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Hey everyone, I'm here once more with more images, this time, I focused on making images from the main Novel, let's see what we have, shall we?

This time, the main theme was secondary characters, in special, the ones from his Familia.

So far, we had the introduction of many characters I would say around 15 to 20 were given some sort of screen time or mention, but only 10 to 15 of those were actually given names or recorded by me in my notebooks, due to this, those that weren't marked ended up being forgotten, not that would make that big of a difference.

As we know, the Hestia Familia divides themselves into groups when they descend into the Dungeon, and that's how I'm going to showcase everyone.

This will also be a good time to show how the Hestia Familia works.

So far, we have Hestia as the obvious Goddess.

Followed by Silver, the Captain, and Daphne, the Vice Captain.

From there on it's the Executives, where each Executive leads their own 'Splatoon' of Adventurers whenever they go into the Dungeon.

Well, not all, as Cassandra and Daphne are technically Executives, but they work together, and as you'll see later there are others that also do work together.

So far, only 3 Executives have been shown:




Anyhow, these groups are around 5 to 6 people big, for a total of 5 groups.

You may think, wait, this doesn't add up, and yes, it doesn't.

This is because there are some noncombatants in the Familia, such as a girl that wanted to become a Smith, they spend their time honing their Skills, joining any of the available groups whenever they want to increase their Stats a little.

I don't plan on developing all groups, nor mentioning them, but at least saying they do exist is something, for example, I once said the Familia had 3 mages, 2 that awakened magic from the get-go, and one that used to be an Adventurer but was kicked out from her Familia before joining Hestia's.

As such, I limited myself to only 3 mages, though this can change at any moment as people can develop magic, it's been 3 or so months since the First Familia recruitment happened after all.

So without further ado, here is how I divide things:

(Group numbers don't exactly exist, they're just numbered by me to make it simpler)

(Not all characters have background explanations because they most likely don't matter much, or they simply weren't given one as of now, the ones that did matter were given a simple but workable lore)

------Group 1

-> Lavir- Human girl with blond hair, one of the Level 1’s that joined the Familia, has been one for 3 years (21 years old) /Acting as the captain of the group/

She uses a Rapier and Shield, her background prior to joining the Familia was that of a normal adventurer that joined a Familia to grow, but only as in a contractual way, not growing fond of her Familia.

Leveled up to 2

(Yes, her image resembles Saber, this is because I took her image as a base...)

-> Fernin- Elf with red hair, one of the Level 1’s that joined the Familia

She is a young elven woman with red hair and she has been an adventurer for about 3 years as well, she admits that she is only 21, but such information is dubious.

She uses a lance.

She joined the Hestia Familia after leaving her previous one due to internal conflicts.

Leveled up to 2

-> Hiva- Small Human girl, one of the mages of the Familia

-> Sarina- Human girl, an archer

-> Fiolla- Beast girl, tank

-> Ritol- A small and presumably young Elf, she is a damage dealer and uses a spear

-> Nicc- Not part of the Familia, but participates in Dungeon raids daily as a porter despite her higher Stats than most of the Familia.

------Group 2




-> Piro Eldest

->Firo Secondborn

->Biro Youngest

------Group 3

-> Igva is a 23-year-old Amazon with a surprisingly calm demeanor and contained personality, in contrast with the usual hyperactive personality of most Amazons.

She has short black hair and relatively defined muscles, and even though she is rather reserved, she still has some Amazon tendencies, and she goes around the place with an outfit similar to gym clothes. Exposing her defined belly to the world…

She is also currently, the highest Strength-wise behind only Silver and Daphne due to her higher Level, else she would be stronger than Daphne at least.

Leveled up to 2

-> Cat girl, Jin

-> Human girl with shiny brown hair

-> Human girl with black hair but beautiful green eyes

-> Iris, she is one of the mages of the Familia, she is a beast person

The images I posted follow these to a T, so it should be pretty easy to link them to their owners.

Tomorrow I'll update all Tiers with a new Chapter, however, I'll still have to jump one chapter release for us to catch up with the releases on Webnovel, finally going back to the usual.

In case of questions, doubts, or suggestions, I'm here to listen, aside from that, peace!

That's all, I hope you all have a nice night!

PS: If you are having difficulties identifying who is who, allow me to help.

First set of images Lavir

Second set of images Fernin 

Third set of images Hiva

Fourth set of images Sarina

Fifth set of images Fiolla

Sixth set of images Ritol

Seventh set of images Triplets

Eight set of images Igva

Ninth set of images Jin

Tenth set of images Iris

Eleventh set of images Loiju, or at least as he sees himself, bros not really like that in person...

Twelfth set of images another attempt at making Nicc

Tirtenthft set of images Hogwarts Gym

Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire? Albus Dumbbeldore asked calmly.

I-I did! Harry Squatter, the boy who lifted replied with certanty

What's this about? Hagrid the Gainskeeper asked

Yeah! What are you about this time Squatter?! Draco Deltoid the Curly Malfoi asked in a haughty tone

Up to trouble no doubt. Severus Shape snorted in disgust

Ahhh... Harry, do you think such measly muscles can pose... An affront to me? Swole-Domort added in amusement

Uh... What's happening here guys? Nevel Strongbottom asked in confusion 



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