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New computer is here. No more excuses anymore. SHIT!

Here is the overall spec sheet. The Whole thing costed me around 2,86,000Rs (definitely got a lil bit of discount from the vendor here coz if you add up the prices of each and every component from the internet, they will cost a lil more) which approximates to around 3500$ or 3200€. Obviously these will not be 1 to 1. Hence the usage of the word 'approximate'.

I thought i would give you the price of individual components but again, there would be so much discrepancy in so many different countries for each and every component that an overall price seemed more logical. Ping me, if you need specifics.

Here are the specs:


My New PC! (ft. weird fps hand gestures)

thanks guys. send more money plz!


David L Good

Good to see the improvement in tools.