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A/N: This Story is rated M for mature content not suitable for children.


Chapter 24: Red Dragon

New Eden [500 Years Later]...

Naruto looked out the window of his office at the beautiful city they and the other extra demons had built from scratch, and he had to marvel at it.

New Eden was the capital of the Extra-Demon Faction, and the most modern city in the Underworld, with skyscrapers that were taller than any human could ever hope to create and his office was in the middle of it.

Naruto could see the entirety of New Eden and beyond; right now, the extra demons were the most powerful of the biblical factions due to sheer numbers and the fact that there were over ten superdevils within it. They kept this a secret from the rest of the world, as no one knew how many superdevils existed.

Naruto looked at his hand where the Yang Seal was located; it was different from what the Sage of Six Paths had given him, which was basically a sealing technique, his own stored his yang chakra and assisted him in using the Sage of Six Paths' techniques.

Using his magic to enhance his Yang Chakra, he is able to enhance life; this is why he is able to increase the fertility rate of supernatural beings, at least temporarily. His chakra eventually dissipates from those he used it on, leaving them with their original fertility rates.

Naruto looked at the pile of paperwork on his desk and groaned; his workload kept increasing by the day as the Factions' growth continued. Right now, there were 72 extra-demon clans with at least 40 members, each consisting of the children and descendants of the original extra-demons, including Naruto children, who were born with abilities different enough from their parents' own and with the power of an Ultimate Class Devil. They were given the right to start their own clan, which would inherit their powers.

This was Mephisto's way of increasing the faction strength as one of the ruling Satans; it had worked almost too well, now Naruto could say the extra demon faction could compete with any faction in the world and come out on top.

Naruto's eyes wandered to a chess set on his desk; it was his evil piece set, one he had yet to use but kept it in case he ever wanted to resurrect someone into his faction.

The blonde remembered how he came to possess the evil piece set and how every clan head in his faction and fellow Satans had one.


Old Satan Abandoned Outpost [100 Year after war between Extra Demon and Old Satan Faction]...

Naruto had been contacted by the New Satan Faction; they wanted to discuss a peace treaty between their two factions. The blonde knew they were doing it out of greed and fear, as his faction's numbers had skyrocketed over the past 100 years.

They agreed to meet on neutral grounds with the blonde bringing his wife and fellow Extra demon, Satan Grayfia; leaving Mephisto behind to take care of the factions and just in case this meeting was a trap, since his mother Isha was pregnant once more, it seemed as if she was serious about reviving the Satanchia clan.

Naruto sat across the table from Sirzechs, Serafall, and Lord Bael, the founder of the clan, not the clan head; the true leader of the New Devil Faction.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Naruto asked, not wanting to beat around the bush and get to the point.

"Youngsters these days have no manners," Old Baal said. "We need to sign a peace treaty so we can work together to create a better underworld for all devils."

Naruto looked at Bael as if he were an idiot. "So, why are we really here? If you don't tell me the reason, I will leave."

"We are here because we want to know how your faction increased the fertility rate of its members," Serafall said, not wanting this meeting to go sideways.

"So that is the reason why," Naruto stated nodding his head. "Why should I answer?"

"Your faction has something that can help all devil kind; why would you want to help your own race?" Old Bael asked, making Naruto roll his eyes.

"Sigh, you all have the evil pieces and are increasing them while I don't see you offering any to us; therefore, why should we share our secrets with you?" Naruto said, not feeling like this meeting would go anywhere.

Naruto was about to get up to leave when Sirzechs voice stopped him. "How about a trade?" he asked. "You help me increase the fertility rate for some evil pieces in exchange."

Naruto thought about it, evil pieces were a great way to reincarnate other beings into their faction and while having babies had worked so far, they didn't want to overpopulate the Underworld, so he would eventually have to stop using his fertility technique.

Flashback End...

It was a fair trade; the New Satan Faction Clan Heads and Satans received increased fertility via the Yang Seal, while the extra Demon Faction Clan Heads and Satans received Evil Piece Sets from them.

Naruto looked to the left and saw a beautiful blue-haired woman; she was Tiamat, a powerful dragon king who happened to be his secretary.

It was interesting how she met the dragon king; she had challenged him to a fight and lost within less than a minute, but instead of being mad, she begged him to become his slave.

An interesting fact that most people don't know is that dragons are genderless; when they transform into a human form, they have the ability to choose to be male or female. In Tiamat's case, she chose female, while the majority of dragons chose to be male.

If you asked her why she chose to be a woman, the simple answer would be to test her strength in a physically weaker body, but the real answer is that Tiamat is a submissive masochist who has been looking for someone stronger than she is to be her master and mate.


