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Waking up early in Iceland wasn’t a great treat for most of the teams the following week. There was little time to talk and even less time to eat and bathe. The departure from the Chill Zone saw the teams racing towards two planes headed for Brazil and managing to get on them in the order they placed, without any variant so far in how the order of the groups were established from last challenge.

Manzo sat back with his feet up and sipped on a drink, happy to be at the front of the plane as the first 10 teams were being flown to Brazil with the second flight taking the next 10 in a flight that was about 20 minutes behind.

He grabbed the mike and began speaking into it with a peppy little sing-song voice. “Hello competitors. This is your host speaking. We’re about to touch down! Make sure you have your running shoes on. The forest can be quite painful on one’s bare feet.”

Plane #1: 1st: Goten and Trunks, 2nd: TJ and Gus, 3rd: Conan and Ai, 4th: Danny and Timmy, 5th: Yugi and Mokuba, 6th: Midoriya and Bakugo, 7th: Juniper and Ray Ray, 8th: Zatch and Tia, 9th: Alvin and Simon, 10th: Natsu and Happy

“Thanks for the complimentary water.” Timmy said, as he drank it down. Danny had his head in his hand, knowing full well it wasn’t complimentary at all. Manzo practically told them to drink a good amount of it before they got seated on the plane and it was about 2 Liters big. Who randomly did that without expecting something to come from it?

“Ahahaha~!” Trunks laughed to himself, leering back a bit to catch TJ staring at him. Trunks couldn’t resist turning around and blowing a raspberry at the boy before turning back around to giggle into his hands alongside Goten. They were riding high on their first-place position despite the embarrassing circumstances that led to it. It took a number of hours to thaw them out of that ice block and they spent a good half of the week leading up to the next challenge, trying to re-cooperate. TJ probably could have relished in that, and he did to a certain extent, but he still felt intense resentment towards the idea that they managed to make it through in such a shocking manner.

“Hey TJ, just remember that second place is nothing to sneeze at. It’s all good.” Gus said, waving his hands about as TJ sucked down the complimentary 2 Liter water bottle like it was alcohol. “Yeah, yeah I got it…” 

That’s all he really had to say about it. He wasn’t too sure that Trunks would be able to learn a lesson about underestimating normal, mischievous kids without any powers if he continued having lucky breaks like that. For some reason this really mattered to him.

Conan and Ai were right across from TJ and Gus. Ai was watching the two of them interact while Conan was busy drawing up something on a notepad. 

“Ugh. This is terrible. I can’t seem to discern a reasonable pattern from what he’s had us do to brace ourselves for what’s next…” Conan grumbled, taking a swig of the water by his side as well.

Mokuba pressed a foot to the back of Conan’s seat which made the boy lurch forward and bang his head on Goten’s back seat!

Conan’s eyes rolled for a few seconds before he shook away the stars and poked his head up to bare witness to Mokuba’s smirking face.

“Can I help you?” Conan leered at the boy, looking down on him in a figurative and literal sense.

Mokuba’s grin widened a bit as he had Yugi pour him a cup of the water, “For a brilliant detective, you sure are an idiot.” He chugged it down before continuing, “There’s no rhyme or reason for the torture you’re going through. It’s all in the cards as something that’s happening for the sake of seeing who can endure the most pain and punishment to reach their goal. Sadistic tendencies like that sometimes don’t have any logical pattern aside from a typical competition rule set-up. You’re playing fortune teller intellectual for no reason.”

“What are you-?” Conan raised a brow.

Bakugo snapped from a few seats in the back. “I don’t like smart alecks you know.” He was addressing Mokuba while he said this, “You can talk like you know what’s up all you want but that doesn’t mean you aren’t a cog in the machine.”

“Pfft. Shows how much you know,” Mokuba leered back. “I’ve got it all figured out because I can think like this competition does. The only things that are set in stone are what you decide to initiate and not what the competition has in store. I take charge of my own destiny. Who cares what he has planned?” 

“I agree with that!” Natsu shouted from where he was. “Predicting stuff is overrated.”

“Aye sir!” Happy cheered.

“Ugh…” Simon shook his head a bit. “Noisy nonsense. The worst kind of nonsense.”

“Relax.” Juniper said from across the aisle. “They’re just coping with the competition in their own ways. Let them be.” She said this as Ray Ray was chugging down the water bottle to her side, clearly trying to see how much he could handle.

“Yeah Si. You oughta lighten up too.” Alvin nudged his chest. 

Simon gave Alvin a pouty glance and sighed, closing his eyes and leaning further back. “I’m going to get in as much shut eye as I can before we land.”

“We only have a few minutes left.” Alvin muttered.

“All the more reason to rake in what I can.” Simon responded, catching Conan plopping down in his seat with an angry, reddened face out of the corner of his eye…


When the plane landed, Goten and Trunks shot out of it first and made their merry way into the forest. Goten, most notably, ran with his hands in-between his legs and sweat pouring down his face. He clearly had to go to the bathroom.

“Okay. Manzo said that we can find the first tip for what to do in the travel bag up ahead… that’s all he said though…” Trunks muttered, scratching his head as he and Goten charged forward. It was just vague enough to worry him. 

Once they made it to the clearing in the forest, they had to stop and look around, knowing full well that TJ and Gus and maybe even Conan and Ai were hot on their trail due to their more normalized speed. The Super Saiyan form didn’t seem to mean much in this competition which sucked more than they could have accounted for.

“There! I see it!” Goten snapped, pointing forward at a large bag in front of them. Trunks rushed on up to it and peered inside. There were tons and tons of fire ants surrounding it… but he could see the tip inside!

“Okay…” Trunks gulped and slowly stuck his hand inside. Immediately his eyes widened and he belted out a scream of pain as he retracted his arm and swatted Goten in the face! Goten yelped and fell on his butt with the tip that Trunks managed to fling from the sack landing on his nose. As this happened, TJ and Gus arrived right before them, skirting past Goten and making him spin in the wet dirt to get a brown splotch on his pants.

“Guh…” Goten groaned and opened it up. Trunks leaned forward, pressing his cheek against Goten’s to get the closest look he could. “Travel tip says that the p-person who didn’t take the travel tip out of the diaper must wear it before the teams travel across a large gorge…! The person wearing the diaper must not wet the diaper or else they’ll be deprived of materials for the second part of the challenge. If you fall into the gorge you’ll skip the entire second portion of the challenge entirely but the trip to the chill zone will be FAR longer. Plus if you have the power of flight and you fall, you aren’t allowed to fly or you’ll be given a penalty…”

“…Diaper…?” Trunks blinked and then looked back at the sack. 

It was white and had prints from Sesame street all over it. It wasn’t a bag. It was a diaper with tissue paper plugging up the leg holes. How’d he not see that?

By the time they had finished reading this, Conan and Ai, followed by Danny and Timmy had already shown up. They were short on time and watched as they all made their way towards the numerous hung up diapers with travel tips inside strung about the forest area. 

“How evil.” Danny grumbled as he read the tip. “The person who takes the tip out can’t wear the diaper. Which means we had no way of deciding who gets to put it on beforehand. I could have stopped you from wearing it had I known that.”

Timmy danced in place, cupping his front and biting his lip. “Ohhhh geezzz~! What good news for meeeee…” He whined. That water was flowing through him the absolute fastest, no doubt. It was only natural seeing as how he had the smallest bladder between the two of them. You’d have to be quite the baby to be desperate in comparison to one so small.

Cut to Natsu who had just arrived with Happy, right behind Midoriya and Bakugo, already doing a massive potty dance and wiggling his butt around, bent over with his hands in between his legs while his cat friend merely squirmed about a bit.

“Already Natsu? How quickly does water flow through you?” Happy asked, genuinely astonished.

“Shut up alright…” Natsu blushed and took the tip. The fire ants didn’t bother him. In fact, they kind of tickled. When Natsu read the tip he breathed a sigh of relief… probably relieved himself too hard there too since the instant he did he felt a trickle go into his underwear! He immediately bit his lip and squeezed his legs together again, before handing the tip over to Happy.

