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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Re:Zero or DxD.

AN: Lemon and other M rated content in Chapter.

Chapter 3: Zenin Clan

Kyoto Jujutsu High...

Lemon Start...

Naruto was lying on his bed, completely naked with his hands behind his head as he thought about everything that had happened since he arrived at this school. However, he was quickly distracted by the warm, wet sensation surrounding his hard cock.

The blonde glanced down to see an equally naked Mai with her hands around his cock, jerking it while her mouth went up and down his dick, taking his shaft as far as she could go, making lewd slurping sounds.

The blonde looked at Mai's finger to see an engagement ring on it; that was right, he and Mai were engaged. Naruto couldn't help but smile smugly when he thought about how they had come to be engaged.

Lemon Pause...


It had been a few weeks since Naruto and Mai had first had sex, and the female Zenin had become more submissive and womanly; she admitted to him she didn't want to be a jujutsu sorceress, but instead would be happy living a normal life.

The blonde joked and said if it were the case he could get her pregnant and take her as his wife; then she could be a regular housewife. He was done saying that when Mai's eyes widened in shock. She quickly got a thoughtful look on her face before she jumped him and they had the most passionate bout of lovemaking to date.

After they discussed what it would mean for them if they chose this route, Naruto didn't mind taking Mai as his wife; however, he made it known that he might take other women as concubines in the future. While he was okay with her no longer being a jujutsu sorceress, he still expected her to train with him so she wouldn't get rusty, as the world was dangerous and she needed to be able to protect herself if he wasn't there.

Mai to his surprise was fine with him taking concubines and agreed with him to keep her training up when she is not pregnant because she knew how dangerous the world can be also.

When Mai saw his surprised look, she wisely guessed it was because of her being okay with him taking other women; she gave him a cocky smile before telling him that her father had multiple partners, other than her mother. In fact, other than Maki she had other siblings, but since her father was married to her mother, they were considered Zenin.

Naruto was happy to hear that, without hesitation, he proposed to Mai, which she gladly accepted; however, her mood dropped, and then she informed him he would have to meet her family, specifically her father, in order to gain her hand in marriage.

Zenin Clan Compound...

Naruto was seated at a large table with Mai at his side, in front of Naobito Zenin, the Zenin clan leader. Next to him were Naoya and Jinichi, Mai's cousins; Ogi, her father; Ranta and Chojuro, also from the Zenin clan.

Mai was wearing a blue kimono that reached her knees with nothing underneath, and Naruto wore an orange montsuki as he observed the Zenin clan members as they were doing the same.

The blonde was a little disappointed with what he saw; there were just a bunch of arrogant misogynistic weaklings. The blonde knew how this would all end in a fight, and with people like these, power is all they understand.

"I am here to ask for your daughter Mai's hand in marriage," Naruto said to Ogi, getting to the point so he could get this over with.

"Why do you want to marry my daughter?" Mai's father asked with confusion, as he genuinely didn't know why anyone else would want to marry a "failure" like his daughter. Mai didn't show any outward expression, but Naruto knew that statement had hurt her more than she let on.

"I have come to care for her in the short time I've known her, and she is the perfect woman for me," the blonde replied, making Mai blush cutely.

"Ha ha ha! So it's young love." Nabito Zenin stated. "I don't buy it, what is the real reason you want to marry Mai?"

"Yeah, you have to have another reason besides love to marry that waste of space who's just a little better than her sister Maki." Naoya said while laughing, making Mai get an emotionless face.

The other Zenin clan members started to laugh at his joke, making the blonde get pissed off. Naruto had enough of their crap and decided to drop the formal stuff and just get down to business.

"Sigh," the blonde said with a bored expression. "I can see why Mai and Maki hate you all so much."

The room was silent for a moment as everyone was stunned by the blonde's boldness.

"How dare you say that!" Naoya began to say, but the blonde ignored him and continued talking.

"So, according to Mai, I have to duel one of you and win for her hand in marriage." Naruto stated. "So, with one of you weaklings, will it be?" the blonde asked with a grin.

The room fell into chaos as the Zenin members cursed at the blonde for daring to insult them; the blonde ignored them as Mai stood by his side, facepalming. She should have known her boyfriend would just do as he pleased.

The Zenin moved to attack the blonde, but was stopped by the clan head. "So, weaklings are we," he said. "Would you mind facing me in this duel?"

"Yes, you are all pretty weak from what I am seeing," the blonde replied. "It doesn't matter who I fight; the results will be the same."

"Okay then, I, Nabito Zenin accepts your challenge", the clan head said.

Naruto just gave a lazy smile, not caring at all about having to fight but just wanting to get it over with so he could be balls deep in Mai.

Mai must have read his mind because she started to blush and shot him shy looks but refused to meet his eyes.

Court Yard...

Naruto stood across from Nabito, while Mai's father, Ogi, served as the referee for the match. Mai remained silent, but before the duel began, she gave the blonde a kiss and moved to the sidelines.

"Hahaha! I hope you can back up your cocky attitude because you're about to be in a world of hurt," the clan head stated.

"Sigh...let's get this over with." Naruto replied. "This should be quick and easy."

As the blonde said this it angered the clan head and the other Zenin clan members, as they felt he was disrespecting them.

Half an Hour Later...

