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Poll (Images)

  • In Danmachi with Plasmids 17
  • Zero Fate Against the World 5
  • 2023-02-28
  • 22 votes
{'title': 'Poll (Images)', 'choices': [{'text': 'In Danmachi with Plasmids', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'Zero Fate Against the World', 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 28, 4, 49, 26, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 22}


So, I said I was going to try one of these out, so I wondered where to start, and in the end, I decided to go small.

I made this post on the fly without a lot of preparations, so it may come a little sloppy... Sloppier then normal.

The idea behind this Poll is actually pretty simple.

You all can give me an idea at any time, or even an order, make this and that and don't really be shy.

At the end of the month or at the start of it, I would then grab those ideas, prioritizing Top Executives and Captains on what I'll add here.

Then, the winner's choice will be made into many images in many ways, I'll really give it my all in making the best possible image.

That is what I wanted to do.

But in the end, no one gave me any ideas, perhaps it was due to a lack of incentive or information on my part, as such, I apologize.

Nevertheless, it's never too late to try, so here we are.

There'll only be two options this time, and the winner will be made into images, though I can still do both to be honest if I have the time.


As you can see, the options are rather broad, I'm pretty much asking you all to choose between my two works.

Regardless of the one you all vote for, the one chosen will be blessed with a greater repertoire of images next week.

I'll try to make a lot, such as characters, weapons, sceneries, and more.

That's all for me, tomorrow my University comes back so I have to prepare some things, such as sleeping.

This time, I grabbed way fewer directives because I got tired after last semester, it was tense.

This time, I'll take it smoothly.

Thank you for reading, see you all tomorrow afternoon with the chapter!

And for those from Zero fate Against the world, your new chapter will have to wait a bit, give me a day or two extra.

Sorry for that, my bad.



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