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A/N: This story is rated M.


Chapter 3: The Shinigami

Karakura Town...

Naruto was in his bedroom later that night, just thinking about his life so far. He lived with his loving mother and father, Kushina and Minato, along with his brother, Menma, and his two sisters, Karin and Tayuya.

He and his brother are basically copies of their father in terms of looks, having blonde hair and blue eyes; their faces are similar to their mother's, while Karin and Tayuya take after their mother with red hair. The only differences between them are their eyes; Tayuya's are pink and Karin's are red.

His life is boring and normal as can be, but sometimes he just feels that there is more that he could be doing; he just doesn't know what it is yet.

"Maybe it's all in my head," Naruto thought to himself.

Sometimes he also has vivid dreams of a world made of sand, and in them he is a beast with an insatiable hunger; then he will hear the voice of a female calling out to him, telling him to seek her out.

"I might be going crazy," he said, "but if I am, so is Ichigo." The blonde shrugged, his friend seeing ghosts trying to explain that to a teacher or a school counselor, yeah, not fun at all; they almost had him admitted to a psychiatric ward.

The blonde's family had gone out to a function for his father's company; his entire family went, but the blonde wasn't feeling too well, so he stayed home. It took the blonde a while to convince his mother to let him stay home, but with his father's help, they managed to.

Now here's the blonde, lying in bed, staring at the ceiling of his room. The blonde has been feeling this uneasy aura for a while now; Naruto had the feeling that something was watching the area.

"Sigh," the blonde yawned as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Sometime Later...

Naruto woke up to hear unnatural wails of something he couldn't identify, so he jumped out of bed and leapt towards the front door. As he looked around, he saw Ichigo with a small dark-haired woman in black fighting a monster wearing a mask.

The blonde watched as the woman got injured trying to protect Ichigo, then she convinced him to impale himself on her sword. There was a flash of light, and Ichigo was transformed; he was now wearing all-black clothing and holding a large sword. The woman had also been transformed into one wearing all-white clothing.

Ichigo charged at the monster and cut it in half; the monster disappeared as Ichigo fainted, Naruto arrived just in time to catch his friend.

Naruto turned to the woman "Who or what are you?" he asked. The blonde asked "And what did you do with Ichigo?".

Naruto noticed Ichigo's body lying on the ground as he held his soul; the blonde started to think that perhaps he was insane. He thought to himself.

"Well, what do we have here?" a voice said from behind the blonde.

Naruto jumped in fright and turned around to see a blond man in a bucket hat and cane; he had an unnerving smile on his lips, as if he knew something that Naruto didn't.

Naruto heard a meow on the ground and found a black cat by the man's leg. The blonde stared at it with interest and an intelligence that no animal should possess.

"Who the hell are you?" Naruto yelled as he got ready in case the man with the bucket hat tried anything.

"Aren't you a lively one?" the man joked before getting serious. "My name is Kisuke Urahara, and I am here to help our friend."

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" Naruto asked, feeling frustrated by his powerlessness as he was unable to help his friend and froze in fear when the monster attacked him.

Look kid, we aren't going to hurt your friend, but we have to work fast; let us help you.

Naruto looked left and right, trying to find out who spoke, but found no one; the blonde looked at the man wearing a bucket hat as if asking him if he knew who spoke. The man smiled and pouted his lips downwards.

Naruto's head moved down and he fell on the black cat, who greeted the blonde with a wave of its paw and said "Yow." Naruto looked at it for a second before he started to panic.

"Holy shit! That cat is talking!" Naruto exclaimed as he ran around. "I am going crazy; I need to check into the hospital."

Naruto's vision turned dark as a naked female figure appeared behind him; the woman had purple hair with dark skin and yellow cat-like eyes.

"Sigh," the woman said as she lifted the knocked-out blonde over her shoulder while the black-haired girl talked to Urahara about something.

Next Day...

Naruto groaned as he sat up in his bedroom; he was out of it for a moment before all the memories of the night before came rushing back to him.

