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AN: Naruto Time Travel, Part One of Two.


Chapter 1: The Otsutsuki Slayer


Naruto can only look upon the now-destroyed Hidden Village in despair; he had survived the attack on the village by the partner of Shibai Otsutsuki (who was actually Amado all along), thanks to Kawaki giving his life to protect him and sending him into a pocket dimension that released him hours later.

In hindsight, they should have seen something wrong with how much information Amado had on Shibai Otsutsuki and how he managed to get his remains.

Eida was one of Amado's creations, along with her brother Daemon; she was unable to defy him, so when Eida was asked to look into Amado's past, she was unable to say anything that would endanger his plans.

Amado's goal was simple; he wanted to sacrifice three fully matured Otsutsuki to the Divine Tree in order to gain access to a higher plane of existence similar to Shibai, which is why he helped Kawaki regain his Kama Seal when it disappeared, and he was also responsible for Code's White Kama Seal.

He wanted to use Kaguya as the third Otsutsuki sacrifice, but she was out of his reach, so he improvised and created Code to take her place.

Amado absorbed Eida and Daemon into himself, gaining their abilities. He then started his plan by attacking the Leaf Village.

He was planning to use Boruto, Momoshiki, and Kawaki to become an Otsutsuki god like Shibai and ascend to a higher plane of existence; however, he didn't foresee Boruto being able to use the Eye of the Otsutsuki God, the Jogan so effectively.

The three Otsutsuki put their grudges aside and battled Amado in a Godly Death Match, with Shinjutsu being used left and right; in the end, everyone died, except Amado, who was too weak to continue fighting, so he fled.

Naruto looked at the dead body of his family, friends, village men and women and for the first time in his life he felt true hatred for someone, no the entire species.

Naruto spent the next few days digging graves for every villager he could find, man, woman, or child, without rest.

Something inside the blonde snapped, that was the day the old Naruto died and in his place stood the new Naruto who vowed to kill all Otsutsuki's no matter the cost, but to do that he would need power.

Sound Village...

Naruto knew one person alive who could help him get stronger - Orochimaru. The scientist was more than happy to help since the Otsutsuki had killed his son, who was his perfect vessel, and he also wanted revenge.

The Snake Summoner spliced the DNA of Jugo and Ranmaru into Naruto to give him their bloodlines, Sage Transfermation and an Unnamed Dojutsu.

Naruto also plans to cultivate the chakra within him from the tailed beasts and form a new one as powerful as the Ten-Tails, aka the Divine Tree.

But for now, Naruto knows Amada is still alive, and he will show himself one day; on that day, he will die at his hands. But for now, he will continue training his new powers and mastering all of his abilities.

The blonde couldn't help but blame himself for the deaths of his people; if only he had focused more on getting stronger instead of becoming Hokage, maybe things would have been different. He didn't even know why he wanted the title anymore - maybe it was the childish part of him that wanted acceptance, but that part of him was dead, and all he wanted now was revenge and the annihilation of the Otsutsuki clan.

Naruto left and went to the Toad's Mountain where he trained to master Senjutsu and sealing techniques since they seemed to work well against the Otsutsuki. He also continued training his Dojutsu and Sage Transformation, while the Tailed Beast within him began forming itself into a tree.

The blonde figured that the tail beast chakra natural form but one day while training the tree transformed and took the form of a ten tailed fox to his shock it also had his Dojutsu, he guessed since their Chakras were mixing constantly they would share abilities.

With the new Tailed Beast inside him, Naruto can once again use Six Path Sage Mode at full power, along with his Sage Transformation, making it even stronger. His Dojutsu has also evolved.

10 years later...

Amado had made his move after years of absorbing the chakra of everyone powerful; he basically killed all the ninjas in the world and planted the Divine Tree to at least gain something from his wasted years plotting and tricking everyone.

Amado floated near the top of the Divine Tree, watching it absorb the planet's Life Force. He was sick of this world and cursed Kaguya for letting things get this far with the humans.

"So you finally decided to create the Chakra Fruit," an emotionless voice said from behind the Otsutsuki.

The Otsutsuki turned around and saw a white-haired man with a cold, powerful chakra looking at him with red eyes; he looked at the person's features before his eyes widened and he started to laugh.

"Well, if it isn't Naruto Uzumaki. Have you come here to watch me suck the life out of this world?" Amado said casually.

Naruto didn't reply and instead launched a wood dragon at the Otsutsuki. The latter was surprised by this ability as to his knowledge, Naruto doesn't have the bloodline, even though his arm is made of Hashirama cells.

Amado dodged the attack before taunting the blonde "Is that the best you can do, Hokage?"

"No, it is not," Naruto replied as he appeared at the left side of the Otsutsuki and placed the Yin seal on him, but before he could place the Yang one, Amado teleported to the other side of the Divine Tree.

The blonde has recreated his Yang seal and even created his own Yin seal; the Yin and Yang seals are the Sage of Six Paths' versions of the Kama seal, which pass on his power and do not reincarnate him like a regular Kama seal would for an Otsutsuki, making them closer in function to the White Kama seal.

The Yin seal he created didn't increase his strength since it was only his power stored inside it, but the Yang seal which he recreated had a fragment of the Sage of Six Paths technique and power, it gave him a slight power up, but now he was able to access Six Path Techniques.

