. J-Just tell me what’s going to happen here.”

“You’re going to grab a guitar and play a song for the crowd in your underwear of course. What else?” Greg grinned.

“WHAT?!” Ai and Conan gasped at once.

“What in the world?” Gus tapped his foot as he entered into the backstage area. “This was NOT on the cards for what I was prepared for today. We’ll have to leave and make a play for tomorrow night instead!” Gus raised his finger.

“Gee Gus, what are we gonna do tomorrow night?” TJ asked.

“The same thing we do every night TJ, try to TAKEOVER THE COMPETITION!” Gus shouted and laughed with lightning flashing behind him.

“… Looks like they’re still under the effects of the gas.” Ai sighed. “Alright. We’ll go out first.” Ai grabbed one from the side and began to head out with Conan. Conan grumbled as he began to sweat.

When they got on stage, the spotlight was shined on them.

“Just imagine the crowd is in their underwear.” Ai said.

Conan gulped. “But… WE’RE in our underwear… O-oh no…! I… I think…I’m…” Conan winced and teared up.

Ai’s eyes widened. Uh-oh.

The gas was wearing off on Conan now.


“Stroke. Stroke. STROKE! GO FASTER DUMBASS!” Midoriya shouted at Bakugo as he forced the poor boy to stroke his hands through the water. 

“WAAAAAH! I’m going as fast as I c-c-caaaaaan!” Bakugo whined, his arms frozen in ice blocks as he swung them about and made it to the shore.

As the teams kept floating across the ice, Gwen sat up and groaned, rubbing her head in confusion. “Owww… what happened…? Did we just get slammed into by a snowman? AH! BEN! GET UP!” Gwen shot to her feet and kicked Ben in the side!

“OW!” Ben shot up and rubbed his kicked spot. “Dammit Gwen! What the hell is your problem? Why do you always have to hit me!”

Gwen pinched his cheek and yanked it close to him. “Get over it. ON the ice, NOW!” She snapped and tossed him onto the floating ice block! 

“GRUGH!” Ben twitched. “Dammit. You’re a shitty cousin!”

“Yeah well, I’d rather be that then a super kind BIG SISTER!” Gwen mocked as she clamped her hands together and jumped onto the ice block next to him.

Ben blushed. “Sh-Shut up! You’d be even WORSE if you were my sister! Having you as a cousin is torture enough!”

They were clearly back to normal.

At that time, Luffy ran up on his feet like a dog and barked.

“Now to hop from ice to ice. Move it.” Chopper shouted as he kicked at Luffy’s side again.

“Yes! Let us move forward!” King said as he showed up carrying Meliodas in his arms.

“Oh King! Y-You’re like the strongest ever! You’re always so coooool~!” Meliodas said, hugging King close.

“WHAHAHAHA! Yes, I know young one. Off we go!” King shouted as he and Luffy set off, carrying their partners across the ice at an incredibly fast pace.

Simon stumbled up to where Alvin was and giggled like an idiot when he saw Alvin floating in the water in his ice block. “Hahaha. Oh Ally. Yer so stupid. What’re you gonna do to get across if yer all fwozen wike dat?” Simon sputtered, drooling as he spoke due to how dopey he still was. 

Simon shook his Star Trek brief clad butt forward and jumped up, clamping onto Alvin’s ice block and shimmying himself onto it. Eventually he managed to get on and stood up, dancing on top of it move it forward. “Whooo-wweeeee~!”

Goten and Trunks ended up showing up with Ash and Max last.

“Ohhh… I feel horrible… I’m gonna…” Trunks heaved and turned to the side, vomiting to the side. 

“AH! MY SHOES!” Goten whined before he also let his cheeks puff out and he vomited onto his shoes as well. “Gaahgh… oh… I guess I did it to myself now…”

“Aww. Poor things.” Max said, eyes sparkling with happiness. “They’re going through such trouble together.”

“Yeah. Just like we do bestest buddy.” Ash said with a giggle when they approached the ice blocks. “After you.”

“No, I insist. After you.” Max nodded.