Familiar Forest [200 years after the battle between Extra Demon and Old Satan Faction]...

Naruto was looking for a new familiar, his last one was a slime that could take the clothes off of people by melt it. His wives had destroyed it during a training session when it took their clothes off.

The blonde got annoyed with the Familiar Master and left him, going off to explore on his own until he found a beautiful blue haired woman bathing at the edge of a lake; her large breasts and wide hips, along with her pink slit, attracted his attention.

The woman sniffed the air and turned towards him with a growl; she leapt at the blonde with a rage in her eyes, but Naruto dodged her attack and slapped her pillowy ass.

"How dare you touch me! You disgusting bat!" The blue-haired female roared, literally transforming into a blue Western dragon.

"Wow! You got so angry, you turned into a dragon," Naruto exclaimed comically, pointing at the dragon who looked at the blonde as if he were an idiot.

"No you dumb ass I am a dragon," the beast roared with fury.

The blue dragon released a breath of blue flame at the blonde, but he created a black hole in front of him, absorbing the attack.

"Now let's calm down, Dragon Lady, before you get hurt," Naruto said with his hands up, showing he didn't want to fight. The blue dragon grew even more infuriated at the blonde for thinking he could harm her.

"Die!" The dragon roared as it charged at the blonde with blinding speed.

Naruto teleported onto the dragon's back and slammed a massive sphere of darkness into her, sending her crashing into the ground where it exploded.

"You really are a strong dragon; I can't believe you survived that attack," Naruto said as he watched the injured dragon fly out of the crater his attack had created.

"I will take more than that to kill you, devil," the dragon said, and the blonde could see her blood flowing out all over her.

"Let's call a truce; it would be a shame to have to kill such a beautiful creature," Naruto said to the dragon. The dragon wouldn't have any of it.

"The moment you crossed paths with me, it was the moment of your certain death," the dragon said as her aura doubled in size and her wounds began to heal. "Now, the real battle begins."

Fast Forward...

Naruto learned that the dragon's name was Tiamat during the battle; she was really powerful, but Naruto saw Tiamat in her human form, naked and tied up with chains made of darkness.

The blue dragon's eyes were on the ground, refusing to meet his gaze after her defeat; Naruto was honestly impressed with her power. She had the ability to heal herself and increase her strength by manipulating her Karma or fate. She could also use it to manipulate her opponent's Karma, weakening them.

"Now, what do you have to say for yourself, bitch?" Naruto asked as he held Tiamat by her hair, with her body still in chains.

Tiamat didn't answer, making Naruto more annoyed so he slapped her across the face. But instead of making a noise that would show pain or staying silent in defiance, the dragon woman moaned loudly, making Naruto gasp in surprise.

Naruto heard her mutter something, but he couldn't quite make out what she said, even with his superhuman hearing. "What did you say, you little slut?"

"Please fuck me, Master!" Tiamat begged, and Naruto's nose picked up the scent of a wet pussy begging to be used.

Naruto looked shocked for a moment before he figured out that Tiamat was an overpowered dragon slut who was looking for someone stronger than herself to mate with and he kick her ass so she is now his bitch.

Naruto decided to test the theory and dispersed his chains of darkness, freeing the dragon. "On your knees, bitch!" Naruto ordered.

Tiamat did so without hesitation and looked at him with lustful eyes; Naruto smirked as he removed his clothes and watched in amusement as Tiamat's eyes zeroed in on his cock.

He looked at the woman and placed his cock in front of her open mouth; without having to tell her what to do, she sucked it in as if it were the most natural thing in the world. The familiar forest was soon filled with sounds of what many would mistake foe two wild beasts mating.

Flashback End...

This was Naruto's first encounter with Tiamat and by the end of it he ended up getting a new lover whom he bred with an intensity that he had previously reserved only for his mother and wives.

The submissive dragon found a way to get his dominant sadistic side going, he ended up breeding her over and over, the blue haired dragon woman would egg him on, wanting him to father as many of their children as possible.

Naruto's Dragon Devil Hybrids children are some of the most powerful he has sired, gone with the title of Chaos Karma Dragon, Now Taimat is known as the Mother of Dragons due to the amount of children she has produced over the 300 years they have been together.

Naruto's mind then turned to the New Satan Faction; he had no problems with the faction as a whole, but the Bael Clan, the shadow leader of the faction, was becoming a nuisance. They were constantly trying to get spies into his faction, and those attempts always failed.

The blonde guessed that he shouldn't be angry because he had some spies in the New Satan Faction, most notably his green-haired MILF, who introduced him to his son Ajuka the Satan Beelzebub not too long ago.


