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/Around an hour or so later…/

'As the sky began to darken with the moon taking over the dark skies, Silver could be seen sitting on a simple sofa next to a fireplace, leisurely reading a book for Bell, who by now had already fallen asleep soundlessly.'


'Atop his head, a faint ball of light illuminated the pages of the books, glimmering weakly like the stars in the sky.'

"... And he returned home to meet his princess, inside, the Hero let go of his Sword, placing it next to his beloved's staff, thus began their life together, happily ever after…" Silver said in a low tone as he closed to book

"The end."


"Already asleep huh..."

It's not really that far in the night and he's already out cold, but it's to be expected.

"I forgot how quickly the sun went out while living in the countryside..."

Although the sun has just fallen, the Village is already pitch black.

This isn't Orario, the city that stays lit even in the night...

Here, people wake up before the sun and go to sleep with the sun… Because there is little to do at night.

And anything that gives light at night is a resource they can't throw away so easily… Besides, there isn't much to do at night anyway, so better to go to sleep instead.

As for poor Bell, he was worked hard from early dawn till dusk before filling his stomach with food… I would get sleepy too if I were him.

Above that, he's used to go to sleep with a story… Guess that's where I fit in.

I do have some issues with how comfortable he's become with me… But that's not really a problem to be solved now.

He's too quick to trust others…

'Thinking of that, Silver checked the book one more time, opening it on chapter one.'

Since I have the time, I might as well read it while I can... And make sure to record these other books as well.

If everything goes as planned, I'll be leaving tomorrow morning, and considering I'll be going out there, these books will do well for me.

Thinking about that… It should be around here somewhere…

/Flip flip.../

'Silver began to flip the pages of the book quickly, going over dozens of verses at high speed as he sought something…'

Where is it… ?

Not here… Not here…


Aha… Found it.

'A story long forgotten, a beast sealed in stone by Ancient Maidens, the representatives of the Gods, as it could not be slain even by their fearsome powers...'

'Antares, one of the Great Beasts of the Ancient times, the undying monster, the beast of disaster that brought destruction to untold civilizations, together with many others scattered away in the sands of time before the three Great Beasts.'


'As Silver flipped through the pages of the story, he quickly came to understand that this story wasn't one of growth, nor one of self-discovery, much less one of understanding.'

'This was a cold story, one of defeat and acceptance, a story to make all remember that Heroes didn't always win in the end, and even if they did, their end may not be as sweet as one may wish, making it a bad ending in a way.'

'The story narrated the path of destruction that remained in Antare's path as it decimated everything and all that tried to halt its path, eventually leading to its encounter with several maidens, leading to a catastrophic clash that only served to strengthen the beast.'

'Antares could not be killed, not by the Maidens… Maybe only at first.'

'The beast grew with each strike it took, and by the time its foes realized its powers, it was too late.'

'They instead used their own powers, sealing it away deep beneath the earth before entrusting its safekeeping to others as their duty laid elsewhere.'

'That is how the story ends, the beast remained alive, sealed forever, there was no conclusion to this story.'

'Only a void left for a future Hero to fulfill.'

"... It's a bad story." Silver said out loud as he closed the book with a pensive expression




'As he pondered over what he just read, Silver heard the sound of footsteps right outside the house.'

'But he didn't look surprise, he had already felt a presence approaching them long before Bell even slept…'

'It could only be one person.'



'A tall, slightly burly old man stepped onto the living room.'

'He wore traditional clothing a farmer would use, thick pants with shoulder straps, a long sleeve shirt, a pair of leather boots, and a straw hat to cover his rather ragged, short white hair.'

'His beard and mustache were bulky but short, in fact, they were trimmed rather well, stylish for sure.'

'Like Silver, he had a pair of white eyes, albeit his' seemed brighter than even Silver's, seemingly shining, even in the dark… Like thunderbolts in dark clouds.'

'He had a neutral expression on his face as he entered the living room together with a few pieces of firewood in his hands…'

'But as he looked at the strongly burning fireplace, his expression went from neutral to surprised, somewhat confused as to how the wood had manifested within it.'

'As far as he remembered there was little wood left...'

'Of course, that was Silver's work. The fireplace was in its dying moments when came back with Bell, but for the sake of reading the boy his stories, he lit it up with some wood he had in his pocket space.'