“No, you go first.” Ash laughed.

“Aww. No. Seriously you must go.” Max said back.

“I REALLY think you should go.” Ash belted back again.

“Well, I REALLY think it should be you.” Max continued to insist.

“I know that but that’s not what I think.” Ash inquired.

“I wasn’t asking you what you thought.” Max clarified.

“Neither was I.” Ash clarified back.

“Well so what? I’m being polite so go!” 

“NO! YOU go! Stop being stubborn!”

“What? How am I being stubborn! FUCK OFF!”





Seconds later, Ash and Max were punching and kicking and rolling around on the ground, the gas having worn off seemingly in mid-conversation.


“I… I… I…” Conan began to fidget and twitch about as he stood on stage, the guitar in hand as it had yet to be strummed. The stage fright was overtaking him and he began peeing his briefs in front of the crowd. 

Immediately, the crowd began to laugh and point, making it far worse. The gas had worn off completely now. Conan’s eyes went wide and he began to let his tears start to fall.

Ai quickly began playing the guitar. “Pee Pants Conan~! He’s a young scrapper of a kid~! Pee Pants Conan~! He never feels good about what he did~! His accidents are high and his pride is low~! He can’t seem to figure out where his life will go~! He’s Peeee pants Conan~! And he’s on his way hooooome~!” Ai gasped as she sang the song she made up literally on the fly.

The crowd continued laughing but also cheered and clapped, buying that Conan’s wetting was a part of the show.

“Excellent. Good work.” Greg gave a thumbs up.

“Thanks.” Ai bowed. Conan’s eyes rolled up and he fainted, landing on his back and twitching. Ai grabbed his leg and dragged him off, running towards the Chill Zone, hoping that Finland would be kind enough to let them wade through the snow without anymore problems. 

Luckily for them though, it was literally right next to the stage.

“Made it…? Already?” Ai stood in the circle, slightly confused. “Oh… I guess we made it.”

How delightful.

“You two are next. Are you ready?” Greg asked as he turned back to TJ and Gus.

“Silence heathen! You’re breaking my concentration!” Gus fired back.

“ME GO! ME GO!” Mac shouted and pounded his chest. He and Bloo had arrived a short while ago. Midoriya, Bakugo, Yugi, and Mokuba were on their way into the stage right this moment too.

“Whoever wants to go next can. It doesn’t matter honestly.” Greg shrugged.

“Fine. Then let us be on our way so that we can get this over with.” Bloo said, grabbing the guitar and walking out. 

When Bloo stood on stage overlooking the crowd he took in a deep breath and was about to strum the guitar… when suddenly Mac cartwheeled on stage in his Seasame Street briefs and grabbed the guitar. “WHOOOOGAAAAH! OOGAH! OOGAH! OOGAAH!” Mac screamed and began playing the guitar like it was a rock concert. “CHUNKY MONKEY! WHOO! WHOO! WHOO! CHUNKY MONKEY! WHOO! WHOO! WHOO! GIMMIE A BANANA AND I’LL SHOVE IT UP MAH BUTT! YEAH!”

He repeated this over and over until the crowd was singing along with him.

“GIMMIE A BANANA AND I’LL SHOVE. IT. UP! MAH! BUUUUUUUUTT! HIYAAAAAAH!” Mac then swung the guitar down and smashed it repeatedly onto the wooden stage, sending wood flying everywhere and broken strings about.

Bloo saw this and frowned, letting the guitar he had flop to the ground before approaching Mac. “Hmph… well… I must say that was rather unorthodox… that was blasphemous… that was unbecoming on a young man… but most of all… THAT… WAS… AWESOME!!!” Bloo shouted loudly!

Mac’s eyes widened.

“OH MAC! Did you see what you just did? SOOOO COOL! Mac, I never should have doubted the potential you had to be COOL! Thank goodness! I knew I came from the mind of an awesome dude. Truly, that was spectacular!” Bloo winked.

Mac blinked several times before a blush creeped onto his face. “… AAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Mac screamed and covered his front with his hands. He turned and ran off the stage, towards the Chill Zone as fast as he could.

