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Wow when you mentioned the Niragi's situation where the builled becomes the bully, I was thinking the same thing before you said it out. Beom Suk is the kind who holds a lot of things in and doesn't know how much holding it in can lead to his rage. As we seen, he has been told and order to do things by many people such as the bullies and his stepdad so when he wanted to beat up the bully in the karaoke room and Soo Ho had to step in and told him to stop, he starts to see Soo Ho as those people who "order him around" as he mentioned but we know Soo Ho did it to help out as a friend. But yeah we are focusing more on Beom Suk and his arc not really sure if it's a "villain arc" but we are seeing other side of him more and how it will impact their friendship.