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You all weren't kidding, it's only episode 2 and they are bringing the pain



Yey .. Thanks for the early upload


Dong Cheol is my favorite character in the group. He doesn't hesitant to help others. He kinda remind me of saeroyi and they are kinda similar in a way which you will see in the upcoming episodes. Love your reactions.

Naia Laka

As you see we weren't joking when we said this show is HEAVY...but very good and a must at the same time. YeaJi almost fell into depression because of her acting method and how in depth she got into her character


It’s actually very common for cult members to approach people on the streets of South Korea to try and recruit them


true, its a good thing they watched this drama before going to Korea, so they'll know to avoid them


If you rewatch the intro of the drama in the 1st episode, you'll actually catch a glimpse of Sang Jin on top of the roof. I read a comment pointing it out and that's how I saw it.


Cults are a very serious issue in Korea. Very. The first covid outbreak in SK happened because of a cult. While other institutions and legit churches went into lockdown and stopped physical meetings, a cult with a huge following ignored the guidelines and kept on meeting, and there was an outbreak among the members, most of who were elderly. The cult leader was arrested and they wanted to charge him for the deaths that occurred. What’s happening here is reality for many. Every scene in this drama is so strategic and well thought out..even the weird scene where the spiritual father is giving the old man a bath…I believe the writer wanted to show how cult leaders deceive people with their false humility. Nothing sells sincerity faster than someone who is ready to get down and dirty, like him washing the dirty knickers. The discussion at the end was very spot on. I was also very conflicted about the spiritual father. Couldn’t tell whether he was genuine or not. It’s so easy to see that the other 2 apostles are crooks, but this guy is hard to read. Harris is right, now Sang Mi’s family is grieving and and vulnerable and the only people who showed up for them during this time is guseonwon.


I’m glad you brought it up Justin, cause I personally think that the the bullying scenes in All of Us are Dead were ‘copied’ or inspired by, or borrowed (for lack of a better term) from Sang Jin’s bullying scenes in this drama. If you remember, after Eunju was bullied in a similar manner as Sang Jin, (with the stripping and the photos),…she went to the top of the roof of the classes and she was ready to jump cause she had had enough. Just when she was about to jump, she looked down below, and she saw the zombies jumping out the windows below her,(which stopped her). When I watched that, it brought me back to this scene with Sang Jin on top of the roof.

Irieezy. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 07:02:23 Captain perm 😂😂😂 guys this show just gets worse sadly! Sang hwan thought he did what was right but knowing this happened he'll definitely beat himself up for it. Dong cheol was def one of my fave characters in this show he's so badass! See y'all next week for 3&4
2022-11-12 00:06:04 Captain perm 😂😂😂 guys this show just gets worse sadly! Sang hwan thought he did what was right but knowing this happened he'll definitely beat himself up for it. Dong cheol was def one of my fave characters in this show he's so badass! See y'all next week for 3&4

Captain perm 😂😂😂 guys this show just gets worse sadly! Sang hwan thought he did what was right but knowing this happened he'll definitely beat himself up for it. Dong cheol was def one of my fave characters in this show he's so badass! See y'all next week for 3&4


nah cuz ive seen far too many kdramas with rooftop suicide scenes and bullying... you see it often in kdramas