“Mac? Mac! Wait up!” Bloo shot after him.

“WHY’D I DO THAT?! WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME?!” Mac shouted as he ran off. The gas wore off with that performance, clearly. It was all out of his system now.

“Okay…” Greg blinked as he looked ahead. “They passed I guess. Now whose next?”

“We’re next Sunburn Man.” Midoriya said, pointing towards himself. 

“No, you’re not.” Gus said, pointing at him. “Heed ME! We’re going next!”

“Are you kidding?!” Midoriya snapped as he poked at Gus.

“I never kid young man!” Gus snarled as he grabbed his guitar. Midoriya grabbed his.

“Oh boy! Gus is gonna square off with him!” TJ got excited and giggled like an idiot.

“Oh no. P-Please D-Deku. Don’t provoke him!” Bakugo pleaded. He couldn’t even do anything since both his arms were still frozen.

“WHAT WAS THAT?!” Midoriya grabbed Bakugo by his neck and pulled his fist back.

“EEEEK! DON’T HURT MEEEEE~!” Bakugo screamed, peeing his Superman briefs. 

Both teams ended up going out at the same time with Gus and Midoriya, the two of them sneering at each other as they began playing their guitars.

“I’m the boss~! You’re not! I’m gonna take over everyone and everything and make your asperations ROT!” Gus snapped as he sang.

“How dare you get in my way you nerd~! I’m gonna stomp your head into the curb~!” Midoriya snapped as he sang and strummed his guitar. He turned to Bakugo and snapped at him. “Dance.”

“But-” Bakugo began.

“Dance. Now.” Midoriya said with a wicked glare.

And the scene was Gus and Midoriya playing their guitars while Bakugo danced with a quivering lip behind him. As the song continued though, Gus’s face started to get a lot softer and TJ’s eyes straightened out as the intelligence returned to his face. 

It was a good thing their song was done since as soon as he stopped strumming and the crowd started cheering, Gus lost the plot of his competition domination plan.

“Oh, thank goodness. I was worried I was going to stay like that forever.” Gus sighed before he turned to walk off the stage with TJ blushing and following behind, remembering the way he was acting before.

“Let’s never speak of this again okay?” TJ asked. Gus chuckled and nodded as Midoriya followed behind, dragging Bakugo by his ear as he whined and pleaded.

Greg scratched his head and sighed as he watched this all unfold. 

The performers he allowed to pass had no real hiccups or incidents as this thing flowed along.

Yugi strummed a well-done song as Mokuba spun and danced like a ballerina to the music. It was a strange duet but he let it by. Mokuba pranced off the stage, hugging himself and saying something about how wonderful and magical the world was.

Naruto and Konohamaru had an even stranger performance though.

“NUuuuuUUuu~! Not in fwont of all deez peeeeeopleeee~!” Naruto whined and Konohamaru tried his best to shake Naruto out of his Madagascar briefs. Luckily, right as the undies came down to expose Naruto’s naked front, the gas wore off.

Konohamaru blushed and smiled up at Naruto nervously, while Naruto shot Konohamaru a glare.

“Hey, Mr. Greg. We’re gonna wait a bit on our turn okay?” Naruto said, grabbing Konohamaru by his Gumball undies and yanking them up into a wedgie. Konohamaru winced and twitched, bouncing a bit as Naruto swatted his butt and led them off the stage.

Gon and Killua came out on stage with guitars in hand, kissing one another. They were blushing and giggling and ready to put on a show… when suddenly, Midoriya came back yelling and screaming in their direction, running on stage and killing the mood.

“AAAAAH! KAAACHAAAN! STOP! I’M SORRY! IT WAS THE GAS! YOU KNOW THAT!” Midoriya screamed, peeing in his Tiny Tunes briefs as Bakugo followed behind in his already wet Superman undies, swiping at Midoriya with the frozen blocks on his arms.

“I DON’T CARE! DIE!” Bakugo shouted and jumped, slamming his arms down at Midoriya who zipped out of the way at the last second. Gon and Killua’s eyes widened as the ice smashed on top of their heads and broke!

