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The No Hope episode



Sang mi's father is long gone from reality and you guys are right about the situation with Sang Hwan's father and the secretary. You'll find out later on about the disgusting/bad things he did. Now it's literally up the the group to save Sang Mi.


They didn't spread into Seoul. People Sanghwa met on the road in Seoul is common cult scam


I was so happy when I thought he saw her at the gas station only for the show to shoot down our hopes and dreams loool. Yeah sang hwan ain't taking shit from no one after these 3 years. So heartbroken when dong cheol was eating then started crying 😢 he's such a great actor man. Our queen is tears galore this episode


i forgot how frustrating this show was :((( that cult is beyond crazy..... also fyi, in s. korea they have alot of cults that make money off vulnerable people and brainwash them... there are koreans on youtube that cover that topic and its crazyyyy