Astaroth Mansion...

Ajuka was making his way to meet with his mother; she had said she had something to tell him. He felt her presence in her bedroom, along with someone else, so he hurried there. What he saw shocked and angered him.

Lemon Scene Ahead...

Lady Astaroth, whose first name is Elizabeth, was on all fours naked with a blond man behind her, grunting and thrusting away as he took his pleasure of her.

Elizabeth was moaning and urging the man to go faster as the sound of wet flesh collided filled the room.

"Ah ah! Oh, that's fucking amazing!" Lady Astaroth screamed as the blonde started to drill her pussy with breakneck speed and force.

"Take my cock, you bitch," Naruto growled as he slammed his shaft over and over into the wet pussy of his green-haired lover; he had felt a strong presence enter the room, but he didn't care if the person watching witnessed his fucking the MILF beneath him.

Lemon Scene End...

Ajuka had enough of watching and attacking the blonde man with his fist enhanced with demonic energy, but the blonde man caught his hand without looking, causing the room they were in to get damaged by the force of the collision.

Lady Astaroth seeing her son immediately pulled herself off of her blonde lover's cock with a wet popping sound, and used her soiled bed sheets to cover herself, Elizabeth had forgotten she had invited Ajuka over, she planned to tell him who his true father was, but when Naruto came by first she felt so horny she couldn't help herself and ended up having sex with him.

"Everyone calm down and let's move this conversation to the living room," Elizabeth said as she got between the two men, preventing them from attacking each other. "Ajuka, can you wait outside for us, please?"

Ajuka looked like he was about to argue, but his mother's pleading eyes stopped him moments later; the three of them were sitting in the living room chairs with Naruto and Elizabeth on one side and Ajuka on the other.

"What's going on here? Mother, why is Naruto Satanchia here, and why were you cheating on Father?" Ajuka asked calmly, after getting a better look at the blond man; he recognized him as the leader of the Extra Demons, but he had no idea what he was doing here.

"What wouldn't my lover be here?" Elizabeth asked. "We've been lovers for a long time, and as for cheating on that piece of shit I married, that is no consequence."

"Mother, you know that the man you're sleeping with is the leader of a potential future enemy nation; why would you do something like this?" Ajuka asked, trying to understand what was going on.

Lady Astaroth had a thoughtful look on her face before she decided to reveal her biggest secret. "Naruto Satanchia is your true father."

"What," both Naruto and Ajuka screamed in shock it was a good thing Lady Astaroth had dismissed all the servants earlier in anticipation of revealing her secret to her son.

"Yes, you are father and son," Elizabeth said happily. "Do you really think a piece of shit like my husband could father a handsome and powerful man like yourself?"

His mind was racing, a million thoughts running through his head, but looking back on it now, it all made sense; his mother had always hated his father and his brother, which raised a question in Ajuko's mind.

"If you hate him so much, why did you have my little brother?" Ajuka asked.

"Don't call that man your father anymore; you know the truth, Naruto Satanchia is and always will be your father. As for why I had your little brother, it's because Lord Astaroth drugged me and by the time I realized I was pregnant, he announced it to everyone, so I had to keep the runt to save face. I made sure he regretted forcing me to have his kid, by taking one of his balls in return.," Elizabeth said with a sadistical smile.

Ajuka knew that his mother was prideful; she would never do anything that would make others in high society look down on her, so she most likely bore his brother to term instead of terminating the pregnancy so that others wouldn't think she could not have given birth.

Naruto and Ajuka looked at each other while Elizabeth was glowing as she looked at the two men she loved most in the same room; it felt like they were a true family.

"I will have to tell Sirzechs about this," Ajuka said, making Lady Astaroth sign her son was obsessed with that Gremory boy. Sometimes she wondered if her son was gay, but it did not matter; she would love him no matter what. It was probably her genes' fault anyway.

"It seems that you have really taken your quirks from me," Lady Astaroth stated as she looked at Ajuka while draping herself over Naruto's lap without a care, noticing his look his mother gave him a teasing smile. "You are a power slut just like I am; you are attracted to men with power."

"What?!" Ajuka exclaimed in shock that his mother thought he was gay.

Well, you don't give me any reason to think otherwise," Elizabeth said. "I have hired maids of every type, from fat to slim, from busy to flat-chested, but you never touched any of them; you were always focused on Sirzechs."

"Just because I don't made the maids sleep with me, doesn't mean I'm gay?" Ajuka asked.