“I’ve… gotta wear the diaper…?” Happy moaned.

“Hurray! I got the tip!” Zatch yelped before catching Tia’s blushing and scrunched up face beside him. “I mean… sorry Tia. I got the tip…”

Tia sighed and grabbed the diaper, shaking the fire ants off, “It’s alright. There was a 50-50 chance if this tip is anything to go by…” She sounded cool with it, although while she was shaking the fire ants away, she didn’t bother stopping them from flying into Zatch’s hair! Zatch screamed and ran about, scratching at them and trying to keep them from reaching his underwear. For some reason bugs always loved going there whenever they got on him.

Ai was also finding her partner’s position rather hilarious. “Edogawa-kun… you’ve never made a more convincing baby. Boy, does that body suit you today.”

Conan was tearing up, dancing in place with his legs smushed together and jerking up and down with his hands in dainty fists at his side, while he clenched his teeth together.

“Y-You… d-don’t have any right to… I mean… f-forget it…!” Conan wished he could have predicted this but he was too busy trying to predict things that he completely ignored the fact that he had been chugging down the water the whole time while on the plane. It was right in front of him! How did he miss this?!

He pouted when he saw Mokuba laugh and wave at him as he and Yugi walked by. He should have, really, since Mokuba was the one wearing the diaper. Yugi was smiling as he looked at his master, for obvious reasons.

“Grrr…! I hate smart alecks too I’ve just learned.” Conan took the diaper off the hook it hung from, “Ai, turn away.” He ordered. You didn’t have to tell her twice. She turned around with the tip in her hand as Conan stripped off his shorts and teddy bear briefs Ran bought him. He then shimmied the diaper on and immediately put a fist to his chest. “Time to show them all what the world’s best detective can DAAAAAGH!” Conan screamed, eyes crossing as the ants crawled through his diaper! He danced about and tried desperately not to wet himself immediately as he shifted through it and flung them in all directions.

Ai turned back around and stared at him in astonishment. “… I’d have figured a master detective would have been able to figure out it was in his best interest to shake off the fire ants before putting the diaper on… like the rest of these guys did…”


Plane #2: 11th: Ash and Max, 12th: Meliodas and King, 13th: Numbuh 4 and Numbuh 3, 14th: Luffy and Chopper, 15th: Tai and Izzy, 16th: Mac and Bloo, 17th: Gon and Killua, 18th: Shippo and Kohaku, 19th: Naruto and Konohamaru, 20th: Ben and Gwen

“A nice forest might be a good setting to settle myself down in for a bit…” King sighed as he slumped in his seat, Meliodas right next to him, finding his relaxing state rather funny to watch, knowing he was an instant away from being stressed out again. It was almost like King’s MO.

The plane landed and out from it shot Ash and Max first. King jerked a bit when the plane landed and was shook from his relaxed state faster than a fairy could sprout wings… which he didn’t obtain quickly mind you. He and Meliodas were off next though.

As Numbuh 4 and Numbuh 3 stood up to leave, Luffy blurted out; “JUST TELL HER ALREADY!”

Numbuh 4 blushed and turned around superfast. “WHAT?!”

Turns out Luffy was looking at a comic book Chopper had handed to him on the flight. He didn’t do much reading but seeing him get into it so quickly when he told him about the adventure narrative of the comic was quite astonishing. “She’s gonna DIE! Just tell her to get out and stop fumbling over your words! Moron!” The pirate captain tossed the comic behind him. “Why are the people in that thing so dumb?”

Chopper sighed. “I dunno. Fiction does that to people I guess.”

Numbuh 4’s eye twitched. He hated how he took the context of that quote to mean… well…

“Hehehe~!” Killua giggled in the seat further back from him. He leered at Numbuh 4 and whispered. “I know why you reacted that way. Holding back from telling your girlfriend how you feel?”

Numbuh 4’s face went an angry flash of red. He then grinned and scrolled through his phone, looking up photos from the website of the Ridonculous Race so far. Killua was momentarily confused before Numbuh 4 flashed the picture of the previously hypnotized Gon, modeling in his underwear on the beach before his very eyes. Instantly, blood shot from Killua’s nose so hard and fast that he banged his head against his seat, waking Gon up as he had been sleeping right next to him.

“Come on Numbuh 4!” Kuki shouted, grabbing and pulling her partner from the plane as Gon looked about in confusion and spotted Killua, white-eyed and fidgeting. 

“Whoa… Killua, are you alright? You’ve got a nose bleed situation there.” Gon noted.

Killua moaned…

“I feel as though we’ve got a decent enough amount of time to make it to where we need to be…” Izzy said, leering at his computer before closing it with a sigh. “Time will tell though.”

Tai chuckled and kicked his feet up as he saw the teams get off the plane one by one. “Not to worry. So long as we don’t frustrate ourselves we should be good.” He said, pointing across from Izzy over at Shippo, who was demonstrably pissed off and hopping up and down on Kohaku’s lap, waiting for their turn to get off. He was the picture of frustration right now.

“Come on! Come on! Dammit!” Shippo kept looking back and forth between him and Luffy and Chopper. When Chopper walked down the aisle, Shippo stuck his foot out and watched the reindeer trip over it. 

“YEEEP!” Chopper yelped right before Tai reached over and grabbed him by his shorts to keep his nose from bashing the floor. Shippo looked over in astonishment.

Before he could say anything, Izzy flicked a pen into Shippo’s face, making him yelp and fall onto his butt.

“Oh thanks!” Chopper said.

“No problem. Wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself for no reason.” Tai grinned and let him off before flashing a glare at Shippo. Shippo grumbled and crossed his arms, relenting and staying seated…


By the time the teams from the second plane reached the area with the hanging diapers, the teams from the first plane had already headed off on their way. It didn’t take long for them to get the gist of what to do though. The adrenaline was rushing through them all and they were all acting rather fast anyway.

Ash and Max argued long enough and King whined at Meliodas consistently enough for Numbuh 3 and Numbuh 4 to pass them. When Chopper was given the task of having to wear the diaper, he sulked a bit, putting it on rather slowly. When Izzy was tasked with wearing it though, he didn’t hesitate much to get it on, despite his blushing face.

Shippo growled as he watched Numbuh 3 and Numbuh 4 head out first of course. He was vain enough to be mad when anyone passed him but it was seeing Tai and Izzy go next followed by Luffy and Chopper that set him off!

“Alright! Hurry up and put the diaper on Kohaku!” Shippo snapped, having not read the tip that Kohaku had pulled from it. All he knew from watching the teams was that someone was wearing the diaper.

“Uh… this says the one who pulled from it doesn’t wear the diaper… so you’ve got to put it on.” Kohaku said

“Right! So wear-huh?” Shippo stopped and snatched it from him. He looked it over and felt a blush come across his face. “… Duuuhhhooooooo…. DAMMIT!” Shippo grabbed a rock and chucked it.

“Haha! You’ve gotta wear the diaper Naru-” Konohamaru was in the middle of teasing when a rock bashed him upside the head. Instantly, Konohamaru made a goofy crossed eyed, happy face with his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth. “Little wittle piddle spittle…!” He said dumbly before falling onto his back. 

The straining in his bladder shut down too which gave Naruto a perfect view of Konohamaru wetting his pants right in front of him. Naruto laughed up a storm, stripping behind a tree to get the diaper on, already feeling better about having to wear it no doubt.


Luffy grumbled as he held his gut while running with Chopper who was fidgeting trying to keep his bladder still. Tai and Izzy were mere footsteps ahead of them so they could make out the turmoil their competitors were going through behind them. Tai and Izzy scooted back and ran alongside them.

“Feeling bad too eh?” Izzy sweated, shifting about as he tried to hold it as best he could. This diaper looked ridiculous on him but he saw it in his best interest to go with the flow… figuratively speaking.

“Ohhhh yeah. Really bad.” Chopper squeaked.

