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A/N: The story is dark, do not read if you cannot handle M rating content.

Naruto x DCU x Marvel x DBS

Part One of Two


Chapter 1: Escape.


On a planet that can only be described as hell, with fire pits and the wails of the residents screaming in pain and begging for mercy, there is a room deep beneath the domain of Darkseid, The New God of Evil. The room houses a being who has never seen daylight or experienced freedom; he was born trapped within its confines.

The only interaction the being had with the outside world was when a kind woman would give him food and tell him stories of heroes who were long dead, but those stories gave him hope that one day they would be saved.

"Then Superman lifted the building up and dropped it on the parasite," the woman said as she went on to describe what could only be something out of a comic book, but was real.

"So this Superman is strong," the being said. "Then why doesn't he come to save us?"

The woman remained silent for a moment as she recalled the horrors of the day when the universe lost its heroes.

"That is because all of the heroes died the day Darkseid and his army of Parademons attacked Earth, and he killed them one by one." The woman replied sadly.

"So there are no heroes left; therefore, we have no hope in this universe," the being said as he had never known anything about the outside world – all he had ever known was what a woman told him.

"There is hope as long as we are alive," the woman said. "There is hope," she repeated.

The person locked away in the darkness didn't reply, but he thought that the woman was a fool; they were trapped in their own personal hells with no one coming to save them – there was no hope.

He felt sorry for the woman, even though he was locked away; his senses remained very sharp, and he had heard what the monster called Darkseid had done to the woman, which made him shudder.

Fast Forward...

In the darkness of his cage in the wall, the being had dreams of a life he once led as Naruto Uzumaki, a ninja who had endured all the world could throw at him, only to lose it all due to his own foolishness. He let his responsibilities to his village overshadow those to his family, allowing complacency to set in and turning himself into a weakling.

In the end, Naruto was killed by an Otsutsuki after his family was also slaughtered; he assumed Naruto's soul must have reincarnated due to the tragedy he had suffered.

It seems as if there is only despair in this universe, and those who perish are merely foolish victims of a worthless cause.

"Hey, are you awake?" The woman's voice cut him out of his depressing thoughts. "I brought you something to eat."

"Why" Naruto said as he didn't understand this woman.

"What? What do you mean, 'why,' you are hungry, aren't you?" the woman replied in confusion.

"Why do you keep on feeding me? I know you're being punished every time you do, and why bother? You should just let me die; there is nothing but suffering here." Naruto stated as he heard the torture she had endured each time she fed him. It would be easier to just give up and die.

"So you can hear that from inside there," the woman said sadly. "It does matter if I have to suffer to get you food because you are my light, never tell me again that I should just let you die. You are my only reason for living; you are my savior, my hero."

Naruto stood in silence as those words filled him with warmth; he hadn't felt in a long time.

"Yes, you are. So, don't ever say that I should let you die; you must endure everything, and one day I am sure we will be saved." The woman spoke with conviction.

The woman's words brought back more memories of his past life, and the will to never give up. He came to a realization; they had to save themselves, because there was no one coming to save them. They had to escape from this place.

"Okay, I understand you are frustrated. Can you please tell me more about those heroes who saved the Earth?" Naruto asked as he began to formulate a plan to escape. He knew he needed to gather more information about the outside world before approaching the woman, though he was certain she was being monitored.

"I would be happy to tell you; I think you will enjoy hearing about the time my cousin and his friend Batman saved the multiverse from the Dark Multiverse." the woman said happily.

Fast Forward...

Naruto started making his escape plan; he already had a good layout of Apokolips from his senses and from what the woman told him in stories, all he needed was power to escape his cage and find a Boom Tube.

To become stronger, Naruto had tried to feel his chakra, but he quickly realized that he had none in this new body; however, he possessed another energy that was much more violent and uncontrollable.

He managed to get a handle on it, but he knew that he is nowhere near strong enough to defeat anyone on the planet, his only chance for freedom lay in escape.

He had to get to a portal and escape the planet, but the problem was that all Father Boxes are connected to Darkseid, so he would know where to find him if he used them. He would then send one of his avatars after him.

The only way around it is to travel to the dark multiverse, hope that they have a way to cross dimensions and jump to another dimension before Darkseid finds him and the dark dimension collapses in on itself.

He would have to leave the woman behind because he didn't have the strength to protect her; he needed to act fast or else he would be caught.

"Hey, I hope you're hungry." The woman's voice interrupted his thoughts.

Naruto answered, "I am, but I am always hungry." He then continued, "Can you tell me some stories about the Dark Multiverse?" Naruto asked for some information on the place he planned to escape to.

"Oh, so you want to hear about the time the Justice League defeated the Batman Who Laughs?" the woman said as she began to retell the story of the Dark Knight.

Hours Later...

The woman had long since left, and Naruto was using his enhanced senses to pick up on any presence nearby; he knew Darkseid was off-world and had taken his top officers, so the time to escape was now.

