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It's been a little while since my last update, including the image pool.

So I'll address everything today.

Let's start from the beginning.

Last week, I was posting the pending chapters of Danmachi one after the other, but I was suddenly hit with two situations:

The first one was my keyboard, it was malfunctioning and I couldn't even write properly without some key duplicating.

This issue has already been fixed, but it was a bother while it lasted, it made each chapter making a chore rather than a moment of entertainment.

The second one was on last Monday, not yesterday, before that.

Some that follow my Discord may already know... But my Grandma passed away, and I attended her funeral not long after.

That hit me pretty hard and it destabilized things for me, but I persevered and continued to post chapters.

As you all saw, I've posted two chapters of Zero Fate one after the other and I plan to post one more today, after that, I'll put all of my effort into pushing Danmachi back into place, and hopefully this time, nothing stops me from doing so.

That's about it for the weekly update, the first of this month.

Aside from all of this, I've also been researching how to use chat GPT, not to make paragraphs and all, but I've heard it can help me edit things in a better way than Grammarly can, we'll see how that goes, I'll update again once I figure things out.

Or if I make all of the images, whatever comes first.

And... We've come to the end of the notice.

I'm truly sorry for being so late with all of these chapters, these late Uni Periods combined with everything that happened recently did push me back quite a bit.

If I can maintain the goal I've set for myself, this week, we'll go back to schedule with Danmachi, then I'll try to push Zero fate to where it belongs too.

Only when everything's done we can move forward, I've had enough of limiting myself!... Cough... Being lazy...

I wanted this to sound more formal and apologetic, but I'm terrible at that.

See you all soon with the next chapter of Zero Fate!



Everyone has unexpected situations from time to time, don't let it bother you too much :)