“I’m hungry too…” Luffy moaned, rubbing his stomach. He normally had way more to eat than usual but that quick rush out of Iceland saw him eating a lot less than he intended.

“Oh? Here you go.” Tai reached into his pocket and tossed Luffy a bar of beef jerky!

“WHOA!” Luffy drooled and snatched it out of the air. He took one huge open mouthed bite and teared up. “Ohhhh thanks man~! I wuv you dude!”

Tai grinned. “No problem!”

Their happiness was short lived when they finally caught up to the other teams from the first plane though.

Suffice to say, they were having a horrible time making it past the gorge seeing how their only means of getting across was a wrecked, rickety old bridge with falling planks of wood!

Crossing the Gorge Teams: 1st: Goten and Trunks, 2nd: TJ and Gus, 3rd: Danny and Timmy, 4th: Conan and Ai, 5th: Midoriya and Bakugo, 6th: Yugi and Mokuba, 7th: Juniper and Ray Ray, 8th: Zatch and Tia, 9th: Alvin and Simon, 10th: Natsu and Happy, 11th: Numbuh 3 and Numbuh 4, 12th: Tai and Izzy, 13th: Luffy and Chopper

“Whoa… w-whooa…~!” Ray Ray yelped as he wobbled on the piece of wood he was stuck on. His diaper wasn’t helping him as everytime he looked at it, he could feel the rush towards his bladder coming along.

“Ray Ray, don’t you dare use that thing. I’m warning you…” June said as she waited for him to take his next step. She was a pretty good jumper so she need only wait until they got close enough to the other side to make a nice big leap with him on her back.

As it were though, Tia was snarling with annoyance as she poked Ray Ray’s butt with her finger, making him yelp and jump.

“Hurry up! We don’t have all day!” She snapped. Zatch looked on in absolute horror though, as Ray Ray slammed his feet onto the bridge when he landed! That caused the entire thing to shake about!

Bakugo’s hand flung back and smacked Deku in the face while Conan yelped as his legs almost came apart. He was pressing them together along with Natsu to keep from peeing due to being at the edge already! 

“Th-Those… assholes…” Conan moaned, tearing up. They were right behind Goten, Trunks, TJ, and Gus. He couldn’t let this lead go because of the tomfoolery behind him.

Alvin and Simon were disturbed as well, with Alvin stumbling into Simon’s shoulder.

“Agh! Watch out!” Simon snapped, pushing Alvin off of him!

“YEEP!” Alvin teetered over the empty plank of wood in front of him before his brother grabbed him and pulled him back to safety, a small look of apology on his face. “Phew… sheesh Simon. You can’t be that repulsed by me to the point of pushing me away when we bump into each other can you?” Alvin asked.

“I’m wearing a diaper…” Simon muttered. It had nothing to do with what Alvin just said but it was true. Alvin had drawn the tip so Simon was the one in the diaper…

“Okay…” Alvin looked to the side seeing Mokuba chuckle in front of Juniper, Ray Ray, Zatch, and Tia. “What’s so funny!?” He called out to him.

“Alvin, please…” Simon muttered.

“Nothing!” Mokuba called back. “I just love hearing losers whine and bitch at each other. It makes me feel reassured.”

Yugi sighed. “Not more of this…”

“Losers? Oh-ho-!” Alvin twisted his cap backwards and rolled up his sleeves. “He’s calling us losers, Simon. Get a load of that.”

“I don’t care Alvin. I’m trying to stay alive here.” Simon said, readying himself to take another step forward.

“Yeah,” Mokuba said back. “So do yourself a favor and stay in your lane. Wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself would you?”

Alvin bit his lip. “Hahaha. Good one. How about instead I show you what happens to bumble butts who run their mouths!” Alvin snarled and latched onto the rope suddenly. Simon looked over at him in shock and awe, astonished by his rash action!

“ALVIN!” Simon shouted, loud enough for the gorge to echo and for several of the teams to look back and see what was happening. All except for Mokuba, who was grinning like a little troll and leering ahead.

Alvin began to scurry along the rope, grinning wickedly to himself. “Well, I AM a chipmunk after all Simon. I’m fairly good at this!”

“Alvin, we’re not traditional chipmunks in that sense!” Simon snapped. “We’re the size of normal human kids and we’re wearing walking shoes for crying out loud!” Simon yelped as the rope shimmied, making the bridge rock too.

Goten and Trunks up in front were feeling the effects of it even! TJ, while wearing his diaper, actually tripped and fell forward, quickly grabbing at the first thing he could which were Trunks’ pants! Trunks yelped when they fell to his ankles and stumbled in place when he saw that his Green Lantern briefs were on display. “AGH! L-Let go!” He blushed and wiggled about, making the rocking worse.

“What is going on?!” Timmy snapped as he tried to regain his footing. Danny was ready to turn ghost any second now and just blast right on by them if this turned sour.

Alvin was about halfway to Mokuba when his wicked grin got wider. “I’ve gotcha now!”

“Do you?” Mokuba turned and grabbed Yugi’s belt from his waist. Yugi was momentarily confused before Mokuba flung it from his pants and cracked it at Alvin like a whip! Yugi looked on, rather stunned, down to his Superman briefs in a flash. He blushed and covered himself as his diapered partner took delight in snapping the belt at the chipmunk!

Alvin yelped too and tried to scurry back, ultimately standing up on the rope to try and shuffle away from the belt. When Mokuba took one more successful whack at him, he bobbed Alvin on the nose and made him teeter off to the side!

“WEGAH…ah…ahhh..!” Alvin looked to the side and saw the steep drop…. then he fell! “AAAAAAAH!” Alvin screamed as he teetered over the edge. Before he could fall completely though, Simon grabbed him with both arms, having followed him in his worry.

“Dammit Alvin!” Simon grunted, feeling like the strain would probably be enough to make him mess the diaper he was wearing. “Hang… on!”

At that moment though, the bridge began to rock violently!

Everyone looked on back as they saw the other teams rushing forward, still in their hurry! Numbuh 3 and Numbuh 4, Tai and Izzy, along with Luffy and Chopper were in the lead with Shippo and Kohaku not too far behind!

“You won’t get away!” Shippo shouted as he jumped from Kohaku’s shoulder and made the last deciding crash down onto the bridge!

That did it.

Immediately the bridge began to snap and crackle apart! There were too many teams on it at once and too many people making harsh movements.

“Gotta go!” Juniper immediately decided to put her plan in motion. She grabbed Ray Ray and hoisted the diapered boy on her back before making a huge leap into the air! Little did she know that Chopper had done the same thing when he turned to kung fu point. They collided in mid-air and began to fall downward towards the next team running for it, Bakugo and Midoriya!

Midoriya ended up catching June in his wobbly arms and Bakugo yelped when Chopper bashed him on the head.

“OW! That hurt you jerk!” He snarled and grabbed the reindeer by the face when he turned to normal. Chopper squirmed about, holding his diapered front even more with fear. 


“Uhm… excuse us.” June said to Midoriya, who stood in his diaper with his knees wobbling.

“N-No problem miss…” He sweated, feeling as though wetting right now would be the ultimate in shameful displays…

“AGH!” Simon yelped as his grip on Alvin loosened. “A-Alvin… you idiot… why did you have to-?”

Simon couldn’t get the rest out as his body gave way. He ended up falling forward, kicking out the planks of wood in front of him as he did so which caused Zatch and Tia to scream as they were flung back too. Both Simon and Alvin screamed as they fell into the pitch black gorge below…!

“AGH! TIA! HELP!” Zatch yelped as he fell backwards too. Tia tried to grab his hand but missed and stumbled off as well.

“AGH! NO!” Tia screamed as they both fell down together…

Danny turned ghost and grabbed Timmy, shooting past TJ and Gus, and phasing him through Goten and Trunks to hover them to the other side! 

“HAHA! I did-OOF!” Danny ended up going out of the ghosting too soon as he bashed into Conan and Ai, who seized the momentary stop that the four boys behind them made to go forward. The four of them ended up tumbling onto the other side together. However, when they landed, Conan shot up first and blasted off, holding himself!

