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It be like that sometimes



Ink giving both Pat and Pran a bracelet with the letter P on it making it look like a couple bracelet 😂 they really got us there with the "love triangle" but don't worry there's someone for Ink too. Bruh I laugh every time you guys are trolling on Title/Korn, can't blame you but the actor(Drake) is hilarious and is good at playing that role.


Their relationship and chemistry will develop to the point where I bet you guys won't be able to handle at some points😤. A lot of buildup before the explosion, and the amount of flirts and cuteness. I can already see so much longing and yearning in Pran's eyes at the end when he turned and secretly looked at Pat, with teary eyes. Pat has to hold back and not shed his tears because he doesn't want Pat to see. Who would want to confess your feelings to someone who said they like someone else. Pran has been in a one-sided relationship for too long (he has always been sure of his feelings for Pat, but Pat isn't sure and still trying to figure out whether he likes Ink or Pran). Our golden retriever puppy Pat has no idea. "I hate you", because I'm about to cry because of you, and you can't even see it. "You already stole my heart, and now you still ask me if I like you?" Can't wait for next week. I have one big request though: please feel free to rewind the video as many times as you like to rewatch a scene. I know you guys traditionally don't pause or rewind videos but for this one, it's an exception. It's a cute series. Also please leave as much analysis and discussion as possible. I just love reading and listening to people's analysis about the two's actions toward each other.

mero d

Can you watch F4thailand:Boys over flowers. Its a thai drama


UMG series by Nanon probably Would be great for “live” reaction 🥰 its involves alien story i think