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Hello all

I just got back home from the UK, but Justin will be back later this week, so videos will probably be uploaded by the end of the week, heading into the weekend so stay tuned

We have also seen some of the comments regarding some things in the reactions that we've said, and we do hear you all. We just had prerecorded way in advance before we had left for our trip

Some things that we said are for comedic purposes, but we understand that humor doesn't hit everyone in the same way, and it usually never will. 

Also we understand that there are cultural differences regarding some circumstances that come across in the reactions, we will try to do better and keep a more open mind in regards to those. 

We just appreciate that people watch our content, so if we said somethings that may have been not funny we apologize, it is hard to appeal to the majority of the audience.

We will try to do better, thanks to those who keep tuning in.



Seelia Vachon

Do you guys not have voting polls for shows anymore? I know there's a lot of shows to watch and many people with many opinions but I wish you guys would keep some of the previous recommendations also, instead of just doing brand new shows. I know you're missing out on some great stuff but I am patient and can wait. I hope to see Hotel Del Luna in the future. But if you're onto new shows...Alchemy of Souls is currently the best KDrama so far this year. 😁

Big Body & Bok

We already have a lot on our plate, and it is hard to appeal to everyone since we get nonstop recommendations every single day. We might do a poll for the next selection, but unsure yet. We will post if we do. Thanks for your patience..