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"The Watch Strap"



i'm slowly making my way thru shows but am finding out i have to skip many. my biggest complaint though is that you guys are spoiling other shows in the discussions of episodes. please can you stop comparing things to other shows and dropping major spoilers for shows you've already seen?

Big Body & Bok

Hi, we usually like to draw comparisons to other shows when we provide analysis on shows. It isn't everyone's cup of tea when we do this but when we watch these shows, we usually pick shows that a majority of people watch. We assume that a majority have already seen these shows, and we go with the majority and it unfortunately leaves the people who haven't seen them out which we apologize for. We have kind of accepted that it is hard to appeal to everyone, so if you have complaints about it, then sadly there isn't anything we can do about it. But we appreciate that you are still watching what you can.


i mean, you could be just not spoil major plot points from other shows? i don't think it's that difficult. you don't have to say 'oh, this was like when so and so died in that show' or 'this was like when they were waiting in the hospital for so and so' or even 'remember when she died in this show?'. you could just say it reminds you of a show and end it there. i've seen how you respond to other comments in regard to your behavior and your sarcasm, and i was hoping in the year since some of the older responses you would have matured a bit more. it's unfortunate to see that may not in fact be the case