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39:14 this is a reference that there is no privacy in N Korea. Everything you do or anywhere you go is always supervised. You got to be careful with your words as well because all the "walls have ears". The part where Seo Dan's mom handed the gifts to the village ladies and, and to no surprise the ladies just all turned friendly to her. This is a reference to how popular bribery is in communist countries. I used to live in a communist country so I know this very well. As long as you give an envelop with money or any kind of expensive gifts to someone with authority who's difficult to deal with, they tend to give you a pass. Bribery is bad but it works in these countries. In my country, when the traffic police stopped you for some reasons, they tend to make it hard for you, but as soon as you show them "good intention" by paying them a small fortune, they let you go. When you face a difficult situations, you always resort to bribery. It's just that the system is already so corrupted. Therefore, I think I could assume that every single detail in this show is a reference to something, including the personality of the people. I must say they depicted North Korea pretty accurately. While the love story is a fantasy, the way they set up the setting, the people in the village, those are accurate to a higher extent. Also, I wanted to mention that it would be a cool learning experience for anyone to look up the North Korean military rank and look what insignia shown on their uniforms (collar or shoulder) to see the difference in how these military officers interact with each other. Notice that Seo Dan's uncle is her mom's younger brother. Her younger brother is a one star General, his rank is way above the villain Cho, yet he acts like a clown when he's around his sister. I find that make the show really fun to watch.

Sammy 123

Their blood type indeed do match in real life :D They both have A type.


The way the girl on the wheelchair changes her attitude when Seri saw her watch a BTS video, this is to show that consuming South Korean products or media is prohibited in the north, so she had to watch in secret.


There's a little detail that I want to mention. Despite how much Seri despises the conman Gu Seung Gun when they were in the South, now that they are in the north, Seri just ignore their past and casually interact with him because he is the only South Korean fellow that she can rely on. This is to show that no matter how much you hate each other in the South, when you two somehow end up in the North, you got to stick together to survive.


1:13:10 Now I just realize you can still fly to China freely from N Korea. You can't get goods directly from the South but you have to get it through China.


1:23:30 I think they met on the bridge first, but they didn't know each other. She couldn't see him clearly from the boat, but the piano melodies already planted on her mind. Now they just need to connect the dots.

Sammy 123

Ri Jeong Hyeok's piano scene at lake isn't green screen, it was shot at Lake Brienz, Switzerland.

Cheol-Woo Park

Things are starting to get more serious. I can't say "getting more real" since this is still a fantasy, but the couple are certainly starting to face the firm, harsh reality more than they have until now. I just have to say, the actress who plays Dan's mom is so terrific. How many of you actually realized she played the mother in "Parasite"? There she really looked like an ordinary housewife but here, she's as extravagant as ever.