The Zenin compound had been basically destroyed, with the unconscious bodies of the clan members lying all around it; the blonde had predicted the duel would be over before it even began.

He admitted that Nabito surprised him with a curse technique that could bypass his curse technique barrier; he guessed the clan head must have worked on the curse technique to use it against Gojo.

Too bad for him; he was equipped with the cursed tools they had created, the black cube that absorbed the curse energy from everyone around it (except the holder) was embedded in the palm of his right hand, and the Reverse Spear of Heaven was on his waist.

The blonde had also developed his curse technique by using positive energy to power it; his curse technique instead of stopping time now sped up the time of the things around him aging whatever he touched to dust.

When he beat the shit out of Nabito, the other Zenin clan members attacked him; clearly, the other clan members were not pleased with the outcome, so Naruto fought them and came out on top.

Now only Naruto, Mai, and a few servants who were female, including Mai's mother, were conscious; Naruto moved Mai over to the clan compound to a room that was still intact, he grabbed her mother's wrist and made her follow them.

When they were all inside, the blonde turned to Mai's mother and spoke. "I am going to take your daughter away from here and make her as happy as I can." Naruto stated. "In return, she will help me build the Uzumaki clan by supporting me and bearing my children."

"Why are you telling me all this?" Mai's mother asked with an expressionless face.

"I don't know, I just thought you would want to know that your daughter is going to live a happy life away from here," the blonde stated as Mai beside him blushed and didn't look anyone in the eye.

"I don't care what you want to do with her, you won the duel for her hand in marriage so she no longer has a place here," the mother replied, causing Mai's face to drop a little.

"I understand," the blonde said as she got up to leave. This caused Mai to get up as well. "Mai, give your mother a hug before we go."

"What? Why? She didn't care about him," Mai complained and didn't understand what her boyfriend was getting at.

"The world isn't always fair; this might be the last time you get to see your mother. Are you okay with leaving like this?", Naruto asked as he realized that Mai's mother might not be as bad as his girlfriend thought she was. Mai's mother is just a powerless woman who couldn't protect her daughters.

Mai remained silent as she walked over to her mother and looked her in the eyes; neither of them spoke to the other, but Mai embraced her mother and gave her a hug that conveyed some of the emotions she had been bottling up for years. Her mother remained still, not moving, but her expression changed for a moment before it returned to its emotionless state.

"I don't hate you," Mai said, "but I can't call you my mother either. You gave birth to me, but you didn't raise me or my sister; instead, you left us to the mercy of the clan. But I guess you couldn't help it anyway you are just a powerless human."

Mai broke the hug and walked beside Naruto as he left the Zenin clan destroyed compound; she hooked her arm with his and smiled at the new chapter that had opened in her life.

Flashback End...

Lemon Resume...

Naruto came out of his thoughts when he felt Mai envelop his cock in her tight little cunt; she was using all the muscles in her soft pubic mound to milk her fiance's hard shaft.

The blonde leaned back and let Mai bounce on his cock to her heart's content; her snug folds enveloped his shaft completely, making him grunt from the sensation as he watched her tits bounce up and down.

Mai started to get tired and her bouncing slowed down, so the blonde reached up and hugged her to him with her soft breasts now flattened against his chest. Naruto now started to thrust up inside her, causing the former female Zenin to cry out in pleasure.

"How are you still hard? I swallowed three of your loads and you came in my pussy twice," Mai asked as she was exhausted from the nonstop fucking; her beaver was starting to get sore, and she knew she would have to offer him her ass soon if this kept up; she had a mission tomorrow and she would need to be able to sit down in a car which would be a nightmare if her ass gets taken.

"How can I not be hard when you're so cute and sexy?" Naruto replied while not letting up in his drilling of my poor pussy. "Besides, if you want to get pregnant, we have to have sex as much as possible, right?"

She groaned but agreed."I guess you're right," she said. "But this is the last round. I can't continue after this; my pussy is too sore, and my ass is off limits. I have a mission tomorrow, and I won't be able to do it properly with a sore asshole." The Creation Curse Technique user said, but her fiance got a mischievous look and flipped them over.

"So this is the last round, huh?" the blonde Uzumaki said. "Well, I better make it explosive."

With that said before Mai can do anything the blonde had her in a mating press, going in and out of the pussy making her feel like she was being slowly split apart by Naruto's bitch breaker in a good way.

"Ah-ah! Oh-ah! You're breaking my pussy, you big dick bastard!" Mai yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Do you want me to stop?" Naruto asked with a perverted grin.

"Don't you dare!" she growled out. "I'll cut your dick off and make it into a dildo if you do." Mai then threw her head back, cumming as Naruto continued to thrust into her, prolonging her orgasm.

Minutes later, Naruto grunted and released his seed into Mai's waiting, fertile womb, hoping he had successfully impregnated her so they could start creating the Uzumaki clan within the Jujutsu world.

Lemon End.....

Naruto laid in bed with Mai on his chest, fast asleep; the blonde combed his fingers through her hair, making her let out a content sigh. Mai was going on a mission to Tokyo Jujutsu High to eliminate Sukuna's vessel; he, of course, was going with her to make sure she would be okay. the blonde also wanted to test his strength against a being as powerful as the king of curses, It was an interesting mission to say the least.

Chapter End.....


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