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A/N: This is an M rated story.


Chapter 18: The War Ends

Human World...

Biblical God vs The Four Great Satans...

"Let us put a stop to this war; too many beings have already died in vain," the God of the Bible said with sadness in his voice and eyes as he watched his creations kill one another.

The Biblical God was a being whose power had made him a force to be reckoned with; he stood at heights that were twice that of a normal man, with white hair and piercing blue eyes.

The leader of Heaven glanced at the battlefield and saw an angel being tortured by a devil with black hair who was ripping the angel's wings off one by one and enjoying the angel's screams of pain.

On the other side, the Biblical God could also see a female devil being cornered by His fallen children. The female devil was stabbed by so many light spears, one could no longer tell what she looked like or which faction she belonged to.

"Why would we stop when we have the advantage right now?" Lord Lucifer replied. "I know that you are weaker than you've ever been in a long time, so stop acting like you feel sadness for what is happening; you are just afraid of losing."

"Don't waste your breath on that old fool," Beelzebub said. "Let's just kill him and get it over with."

Beelzebub agreed with Leviathan, saying, "We should not waste any more time with this." Leviathan gave him a smug glance.

Beelzebub is a handsome man with brown hair wearing dark armor, while Leviathan is a beautiful woman with tan skin and brown hair.

"You two stop it right now; this is for Lord Lucifer to decide," Asmodeus declared.

Asmodeus is a man with pointed elven ears and jet-black hair; he has an air about him that can make both women and men alike fall prey to their lust if they are not strong-willed.

"Don't try to order me around," Beelzebub growled through clenched teeth, his voice filled with hatred.

"You seem angry, Beelzebub. What did I ever do to deserve it?" Asmodeus asked innocently, but they all knew it was anything but innocent.

"You fucker, do you know what you did!" Beelzebub screamed and prepared to attack his fellow devil king.

"Oh do you mean the time I fucked your wife or the time I fucked your daughter?" Asmodeus asked with a perverted look on his face as he licked his lips.

"You bastard, I will kill you!" Beelzebub yelled, his voice full of rage as he prepared to launch himself at his fellow devil lord, but Lady Leviathan got in the way.

"Will you two stop this nonsense! We are here to kill our enemies, not each other!" Lady Leviathan exclaimed, her tone making it clear that she was mocking both Beelzebub and Asmodeus.

"Keep out of this, you fucking bitch!" Lord Beelzebub shouted.

"Mind your own business, whore," Lord Asmodeus and Beelzebub said in unison.

Before the argument could continue, Lucifer interrupted by releasing his demonic powers and turned toward the other Satans, while still keeping an eye on his Father.

"If you all don't stop fighting each other right now, I will kill you all myself. Now, help me kill our father." Lord Lucifer stated calmly, though if you looked into his eyes, it was clear that he was anything but calm.

The other demon lords knew that they had fucked up; Lord Lucifer was not known for his forgiving nature since he didn't forgive anyone for even the slightest offense.

The Lord of the Flies said nothing as he released a swarm of flying insects at the Biblical God.

"Don't you try to take all the glory," Lady Leviathan shouted as she summoned a massive amount of water and aimed it at her father.

"Your weak attacks won't beat mine," Lord Asmodeus said as he activated his power of dominance, allowing him to take control of anything close to him. He used it on nearby large boulders and compressed them into the size of marbles before throwing them at the God of the Bible.

Lord Lucifer watched as his fellow Satans bicker and gave them a look of disgust. He honestly hated them all, but they were useful, so he had not killed them yet, but once his father was dealt with, they would be next.

The Biblical God used His power to create a sword of light and used it to eliminate the flying insects and to deflect the compressed marble-sized boulders. He teleported out of the way of the water that is enough to fill a lake and appeared behind the Satans.

Lord Lucifer could tell when his father appeared behind them, so he used his corrupted light to attack; Lucifer clashed with the Biblical God while the other Satans launched attacks to keep him distracted.

"Is something wrong, old man?" Lord Lucifer asked as he held his sword of corrupted light, locked in combat with his father's holy light. "You don't look so good."

"I may be tired," the Biblical God exclaimed, "but I am more than enough to handle the likes of you." He used his power to create an explosion of light and sent the Satans away from him.

"You really have fallen far, Lucifer," God stated as he watched his once favorite son's face contort in hatred.