The blonde rushed to look out her bedroom window to find the Kurosaki residence undamaged and no sign of the battle in sight.

Naruto wondered if what he saw that night was a dream or reality, so he got ready for school and tried to forget about the weird dream he had.

The blonde took a bath and walked downstairs to be greeted by her mother cooking breakfast and her father sitting at the head of the dining room table.

"Good morning, sweetie," Kushina said from the kitchen. "How did you sleep last night?"

"I had a strange dream, but other than that it wasn't bad." Naruto replied, trying to push the dream from his mind.

The blonde's father said, "You had a strange dream, didn't you?" with a mischievous smile. "Was it about a girl?"

"What? Well, yes, but it's not like that," Naruto exclaimed as his parents laughed at his flustered face.

"Hey, what's so funny?" Naruto heard the voice of his sister, Karin, ask as she entered the dining room with his other sister, Tayuya, right behind her.

Oh, it's nothing much; just your little brother has been having dreams about a girl." Kushina said.

"So, shithead's balls finally dropped," Tayuya said with a teasing grin.

"Oh, so your little brother is finally interested in something other than fighting," said Karin. "If you want, I can introduce him to some of my girlfriends."

"What am I hearing about Naruto liking girls?," Naruto heard the voice of his brother entering the room, causing him to groan; this was going to be an embarrassing morning.


Naruto looked at Ichigo, trying to see if there was anything different about him, but found that he was the same as before; the blonde just figured he must have dreamed it all up since cats don't talk anyway.

"Quiet down, class," the teacher, Misato Ochi, announced. "We have a new student." She continued, "Come in and introduce yourself."

In walked the same dark-haired woman he had seen last night; to Naruto's shock, and the blonde noticed that Ichigo was also in shock, perhaps last night hadn't been a dream, the blonde thought.

"Hello everyone, my name is Rukia Kuchiki. Please take care of me from now on," The short woman said.

The class began asking Rukia questions until the homeroom teacher had enough and quieted everyone down. The class continued as normal, with Ichigo keeping his intense gaze fixed on the short woman, but she ignored him until the end of class.

"Hi Ichigo, would you mind coming with me for a moment?" The dark-haired woman asked, causing the class to flip out, thinking she was going to confess something to the orange-haired teenager.

"No, I don't want to," Ichigo replied, but the short girl was apparently stronger than she looked as she punched Ichigo in the gut, knocking him down, and then dragging his unmoving body outside of the classroom to the roof.

The entire class saw what happened but pretended that they didn't; Naruto was curious as to what was going on, so he followed after the pair and found them talking about Shinigami and Hollows.

The two got into an argument when Rukia pulled out some gloves and struck Ichigo in the face; the strangest thing happened, though - Ichigo's soul came out of him, dressed in black, with a huge sword on his back.

The short girl ordered Ichigo to go somewhere with her forcing him to take her on his back and he leaps away but Naruto quickly tries to follow by running out of the school building and going in the direction he saw Ichigo going in.

The blond thought he had lost them for a moment, but as luck would have it, he found them again; Ichigo had saved the soul of a dead girl from a beast, a Hollow, he remembers Rukia had called them.

After Rukia had explained everything about Shinigami, Hollows, and the Soul Society, the blonde didn't know what to make of it all, but one thing he was certain of was that things were going to be very interesting from now on.

Fast Forward...

Naruto had followed Ichigo and the short Shinigami around and he learned more and more about hollows and soul reapers who purify them.

There was even an incident where Orihime Inoue's deceased brother became a Hollow and attacked her; Ichigo managed to purify the brother, and Rukia did something to alter the memory of Orihime, making the blonde happy he didn't confront them about all this weird stuff because he didn't want anyone messing with his head.

One thing the blonde learned while watching the duo was how to sense spiritual energy or Reiryoku but beyond just enhancing his strength; the blonde didn't know what else he could use this power for.

After School...

