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Class was rowdy right at the start. 

The teacher hadn't shown up yet so the kids all sat around, at their desks, conversing amongst one another, not really giving a crap about how loud or disruptive they were being to anyone who might walk in and spot them.

All the more taxing that Tails should enter the room at that exact moment.

The door was practically pushed open with a furious intensity that made it bounce off the wall and slowly skid to a stop before the fox boy made his entrance.

He was smiling.

Although, at this point, the kids could tell that it didn't really matter what facial expression he was making. Underneath he was probably really mad still.

Oh well. They didn't have any real reason to give a care now did they?

Tails stood in front of them with a large box in hand. This was intriguing. What would the agenda be today?

"Alright students. Since you guys want so much to forcibly rely on free expression to entertain yourselves, I'm going to give you all the chance to do that... with ART!" Tails grinned.

The kids then bore witness to Tails taking out a bunch of paint brushes, different tubes of paint, and nice little bottles of glitter glue. 

That looked fun...

"This way, I'll be able to relay the joys of science to you in a more artistic and colorful fashion than before." Tails laughed.

Nevermind then...

One kid raised his hand as Tails was shifting through the use poster board he also brought along with him. When the fox caught his attention he pointed at him, giving him the okay to speak up.

"Why are you trying so hard to push the science on us?" He asked, genuinely wishing to know.

"Because I'm your teacher." Tails muttered a bit but then raised his voice to deliver a more honest answer with a bit of a sinister undertone to it. "I'm also trying to prove that science can reach kids at your age in a way that's interesting without coming off as inherently worthless. Today, I made sure that there's no way you guys can't have your stuff finished because I involved the entire school this time!"

The kids blinked, looking rather taken aback by that. What did that mean?

"Your art pieces are going to be shown to an auditorium full of students." Tails smirked, wickedly. "So you have no choice but to do it now. There's no getting out of having to do it this time!"

The kids all looked at one another, giving each other looks of slight worry. Eventually though, one kid whispered something into the ear of another. Then that little nugget of info, whatever it was, got passed around the class as Tails gathered up the supplies with his back turned.

When Tails turned around, he failed to notice that one kid off to the left had left his seat. 

Tails was too happy setting down poster board and painting tools for the students at each desk, humming a song to himself, to notice anything really. 

When he did it, he approached his desk and sat down in his chair, looking out at the students and seeing them all in their seats. Even the one who got up earlier.

"Now. You may get to wo-Huh?" Tails blinked and noticed the last kid didn't have his poster board or painting tools. Did he miss one? How did he miss one?

"I didn't get one teacher." The boy spoke up, waving his hand about at him.

"Uh... yes... well... hang on..." Tails went to get up...

But couldn't... 


Tails jerked about a bit and grunted. 

He yanked hard and bounced in the seat as hard as he could but he wasn't budging! He was stuck! HOW?!

The kid without his supplies grinned as he held up a bottle of glitter glue.

"Hehehe. I grabbed something after all. I'm sorry but I put it all over your chair to test it out first. My bad." The boy said, getting a nice round of laughter from all the kids around him.

Tails twitched and blushed as he saw this scene play out before him.

There was no way in hell he was going to allow this to continue on as it was!

The fox growled and grunted even more, kicking his legs up and down as he kept yanking at his pants. 

"You're. NOT. Gonna. Do. THIS. AGAIN!" Tails snapped and ripped himself free from his pants and flew forward violently!

"WAAAH~!" He screamed as he flew over his desk and bashed his face against the floor!

The fox then laid there with his bottom sticking up, now suddenly in just his fancy suit top and a pair of plain tighty whities.

The boy with the glitter glue got out of his seat and went over to Tails, raising his arm, then letting it flop to the floor unceremoniously.

"Oh...! He's out cold!" The boy said happily.

"That's good and all but what about the art project?" A girl asked. "We've gotta present something to the auditorium no matter what now."

"I've got an idea!" A boy sitting across from her said. He winked at her as he held up the paint and pointed his thumb back at Tails' rump. They all got happy all of a sudden.

"Oh yeah! His butt is a nice big canvas for us to paint on." The girl looked positively elated. She had never done art quite like this before.

With a slight drag of his body and a nice dusting off of his butt, the kids all gathered around the unconscious fox and began throwing ideas out there.

One began to draw pink swirls on the undies. Another began drawing some flowers.

The boys started to try and draw weird stuff like crude drawings of superheroes, silly emoji faces, and random stuff like fruit and depictions of candy. 

It was all in good fun until Tails groaned and started to wake up.

"Ohhh... what...? What hap-OOF!" The fox started to ponder his whereabouts but then his eyes immediately began rolling and fluttered up with a derpy smile on his face when one of the kids panicked and hit him over the head with a textbook. 

He flopped back onto the floor and let out a tiny fart.

"Eww." A few of them giggled and scooted back.

The girl who hit him laughed. She got a fart out of him. Awesome.


"Ladies and Gentlemen! I introduce to you, Class A-2's art project!" The principal said, pointing at the stage as the auditorium of elementary school students had gathered together to watch various classes show off different projects they were working on.

The students of Class A-2 smiled as they stood on stage, covering up the project they had behind them.

"Our teacher, Mr. Prower, is a very awesome guy." One boy said.

"Yeah. He let us be really creative with our art project." Another boy spoke up.

"Instead of drawing on a bunch of different posters, he let us all come together to do a project together." The girl off to the side explained.

"And he even let us add in a bit of a humorous edge to it too." The final boy added.

They all then got out of the way and the instant they did, the auditorium erupted in laughter but also began clapping. The principal was a bit miffed but kept a smile on his face since... he was sure Tails knew what he was doing... supposedly.

There was Tails's butt. 

He was laid out over a stool with his bottom showing off to the crowd and being projected on the school's big screen monitor for everyone to look at. His tighty whities had been decorated with an assortment of paintings and glitter. It was a random mish-mash of paintings and what not.

The big word on the butt was the thing making them all laugh the loudest.


It went well with the big butt that the kids liked to point out he had.


After the presentation was finished, Tails woke up once again in a daze. 

He didn't know where he was until he looked to the side and saw the bully kid from before.

Immediately his pupils shrunk in fear and he tried to run off but found he was stuck. 

He had been glitter glued to the bully boy's locker!

"You just keep ruining my stuff you little nerd!" The bully snarled at him.

Tails felt pee run down his legs.

"N-NO! It's not like that! I don't know how I got here! Honest! I-I can't get off either! I'd totally be out of your hair if I did!"

"That can be arranged!" He snapped and grabbed the fox, tearing him from the locker.


Down the hall, Class A-2 were actually painting all over the poster boards that Tails brought for them, unaware of the screaming and beatings taking place just outside their class...

When the bell rang for lunch and they all left to go eat, they walked past what looked like a bruised up, two-tailed, fox boy, completely naked, upside down in the trash can.

They laughed and walked right on by it, but not before giving his big butt a nice spank before leaving.

The day wasn't done just yet though...



Darn, was really hoping for the left to escape naked and alone option. Oh well, guess the public has spoken.