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A/N: This story is rated M for mature content not suitable for children.


Chapter 33: Devil(Clones) vs Heroes

Khaos Brigade Main Base

The base of the criminal organization, which was once filled with traitors in multiple factions planning the destruction of the status quo, is now a battleground against the extra demon faction.

All around, members of the Khaos Brigade were fighting desperately to survive, with little success. The extra demon faction came to their base with the sole objective of eliminating all of the traitorous group.

Youkai, devils, angels, fallen ones, or humans, it didn't matter to the extra demon faction; all the traitors had to die. While their leader, being Naruto, Mephisto, and Grayfia, was dealing with the most dangerous enemies, the army of the Extra Demon took great pleasure in slaughtering their foes.

Greyfia vs Cao Cao

"How are you still able to fight me," Cao Cao asked as he dodged the barrage of ice sent his way by the silver-haired she-devil.

Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin: Itthiratana

Cao Cao was sure he used his balance break ability that robs women of their power temporarily, but with the way Greyfia was attacking him, it clearly didn't work.

Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin: Assaratana

Cao Cao activated one of his sacred gear abilities and teleported himself out of Greyfia's reach, but she soon found him and continued her assault with spells of every kind, from ice to lightning.

"What have you done?" Cao Cao asked the devil. His sacred gear's ability should have made Greyfia as weak as a kitten, but she was attacking him like a furious lioness.

Greyfia didn't answer but instead increased the speed and power of her attacks, forcing the leader of the Hero Faction to teleport away to save his life.

Cao Cao continues to dodge Greyfia's attacks and also teleports some back at her, but she didn't even dodge them. The silver-haired devil took each attack head-on without flinching.

The leader of the Hero Faction noticed two things: Greyfia was regenerating like a phenex, which should be impossible, but even more shocking was that she seemed more masculine.

"You turned yourself into a man, this is more than a transformation or illusion because my power would have still worked, you altered yourself down to your very cells," Cao Cao said out loud. He had figured out why his power didn't work on the devil.

"I am impressed, human. If you were not so dangerous with your sacred gear, I would make you into my servant," Greyfia said. Her voice was deeper but still had the same emotionless tone.

"Tsk, I would not serve a disgusting devil," the leader of the Hero Faction spat out, "I would rather die."

"It's not that you would have much of a choice, but as I said, you are too dangerous with the true Longinus to do that. It's a pity," Greyfia explained, as if she was talking about the weather.

Cao Cao felt a shiver go up his spine when he heard the female turned male devil speak, but he didn't show it.

"Enough of your nonsense, Devil. It is time for you to die," Cao Cao exclaimed as he activated another of his sacred gear's ability.

Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin: Gahapatiratana

In the blink of an eye, seven warrior-like entities appeared around Cao Cao, ready to defeat him at a moment's notice.

Greyfia saw this and with a burst of magic several ice golems appeared to match the leader of the heroes faction warriors.

Without a word, the two forces launched themselves at the other, with Greyfia and Cao Cao once again locked in combat while their summon soldiers fought around them.

Greyfia's Clones vs Georg

The three clones of Greyfia were systematically using their numbers to divide Georg's attention so that they can test the limit of his sacred gear's abilities.

"Stay still, you vigor creature," Georg exclaimed in frustration. He had not taken any damage, but he hadn't landed any attack on the clones either.

"I don't think we will," one of the clones said mockingly while the other laughed at the silly request. Who would stay still because an enemy asked them to?

The three clones attacked Georg from all sides with long-range magic and watched as their attacks were returned to them via mist. Each clone blocked the attacks with ease.

"You see, none of your attacks can reach me," Georg stated with pride as he started to create a magic circle and fire a burst of wind at the silver-haired she-devil.

"Hmmm, you are a somewhat annoying opponent to have," Greyfia's clone said calmly as she started to create what can only be explained as a ball of darkness in her right hand. The other clones followed her example soon, and three orbs of darkness were created.

"Whatever you are planning will never work," Georg said as he expanded his mist to reach out in all directions. "I will send you and all of your comrades to the dimension gap to die."

Greyfia's clones could see that Georg was losing himself to rage and frustration, which would usually be good for the silver-haired she-devil as it would make the member of the Hero Faction make a mistake that would cost him, but with his sacred gear, it was risky as he could expand his mist and get both allies and enemies alike.

"You are so weak," one clone said out loud, making George glare at her.

"I know, right? He possesses a Longinus and yet he can't even deal with clones like us who have only a fraction of the original's power," another clone said, looking at Georg with pity.

"I guess it is true, it's not the size of the tool but how you use it," the last clone said, making an obvious dig at Georg's manhood.

"Shut the fuck up, you bitches," Georg yelled as he emitted more mist that touched both friend and foe, but the man didn't care anymore, as long as he could kill the silver-haired sluts who mocked him. "I will kill and destroy you all, then I am going after the original and make her suffer."

Greyfia's Clones vs Siegfried

Siegfried was clashing with two clones of the silver-haired she-devil; the third was firing magical attacks at him nonstop.

Siegfried was using four of his six arms to fend off the two clones attacking him with blades made of fire and ice, and his other two to cut the magical attack made by the third clone.

"What are you planning?" Siegfried asked out loud. He was not like the others of the Hero Faction who let their egos or hatred for the supernatural blind them. He could see that Greyfia was toying with them.