Naruto used his Dojutsu and found Amado in an instant; he activated his Sage Mode and Transformation techniques simultaneously. His skin darkened and his chakra started coming off him like smoke, while ten Truth-Seeking Balls appeared behind him.

Naruto vanished and reappeared behind Amado who was surprised but was able to dodge Naruto's attack; while trying to grab him to activate Daemon Shinjutsu to reflect his attack, but Naruto was too fast and dodged him, and slammed a TSB on his face, sending him to the ground.

"Damn you, Naruto," Amada said. "Why don't you just die already?" The Otsutsuki mocked. "Go be with your pathetic family and be at peace."

There will be no peace for me or you, Otsutsuki. There will only be death." Naruto stated as he made a trust-seeking ball reshaped itself into a spear.

"You killed me," the Otsutsuki laughed at the idea. "Don't make me laugh anymore; you who had to hide behind your son the last time I attacked. Think you can defeat me? Dream on, you lower being."

Amado decided to show the blonde his true form to make him feel despair, Amado in his usual Otsutsuki form is a pale, slender humanoid with goat-like horns on the side of his head, he has a Byakugan in his left eye and a Rinnegan in his right.

When he transformed, his skin turned red and his horns grew larger; his Byakugan evolved into a Tenseigan, and his Rinnegan evolved into a Rinne Sharingan.

"Behold my true form, human; it will be the last thing you ever see, the Otsutsuki said arrogantly.

"That's your true power," the blonde stated before he transformed again, this time into his Six Path Sage Mode.

The two super-powerful beings stared at each other as if a bell had just gone off; they launched themselves at the other with a battle cry that shook the entire planet.

Several Days Later...

"How can this be? How could I lose to a human?" Amado shouted. "I was second in power only to Shibai; this cannot be real."

"This is your reality, Otsutsuki; now die." Naruto replied.

"Fool, you Otsutsuki don't die that easily, you should know that by now," the alien god said with an arrogant look.

"I know that you parasites take over the bodies of the people who defeat you, but I found a way around that." Naruto replied as he made his spear levitate.

Hearing this, Amado started to panic, but it was too late; Naruto's spear had already separated his head from his body, and the spear began to glow blue as it started to suck the soul out of the corpse.

This was a sealing technique Naruto had discovered, allowing him to get around the Otsutsuki's resurrection ability by using his True Sealing Ball as a medium; he could seal the souls of any Otsutsuki he killed into nothingness.

Naruto looked around and only saw destruction; the world was dying, and there was nothing he could do about it. Everyone on the planet was either dead or would soon die.

The blonde eyes wandered to the glowing Chakra Fruit, and his eyes lit up in hope; what if he could undo the damage the Otsutsuki Clan had done before it ever happened?

Naruto now had the Chakra fruit in his hands and ate it; he felt a massive surge of power that almost overwhelmed him, but he was able to take the power under control.

Naruto then created some water and made it float in front of him; he watched his reflection and was slightly surprised by what he saw - his right eye had changed into a Rinnegan, but it was red in color as he still had all the power of his unnamed Dojutsu. He guessed that the two Dojutsus must have fused together, his left eye has also changed the white of the eye is now black, and he could feel that it had changed in some way he would have to find out later on.

Naruto had a crazy plan, but he figured that he had nothing to lose now; he would travel to the past and change the future by eliminating the Otsutsuki threat.

Fast Forward...

The world was ending; the sky was dark with thick clouds, allowing no sunlight through. The earth was shaking itself apart.

Naruto had found the Karasuki, a time-traveling device belonging to the Otsutsuki clan; Sasuke had told him about it, and now he was going to use it to change the past.

"Awaken, Karasuki! I require your power." the former blonde ordered, standing in a dark room that only had a candle for illumination.

The turtle-like device responded and looked at Naruto for a second, wondering if he was an Otsutsuki or not, but shook its head, thinking it didn't really matter anyway.

"Why have you awakened me?" Karasuki asked, wanting to go back to sleep.

Naruto said "I need you to send me back to the time of warring clans." He asked "Can you do that?"

"Yes, I can do that; however, why should I?" Karasuki asked curiously.

"For one, that planet is going to be destroyed soon, and I know you don't want to be used ever again; so I swear I will hide you after you help me, so that no one can find you." Naruto replied as the Karasuki thought about the proposal and agreed.

"Fine, I will do it, but you better keep your word," the time device said.

It glowed and a light surrounded the two as they traveled back through time and space. As soon as it happened, it stopped. Naruto found himself in a clearing, holding the Karasuki in hand. He looked around and used Sage Mode to feel his surroundings. Naruto smiled; he had done it. He was in the past.

"Now, I will begin my plan to counter the Otsutsuki clan and get rid of those parasites once and for all," Naruto stated as he walked away in search of any civilization to get his bearings.

Chapter End......


AN: Here is the first part of my Naruto Time-Travel Fanfiction, the next part will be about what Naruto has been up to since he arrived in the past.



so far it is a great story please continue


Yh, it was intended to be a One shot but I decided to break the story into two parts.


Part 2 is being worked on now along with some of my other stories 😉.