“I’M NOT GONNA WET THIS THING! I REFUSE!” He shouted as he hurried to the next phase where holding it would no longer matter once he got there!

“NO!” Trunks jumped and TJ went with him! The two tumbled in mid-air, being thrown off balance before smashing into a tree! Both of them slid down it, searing with pain and plopped down hard on their backs.

Goten and Gus scrambled across the rest of the wood to reach the other side as quickly as they could but that leap was too much for the bridge…! It broke through and both Goten and Gus began falling!

“NO!” TJ and Trunks screamed in unison, watching their partners make the plummet. They then turned to face one another and growled. “YOU!”

Shippo and Kohaku were bursting forward now, not even caring about the wood planks falling and the rope coming undone.

“We can do this. It’s not a problem.” Kohaku tried to assure Shippo.

However, Shippo didn’t care. He saw Tai and Izzy trying to scramble across and decided to get a little revenge. “Fox fire…” He made a small flame appear in his hand and flung it at Tai’s butt.

Tai held onto his diapered partner’s hand as they tried to jump from plank to plank… however, when the flame hit him he screamed and fell forward, smashing his face against the wood and having his eyes cross in a cuckoo state of euphoria.

Izzy yelped and held onto Tai’s legs as he dangled above the large drop below him. 

“T-Tai…!” Izzy slapped Tai’s butt, putting out the small, pathetic flame and effectively spanking him. It didn’t work though. Tai wouldn’t snap back to reality. Just then, the plank of wood broke! “NOO~!” Izzy yelled as they began to fall…!

However, two hands shot down and grabbed them both, having been stretched out due to a certain someone’s rubber powers. When Tai and Izzy were pulled back up, they found themselves on the other side of the bridge.

“You guys okay?” Luffy asked, looking down at them. Mac, Bloo, Gon, and Killua had made it past Luffy and Chopper as they had stayed behind when they were dropped off by Midoriya and Bakugo after their collision with Juniper and Ray Ray. Shippo and Kohaku had shot in front of Mac and Bloo right as the commotion Shippo started with Tai and Izzy afforded them extra space to jump ahead.

“Ugh… y-yeah…” Tai panted. “I thought I was gonna-OOF!” Tai yelped when Naruto landed on his gut with his ninja step.

“Whoops. Sorry.” Naruto stumbled off Tai and ran forward.

Konohamaru was right behind him, tugging his shirt down to cover his wet pants. 

Ben grumbled as he held onto the edge of the cliff, yanking himself up with Gwen holding onto his leg. “That was close…”

“Sure was.” Chopper sighed. He then blinked and looked down at his diaper.

It was wet. 

“Aww man…” Chopper moaned.


Meanwhile, running ahead, Conan had his hands in between his legs and was sweating up a storm!

“YES! I did it! I proved myself! No one can diminish the detective’s magnificent stride! I’m gonna-!” Conan made it to the clearing for the next challenge and came up to the face of a raging tiger!

Conan stopped in his tracks and stared wide-eyed at it… frozen.

Ai put her hand to his shoulder, realizing what had happened, and pointed at it. “Look again Edogawa-kun.”

On closer inspection, it was just a giant wooden cardboard cutout. It was a giant accessory for the weird party area they were in now. It was full of art materials and wooden boards strung about the place.

“You like?” A purple helper with a white tank top who went by the name of Amethyst, smiled and flung her hand through her hair as she approached the two. “This is the second part of the challenge. Here, you’ve got to use the materials around here to decorate your buddy’s diaper so that it makes a beautiful Brazilian costume piece. You’ve got an awesome assortment of feathers and glitter and paint to help you.”

Conan stood there, frozen still. His hands were still in between his legs.

Ai looked him over and then looked down, seeing the sagging diaper make its squishy wet sounds as it continuously expanded…

“… We’re probably not going to have access to all the materials actually.” Ai said, pointing out the accident.

Amethyst winced and nodded. “Right…”


Simon climbed out of the body-sized hole he had made in the ground, eyes rolling in their sockets and stars circling around his head.

“I wish I could fwy wike all da pwetty stars can…” He drooled a bit, slumped over his hole and sighing. He full on wet his diaper now and it was sagging quite a bit. He was too dazed to care.

Alvin flung himself up next, dizzy and eyes rolling just as fast around the orbs in his head. 

“Dis Chipmunk wasn’t meant to fwy! He falls wid style~!” Alvin giggled, speaking nonsense before sighing and falling back into the hole.

A little while later, they composed themselves enough to help themselves out of it, shaking their heads to clear away the pain.

“Uh… well that was a bust…” Alvin grumbled.

“Oh gee! Really? You don’t say?!” Simon didn’t waste any time going for the immediate sarcastic angle. “What possessed you to climb across the ropes like that? Are you a complete idiot?” Simon asked.

“Hmph.” Alvin crossed his arms. “Whatever. Whine all you’d like Diaper-Munk. Fact of the matter is, we’re here and everyone else is up there.”

“IDIOTS!” A large rock came flying in and bashed Alvin over the head! Immediately his pupils turned to stars and he spun around like a ballerina before flopping onto his chin with his rump sticking up.

Tia growled and stomped over to them, her diaper soaked as she had wet it upon falling from so high up. This was embarrassing beyond belief! Zatch was trying to hold her back, fearing that her rage would cause an Earthquake.

“You made us fall! You’re going to fix this!” She shouted, reaching down and yanking Alvin up by his shirt collar, wringing him back and forth. “If we get eliminated because of this I will hunt you down and turn you into a fur coat. Do I make myself clear?!” Tia snapped.

Alvin’s pupils were rolling about in their sockets again but he managed a nod.

“Good.” Tia dropped him and stomped off. Zatch marched up to Alvin with a sigh of relief but also immediately looked down at him with a bit of scorn.

“Jerk.” Zatch muttered.

“B-Bite me…” Alvin stammered, kicking Zatch in the shin!

“YEEOW~!” Zatch jumped and grabbed his leg. He snarled before re-facing Alvin. “Mini Zakeru.” He said, opening his mouth and firing a bolt of electricity at the chipmunk, making him spaz and jerk about violently.

Alvin wet his pants on the spot and flopped to the ground as Zatch marched off after Tia. Simon walked up with his hands on his hips, looking down at his brother.

“You can’t even take responsibility for something without forcing a confrontation with someone.” Simon muttered.

Alvin twitched and fidgeted about on the ground, charred black, eyes rolling, in soaked pants, and with white spots floating in his field of vision. He had no reply this time…


“Don’t move! I may be way weaker but I can still fight.” Goten said, getting into a crane stance.

“Oh yeah! We’ll I’ve got a can of Raid!” Gus took out the bug spray can and held it at the ready in front of Goten. The two of them narrowed their eyes at one another… then they sighed.

“This is stupid.” Gus muttered.

“Yeah. I guess.” Goten grumbled.

“Looks like we’ve been separated from everyone. Including the other people I saw fall with us…” Gus scratched his head, looking around.

Goten pursed his lips a bit. “Hmm…” He tapped his foot. “It’s pretty dark where we are. I could power up to Super Saiyan and light the way. Maybe even get us there faster.”

“No need. Save your energy.” Gus took out a firecracker and lit it up. “I can guide us out of this darkness. You save that Super Saiyan thingy for when we reach an area where we need to climb things fast.”

“Ah. That’s pretty smart.” Goten smiled and walked alongside him. “Hopefully, Trunks and your friend figure out what to do without us…”

“TJ’s resourceful. He’ll figure out something…” Gus mused.


“This is YOUR FAULT!” Both Gus and Trunks were pulling at each other’s faces in anger as they ran forward. They were a bit behind a lot of the other teams due to still fighting but it didn’t matter too much. Their partners were gone.

“Look at you. All diapered up and angry that we won last time. HA!” Trunks said, poking TJ’s diaper.

