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The queen finally escapes from Guseonwon, and we finally get a smile of relief

Sorry that there are some cuts, we had some recording troubles for this one, hopefully it still turned out okay.

Another great show with the queen even though it was practically painful the whole way through though. Thanks everyone for the recommendations, we will definitely check out Lawless Lawyer and the queen's movie Recalled later.



The ending was about Sang Hwan going to his military enlistment which is why Jung Hoon said that he will join him later. I would rate this show 8/10 cause I'm not really a big fan of like cult stuff cause it can be drag on too long but Yea Ji did a great job at portraying her character which made the show better. Also Do Hwan who played Dong Cheol was my favorite beside Yea Ji and I feel that he has the best character arc. Really enjoy your reaction to this and so excited for you guys to watch Alice in Borderland 2.


I was just wondering if Alice in Borderland 2 will replace the time spot for Save me (Tuesday/Thursday) or is it just going to come out any day?


I hope you can do more reaction videos on YeaJi's other drama ..looking forward for Lawless Lawyer you will enjoy it ..thanks alot

Big Body & Bok

We'll have an update post detailing the schedule for the next couple months. The plan right now is for Alice to come out next week and have it be a speed run. A more set schedule should be in the update post.


‘I can finally simp now’😂 felt that haha Thank you guys for watching this show even though it wasn’t an easy one. I was so happy to see you guys smiling in this episode lol, after all the pain you were put through. Yep, this was a perfect ending to a sad show. My favourite thing about this drama is that they kept it real to the end. No exaggerations, no superheroes, no overreaching plottwists,…. their reactions were what you would expect from real life scenario. Even the sloppiness of the team seemed justified to me, cause it made it more realistic. Not gonna lie, when I first watched this, I also expected at least one of the main 5 to die by the end, but after realising how serious cults were in SK, I understood why they gave Sang Mi and the guys a good ending. The writers knew their target audience and they most definitely knew that some of the viewers may have been affected by cults in one way or the other, so they had to give some hope in the end. Like imagine being in the same situation as these guys, and watching a tragic ending to the main characters. I also think that the reason why Cha Young was taken out, was so that the main 5 would be spared in the end lol I agree that the Korean daredevil got way too much screen time, and no story development at all. I think he was only introduced to the drama to give Captain Perm a good beating lol As expected of OCN, there was no romance haha. I swear OCN is an anti romantic channel lol. But you know the show was good, cause we forgot about the romance/ love triangle that was cooking at the beginning of the show. Like, the plot itself was interesting enough to be sustained without a love story,..especially with the potential that the main 3 leads had for a spicy and agonising bromance vs romance-love triangle Enjoyed your reaction to this and can’t wait for the next one. Can’t wait for Lawyer Queen Ye-Ji, and Lee Joon-Gi, the most beautiful man to ever exist.


I think the main message the writer of the show wanted to put across was that its really upto family and friends to save their loved ones from cults. The detectives aren’t going to do it, the leaders are in on it, and the police suck and are corrupt as usual. The first half of the show was literally the team realising and coming to terms with how corrupt the society was, and that it was only up to them to save their friend. I think this was something that the writer was trying to imprint in our minds as viewers. I remember reading an article about how a Korean man saved his brainwashed daughter from a cult. After wasting so much time trying to get the police involved, he decided to take matters in his own hands. So he basically held protests in front of the cults building everyday, and he called up all News stations to cover his protest. This went on for weeks and the cult was getting an increasing amount of airtime on the news which they did not appreciate, and they eventually had to let the girl go, to stay out of the public eye.


Man I can't believe it's over! Time flies lol but yes one of yea ji's best works for sure. She acted her ass off in this role. I'm so happy our main 5 got happy endings. The Queen's smile made it all worth it. And yes, sang hwan was going to enlist. The actor (Ok Taecyeon) actually did enlist in real life after this role so that was cool. Man was swole af 😂😮‍💨 They wrapped up everything well in this show. 15 3/4 episodes of pain just for that 1/4 of happiness 😂🙏🏽 I definitely agree with both of the ratings. I gave it an 8 as well because they killed off our queen 😒 but the messaging at the end is great. Don't rely on the government/police to save you, reach out to people you can trust. And try to hang on as best as you can. The dad at the end makes me sick tbh. Literal trash along with spiritual father and apostle jo. Can't wait for AIB2! I only seen episode 1 and they went ham on the budget lol. Cinematography is amazing!


Thank you for all your reactions ! Since you really liked Dong Cheol, I really want you to watch Tempted, he is the main actor here or maybe watch some others dramas with the main actor from Itaewon Class can be good too ^^ And there is also a very good drama I really like called Witch at court if you're interested !

Naia Laka

Another journey with ups and downs, another good work of YeaJi, Save me has a special place in my heart :) This will sound very wrong but it was a delight to watch you suffer the whole series lol Thank you for supporting her work as you have done to this day and I hope you will continue to do :) watch Recalled first, it's an unexpected but pleasant surprise in her filmography