Naruto began drawing on the energy within him and placed his hands on the cage he was held in; a red aura surrounded his hands and erased the cage, allowing him to step out for the first time.

The first thing Naruto noticed was that, even though he was now outside of his cage, he was still surrounded by darkness; he knew that he was being kept underground and would have to find a way to escape.

Naruto had an idea on how to gain access to the Father Box, so he had to move quickly. 'Here goes nothing,' he said, and ran as fast as he could, which was faster than he thought he'd be able to go, considering he had been locked up for most of his life.

He ran up the stairs and entered the room; Naruto had to close his eyes when the light hit them, as they were too sensitive to the light.

Naruto hissed in pain but endured it and started heading for where he knew a Father Box was being kept with no guards around it.

Naruto was able to make it to where the Father Box was being kept by evading parademons and New Gods alike. His sensitive hearing and smell kept him out of everyone's reach.

Naruto was able to make it to where the Father Box was being kept by evading parademons and New Gods alike. His sensitive hearing and smell kept him out of everyone's reach. 

Soon Naruto made it to a large room with a big bed in the middle, inside the room scent of sex and blood.

It was the place where the woman who fed him was tortured every day. Naruto took the chance to open his eyes and wished he hadn't because all around him were dark-haired men in blue and red suits and capes, impaled on the walls. From the stories the woman told him, they were different versions of Superman from various universes.

Naruto closed his stinging eyes and hurried to the location of the Father Box, but before he could reach for it, a voice interrupted him.

"What do we have here?" said a voice in amusement.

Naruto briefly opened his eyes to see a man clad in silver and red armor with a helmet with horns.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked as he tried to buy himself time and get to the forbidden box that was a few feet away.

"Hahaha! It's cute how you think you can distract me so you can get to the father Box, but I am Steppenwolf, and I have lived too long for a trick like that to work on me." The new God said in an arrogant voice.

Naruto cursed under his breath and was about to make a sprint for the father box when Steppenwolf appeared in front of it and kicked him away.

Naruto crashed into the wall with a thump, making his back arch in pain; he looked up and saw the new god casually making his way towards him, not seeing him as a threat.

Naruto looked all over the room for something that could help him and saw a mirror nearby; he took it upon himself to inspect his new appearance. He had the same blonde hair and blue eyes as before, but he looked to be around seven years old due to the malnourishment possibly stunting his growth.

Naruto was pulled from his thoughts when Steppenwolf grabbed him by his hair and lifted him into the air.

"Hmm...so you are my nephew's son, the runt." The new God said. "You don't seem to be much of a threat, but I keep you around to keep your whore mother in line."

"What are you talking about?" the blonde asked, confused by everything the New God had said.

"Oh, so she didn't tell you? The woman who has been feeding you is your mother, Kara Zor-El, aka Supergirl, or Superslut, I like to call her. And your father is the one who imprisoned you; the New God of Evil, Darkseid," Steppenwolf explained with a sick smile.

Naruto was stunned; he thought that the woman who had fed him was just being kind, he didn't know she was his mother. He also knew of Darkseid from both his mother's stories and from what he picked up through his senses, the new god of evil was a monster that took pleasure in others pain.

"Oh, so I'm breaking your mind with this little piece of information, but I want to tell you more," the New God said with a cruel voice. "You know the food you have been eating all these years? It was the leftovers we would throw away, but your mother begged us for it, and we let her have it...only after she emptied our balls." the New God said with a perverted grin.

"You bastard!" Naruto exclaimed angrily, thinking about how his new mother must have suffered for him.

"You have a mouth on you," Steppenwolf said. "I will have to teach you to respect your betters."

The new God began to swing Naruto around until the hair that he was holding was ripped out and it was sent across the room; the blonde screamed throughout this, as his new body was sensitive and weak from not being used.

Steppenwolf advanced on the blonde and reached for him, but before he could touch the blonde, a new voice entered the room.

"Get away from him, you son of a bitch!" A voice Naruto recognized as his mother yelled.

Supergirl tackled Steppenwolf away, and the two struggled to overpower each other. Meanwhile, Naruto weakly got to his feet and made his way towards the location of the Father Box.

He reached for it and held it up, then whispered, "Please open a portal to the Dark Multiverse." Suddenly, a Boom Tube opened.

Naruto looked at where his mother was fighting the new god and saw she was losing; he knew what he had to do, but it wouldn't be easy and he hated that he would have to leave her here.

"Mother, I will save you," Naruto promised. "Don't die." He jumped into the Boom Tube. He heard Steppenwolf scream 'No!' as the Boom Tube closed and Naruto escaped.

Chapter End...

A/N: I initially wanted to make this story a one-shot, but I can see it might have two or more chapters.



So is he gonna have a weakness to kryptonite? Also do you already have more typed, because I'm curious on what the story would be if this was gonna be a one shot.


It was originally going to be a one shot but I decide divide it into several parts and as for Kryptonite you will have to wait and see 😁.