Today was a nightmare; the sky was filled with countless hollows all trying to attack humans. Naruto did the best he could to defeat a group of hollows that were trying to attack him and his date, Samui. The story of how he ended up going on a date with the busty blonde woman is both funny and embarrassing.


Naruto's Bedroom...

Tayuya kicked the door open and walked into the bedroom, seeing her younger brother lying down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling like it held all the answers of the world.

"Yo, shithead! My friend Samui just broke up with her douchebag of a boyfriend, and she's looking for some good dick to make her feel better. So, I figured I would set you two up on a date," Tayuya said bluntly.

Naruto snapped out of his thoughts and just stared at Tayuya with mouth gaping"what do you mean, you can't just throw this on me without any notice and expect me to just go along with it" Naruto exclaimed.

Sigh, stop being a pussy, Samui is just looking to get dicked down and you need to get some pussy instead of staying in your room and jerking off." Tayuya said with a scowl, but the truth was she was worried about her brother; he had been acting strange lately.

"But, but...I don't know her at all," the blonde said in a panic. "What do I do on the date?" he added, having never been on one before.

"Don't panic, shithead," Tayuya said before she left the room and returned with Karin, who was grinning ear to ear.

"So I heard Tayuya got you a date and you need some pointers," Karin stated. "Well, I will be more than happy to help you."

The next two hours were spent with Naruto being dressed up like a doll by his two sisters, until finally they settled on a dress shirt and shorts.

Tayuya left the room to go get Samui as she had arrived and led her up to Naruto's room, when Naruto saw the sexy blonde woman with large breasts his jaw hit the floor.

"Samui, this is my little brother Naruto, I will be leaving him in your care," Tayuya said with a perverted grin, making sure both blondes knew what she meant by those words.

"Cool," was all Samui said as she glanced at Naruto before turning her eyes to examine his room, making Naruto feel self-conscious.

"I think it's time you two left for your date; you do need a lot of time to get to know one another." Karin stated as she pushed the two blondes out of the room and out the front door of the house, but not before giving her little brother some cash and a wink. "There is enough there for dinner, a movie, and a love hotel."

As the two blonde were going on their date, Naruto made the mistake of looking back at his home and saw Tayuya making fucking signs with her fingers. Samui must have seen it too because she remained stoic.

The date with the busty blonde woman wasn't bad, but she showed no emotion, not even when he accidentally groped her breasts. The blonde man didn't know if she was having fun or not; he didn't even know if she liked him or not.

Naruto took her to a movie and then to the mall to get some food; all around him, he could see men of all ages watching Samui like a piece of meat. He put his chair closer to hers as they ate and shot glares at all of the admirers.

Naruto took the chance and took a hold of her hand, wanting to see if she would pull away or not. But Samui didn't do anything; she didn't even acknowledge they were holding hands. She just let him lead her around.

"Samui, don't take this the wrong way, but are you having any fun on the date? You don't seem to be enjoying yourself." Naruto asked.

Samui tilted her head to the side and then brought her face close to Naruto's, pecking him on the cheek.

"The date is cool, but I think it is time to get somewhere more private," the busty blonde stated as she excused herself to use the bathroom before they left.

Naruto's mind froze; it seemed his sister was right in saying Samui was out looking to get dicked down, and he was the one she had her eyes on. Naruto wanted to jump for joy, but he resisted the urge.

When Samui came back, Naruto quickly paid the bill and took her hand and led her to the closest Love Hotel. But fate decided to fuck with him by having hollows appear as if something in Karakura Town was drawing them.

Flashback End...

Here the blonde is surrounded by Hollows, with Samui standing behind him as he stands protectively in front of her.

Naruto enhanced his body with spiritual energy and attacked the hollow, but he was quickly injured by some mindless low-rank Hollows, they were getting ready to attack him; Samui jumped in front of him, to his horror.

Time seemed to stand still as the voice he always dreamed of grew louder, until words just came to him and he had no choice but to speak them.

"Zeige Dich!" Naruto exclaimed and a blinding light enveloped him.

Chapter End...


A/N: Next time, Naruto will discover his powers and more.