TJ blushed. “You idiot! You won because you got lucky! Stop underestimating me just because you’re super strong! It’s what got you so constantly humiliated by us up to this point!” He grinned.

“Yeah well… shut up! I’m still stronger!” Trunks said, snapping as he slugged TJ in the gut!

“HHOOOOGH!” TJ’s eyes widened and he grabbed himself, bending over and stumbling a bit before falling onto his stomach. Trunks laughed and pointed at this. He laughed even harder when he heard the tinkling sound of TJ wetting his diaper. “Sh-Shut up… Green Lantern briefs…”

“Huh?” Trunks blinked then blushed when he remembered his pants were off. He lost them when the bridge fell and he had no time to pick them back up. “Grr! Yeah well… it’s better than a diaper! I didn’t wet either!” Trunks raised his foot to step on him.

TJ shot up and began tickling Trunks all over though! Trunks’s face scrunched up and he fell over, laughing and kicking about! “AHAHAHAHA! NO WAIT! STOP! AHAHAHAHA!”

“Strong or not, tickling makes you weak.” TJ giggled. “So sensitive. You’ve got baby skin!”

“NO! NO! NOOOOO~!” Trunks teared up, crossing his legs a bit before his already full bladder broke and he began wetting himself right then and there. His mouth hung open as tears fell with the urine pooling around his crotch and butt.

“Hmph. Well, we’re not exactly even but it’s a start…” TJ giggled and sauntered forward.

Trunks blushed and clenched his fists. “RAAAH!” He jumped and clamped himself onto TJ’s back, pulling at his hair.



They fought like this before they stumbled into one too many trees and found themselves slumping against them, exhausted from pure emotional ecstasy. 

They laid there panting and groaning flat on their backs before TJ spoke up again. “There’s only one thing we can do. Run past the second challenge to the Chill Zone and hope Goten and Gus make it there before the other teams. The rules said that if you fall into the gorge you can skip the second challenge.”

“Yeah but it also said that the way back is WAY longer…” Trunks muttered.

“Do you trust Goten?” TJ asked.

“Coarse I do! It’s that four-eyes I don’t trust!” Trunks snapped back.

“Gus is smart. That kid of yours could use a guy with brains helping him back. Let’s just hurry to the Chill Zone and hope they pull off a miracle…” TJ sighed. It was really all they could do…


Diaper Decoration Challenge: 1st: Conan and Ai, 2nd: Danny and Timmy, 3rd: Yugi and Mokuba, 4th: Midoriya and Bakugo, 5th: Juniper and Ray Ray, 6th: Natsu and Happy, 7th: Shippo and Kohaku, 8th: Numbuh 3 and Numbuh 4, 9th: Meliodas and King, 10th: Ash and Max, 11th: Mac and Bloo, 12th: Gon and Killua, 13th: Naruto and Konohamaru, 14th: Tai and Izzy, 15th: Luffy and Chopper, 16th: Ben and Gwen

“Alright yall! Pick up the pace! You’ve gotta impress me when you show me what you got or else it’s back to the drawing board!” Amethyst shouted and spun her fist, shouting to everyone there. It was interesting seeing who made it there without having wet their diaper during that crisis back there.

Everyone had to pee due to the fact that they all drank water on the plane but none of them had any time to use the potty due to the stiff competition all around them.

“EEEEEEK~!” Midoriya was tearing up as Bakugo kept making tiny explosions appear in his hands, confronting his partner with an offer he felt he had no choice but to refuse. “Kaachan! Please no!”

“Come on! It’ll be fun!” Bakugo snarled as he stepped closer to Deku. Midoriya had managed to make it there without wetting his diaper but he was full on soaking it now the more Bakugo drew closer.

“Why flames?! It’s too dangerous!” Midoriya stammered, backing away in front with his yellowed diaper on display.

“I’m WAY more dangerous than any decoration!” Bakugo snapped, “Do it or face MY wrath!” He shouted.

“I already am…” Midoriya muttered.

“WHAT?!” Bakugo snarled and jumped him, making poor Deku scream as he was forced to endure Bakugo’s insane ‘Diaper on Fire’ decoration.

Numbuh 4 was close enough to the commotion to hear it but he wasn’t focused on it at all. He was too busy trying to decorate Numbuh 3’s diaper.

She hadn’t wet it but she was squirming quite a bit. Still, she was better at forcing herself to keep still when she was actively trying to… so there’s that. However, they were having trouble getting this done regardless.

“Come on Numbuh 4. I can barely feel you working back there. What’s the hold up?” Kuki asked, rather annoyed.

The embarrassed Wally seized up, a huge blush on his face as he looked to the side. “Oh… I…uh…” He then heard giggling and spun around to see Killua holding his chest and laughing his butt off.

Killua was busy decorating Gon’s diapered butt and trying to hold back his own embarrassment too.

Numbuh 4 grit his teeth as he stared back at Killua. He hated being teased about his obvious crush. Good thing he knew Killua hated the same thing. With a flash of his phone, he got Killua to look at the picture of Gon again when he looked back their way. Killua yelped and jerked back, smushing his face into Gon’s diapered rump by accident.

Gon seized up and yelped before turning around. “Uh… everything alright?”

Killua couldn’t answer. He was currently on his back, twitching and blushing with teary eyes and another bloody nose.

“Uhm… you seriously need to get your nose checked out Killua…” Gon muttered. This time Numbuh 4’s laughter could be heard ringing through the air.

Mokuba was squirming quite a bit as Yugi tried his best to decorate Mokuba’s diaper with the Brazilian feathers.

“Hold still please.” Yugi asked.

Mokuba was teary eyed and giggling. The feather kept nailing him and getting him to jerk about and laugh. 

“Will you stop!” Yugi snapped.

“Hey! You’re the one who keeps tickling me!” Mokuba stomped his foot, “And don’t take up that tone with me mister. That’s a spanking when we get to the hotel!”

“What?” Yugi blinked, confused. “I’m not your slave or your baby!”

“That’s right. You’re both.” Mokuba said, digging into his pocket and un-scrolling the contract. “See? Legally binding fine print says that I can treat you like this until we get kicked out. So hop back to it and be gentler.” He ordered, scrolling it back up.

Yugi growled, hating this quite a bit. “I don’t understand you. You went off like a crazy person back there. You realize how dangerous that was right?”

“I wasn’t in any danger. I was planning to get the bridge to fall the whole time and I knew which planks to jump on to avoid it… I think.” Mokuba looked to the side, wondering if one of them would have broken had he not guessed correctly.

“You’re being really reckless and mean. It’s going to bite you in the butt if you keep it up.” Yugi warned which made Mokuba cup his face.

“Nope. I’m the mighty shark, ready to step up and run my own business. Maybe even the world one day if I can surpass Seto. THEY get bitten by ME. You’ll see…!” He grinned, looking rather menacing… then he burst out laughing when the feathers tickled him again. He hadn’t peed yet, which made this all the more straining. He was safe due to arriving here without wetting the diaper so they could use all the materials but he still didn’t want to wet the diaper. He had no time to go in the woods either.

Conan looked over and observed this as he laid over a stump while Ai painted his diapered rump.

“He’s… insane.” Conan observed. 

“Hmm?” Ai perked up, wondering what he was going on about.

“That rich kid with the long black hair. He’s out of his mind.” Conan said, drawing his finger in a circle around his head. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him or how he’s viewing this competition but we’ve got to keep an eye out. Avoid him if we must.”

“The great detective is scared of a child?” Ai asked, reaching for some red paint.

“I’m weary of crazy people. Kids and adults alike have the capacity to do insane things and he’s been doing crazier and crazier stuff with each challenge that goes by. I’m just being cautious. EEK!” Conan jerked when Ai brushed his diapered butt a little too roughly. It made him wince from how much it tickled. “Be gentler! My butt is sensitive!”

“I’m being as gentle as I can be! Your wet diaper is making this a lot harder! Plus, I don’t have access to the glitter and feathers. I have to impress her with just paint thanks to you.” Ai snapped.