'Though, this only meant the old man's trip to the woods in the night had now been for naught…'

"Phew… I apologize for overstaying my welcome, I was about to leave." Silver said with a light smile as he carefully got up from the sofa, trying not to wake up the boy

"Hm? Hoho… I don't mind child, read as much as you'd like." Bell's grandpa replied with a grin as he placed his straw hat on a hanger nearby

'He looked at Bell for a moment before exhaling out loud, a thin smile on his face as he did so.'

"If you don't mind, were you fetching wood? Bell and his sister were quite worried." Silver asked as he sat back down

"Hoho… I thought we would need more wood to heat the house for the night… But it seemed I worried for nothing."

"I thought it would be a fast trip, but finding an appropriate log took me quite a while." He said with a laugh as he looked at Silver

"Either way… Make yourself home, you're basically family already." He added with a smile as he sat down, pouring a bit of water to himself from a jar on the side

"... You know me?"

"I imagine everyone in the Village does, we rarely have visitors and our most recent batch has been quite enthusiastic with their stories, to say the least."

"It would be hard to not recognize you after the many descriptions given off by your parents, and your eyes are especially unique… That combination is hard to see anywhere else."

"You are a bit taller than I expected though." He said with a pensive expression as he scratched his chin

"Well… I did grow quite a bit since I left… About an entire palm?" Silver asked out loud as he thought about it

My experiments have altered my body considerably, and despite the fact my latest experiment reversed some of those changes, I'm still quite tall for what they expected me to be.

"Ho… It can happen, especially to boys as young as you." Zeus said with a chuckle as he took one last sip from his cup



'He placed his cup back on the table with a light tap before turning to Silver, looking him straight in the eyes for a moment before looking back at his cup.'

"I heard you went to Orario to become an adventurer… How's the city? I imagine it's as busy as always."

"... Peaceful to some degree… It was quite chaotic till a few years back but… Things have calmed down somewhat."

"But every once in a while things pop up here and there… There is no lack of ambitious and playful people in it, be them man… Or God."

"Then nothing's changed." Bell's grandfather replied with another chuckle as he closed his eyes

"... You talk as if you were there, have you ever visited it?" Silver asked in a low tone as he looked at the crackling fire

"If I have visited it?... Well… Can't say I haven't, being as old as myself you end up seeing and hearing all kinds of things…"

"Although… At the same time… I barely went anywhere." He said in a deep tone as he looked out through a window


"Either way, I don't think this is the time for us to have such conversations, it's quite late after all." He said as he got up from his seat

'He approached Silver, picking up Bell gently from the sofa.'

"I would hate to wake these two up, the gal herself has quite the personality, she'll tear me apart if I wake her up right now."

"And after a walk in the forest, I can't say I have the energy to read another story for the lad if he wakes up, hoho!" He said with a laugh as he walked to a door nearby

"Make sure to close the doors once you leave as it's quite chilly outside, you're welcome to stay too since it's rather dark by now; I'm just afraid there aren't many beds left, but if that's not a problem, the fireplace is all yours."

"Stay for as long as you'd like, I'm sure these two would love that."

"It may not look like it, but the gal sees you quite highly, the stories of what you used to do inspired her immensely... She just has some difficulty showing that off... Just like someone I used to know Hohohoho!..."  He said as he left the room


There's much to talk... But as he said, not now...


'In the end, Silver remained silent as he saw the old man go, resuming his read only when he entered his room after putting Bell on bed.'

'The hours passed as Silver read the thick book, story after story of legendary tales and myths, all available at the pass of a page.'

'He made sure to copy all books and their contents with his abilities before the sun rose in the distance.'

'He didn't know when, but their contents were definitely going to be worth it, be it now or...'




'Eventually, the sun took over the horizon, shining ever strongly across the sky, and with it, the start of yet another day.'

"Already?... Yawn..."


'With a light yawn, Silver placed the storybook by a shelf before leaving the house as he could already hear Bell's grandfather getting up from bed.'

'And with a weak step, Silver vanished, leaving behind only a weak fire inside the fireplace.'