The two of them smiled with wide crossed eyes and wobbled when two large bumps appeared on their heads. They started playing their guitars and it sounded like something two drunk people would play after drowning a keg at the bar… then they passed out…!

Midoriya screamed and slipped on his pee on the floor and fell off the stage, into the crowd, who got out of the way and let him plop onto the ground. Bakugo roared like a lion and pounced on him, beating the tar out of him!

Greg was banging his head against a crate backstage. 

“Oh man. This was something I said yes to…”


Ben and Gwen panted as they ran their way towards the stage, leaving Juniper, Ray Ray, Numbuh 3, and Numbuh 4 behind. They were lucky that they had their normal personalities back but in the case of Luffy and Chopper as well as Meliodas and King who were tailing them, that was a bit of a bad thing. 

“Giddy up! Ride up buckaroo!” Chopper shouted as Luffy ran along the ground, growling and drooling as he chased after Ben.

“AAAAH! He’s a monster!” Ben screamed as he pumped his arms.

“They’re ahead King-san. What do we do?” Meliodas hugged King’s body with a quivering frightened look.

“Not to worry Meliodas my boy! I, the glorious King, shall save out hides with this my ultimate play! RAAAAH!” King suddenly made two fists and charged forward. Gwen tried his best to run away but King ended up bashing into her and sent them both spiraling up the steps and backstage.

“Knock them out!” Chopper screamed. “KNOCK THEM… uh…?” Chopper winced. The gas was wearing off…

Luffy suddenly felt the gas seep away from him too. He skidded to a stop… which flung Chopper off his body and made him smash his antlers into Ben’s back and sent them tumbling backstage too!

The loud crash saw the five of them on top of each other, eyes rolling and seeing stars around the five of their heads. Chopper, Ben, Gwen, King, and Meliodas were all seeing their own floating stars and galaxies now.

King managed to groan as he stumbled up, grabbing his head and shaking the cobwebs away.

“What the… hell…?” King muttered before Greg handed him a guitar.

“Finally. Hurry and get out there before that white-haired kid makes an even bigger fool of himself.” Greg said as he pointed at the stage. King blinked and turned to look at the stage.

Killua was fidgeting and twitching, standing in his Mickey, Donald, and Goofy briefs as the humiliation washed over him. Gon was strumming the guitar and finishing his song at this moment. It was a song about how much he cared about and valued Killua but sung in a way that was trying to soothe him and tell him it was okay that they were acting the way they were.

“Don’t worry~! Be HAPPY~!” Gon said as he finished. The crowd cheered while Gon turned to Killua and waved a hand in front of his face. When the two of them woke up, the gas had worn off and both Gon and Killua were flushed red in embarrassment. The air was awkward but Gon managed to pull it together enough to play their song.

“K-Killua…! A-Are you alright? W-Was it that e-embarrassing…?” Gon asked, blushing as he looked his also blushing friend over. Killua seemed frozen.

“I… I… I… d-do… w-we… k-kissed… kissing…” Killua was stammering, trying to control his nether region.

“I-I’m sorry. You were about to tell me something important but the gas got to us and we started… kissing and stuff… m-maybe you can tell me later s-so we can forget about this…” Gon said, his face getting redder and redder the more they talked about it.

King was confused. Meliodas groaned as he stood up next, rubbing his head.

“Ow… that sucked.” Meliodas grunted and stretched his back. “… I… I don’t want to talk about the way I was acting ever again.”

King grinned slyly at Meliodas. “Oh? I feel like I could make that a point of conversation for eons to come.” King smirked, evilly. “I’ll string together a nice number about the tail of Wussy Meliodas who clung to the side of the wonderous and powerful, mighty King. HAHAHA!”


Luffy shouted and stretched his way towards the stage. Of course, he overshot himself and ended up smashing into King’s body! The look on King’s face as they flew onto the stage in slow motion was hilarious. Even more so, was the reaction Gon and Killua had when they slowly turned to see Luffy and King flying right at them.