Conan grumbled under his breath a salty complaint. “Hmph… seems like as this goes on I’m regressing more and more… nah. That’s maybe a bit much…”

… Was it?

As Conan pondered this, Tai and Izzy were actually making good progress.

Luffy clapped his hands as he observed them while decorating Chopper’s diaper as best he could. He could only use limited tools since Chopper failed to keep his diaper dry on the way here. Still, it was great getting to observe the other teams do there’s.

“Nice. It’s really sparkly!” Luffy grinned, despite sweating quite a bit and fidgeting.

“Oh thanks…” Izzy turned and looked at the very shiny, sparkling, golden glittered diaper with the Brazilian feathers dawning it. It looked rather nice alright. Tai did a surprisingly good job.

“Th-Thanks… I did my best…” Tai was sweating a lot, same as Luffy.

They both obviously needed to pee. Izzy was still mostly fine but these two looked like they were about to burst. 

“I’m about done it looks like,” Izzy said. “If you want to head off to the forest to pee than go ahead. We should be ready to go by the time you get back. Even if some teams pass us we’ll be alright.” 

Tai cupped his front and nodded. “Okay! Awesome! Thanks!” He rushed off and ended up bashing into Max as he was trying to decorate Ash’s diaper. Max yelped as his face fell forward and he planted it right into Ash’s diapered booty!

“MMMMMMPH!” Max squirmed around, the glue and paint making his face stick to Ash’s butt as Tai ran by!

“Huh? What’s going on back there?” Ash winced, feeling rather odd all of a sudden. Max was flailing about in a panic though.

Luffy squeezed his legs together and tried to hold it in, thinking he could make due with the paints if he just went for something abstract. Just throw a bunch of colors around and make a random assortment of paints on Chopper’s diaper canvas. Tons of rich painters did that stuff right? Nami once told him about a guy who got rich off of painting something that was literally just a dot on a blank white canvas.

Painting had to have been easy to impress people with right? Of course.

As Luffy was turned away though, he didn’t notice Shippo sneaking up behind Izzy as the kid waited for Tai to return.

The bitter fox demon lit another fox fire and smirked as he lightly tapped Izzy’s butt and snuck off. Chopper was standing there, watching Luffy try and make something out of his diaper when he caught Shippo tip-toeing off out of the corner of his eye and a fire rising on Izzy’s butt!

“AH! IZZY! YOUR DIAPER!” Chopper shouted, startling both him and Luffy.

“Wha…? Huh?” Izzy sniffed the air… then turned around and saw that his BUTT WAS ON FIRE! “WAAAAAAAGH!” He screamed and jumped up, running in circles for a bit before racing off into the woods.

“HEY!” Chopper rushed off after him, making Luffy’s paintbrush slip. 

“Whoa! Chopper!” Luffy called out, gripping his crotch and scurrying along too.

Shippo’s teeth flashed white as he spotted them taking off, much to Kohaku’s chagrin. 

“Bastards. They deserved it.” Shippo muttered.

“You’re impossible.” Kohaku said as he finished smattering glitter onto Shippo’s diaper.

“I don’t see you stopping me.” Shippo teased.

Kohaku yanked onto Shippo’s tail and let it snap against his butt!

“YEEP! Hey you-!” Shippo began before his eyes widened and a hissing noise could be heard. He bit his lip and shut up, having let that tiny burst of pain let his bladder give way finally. Kohaku laughed as they walked off to get checked by Amythest… his legs pressed together as he very much had to pee as well…


Trek Back to the Group Challenge: Alvin and Simon, Zatch and Tia, Gus, and Goten

“Come on Alvin. Hurry up!” Simon shouted back as he tried to trek up the pathway leading them back to the group. It was a good thing they were exempt from doing the second part of the challenge but good God was this a long walk. He hated everything about this. He found it a bit of a good thing that he was stuck in a diaper for this now. Honestly…

Alvin, meanwhile, was trudging behind with his hair all messed up, his clothes in tatters, and his pants thoroughly soaked. 

“Coming brother… just hold your stinkin’ horses…” Alvin muttered as he panted and made his way up the rocky path. He ended up slipping and sliding back down a bit before grabbing at the rocks and hoisting himself back up again. “Sheesh… this sucks.”

“Every complaint you spout is a bullet in the barrel of your own suicide rifle.” Simon said as he continued to climb.

“Oh come on,” Alvin rolled his eyes. “You can’t seriously be blaming ALL of that on me.”

“A significant portion of the reason we’re down here IS your fault. Now, let’s go.” Simon kept moving, watching as Zatch and Tia stayed far ahead of them. Zatch wanted to go pee over the side but Tia wasn’t having it. She didn’t want to see him take a leak and said he could wait until they reached the top and had the cover of the woods.

“I don’t know if I can hold it that long though.” Zatch whined, dancing a bit.

“You held it while we were falling, you can hold it now.” Tia grumbled and continued onward. Zatch hung his head and sighed.

Simon shook his head as he observed this. For some reason, watching two other people fight like children annoyed him despite him readily admitting to doing so with Alvin here. He couldn’t make sense of this conflicting feeling despite being subservient to it either.

“For a nerd, you sure are a fast climber.” Alvin said as he finally reached Simon. “I have more physical endurance than you so why am I the one that’s so tired?”

“I dunno. I imagine it must be taxing being full of so much hot air.” Simon said, about to move on again before Alvin grabbed his arm.

“Enough alright.” Alvin said, leering at him.

Simon stared back at him for a bit before jerking his arm away and moving onward. Alvin winced as he followed behind.

“I don’t know why you’re THIS mad about what I was trying to do at least. I didn’t mean for the bridge to collapse. That spoiled rich kid was mocking us. I was gonna fight him for your honor.” Alvin said.

“When I’m hovering as high as I was above a steep gorge, surprisingly, my honor is the last thing I have on my mind,” Simon started up again. “And don’t kid yourself. You were going to fight him for yourself.”

“Well… I was still thinking of you when I did it.” Alvin said back.

“How nice.” Simon said, “And I was thinking of you when I grabbed your arm to keep you from falling.”

Alvin winced again. “Oh… oh yeah well…”

“No don’t bother. I’m sure those two things are mutual in their importance. Definitely.” Simon was being really sarcastic here. “It’s worth noting that you didn’t thank me for trying to save you and you have yet to apologize for causing us to be stuck in that situation in the first place.”

“… …” Alvin looked to the side. “Well… we can infer that I am by this point.”

Simon stopped for a second and then started moving once more. “… Yeah. I could do that. Funny thing is, I tend to get more out of actual displays of emotion rather than implied ones. But sure. Be macho and prideful. I don’t need to hear a “Thank you” or a “Sorry” from your lips. It’s cool.”

Alvin stood behind as he watched Simon move ahead. He sighed when Simon was far enough away and muttered to himself.

“… Sorry. I guess.”


TJ and Trunks panted and sighed, slumped against the wall as they waited for Goten and Gus to arrive. When they showed up Manzo told them it was alright for them to stay, so long as their teammates made it through the second challenge it would count.

“Man… I haven’t seen anyone arrive yet… maybe we don’t have much to worry about…?” Trunks asked.

“It ain’t over till it’s over.” TJ answered.

Diaper Decoration Challenge: 1st: Conan and Ai, 2nd: Danny and Timmy, 3rd: Yugi and Mokuba, 4th: Midoriya and Bakugo, 5th: Juniper and Ray Ray, 6th: Natsu and Happy, 7th: Shippo and Kohaku, 8th: Numbuh 3 and Numbuh 4, 9th: Meliodas and King, 10th: Ash and Max, 11th: Mac and Bloo, 12th: Gon and Killua, 13th: Naruto and Konohamaru, 14th: Tai and Izzy, 15th: Luffy and Chopper, 16th: Ben and Gwen

“Dammit. They’re ahead of us now.” Ai whined as she saw Danny and Timmy jerk ahead of them when they finished before them, thanks to having better materials. 

Amythest looked over Timmy’s diaper and saw the message it had painted and glittered in purple reading it as, ‘Fairly Diapered Rump.’