"We are the Devils, we take what we want, we are not good beings...even if we are not pure evil," Lady Astaroth lectured her son. "You have been suppressing your true nature since birth. Besides, most of the maids are more than willing to sleep with you at any time, even the married ones."

"I have been focus on work," Ajuka said softly, his excuse sounded weak even to him.

"No, you've been focused on Sirzechs," Elizabeth stated as she looked at Naruto with a look of obsession on her face. "You found an object of your affection, but Sirzechs isn't the strongest devil in the underworld; your father is."

Ajuka remained silent as his mother said that; he had known his obsession with Sirzechs was not healthy, but no one ever called him out on it before, but now his mother has, and it seems she was somewhat right. He sees Sirzechs as the pinnacle of the devil race, so it is natural for him to want to be its ruler. If Naruto, his father, were stronger, wouldn't it be him who should rule?

Elizabeth seeing her son look like a lost child got up from Naruto and gave Ajuka a hug while brushing his hair with her finger before speaking.

"I wouldn't tell you what you should do in this situation, but I will tell you what the consequences are," Lady Astaroth said. "If you tell Sirzechs about my connection with your father, he will have to tell the council, and they will attempt to arrest me. At that point, i would leave to join the extra demon faction, and I would remain there for the foreseeable future. But if you keep quiet about this, nothing changes."

Flashback End...

It was not an intentional encounter but they ended up getting into it. In order to prevent an incident, the green-haired MILF confessed to having had multiple affairs with the blonde and their relationship as father and son.

Naruto was not too surprised, knowing that someone like Ajuka (a Super Devil) could not have a waste of space like Lord Astaroth as a father.

Ajuka himself was not too surprised, as his mother had always treated him differently from his other siblings or even his father; it just made sense to him now, as his mother would always shoot hateful looks at his father and brother when she thought no one was looking.

Lady Astaroth happily chatted with them both as if it were a normal family gathering; she was so excited because she was a power-slut and the fact that the two men she loved more than anything—her lover and her son—were both superdevils and leaders of factions in the same room made her wetter than she'd ever been.

Naruto and Ajuka were looking into each other's eyes to get a reading on the other; Naruto got up and approached the younger Super Devil, making him tense up in anticipation of an attack.

The blonde Satanchia pulled Ajuka into a hug, he was proud of how powerful and smart one of his children had turned out to be; Ajuka was confused and shocked by his actions, while Lady Astaroth cheered happily as Naruto accepted their son.

This put Ajuka in an awkward position as a Satan; he is supposed to report his mother being a spy to the other Satans and Devil Council which could lead to her execution or imprisonment. Something he didn't want, his mother was weird but she always treated him with love, maybe a bit too much, and there is the fact he didn't know how his real father would react to Lady Astaroth being judged for treason.

Naruto Satanchia is not someone the New Satan Faction can take lightly, be it for his political power or raw strength.

The wisest choice would be to pretend that he saw nothing and go back to his work; so he did just that, but not before his mother gave him a kiss on the cheek and a crushing hug. As he was teleporting away, he saw his mother strip off her clothes once more and leap on the Satanchia. It looked like he might be getting a baby sibling soon.

Naruto laughed to himself, as Lady Astaroth had given birth to a baby girl a couple of months after their encounter; she threw a massive baby show without Lord Astaroth in sight.

It seems the man did not want to come because the baby was not his; he had not touched his wife since their last son was born, but he could not tell anyone because his reputation would be ruined and he would be known as a cuckold.

The secret was kept between Lord and Lady Astaroth, Ajuka and himself; the new Astaroth seemed to possess a massive amount of demonic energy, making her a super devil.

She seems to be drawn to her older brother Ajuka and will attack anyone but him and her mother if they try to hold her; she seems to have complete control over her raw demonic energy, allowing her to shape it into whatever she wants and give it various properties such as making it explode.

Naruto smiled when he heard that his new baby girl was the spitting image of the old block and laughed heartily at the thought that Lord Astaroth would have to act like a proud 'father' or be exposed as a cuckold.

The Old Satan Faction had formed an organization that comprised of different races, but the rumor was that the Infinite Dragons were their leaders and someone that Naruto didn't want to fight unless he had to.

His spy within the Old Satan Faction fed him all the information he had, but Naruto didn't completely trust the spy; for now, all he could do was prepare.

Fast Forward [DxD Main Storyline]...

Kuoh Academy [Human World]...

Naruto looked down at the scene in front of him as he watched a naked red-haired woman move her head back and forth as she sucked him off, making him smirk.

The red-headed woman is the younger sister of Sirzechs, while the blonde Satanchia has slightly disguised himself and managed to get a job at the school as a PE teacher.