The two of them had their eyes widen and their mouths hang open right as they were rammed into and sent flying off the stage!

Luffy and King smashed down and groaned in abject pain.

“YOU IDIOT! Why did you do that?!” King snapped.

Luffy shot up. “Why were YOU in the way huh?”

“JERK!” King snapped and punched Luffy in the gut! Luffy’s eyes widened and felt his gut sink in. Normally that shouldn’t hurt but King’s magic made it go through. His stomach even gurgled.

“Ohhhhh…!” Luffy winced and began sweating, squirming and dancing in place.

“Huh? W-Wait what are you…?” King asked before he spotted the crowd. “EEP!” King yelped, getting stage fright immediately.

That’s when his tummy acted up and started groaning. “O-Oh no… NO NO NO!” King blushed and squealed, letting out a fart the same time as Luffy did. It came over the speaker and made the audience gasp… before they all began laughing uproariously.

Naruto and Konohamaru, with Konohamaru now with a well red and spanked butt, came back out with their guitars in hand, and Meliodas and Chopper walked out with one in each arm as well.

“You sure you want to let us do this with you?” Naruto asked Meliodas.

“Yeah. It’s fine.” Meliodas said. “I want as many back-up singers for this as possible.”

Meliodas smirked and grinned at the back of King’s head. King shivered and sweated as he looked back at Meliodas with a nervous smile.

“Uhm… m-maybe we could f-forget the thing I said about lording that whole S-Submissive Meliodas thing over you…?” King tried to bargain before he farted again, wincing and grabbing his bottom.

“Uh-huh. I’ll be sure to forget about this by the time we’re done.” Meliodas tuned his guitar and began singing. “Oh, there once was a sissy fairy~! Whose ego got way to merry~! He tried to lord it over~! His boss but over his shoulder~!”

“He realized his bowels weren’t on his side~!” Chopper sang. “They rumbled and grumbled with a crowd in sight~! Along came a pirate captain, with a gut just as snapping and rappin’~! Ready to let go~! Let those butts GOOOOO~!” Chopper sang.

By this point, Luffy and King were dancing around the stage, holding their bums, trying to keep themselves under control.

“The mess brewing in their butts is so strong~!” Naruto sang.

“And the show is so long~!” Konohamaru giggled.

“They’ll do it on live TV~! In front of a crowd that all can see~! The humiliation that’s rising, will smash their egos as their climbing and then they’ll whine and cry like big babieeeees~!” Meliodas sang.

“AAAAAAAAAAH!” King and Luffy screamed as they couldn’t hold it any longer. They squatted down and messed their Tinkerbell and Twilight Sparkle briefs in unison, faces turning red before they fell over, panting against one another, fumbled on top of each other…!

“The mess brewing in their butts was so strong~!” Naruto finished.

“Now it’s time for so long~!” Konohamaru waved with a grin at the cheering crowd.


“I see the stage…!” Ray Ray said slyly with his arm around Numbuh 3’s shoulder. “Ah my love. We’re about to go and make history together.”

“Oh, what a big and strong man. I love it!” Kuki giggled and nuzzled her cheek against Ray Ray’s. “Your Princess and the Frog briefs make you look so manly and cool.”

“Thanks babe. I’m a fan of those Jem and the Holograms panties of yours too.” Ray Ray giggled. 

“Yeah. Too bad that baby in the Blues Clues undies keeps following us.” Numbuh 3 grinned back at Numbuh 4 who was whining and stumbling behind them.

“B-But we’re partners…!” Numbuh 4 whined with his hands out. 

“Oh wow! He’s wetting himself!” Ray Ray teased and pointed. Numbuh 4 gasped and looked down at his undies and felt the scared wetness spread out on his underoos. He blushed and covered himself, whining as he began crying while Numbuh 3 and Ray Ray laughed at him. Juniper was drooling and looking at the sky a bit, not noticing that their playing around had stalled them enough so that Alvin and Simon shot past them, with Goten, Trunks, Ash, and Max coming up from behind them.