The Biblical God must wonder how things could have gone so wrong; Lucifer was one of his favorite creations, and now even his power is a corrupted copy of what it once was.

Lord Lucifer's demonic power is the power of corruption; he can corrupt any holy power or artifact connected to the Biblical God. His son Rizevim Livan Lucifer inherited a weaker version of this power, but was born with a large amount of demonic magic.

"I haven't fallen farther; I just realized that you are nothing but a selfish tyrant," Lucifer shouted, then turned to his fellow Satans. "What are you idiots thinking? Attacking him now?"

The problem with the Satans is that they are arrogant, spoiled, lack teamwork, and only follow Lucifer because he was the strongest among them; they refuse to kneel before humans as their father had intended.

Beelzebub rushed in and punched the Biblical God in the face, separating him from Lucifer. The Lord of the Flies' fist was dark purple, indicating he was using his special ability to control insects. However, these insects were microscopic, the insects had the ability to consume all matter and energy.

Leviathan follows up that attack by launching water dragons at her father in another attack. As she transforms into her true form, which is a giant serpent-like dragon, this form increases all of her abilities.

Lastly, Asmodeus used his power to control the air around him to super-compress it and fire it at the Biblical God who was panting as he used his power to eliminate the Beelzebub insects from his body and shine with holy light as he met the attack sent his way with an explosion of power.

All throughout the battlefield, the power of the clash is felt and it becomes increasingly evident that the war will come to an end that day.

The Biblical God, exhausted from sealing the beast of the apocalypse earlier that day by unleashing countless forbidden seals, now watched in horror as three corrupted children approached him. The leader of Heaven felt a mix of sadness and then turned to determination, but suddenly realized he didn't see Lucifer.

With Naruto...

Naruto, like everyone else, felt the release of a massive amount of holy and demonic magic, but he, unlike most, knew that the Biblical God had been weakened and the Satans were not going to withdraw anytime soon.

Now is the time to end this war once and for all, Naruto looked at his lovers who nodded knowing what he was planning before he disappeared into his shadow.

Biblical God vs The Four Great Satans...

The Biblical God looked around for his once-favorite son only to feel a sharp pain in his chest; he looked down and saw a sword of corrupted light coming out of his chest.

"Hello Father," Lord Lucifer said in a gleeful voice. "I pray you are in good health." Lucifer mocked.

"Agh, Lucifer, my son," God gasped out as blood oozed from his mouth.

The other Satan started to celebrate, thinking that the battle was over, as they watched their father's head drop; then suddenly, his eyes shone gold and his holy aura doubled, forcing Lucifer and his followers to jump back.

"My children, I have given you all the chances to change your ways and repent, but you have rejected my offers at every turn," The Biblical God said in a deep voice. "Now it is time for judgement."

"Try it," Beelzebub yelled as his body started to transform into a giant wasp that was surrounded by a purple miasma that disintegrated everything it came in contact with.

"Today is your last day among the living," Asmodeus declared as he too transformed causing repulsion in all those present; his face had become demonic, with a lion's head on one shoulder and a goat on the other.

The Biblical God had a look of despair as he watched what his children were becoming, but his heart broke when he saw Lucifer transform into a beast resembling the beast of the apocalypse.

Now everything made sense to God; his children must have been the ones to awaken the Beast in hopes that it would kill him. The Biblical God didn't believe his children would fall so far, but there was no denying what they had done.

There were no words between them as they launched at each other; the Satans on one side and the leader of Heaven on the other.

The Biblical God summoned countless spears of light and sent them at Beelzebub, who let out a breath of his miasma from his mouth. Light and microscopic insects collided with each other for dominance until the light broke through and Beelzebub was struck by several spears of light, causing him to scream in pain.

Lady Leviathan, not caring for her fellow Satan's safety, unleashed a massive amount of water from her mouth in an attempt to drown the Biblical God. The latter responded by summoning fire from the sky, which instantly evaporated the water and allowed him to teleport in front of the monstrous Leviathan. He then landed a powerful punch infused with his holy energy, destroying her skull and brain within.

Asmodeus, seeing Beelzebub fatally injured and Leviathan possibly dead, attacked his father with a fury never seen before from him; he did so not to avenge his comrades but to gain the glory of killing his father for himself.

Asmodeus used his powers to force Leviathan's body to move and attack when he got close enough; his blade of water was aimed at the Biblical God, who punched it out of the way as he closed in on his once-beloved child.