Lemon Scene Ahead...

Not even two months in, he had Rias Gremory lying on his desk as he rammed his cock into her virgin pussy. It was almost sad how easy it was to get her to spread her legs; all he gave her was a bit of attention and used her first name, and she was more than ready to put out. Hell, the first two weeks she came to his office topless to offer up her tits to him because she wasn't ready to lose her virginity.

"You've become quite the cocksucker," Naruto said teasingly, making Rias blush as she had his shaft in her mouth.

Naruto didn't really come to the academy to have sex with the younger sister of the leader of the New Satan Faction; he came here to gather intel on the fallen angel faction, but Rias was a nice treat he couldn't pass up.

Naruto took a hold of her hair and pulled her to her feet, getting a hiss of pain from her before he bent her over his desk and without hesitation pushed his shaft all the way into her tight cunt.

Rais let out a scream of pleasure as her insides were stretched out yet again, her back arching making her teats even more prominent, Naruto reached around with one hand and grabbed her tit with his other hand still gripping her hair.

"Who knew that you would be such a slut, giving your PE teacher your virginity just because he complimented your hair?" Naruto said as his hips continued to drill into the woman.

"Ah-oh! Ah-ah! Right there, keep fucking me." Rias was lost in her own world of pleasure, not hearing what the blonde had just said.

Naruto kept his hand on her hair while bringing his other hand up to her soft yet firm breasts and slapping her ass, causing the redhead to scream out as her pussy tightened around him.

The blonde kept on slapping the redhead's ass until it turned red just like her beautiful hair, by now Rias had cum multiple times, her pussy juices staining the blonde's desk and the room smelled of wet pussy.

"Who owns this ass, you slut?" Naruto asked as he used the redhead's long hair to pull her up so their faces were next to each other.

"Ah shit! You own my ass, pussy, and mouth, all of me belongs to you," Rias screamed out as her pussy tightened, causing her to cum. Naruto was fired up by what she said, so he began to thrust harder and faster into her wet, tight slit.

"I am about to cum, where do you want it, slut?" Naruto asked, already knowing the answer.

"Inside me, please finish inside me," the redhead shouted no sooner she felt the warmth of the blonde's hot seed enter her unprotected womb.

Lemon Scene End...

Naruto shook his head; the redhead was a horny little she-devil. She loved sex and encouraged him to cum inside her as much as possible, not caring if she got pregnant or maybe even wanting to get pregnant.

Rias was engaged to the son of the Phenex clan; if he remembered correctly, she must think getting pregnant will cancel the engagement, but she overlooked the fact that the engagement is political, so even if she is nine months pregnant at the time of the wedding, it won't change anything.

Naruto had to wonder how bad the son of the Phenex was. Rias is a big slut; he didn't even have to seduce her, and she still ended up spreading her legs for him just because he complimented her a little. If the son of the Phenex clan had half a brain, he would have made Rias suck him off in front of everyone at their wedding.

Rias didn't even know he was a devil; she just thought he was a human teacher who knew about the supernatural world and had no real powers, even with that knowledge she spread her legs for someone most devils would think is far below them.

Rias put back on her clothes then turned to Naruto with a smile and pecked him on the lips which turned into a full makeout session.

"I wish I could stay longer, but I have some club activities to attend to," the red-haired devil said as she swayed her hips as she was leaving the room. "So, same time next week."

"Yeah, the same time next week," Naruto replied. They have sex everyday at his house but every Friday, she would spend the day in class with him, more specifically having steamy sex with him. She would strip naked and hide under his desk, sucking him off as he taught his classes, and by the end of the day, they would go at it like animals.

Rias gave the blonde a wide happy smile before turning to leave. Naruto signed, Rias's fiance was definitely an idiot but his loss is the Satanchia gain, he wouldn't let his tight little slut go.

Kuoh Park [Night]....

Naruto watched from above as his Rias reincarnated the school's pervert after he was killed by a fallen angel; from what he could sense from the dying brown-haired boy, he is this generation's Red Dragon Emperor.

This was the funniest thing he had seen in a long time; if he hadn't known God was dead, he would have thought the leader of Heaven was playing a prank on the world by giving the most perverted and weak human in Kuoh that power.

Naruto thought about his encounters with other Red Dragon Emperors in the past; he had killed a few and even fucked some of the females into submission.

Now that his little red-headed slut had the boy, she thought her chances of breaking the engagement went up, but she was still not strong enough.

He eventually had to reveal his identity to Rias, but for now, he enjoyed playing games with her.

Chapter End...


A/N: We are now in the DxD timeline.


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