“So? Feeling good Alvin?” Simon asked, speaking normally again. The drunkenness had worn off and now they were just fine… almost.

“Sh-sh-sh-sh-shut up! J-J-Jerk!” Alvin hugged himself, ice sickles hanging off his body as he had to be smashed out of the ice block by Simon. When they got on stage, Ben and Gwen just finished their duet. It was a very angry sounding song. Greg explained the rules to them rather quickly which was followed by Simon slyly grabbed a guitar and headed out to play.

“If you don’t love me now, you could never love me again. I could still hear you saying. You would never break the chain!” Simon sang.

Alvin shivered off to the side, hugging himself before grinning and grabbing an electrical wire connected to one of the lights. He turned the light off and snapped it in half and stuck it into Simon’s underwear before turning it back on and watched as Simon’s singing was interrupted by him suddenly screeching and jolting about with electricity coursing through him!

“HEEEEEEEEEK~!” Simon yelped and spasmed about, lighting up like a Christmas Tree before he was rocketed out of his Star Trek briefs. Alvin laughed when Simon smashed down onto the stage with his naked butt sticking up.

“Gotcha back! HAHAHA! ACHOOO!!” Alvin sneezed at the very end there, disrupting his flow.

Simon: 2

Alvin: 2


At that moment, the last four remaining teams scrambled onto the stage at the exact same time.

“Hello guys.” Greg waved. “Manzo has informed me that the crowds seem to be reacting well to the group effort thing so you guys will all play at once. Not to worry, the Chill Zone is literally right next to the stage when you get off. Just please the crowd before your competition and you can go ahead first.”

“Oh really?” Trunks asked. “That’s good. I wanted to get in some revenge against TJ today but I couldn’t because of a weird bug I got… that gas made me feel terrible.”

“Me too.” Goten stated. “C-Can we have a moment to get our voices ready?”

“… Nope.” Greg said, handing them their guitars and pushing them out.

Ash, Max, Goten, Trunks, Numbuh 3, Numbuh 4, Ray Ray, and June stood on the stage together and began strumming their guitars at once, trying to find the right balance to strike so that the audience could enjoy the underwear clad musicians to the best of their liking.

Eventually, Max managed to find a cord that struck the crowd the best and the spotlight was put on him.

“I hate your stupid baby butt~! You suck so much~! You lose all the time~! I was inspired by you once but now that you’ve lost at my Gym, I feel nothing but disgust~!” Max sang at Ash’s face.

“You’re a spoiled little brat~! You smell like a rat~! You got a Gym way too fast and now it’s made you pompous and fat~!” Ash shouted.

“I’m not fat!” Max shouted.

“Your butt is!” Ash said back.

They got off course for a second but their combined singing of insults at one another went on long enough for it to be a viable song.

They were let off first. Goten groaned and poked at Trunks.

“C-Come on Trunks. We gotta hurry.” Goten said.

Trunks sighed and sucked in a breath. “Okay… okay…!” He gasped and then began singing. “I DON’T WANT TO KNOW YOUR NAME! CAUSE YOU DON’T LOOK THE SAME! THE WAY YOU DID BEFORE-ORRRRRE!”


“FOX ON THE RUN! THE NIGHT AWAY~!” They ended up singing together. It was an old song they liked from the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 trailer that they never managed to get out of their head. Greg and the audience accepted it and they were off.

At that moment, Ray Ray finished tuning his guitar and smirked with a sparkle in his teeth at Kuki.

“Watch this babe! I’m gonna make you guys cry!” Ray Ray said as he began singing. “BRANDY! You’re a FINE GIRL! What a good wife you would BE! Yeah, your eyes could steer a SAILOR from the SEA!”

Numbuh 3 swooned as Ray Ray began singing “Brandy, You’re a Fine Girl!” to her.

Numbuh 4 frowned as he watched her hang onto him. He stood back wearing his wet Blues Clues briefs and sniffling with teary eyes.

The rest of the teams that passed had already gathered in the crowd to watch this final performance play out.