Asmodeus stood before the Biblical God and attempted to use his power to freeze him in place; however, he failed to remember that his powers were no match for someone more powerful than himself.

The Biblical God grabbed Asmodeus by his neck and ripped his head and spine from his body, killing him and getting soaked in his son's blood.

Lucifer curses himself as he thinks that the other Satan's would have lasted longer, but he guesses they fulfilled their roles, now he has managed to accumulate the power needed to kill his father using his Devil Gear.

The Father of the Devil Gears possessed the powers of both the Red Dragon and some of the Beasts of the Apocalypse, while the other Satans fought against the Biblical God. While they were distracted, he was boosting his power and waiting for the perfect opportunity to launch a surprise attack; however, those losers didn't last long enough against their father for his plan to work.

Lord Lucifer had to dodge an attack from his father aimed at killing him with a sword of light; he could see that the God of the Bible had finally decided to put an end to His favorite son.

The Father of Lies releases a flame breath attack; the Biblical God instinctively senses that the attack could kill him so he dodged it.

Fast Forward...

The battle between the Biblical God and Lucifer was intense; the battlefield was completely destroyed, and the dead bodies of the fallen comrades would normally have made Lord Lucifer want to retreat, but instead, as he looked upon how injured and weak his Father appeared to be, he knew that victory would be his.

"What is wrong, Father?" Lord Lucifer asked mockingly."You don't look so good".

The Biblical God didn't reply, but instead summoned a holy sword, ready to put an end to this long-drawn-out battle.

"Come, O Devil King Lucifer, let us finish this here," the leader of Heaven declared.

Lucifer froze because the sword his father had summoned seemed to make his body shiver; his father had called him by his true name, meaning he had stopped seeing him as a son and an enemy.

"Fine, you old fool," Lucifer said as he used his devil gear to enhance his power once more and was on top of the Biblical God in an instant, launching blow after blow until the holy sword his father had slashed at him.

They clashed until they were both exhausted and had to stop, only to be once again locked in a clash of blades.

"Give up, Father, you have lost," Lord Lucifer declared as he tried and failed to overpower his father.

"I will never give up as long as I draw breath; you shall not go unpunished," God said as He began to slowly push Lucifer back.

The devil lord shouted, "I will never let you win, and I will never stop!"

The two were so tightly locked in battle that they didn't see someone rise from the shadows with a blade composed of darkness, chakra, and Curse Poison. He stabbed Lucifer in the back, and the blade went straight through the Biblical God's heart.

"Who dares do this to me?" Lord Lucifer gasped out as he could feel his life leaving him.

"It is I, Naruto Satanchia, the one you tried to use and whose father you killed in your family quarrel." The blonde stated.

"You ungrateful bastard, I treated you like you were my son," Lucifer said in a weak voice as his life was slipping away.

"I am sorry to tell you, but I already have a father and you are not him; now, die." Naruto replied as he pulled his hand out of the two beings impaled on the blade made of his power, ripping it out. The damage was done, though; the Devil King Lucifer and the God of the Bible fell to the ground, dying.

Naruto felt the magical signatures of angels, fallen angels, and devils approaching, so he acted quickly and ripped the throats of the Biblical Good and Lucifer out, making sure to use Samael's curse to further spread its poisonous influence inside their bodies, ensuring their deaths.

The blonde Satanchia had disappeared into his shadow before anyone could see him and soon Naruto could hear the cries of angels and devils over the loss of their leaders, but all he felt was relief that they were dead.

Naruto teleported back to his lovers and saw that they were killing off any angels or Fallens that came near; Metatron had been saved by his angel comrades, sacrificing their lives for others to leave with him, while Raziel lay dead, killed by Samael's curse. The blonde used his magic to store the body away to study later and to hide the evidence so no one would be able to tie him to the leader of Heaven and the Underworld's deaths.

In the underworld, only Lucifer and his Lovers knew about his possession of a Devil Gear with Samael inside; the blonde guessed that Lucifer wanted to keep it a secret so he could surprise his enemies with his power later.

The blonde looked at the setting sun and knew that, even with the leaders of Heaven and the Underworld dead, there would still be those who wanted to continue the war; he would have to do everything in his power to stop them. He guessed the old saying was true - there is no rest for the wicked.

Chapter End...


A/N: Next chapter, The Aftermath.



Did you mean to drop the same chapter twice??