/Around two hours later…/


"... Silver… Are you sure it's okay to leave like that? I feels rather abrupt..." Hestia asked as she looked back at a Village in the distance

"They're all such nice people… I would've never imagined such a place existed deep in the mountains…" Artemis added as her eyes grew soft

"... It's okay, it was only meant to be a quick stop to confirm their condition." Silver replied with a smile as he looked back as well

'After the sun rose, Silver took the opportunity to sneak back inside his home and prepare breakfast with whatever he found lying around and some other things he had in his pocket space such as cakes and other types of bread.'

'It was no surprise that they all loved the food, especially his parents that never tasted the great culinary diversity of the city.'

'In a sense, it made them desire to live there, something Silver wished for somewhat...'

'However, now was not the time, since albeit his family living next to him would make protecting them a simple thing, it would also expose them to too much danger.'

'Maybe building a vacation home for them would be the key, but such future was still far from his grasp, the time would have to wait until he exterminated that which lurked in Orario's shadows.'

'The food also made both Bell and Avia wonder about Orario, but as everyone said out loud, they were still too young to go after it, no matter how much they wished to visit it.'

'Strangely enough, their grandfather did not make an appearance, it was as if he was actively avoiding them...'

'But aside from Silver, no one would understand why that was the case...'

'As for the present, everyone enjoyed the nice breakfast before wishing them their farewells.'

'It was a bit awkward trying to convince his mother he needed to keep moving, but in the end everything went well and they moved on with their journey.'

'Before leaving, Silver managed to discuss their future a bit more, after all, their problems were long gone, so if they wanted to they could return to their home Village at any moment.'

'Nonetheless, with a baby in a cradle, things weren't going to be so easy… Even though Silver could easily transport them all back anytime.'

'In the end, Silver decided to leave such discussions for when he was back from his trip as it was clear his parents liked the Village and its atmosphere, even if life there was a little harder than back down at the mountain's foot.'

'As for the rest of the Villagers, Silver would visit them once he was back, there was much left to be done still.'

"Once we're back we can stay a little longer, maybe even share some stories with them..."

"But right now, there are some things I would like to do first, and since Tenkai is quite large, I'm not so sure how long it would take for us to achieve it all, and I would prefer if we did not spend too long out there."

"If possible, I would like to be able to check on them every week or so, even if it means spending an entire day using my Magic to move around."

"Either way, if we do have the time, we'll stay for a bit longer on the way back." Silver added with a weak nod

"Speaking of that… Just what are you after? You said nothing so far and I won't take another step forward until you tell me!" Hestia said as she crossed her arms

'Her 'anger' was cute, the way she tried to act like a Boss was unfortunately rather silly…'

"It's just a trip, there are many places I would like to visit…" Silver said as he turned around

"Another opportunity like this may take years to decades to appear, and although that may be the blink of an eye to you both, I'm still not at the point where I can ignore the passage of time like that..." Silver joked out loud as he patted Hestia's head

"There are so many places I would like to see and explore... The Elven Forests, some Kingdoms nearby, maybe even Altena, the center of magic development…"

"The Northern Black desert, the Southern Golden Desert, and the nations surrounding such areas… And much more."

"On foot, such a massive trip would take years to accomplish even while mounted on one of Ganesha Familia's flying Wyverns, but that shouldn't be much of a problem for us…"

"Wait… Ganesha has flying wyverns for mounts?" Artemis asked as she raised an eyebrow

"Yes, of course, tamed and trained over decades of studies and experiments..."

"Ganesha can even be taken as the God of monsters…"

"Pretty much all monsters on the Upper and Middle floors have been attempted to be domesticated in some way by his tammers over the years."

"There's no one more knowledgable on monsters than his Familia, and with the Guild's approval, Ganesha can conduct any experiment on monsters he deems fit, this includes taking them out of the Dungeon if needed." Silver replied as he looked around

"I do know Ganesha conducts the Monsterphilia… It just never came to me he could be so…"

"Serious?" Artemis said out loud as she cut Hestia


"Ganesha is probably the most serious God in all of Orario… Maybe only behind Ouranos if you think about it." Silver said with a chuckle as he turned to Hestia

"Well… Ganesha can be serious but…"

"Most of the time he's a goofball, yes, but then again, which God isn't strange most of the time?"


"But in his goodness... That is exactly why one should fear him, because while most Gods are relatively face-forward about their feelings, Ganesha's personality hides just how intelligent and capable he truly is…"

"Not that it changes his goofy nature... No matter what, he'll always smile, and that is why he is Ganesha." Silver interjected as he raised his left and right hands

"Why does it feel like you respect him more than me?" Hestia asked with a pout as she grabbed Silver's shirt

"Haha... There are different types and layers for what one may deem as respect..."