“Haha. That’s cute bro.” Amythest blew a bubble and pointed behind her. The two boys high fived and made off. Yugi and Mokuba came up soon after which suddenly saw their first-place lead go. Conan pouted as he watched this happen.

“Geez. Why did you have to wet that diaper?” Ai snarled.

Conan’s lip dribbled a bit. “I sowwwy~! I didn’t mean to make wetums in my diapee…” Conan sniffled before blinking in surprise and blushing.

“… What was that?” Ai asked, confused.

Conan pushed his fingers together, embarrassed. “Oh… uh…”

“We got fourth last time! We can take first now!” Danny laughed as he rushed towards the chill zone. 

“Whooo~!” Timmy put his fists up and chanted in excitement… before Manzo pushed his hand in front of the two of them right before they managed to reach salvation.

“Sorry guys. You’ve got a 7 minute penalty.” Manzo said.

“WHAT?!” Danny and Timmy yelped in shock. “Why?” Timmy demanded, waggling his finger at him.

“Hmph. When the bridge collapsed, Danny turned into his ghost form, grabbed you, and floated over to the other side. Jumping is fine but you FLEW!” Manzo shouted, hand raised.

“Oh come on…” Danny groaned.

“I call HAX!” Timmy snapped.

“I don’t care what you call! Penalty!” Manzo said pouting with his arms crossed and his nose stuck up. Timmy snarled and stomped on Manzo’s foot! “YEEEEK!” He yelped and jumped up and down, clutching his toe. Danny grabbed Timmy and pulled him off to the side to keep him from wrecking things anymore than he had.

“Thanks for first place ghost boy!” Mokuba waved with a grin as he and Yugi reached the Chill Zone first!

Manzo teared up. “C-Congratulations…”

“AHAHAHAHAHA,” Mokuba laughed before a loud, continuous hissing was heard and he stopped, eyes wide with embarrassment. He looked down and saw his diaper expanding with wetness and tinting yellow. He then smiled and covered himself, blushing at the camera and scooting off…

Back with the rest of the group, Juniper and Ray Ray were presenting their diaper decoration. Amethyst was impressed with the Gem theme they were going with and the little light purple butterfly that had a nice glitter sparkle in the center of it. 

“See? Looks pretty right?” Ray Ray asked, turned around and wiggling his butt at her, blushing as he did it. Pretending he was okay with this was hard but a good sport was a good sport right?

“Awesome. You guys can go.”

June and Ray Ray high-fived and went ahead. Due to Natsu and Conan having wet their diapers before they arrived, they were lagging a bit behind which gave some of the ones who arrived later time to catch up. However, Shippo wetting his diaper after they arrived was causing problems for Kohaku as he tried to finish the decoration. The fact that he was still straining to hold it in was making him shake about and stumble over his paints and stuff too. Shippo was fuming.

King stood in front of Amethyst next, blushing and facing away as he shook his diapered rump back and forth. Meliodas smiled and held his hand out to present his masterpiece. It was a collage of wedding paraphernalia. It even had a nice drawn glittery cake and two people on top of it kissing. It looked a lot like King and Diane, which was probably what King was blushing about. His captain never stopped teasing him about stuff like that. 

When Amethyst got in her laugh at him and watched King shuffle on, wincing as he was clearly doing a strange potty dance with the butt wiggles, she saw Mac and Bloo come up next. In the distance she heard King whine loudly when he finally peed his diaper. “WHY MEEEEEEEE~?”

“POW!” Bloo danced about and showed the Boxing glove, explosions, and manatee decorations he drew on Mac’s bum.

“Bloo. This random thing can’t be the best you-” Mac began.

“AWESOME!” Amethyst grinned and high fived the little imaginary friend. Mac sighed.

Numbuh 4 had gotten a bit behind due to his awkwardness surrounding drawing on Kuki’s behind but he managed to pull it together quickly enough to go next. Gon and Killua were up soon after, with Killua now having two tissues stuffed in his nose. Numbuh 4 chuckled at that. Getting some revenge probably helped with his performance too. 


“What’s going on?” Luffy asked as he stood by the pond where Izzy sat in the water, the decoration that Tai painted on giving way as it flowed out into the water.

“Ohhhh man…” Izzy sighed before picking his butt out of the water. It was messy but not in the bodily malfunction kind of way. Their hard work had both burned and washed away. “That wasn’t fun.”

“What happened…?” Tai grumbled and sweated. “We need to start over now.”

“No way!” Chopper exclaimed, astonished. He saw Shippo tip-toeing away from them but he didn’t actually see him ignite the fire… did he do it though?

“We’ll help you then!” Luffy said with determination. 

“What?” Tai asked. “Why would you-?”

“You gave me food when I was hungry!” Luffy grinned. The fastest way to Luffy’s heart was his stomach after all. Tai and Izzy looked between each other and smiled.

“It’s fine. Thank you but you need to hurry along before you get roped up in this long wait too.” Izzy said. “Even if you don’t get last place you’ll be way behind if you stay back to help us.”

“… But I want to-“ Luffy began before Chopper grabbed his arm.

“No, they’re right. Even if we tried we wouldn’t be able to do anything they couldn’t do themselves since we’re already struggling with my own diaper butt.” Chopper said, pointing behind him. “Let’s finish ours and head on ahead. We’ll only get in their way.”

Luffy pouted. “… Okay… well than fine. But you’d better hurry back! I gotta repay you for feeding me somehow!” Luffy pointed and turned to head back to the others, shuffling like a toddler as he still was barely holding it.

Tai and Izzy sighed in unison, still smiling. “Alright. Let’s hurry and get this re-done.”


TJ and Gus began to sweat a bit as they started seeing even more teams pass into the Chill Zone. Danny and Timmy stood beside them, feeling just as annoyed as their time penalty ticked down…

Yugi and Mokuba had passed by first. Next were Juniper and Ray Ray, Meliodas and King, Mac and Bloo, Numbuh 3 and Numbuh 4, and Gon and Killua.

“Dammit man. This sucks.” Trunks tapped his foot.

“Believe. Believe.” TJ mouthed to himself.


“Look at it! It took forever to do because Deku wouldn’t hold still but I managed it.” Bakugo presented the flaming, burning diaper that Deku was wearing to Amethyst. Midoriya had wet himself long ago so the dancing in place he was currently doing was in response to the extreme pain he was feeling!

Amethyst nodded and ushered them ahead.

Natsu and Happy managed to finish theirs and go on too with Happy’s wet diaper being Natsu’s theme for his presentation. He just drew Big bird and had Amethyst play Where’s Waldo with the cat’s diaper. Finally, Conan and Ai presented Conan’s baby butt to the Gem too.

“See?! Is it pwetty?” Conan asked, wiggling his butt around cutely.

“It is. Nice. Go on ahead baby boy.” Amethyst said.

“I’m not a baby!” Conan pouted before blushing again and clearing his throat. “I-I mean… I’m not… uh… nevermind…” He said stomping by with Ai.

Luffy and Chopper skidded back to the group and began to struggle to get the rest of the paints on Chopper’s diaper to finish up the painting.

“Sheesh. It’s a good thing I was almost done.” Luffy smiled and pushed Chopper forward.

Amethyst raised her brow when she saw Chopper’s diaper.

It was a messed up Straw Hat symbol with a ton of squiggles of colors strung about it.

“Whoooo~! Abstract~! I hear that’s super high class dude!” Amethyst grinned and pointed them on.

“Haha! It worked!” Luffy grinned.

Chopper sighed. He was shocked but he was right.

Luffy put his fists to his side and began to gloat… right as a huge wet spot appeared and expanded on his shorts. He stopped and stared ahead, open mouthed and embarrassed as his bladder finally let go and pee dribbled down his legs…


At the end of the long trail, Zatch and Tia panted and sighed before they saw the Chill Zone up ahead, way off to the left of the direction the other teams were coming in!

“THERE IT IS! I SEE IT!” Tia snapped and rushed forward, holding onto Zatch’s hand just as the chipmunks showed up behind them.

