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The first move is made



Haha Harris😂, that guy really deserved the name "coconut head" and he was also in Attorney Woo. He was the guy who won the lottery, wanted a divorce and later died in the car crash. That rain scene is kinda a way to dive deep into Yeonjin's husband character and personality. He told the driver to go buy a cheap wine at the store and then later drink the expensive wine to compare the difference. Basically he saying that the "cheap wine" represent the driver, the "expensive wine" represent him so yeah he did kinda look down on him. And yes, SoHee's body and her story will play into an important part of the storyline later.

Cheol-Woo Park

If I would make a suggestion, please watch it with English SUBTITLES instead of English CAPTIONS. The dialogues in this show is one of the biggest strengths of it, and the captions don't convey it as well as the subtitles.

Big Body & Bok

We do watch it with the English subtitles, but we put the captions version on Patreon cause it's harder to get the subtitles version to video


Can't fault yeonjin for being scared shitless 😂 her whole life was handed to her on a silver platter, she's never had people try to get back at her. Plus Ms. Moon got her daughter within reach, I'm sure any mom would be scared. But yeonjin did this to herself so idec lol. She got the right one with Ms Moon 😂


Coconut head was the lottery winner asshole from Attorney Woo and I agree with Dong Eun's fantastic presence. She's subtly menacing. Excited for the next episode!