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"Sleeping With The Enemy"



Lol the whole "cousin" thing threw me off then they revealed he was adopted like that's any better 😂 but love seeing the kitchen scenes again! Best joseon queen everrrrrr. Yes that's the theme song for this show haha it's actually yelling out "BONGGGG HWANNNNNNNN" which is our queens name in the modern day lol.

strawberry jam

I really love Mr. Queen , it’s really funny😂😂


I can imagine you singing that song "BOOONG HWANNN" at the end of the show lol


Cousin marriage (not immediate family, but somewhat distant relatives) was a thing in some, if not many countries in Asia (at least back in that time, not modern era). Now that if the cousin was adopted, then cousin marriage would be even more feasible if they truly love each other. My take could be wrong.


The way the translation said, he is her cousin that got adopted 😅 Anyway in most ancient kingdom didnt they kinda marry each other? Some ancientmodern human does too 😅 but keeping it at one side of the parents? #notsure