“We’re here? Oh thank God…” Simon sighed.

TJ and Trunks turned and saw Tia and Zatch bolting towards the Chill Zone superfast, just as Midoriya and Bakugo were heading there in the other direction!

“Gus and Goten aren’t there.” TJ muttered.

“TIME’S UP!” Timmy shouted suddenly! He jumped with Danny and landed in the chill zone, which got Bakugo all hot and bothered.

“That’s another place I’m behind now!” Bakugo snapped and flung Midoriya forward!

Midoriya screeched in fear. “KAACHAN! IT DOESN’T COUNT IF WE BOTH AREN’T THERE!”

“Get in there!” Tia shouted and tossed Zatch forward!


WHAM! Midoriya and Zatch smashed into one another in mid-air before slumping to the ground in the chill zone. Tia jumped and landed in the Chill Zone a second after.

“HAHAHA! I made it first! Whooo~!” Tia celebrated just before Bakugo made it next.

“Dammit. I tossed him too hard and slowed myself down a bit. FUCK!” Bakugo snarled and made tiny explosions in the palm of his hand. “Next time I WON’T-”

“You’re peeing.” Tia pointed at Bakugo’s pants.

“Huh?” Bakugo looked down and indeed saw that wetness was flowing over his crotch! He blushed and put his hands in between his legs while the little girl laughed at him. With a monstrous pout, he rushed off…

Timmy sighed and wiped sweat from his head. “Well that took the wind out of our sails a bit but we still made it.”

“Yeah I guess… we could have had first though…” Danny pouted, kicking a rock away.

Alvin and Simon sauntered up to the Chill Zone next, in no huge rush. The two of them didn’t even celebrate when they took 10th place. Neither of them were really in much of a mood to face one another. 

“Well… I’m gonna go get this wet diaper off my hide.” Simon said suddenly and walked off, still not facing Alvin.

“… Whatever… I’m quite comfy in my wet pants… I like the way they… stick to my cold legs… like an itchy wet rag…” Alvin mumbled. 

He felt like shit.


“Whoo! Yes! We did it!” Naruto and Konohamaru hollered in excitement. The Hokage mountain Konohamaru drew on Naruto’s diapered rump was a success.

Shippo was super red faced now, watching them leave.

“ARE WE DONE NOW?!” Shippo snapped.

“Done. Let’s go.” Kohaku said with a red face too, only his was much more of the embarrassed variety. Shippo turned around and looked a bit surprised to see Kohaku sitting a in a pee puddle. 

“… You should have done that earlier. We would have gotten done faster.” Shippo sighed.

After the two of them were approved, Ben and Gwen were just finishing up as Tai and Izzy were scrambling to start over.

“Dammit… I can’t make this as pretty and as elaborate as I did before…” Tai grumbled, his heart beating a mile a minute.

“It’s fine. It doesn’t have to be perfect. We’re in a rush.” Izzy sweated, watching as Max stumbled around, still trying to pull his glued on face from Ash’s butt.

“AAAAGH! WHAT DID YOU DO?!” Ash screamed, shaking Max around, trying to get him off!


TJ and Trunks watched as they saw Natsu and Happy, Conan and Ai, Luffy and Chopper, and Naruto and Konohamaru crossing soon after.

It was another long wait but Ben and Gwen shot on by next, worrying them even more.

They were staring at the space where the trail leading to the gorge was. Luffy and Chopper decided to wait by the Chill Zone for Tai and Izzy too.

“Whoa!” Manzo spoke behind the two of them. “You two were let on by?” He asked.

Max’s muffled voice couldn’t answer him so Ash did for him. “She liked how freaky we looked…” Ash sighed as he walked off…

“I sense Goten!” Trunks said suddenly.

“Sense?” TJ asked. He squinted his eyes before he saw the two of them in question panting and rushing forward.

“WE’RE HERE!” Gus shouted.

“FINALLY!” Goten snapped.

“AH-HA!” TJ and Trunks brushed against one another as they stood in the Chill Zone. “Come on! Come on!”

Luffy and Chopper looked back and forth between the two teams and watched as Goten and Gus made a big leap into the air and clamped onto their fellow partners in a big bear hug of success!

“YEAH! AWESOME!” TJ exclaimed, embracing Gus as the two of them stood proudly. Goten’s leap made him enter slightly faster so they saw success on that front too. It was just reassuring knowing that they weren’t going home just yet though.

At that moment, Tai and Izzy panted and skidded to a stop right before the Chill Zone. 

Sadly, the do-over did indeed take way too long. They had failed.

Tai and Izzy stood there surprised for a few seconds, reeling in shock and basking in the after-glow of their harsh reality before slowly coming to terms with it on the spot.

“… Well… I guess that’s that.” Izzy sighed and straightened out his back with a grunt. “And to think I wasted my time getting my diaper painted twice.”

Tai crossed his arms. “This sucks. After we got first place in the first challenge too.”

“The probability of the ones who make it to first remaining in first is a very low one.” Izzy raised his finger. “Technically speaking we-EEP!” Izzy’s eyes crossed when Tai playfully gave him a diaper wedgie.

“Still a nerd!” Tai laughed before Izzy snapped and chased him around.


Luffy and Chopper faced one another with a frown but then smiled as they watched them play about.

“HEY!” Luffy called out, making the two of them stop and turn around. “Don’t you worry! We’ll figure out who sabotaged you and get revenge! Just you wait and see!”

Izzy and Tai both looked between each other and began laughing. “Thanks a ton!” Tai shouted. “We’ll be sure to cheer you on then!”

“Off into the wild blue yonder…” Izzy saluted and turned to head off to get their things with his friend.

Meanwhile, TJ and Gus stood in front of Goten and Trunks, peering at one another intensely.

“Hmph… I guess you were right to have faith in your nerdy friend or whatever.” Trunks stood with his arms crossed.

“Yeah well… your friend was strong enough to help him get here too.” TJ smiled. Maybe Trunks was finally starting to come around on the importance of normal tactics and –

“Next time we’ll just have to kick you around a bit before we start! That way we won’t need any of your loser help! BLEGH!” Trunks stuck his tongue out and then turned around to swat his butt. “AHAHAHA!”

Goten laughed and pointed before turning to run off with his friend.

TJ had a bitter pout on his face. It would have remained there if Gus didn’t tap his shoulder to inform him of something.

“You know, I had a few leftover firecrackers after I used the one I lit to lead us out of the darkness of the gorge.” Gus smiled.

“Oh really? Where is it?” TJ asked. As soon as he did, he saw an explosion up ahead of them! 

In the distance he could see a white-eyed and soot covered Goten and Trunks blasting into the air down to their Green Lantern and Butterfly themed underoos respectively.

“Looks like…” Trunks muttered.

“We’re blasting off again…?” Goten groaned as they disappeared into the sky as a twinkle.

TJ smirked and then began laughing himself. “Ah. Shoved them down Goten’s undies did you? Now that’s what I call improvising.”

Gus shrugged. “What can I say. It’s hard not to feel some of you rub off on me.”


(With that, another one is done. Time to vote on what’ll be the next theme everyone. There’s only two choices this time so go for what you think will be the most entertaining.)

1st: Yugi and Mokuba

2nd: Juniper and Ray Ray

3rd: Meliodas and King

4th: Mac and Bloo

5th: Numbuh 3 and Numbuh 4

6th: Gon and Killua

7th: Danny and Timmy

8th: Zatch and Tia

9th: Midoriya and Bakugo

10th: Alvin and Simon

11th: Natsu and Happy

12th: Conan and Ai

13th: Luffy and Chopper

14th: Naruto and Konohamaru

15th: Shippo and Kohaku

16th: Ben and Gwen

17th: Ash and Max

18th: Goten and Trunks

19th: TJ and Gus

20th: Tai and Izzy - ELIMINATED



Really love this especially since I am from Brazil and right we are having our carnival that is know to be the most beautiful carnival of the world !!