“Come on Killua. Cheer up. It’s over now. We were kissing a ton but it wasn’t that bad. You’ve got soft lips.” Gon said with a chuckle. Killua merely whined and blushed.

“Poor Numbuh 4. Look at him.” Naruto said with his arms crossed. 

“He wants that girl so bad.” Meliodas said. “Go on and nab her already. Dammit. This is hard to watch.”

As Ray Ray kept singing and serenading Numbuh 3, Numbuh 4 watched this play out and felt the heat rise-up in his head.

He looked on at the scene and saw Ray Ray and Numbuh 3 lean in for another kiss. When he saw their lips inching closer yet again this time, however, the heat rising in his head exploded!

The rest of the gas in his head shot out of him like a steam pipe!

June immediately snapped out of her daze as well and shook her head when she heard the sound of Numbuh 4 exploding. “Uh-oh… I feel like I carried that on a little too long.”

If she thought that was crazy, she wasn’t ready for what happened next.


Numbuh 4 had reached over and punched Ray Ray in the face! The boy fell hard onto his butt and rubbed his cheek, tearing up and confused.

“Wha…? Dude! What the hell man?!” Ray Ray snapped before blushing and sweating a ton. Numbuh 3’s eyes widened and she began to tear up too. 

Both Ray Ray and Numbuh 3 snapped out of the effects of the gas at the same exact time when Numbuh 4 punched him.

“Oh no…!” Kuki gasped and held her hands in front of her face.

“… Uh… w-wait!” Ray Ray stood up and straightened out his briefs. “I-I was under the effect of the gas! Y-You know that! I don’t actually want her!”

Numbuh 4 snarled and pressed his nose against Ray Ray’s face. “OH?! SO NOW SHE’S UGLY TO YOU?!”

“I DIDN’T SAY THAT!” Ray Ray snapped.

Numbuh 4 grabbed Ray Ray by his hair. “So, you’re saying YOU DO want her!”

“NOOOOO~!” Ray Ray squirmed right as Numbuh 4 lifted him up. Ray Ray yelped and flailed about before he was slammed hard onto the stage! His butt wiggled a bit right before Numbuh 4 smirked and grabbed the elastic of Ray Ray’s briefs.

“I hear you like WEDGIES eh?” Numbuh 4 smirked. “I happen to be a wedgie delivering EXPERT!”

Ray Ray’s eyes widened. “NO! NONONONONOEEEEEEEEK! WEDGIEEEEEE~!” Ray Ray’s voice went up several octaves when Numbuh 4 wedgied him and spun him about. He gave poor Ray Ray an atomic wedgie, a bouncing wedgie, a squeaky clean wedgie, an Around-the-World wedgie, and eventually sent him off by wedgieing him so hard the undies wrapped around his head and under his crotch, through one of his arms and legs and made him stagger about like a weird looking undie-mummy.

Ray Ray stumbled on one foot, peeing his briefs from the pain and slipped on the puddle he made, stumbling off the stage on the side. June saw this and raced after him…

Numbuh 4 panted and gripped his fists together before turning back to Numbuh 3 when he heard her crying and sniffling.

“Ah! K-Kuki!” Numbuh 4 went up to her and grabbed her arms, taking her hands away from her wet eyes. “It’s okay! I know you didn’t mean any of that!”

“… Y-Yeah but… I didn’t… we kissed and…” Numbuh 3 gulped.

“… Hey. Remember when Grandfather attacked the Kids Next Door and we got all old and junk. Technically, THAT was our first kiss. So, don’t worry about it.” Numbuh 4 said.

Numbuh 3 blinked and smiled. “… But you said that didn’t count cause we were all old.”

“Well… those ones you did with Ray Ray didn’t count cause you were under the effects of the gas…” Numbuh 4 said, holding her hands up.

“Oh really…?” Numbuh 3 smiled.

“Yup.” He chuckled back.

“Wanna sing and win this thing together then?” Kuki said.

“Sure.” Wally answered back.