"I respect Take for his talent and ability in keeping his head calm and his thoughts in order, no matter what the situation may be..."

"I respect Miach's eagerness and ability while in the lab... Together with how effortlessly he can sway a lady's heart..."

"Don't respect that!" Hestia exclaimed out loud as she tried to jump onto his shoulders

"O-Ouch, please, don't pull my hair." Silver said with an awkward smile as he let Hestia play around

"Hm... What about me?"

"Eh? Isn't that much obvious?" Silver said with a confused expression as he looked at Artemis


'Unable to face him, Artemis looked to the side as she blushed lightly.'

"Hey! That's not allowed!"


'After calming Hestia down, Silver said:'

"... Here, the path down the mountain is rather treacherous and full of twists and turns so let's take a shortcut."

"Uhg... Can I opt out of it?" Hestia asked with some lingering fear as she held his hand

"Don't pull too much please." Artemis said with a light smile as she looked at Silver

"Sigh, just when did I ever do you two wrong?... Ever since we began this trip I mean." Silver asked with a smirk as they vanished from their location

"Good thing you said that, I have list ready just in case." Artemis said with a teasing smile as she looked at Silver

"Haha... Maybe later."

"Hum... Maybe I should write one too..." Hestia whispered to herself after she heard Artemis' words




'Meanwhile, inside his "ostentatious" home constructed in his figure, a masked God could be seen writing continuously on a long parchment with a feather pen together with piles of papers mounted on each side of his table.'


'He silently, wrote, until something seemed to spark his attention…'

"Hm?... Ganesha is currently performing his duties as head of the Familia by filling up the documents he threw aside because he didn't want to do them before... Shaa..." Ganesha whispered as he looked at the door

"... I know that…" One of his followers replied as he shook his head

Why is he whispering anyway?...

/Caw caw!/

'Next to the God, a golden bird cawed weakly, as if whispering as well.'





'High in the skies, Silver, Artemis, and Hestia could be seen sitting atop a wooden boat as they navigated across the clouds, enjoying the breeze as pure white clouds passed right above their heads.'

'Their speed was incredibly high, so much so the mountains underneath them came and went quickly, vanishing into the horizon within a minute.'

'Because they were already so deep in the mountains, Silver thought it would be better to enjoy the rest of the way like this rather than to walk on foot.'

'It wasn't as fast as their previous method of traveling but it was still fast enough for him.'

'And since teleporting around took quite a bit of his energy reserves, this method could be taken as more efficient as well.'




'As he flew through the mountains, Silver's gaze fell into the clouds in the distance.'

'Faint trails of smoke went to the sky, breaking from within a wide region covered in a faint layer of white mist.'

'They weren't strong but they were numerous.'

That isn't a forest fire, it's more controlled… It's like…

Smoke from chimneys?

And that mist... It doesn't look like natural morning fog.

A land hidden by mist? I feel like I've heard that before somewhere...

'Being this deep in the mountains, Silver did not remember reading about any settlements around this region.'

'There were paths that crisscrossed throughout the entirety of the Beol Mountains, but as he said many times before, the mountains are a challenging place to live in.'

'Unless they possess some degree of protection like the scales or by being next to Orario, it was next to impossible to set foot here or maybe even anywhere on the continent.'

'A country was always accompanied by either one or many Familias.'


We should be about a week's journey from the city, given I had to backtrack a little.

That is… At least from the perspective of a wagon or convoy as an ordinary group of travelers can't cross this entire mountain range on foot… Unless they scavenge for supplies on the way.

Emphasis on ordinary…

How far are we from the city?... 200ish Kilometers? Not quite, it's considerably more… Sigh.

These mountains are incomprehensibly massive.

'Driven by curiosity and the desire to explore new lands, Silver had a quick talk with both Artemis and Hestia which led to a unanimous vote to go check the smoke out.'

'Like all Villages they passed by so far, they wanted to see what kind of people lived this deep and far in the mountains and how they had managed to survive such treacherous land.'

'So without much trouble, Silver changed course, steering his "floating boat" towards the distant mountain where the smoke came from.'




'Gently, Silver let the boat down on the ground in a patch of land surrounded by water...'

