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Hello everyone! I'm here once again to announce that yes, another goal has been reached, and this means that I'll spend another night writing!

Just kidding, I'm taking proper sleep precautions...

It has barely been a few hours since I last made a post, I returned from the gym and rested a little as I prepared to write the next chapter of In Danmachi with Plasmids.

I was just doing my routine check on Patreon in case anyone had some sort of question or suggestion, but here I see a new member joining us.

I'm extremely happy, can't say the same for my hands and eyes.

And allow me to say this for the partners that joined this month, welcome everyone!

For now, I was about to make the preparations for the next chapter, but I'll halt that once more, sorry everyone.

I'll finish Zero Fate first since I'm on gas and then I'll fully focus on releasing the normal chapters.

In case you are unaware, what does this goal means? Here, allow me to explain once more.

First Tier -> 4 Chapters 

Second Tier -> 6 Chapters 

Third Tier -> 12 Chapters 

Forth Tier -> 23 Chapters

And also 3 Zero Fate chapters.

In total, I'm now 4 chapters late for the Main Novel, and 1 chapter late with Zero Fate, I don't think I can finish Zero Fate today, but I should be able to do so tomorrow.

Write it today, edit it tomorrow.

This is our current Status, I'll try to reduce these numbers as much as possible until next Sunday when the next chapter will be released.

Of course, remember everyone, we are 3 chapters ahead of time, so in the near future, we may have to wait a little, this would also likely fall in line with the fact I may need a small break soon...

This isn't the case for the secondary Novel, it'll continue to be released weekly without any plans for it to halt.

Well... This is all I could muster from my head, hopefully, it's enough for those that are very eager to see how the Novel will develop.

And once again, my apologies, I didn't expect us to breach 2 goals in a little more than 4 days.

That's about it, see you all later!


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