“Uh… guys.” Greg walked out with Manzo by his side. The two kids looked at them confused before he pointed at the Chill Zone. Ray Ray was slumped in the middle of it, barely conscious with June fanning him down.

“Sorry guys… you’re out.” Manzo said.

Kuki and Wally stood there, holding hands with shocked expressions on their faces. Guess he should have been more aware of where he was punting Ray Ray… but…

“Hahahaha~!” The two of them laughed.

“You suck Wally.” Kuki giggled.

“Yeah, I do. Maybe I could find a way to make it up to you some other way though?” Wally said back.

“How?” She asked, as if she didn’t already know, even though her eyes narrowed as she smiled at him.

“OH MY GOD! JUST KISS ALREADY!” Bloo shouted from the crowd.

The two of them laughed again before Kuki wrapped her arms around Wally and pulled him in, planting a big smooch on his lips!

They closed their eyes as the horns went off from the speakers in celebration and the large crowd cheered the two kids in their underwear on!

When they pulled away, Wally grabbed a mike. “Ah well. We lost but who cares? We can sing anyway!”

Manzo smirked and pressed a button on the stereo, which allowed the actual music from “Brandy, you’re a Fine Girl” to play as Wally sung into his mike.

“There's a port on a western bay

And it serves a hundred ships a day

Lonely sailors pass the time away

And talk about their homes

And there's a girl in this harbor town

And she works layin' whiskey down

They say, Brandy, fetch another round

She serves them whiskey and wine

The sailors say: "Brandy, you're a fine girl" (you're a fine girl)

"What a good wife you would be" (such a fine girl)

"Yeah, your eyes could steal a sailor from the sea"

As the song went on, Ray Ray shivered on the cold ground, wincing and fidgeting in pain. “I… w-w-wedgie… wedgie…”

“Come on boy. Let’s get your clothes on.” June said, hoisting him up and taking him off. ‘Hmm. You know? Listening to the song again, you actually got one of the lyrics wrong…”

“Ugh!” Mokuba gagged. “Why’d it take so long for me to return to normal?”

“Maybe because your head is so empty it took in way more hot air than normal?” Yugi suggested.

“Maybe… I-WAIT! SCREW YOU!” Mokuba snapped as Yugi laughed.

Luffy and King stood blushing in their new pairs of underwear and pants on, grumbling about a curse…

The rest of them all got into the song being sang and clapped when Wally stopped with Kuki in his arms. 

The two of them smiled at one another and finished the performance with one last kiss.

Finally. Together at last.


You all can look up the song “Brandy, You’re a Fine Girl” for better context for how it sounds. Really liked it in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. Again. Sorry about the supreme lateness of this one folks. I’m gonna try and get the next one out some time this week. Hopefully. This one will have another favorite moments poll and the next will be one where we decide the next theme for the challenges. See you then.

1st: Conan (Teddy Bear briefs) and AI (Flower Panties)

2nd: Mac (Sesame Street) and Bloo (Commando)

3rd: TJ (Captain Marvel) and Gus (Plain White)

4th: Midoriya (Tiny Tunes) and Bakugo (Superman)

5th: Yugi (Baby Dragon and Time Wizard) and Mokuba (Sailor Moon)

6th: Gon (Curious George) and Killua (Mickey, Donald, and Goofy)

7th: Luffy (MLP Twilight Sparkle) and Chopper (Sleeping Beauty)

8th: Meliodas (Incredibles) and King (Tinkerbell)

9th: Naruto (Madagascar) and Konohamaru (Gumball)

10th: Ben (Diaper) and Gwen (Tangled)

11th: Alvin (Sonic) and Simon (Star Trek)

12th: Ash (Pink Dora Diaper) and Max (Magical DoReMi)

13th: Goten (TMNT) and Trunks (Powerpuff Girls)

14th: Juniper (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and Ray Ray (Princess and the Frog)

15th: Numbuh 3 (Jem and the Holograms) and Numbuh 4 (Blues Clues) - ELIMINATED




Great job on this chapter! I especially liked Alvin getting looked outside in his briefs, and then Simon getting blown right out of his undies.