"This place… What's going on?..." Hestia asked as she stepped out of the boat

There is a strong... Rotting smell in the air.

"Everything's dying…" Artemis added with a frown as she looked around

Something's wrong, I can see signs of conflict everywhere, there are clear marks of strikes and footsteps on the ground and trees...


To think there was such a place in the mountains… Books aren't really that reliable huh?

'Hidden by the mountains and the weak mist was an extremely long expanse of land covered by thick, large trees.'

'The ground was covered in murky, deep water, with the trees' roots sticking out from its depths.'

'A swamp.'

There's fog everywhere… It's not very thick but it's considerable, I can't see past a certain distance.

There are signs of civilization all around me, some of the trees seem to have outposts built atop them, watchtowers, likely for monsters... Some already broken beyond use.

But there's one thing these buildings have in common… They're as far from the ground as possible, and for good reason.

The swamp itself… I've never seen something as unwelcoming as this.

I'm used to seeing greenish or even brown water, but purple? It's as if this entire swamp is telling us to get out… And you tell me someone lives here?

Toxic fumes are being expelled from within the bubbles that sometimes splash on their surface, and I can tell from a glance the waters are deeply toxic and corrosive.

A tree leaf fell on it and it disintegrated within a few seconds, this is as toxic as something like a Deep Floor monster… Incomprehensively fatal for any surface ecosystem.

Any Deep Floor monster is pretty much a disaster, stronger monsters amidst those floors can terraform their environments, leading to even more problems.

I can't tell if this is caused by a monster but if it's not, I would be very keen on studying its source…

The air is toxic, the water is poisonous, I can only imagine what the land is like, how can someone even live here?...

In fact, they had to have thrived even, since that outpost was well built with wooden boards and even a stone foundation... That is the only reason why those outposts have yet to fall.

Stone doesn't corrode as easily as wood.

'With those thoughts in mind, Silver kneeled next to the surface of the Swamp, taking out several glass vials as he began taking samples from the water.'


'Both Artemis and Hestia looked with empty gazes as they saw Silver's inquisitive and interested expressions as he looked at the disgusting and smelly water.'


"What's interesting? The only thing I see is a bottle of dirty water." Hestia said out loud as she got closer to Silver

"That is what I see too, and that is exactly why it is interesting." Silver replied without turning back


"Be careful, don't get too close to the water, it's highly corrosive." He added as he looked at the glass vial break in his hand

It even dug through glass… At least I have some other vials for this purpose.

Quite a strong reaction, generating enough heat to crack the glass.

'With the expectation of meeting and hunting strong monsters on the surface, Silver brought all kinds of studying materials for his 'trip'.'

'Albeit long past him, Silver still had some habits deep within his blood from his days as a researcher.'

'How could he cast away the opportunity of observing and documenting such unusual and rare instances?'

"... That much I can see… But why the interest?" Artemis asked as she closer as well

"I just... Sigh... Why not?"

"Sometimes the best healing potions are derived from the foulest of poisons, exploring is the basis of an Adventurer isn't it?" Silver asked out loud as he took out his traveling gloves

"That is usually the case for materials from the Dungeon due to their magical properties, I can't see how a natural surface swamp would contribute to… What are you doing!?" Artemis exclaimed as she saw Silver stick his right hand in the water


"Woah!" Silver said with open eyes as he pulled his hand from the water

'Immediately as he did that, his entire skin fell off, revealing a pristine hand underneath.'

"This is quite aggressive, what a strong Acid… Why are the tree's fine though? Are they resistant to this?" Silver asked out loud as he scratched his chin


"You can't do that! Have you ever thought of the diseases you might get?!" Artemis exclaimed as she pinched his shoulders

"What she said!"

"Haha, don't worry about it, I didn't really stick my hand in it, I'm very much aware of the risks of still water." Silver replied as he put his glove back on

No way I would stick my hand without some layer of protection, I created a secondary skin coat long before I stuck my hand inside, I just wanted to see how quickly this swamp could eat through my dead skin.

It was quite fast, even with my natural Level resistance.

I may not have Abnormal Resistance, but my resistance as a Level 4 adventurer should be more than enough to resist even strong acids on its own.

This can't be natural, this place is worse than a highly dangerous Sulfuric Acid Pool.


"Cough... This place smells..." Silver said out loud as he waved his right hand around

The gases don't seem that dense here, I don't feel much on my skin either... There should be no respiratory problems… But just in case, I'll keep them away from us.

"We should move on for now, see if we can find any natives and get some info on this place." Silver said as he turned to the side

My curiosity is rising by the minute.


'But suddenly, his skin hairs got up as he felt the water tremble.'


'With a sharp expression, Silver jumped back with both Artemis and Hestia in his arms as the swamp water exploded with activity, splashing water all around!'



"What the…"

'Dozens of strange purplish creatures jumped from the depths of the Swamp!'

'They all looked different from each other, a mess of bones and decaying flesh, corroded beyond recognition, moving in a disorganized and messy way as they crawled towards them.'

'Their flesh had been exchanged from flowing water, a mix between a solid and liquid body, as if a slime-like creature had been shoved inside their body.'


'Silver's brain began working at high speed as he thought about his opponents, causing the world to slow down as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing.'

... At least a dozen enemies, they're slow, nothing special.

But their appearances… They're not in any way similar, aside from the purple water covering them.

This isn't as per the Dungeon's standard, it usually creates masses of similar monsters, like a species.

There isn't a single monster group that can be as varied as this…

The Dungeon also tends to create biologically accurate creatures, giving them functioning bodies and systems that allow them to live even outside the Dungeon and reproduce, even if their biology causes them to live short lives or strange ones.

However, I don't think these... Slimes... Belong to the same group.


'In the blink of an eye, Silver raised his right hand.'


'By closing his hand, he crushed one creature under the intense pressure of his telekineses causing it to implode as it fell to the ground, motionless…'


'However, albeit faint, he could still feel its body twitch.'



'Within the same second, Silver moved his hand to the side, pointing his finger at another one of the strange monsters.'


'A powerful ray of light was emitted from the tip of his finger, burning a hole straight through the body of the monster… But it kept moving.'

'Something's strange.' Silver thought as he looked at the monsters

These monsters are slow and weak, as slow as I would expect a surface monster to be, nothing a Level 2 adventurer shouldn't be capable of taking care of.

But they're unusually resilient, their bodies possess little indication of such prowess but they can still move even while under such severe damage… Like they're some sort of undead being.

Their skin is also thicker than expected, and their flesh, albeit decayed, is stronger than appearance indicates...

Unusual for a monster to have such discrepancies in its abilities.

But to top it all, they also possess no discernible magic stone, a glaring red flag that something's amiss.

Finally, albeit vague, I can tell something from their forms.

'To confirm his hypothesis, Silver spread his hands apart as he locked onto another one of the monsters, dissecting its entire body with one powerful telekinetic pull.'

'Within the blink of an eye, all of the water surrounding its body and the decaying flesh and dirt were sent away, revealing a little bit of its mangled body.'

A carcass… I finally understand what's going on.

These aren't monsters… They're fillers of some sort.

Something is killing all monsters in the surroundings, using their bodies as husks and controlling them... And given the strange condition of this swamp, I'll have to assume the monster in question is its source.

Hum... From now on, I have to deem this entire swamp as one entire sentient being.

This is dangerous.

'As the realization of what he was facing dawned on him, Silver's face twisted into a smile.'



'Silver swung his right hand sideways, causing a powerful airblade to slice through the air, bisecting all of the monsters into two, causing them to fall to the ground where they kept twitching as if trying to regain motion.'

"We need to move, if we remain nothing good will happen." He said as he manifested his flying boat again

Despite my excitement, I must first assess the situation before making a plan.

I must find a native of the region.

'He quickly looked at Artemis, pushing her arms down.'

"Don't try to fight them, they're covered in acid, one wrong move and you'll get yourself covered in it, use the bow if needed."

"These aren't monsters, they don't even have magic stones in their bodies so try to knock them down instead of killing them."

"I'll explain the rest as we move to the center of the swamp." Silver said as he pulled Hestia into the boat

"... Alright."

'Artemis looked back at the monsters and the trembling waters of the swamp.'

'Something was wrong, severely so, she felt something amiss with this place…'

'And she was going to find out what it was.'


'The boat took off into the skies, far from the swamp's reach.'

'As they flew away, the waters regained their calm, and not long after, dozens of fillers extended from within their murky depths, pulling the bodies of the monsters back into the darkness.'






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