"What do you mean?" one of the clones, who was clashing blades with him, asked, acting innocent, "We are having a duel to the death."

"You know damn well what I mean," Siegfried snapped, but he was forced to dodge a fireball aimed at his head by the clones fighting at a distance. "You're holding back."

"You are smarter than you look," one of the clones attacking him with a blade of ice stated in amusement, "smarter than your friend at least."

Siegfried looked annoyed, but before he could voice it, the clones started attacking him with greater force and intensity.

"You are not bad for a human, and you can use demon swords; that's a rare ability," one clone using a lightning blade to fight said as she clashed with Siegfried, "and your use of a weak sacred gear to make yourself this strong is impressive."

Siegfried was about to curse at the clone for mocking him, but he suddenly felt two of the arms created by his sacred gear get cut off. The pain was intense because those arms were like his flesh and blood arms.

The swordsman was distracted by the pain, so he missed it when the two clones battling in close range dismissed their elemental blades. They grabbed the wrists of his four arms and broke them with their enhanced devil strength.

Siegfried dropped his swords and was now cradling his broken wrists. He waited for the clones to finish him off, but instead, they all just looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to try something.

Siegfried let out a growl at being underestimated and used all his willpower to stand. The silver-haired she-devil looked pleased, seeing that as she patiently waited for the hero faction member to compose himself.

Greyfia's vs Jeanne

Jeanne was being overwhelmed by the three clones of the silver-haired she-devil. They had all ganged up on her, despite the fact that Jeanne surrounded herself with holy swords as a defense.

It was disconcerting to see her holy sword, created with her sacred gear, being destroyed as if it were nothing by the clones of a devil using their bare hands.

"Stay away from me," Jeanne scouted in panic as she saw the three clones advance on her position at high speed. "Take this balance break."

Balance Break: Holy Dragon of Judgement

Jeanne's balance break is a giant dragon made of holy swords. She was hoping that it would be enough to kill the clones of the devil she was fighting, but that hope was dashed.


Without missing a beat, one of the clones of Greyfia enhanced her body and landed a powerful kick on the dragon's body, creating a shockwave.

The other two clones ran up to Jeanne and engaged in a battle of Rapier vs fists. The hero thought she would win, but instead, she almost lost consciousness as a punch grazed her forehead.

"Why aren't you hurt? Holy energy is a devil's greatest weakness, and each of my holy swords should be enough to kill a high-class devil," Jeanne yelled as she frantically created swords to keep the two clones away from her. The third clone was throwing her dragon around like a toy.

The clones didn't answer as they kept on getting closer and closer to Jeanne by destroying everything she sent their way.

"Stay away from me," Jeanne exclaimed in fear as one of two clones finally reached within five feet of her, the human woman used her Rapier to try to stab Greyfia, but the devil grabbed her weapon with her bare hands and ripped it from her hands.

Before Jeanne could create another Rapier, the other clone appeared next to her and buried its fist into the human woman's stomach.

The attack caused Jeanne to cough up blood, and she wetted herself in the process, which was a great embarrassment for her. However, that was nothing compared to the pain she felt. It was as if several of her organs had ruptured, and considering who punched her, it was a possibility.

Jeanne lost all hope of winning when she saw her dragon get frozen; then the ice was shattered, her most powerful ability was taken down as if it was nothing.

Greyfia's Clones vs Heracles

"Why don't you die, bitch," Heracles shouted in rage. All of his attacks on the clones were proving ineffective. "How are you regenerating like this? You are not a member of the Phenex clan."

It was true that Greyfia is definitely not a phenex, but her devil gear allowed her to copy their abilities, and now her three clones are using said ability to counteract Heracles' sacred gear.

Heracles would use his sacred gear's ability to create explosions on contact with the clones of Greyfia, but they would burst into flames and regenerate any damage they received, attacking him with punches and kicks that caused more explosions while wounding Heracles.

"What the hell are you?" Heracles screamed in frustration as he attacked the clone closest to him with a massive explosion, but she just regenerated and continued to beat on him.

Greyfia's clones had long noticed that Heracles had a resistance to magic, and only the most powerful spells would ever affect him. So, instead of just attacking him with their most powerful magic, they decided to humble the arrogant human by beating him in hand-to-hand combat.

"Tsk, I don't know what you are doing, but I will defeat you, bitch," Heracles declared as the blow around his body brightened.

Balance Break: Detonation - Mighty Comet

As soon as his balance broke, Heracles fired a barrage of bombs at Greyfia's clones, who didn't even bother to dodge them but instead ran directly into them, causing a huge explosion.

"Take that, you stupid devil," Heracles gloated as he watched her sacred gear at work. But his face fell as he watched the clones of the silver-haired devil emerge from the explosion, regenerating until they were in perfect condition. Even their clothes were back to normal.

"Is that all you have?" one of the clones asked, giving Heracles a mocking smile.

"He is just like his namesake, a weak, stupid rapist who can't get a woman unless he forces himself on them," another clone declared, looking at Heracles as if he were a bug.

"Come on, girl. We don't know if he's a rapist, but he's weak," the last clone said with a grin. "Besides, I doubt he can satisfy any woman with the limp dick of his."

This made all the clones laugh, and Heracles felt humiliated, making his face red with rage. With a beastly roar, the human male used his sacred gear to propel himself to the she-devil's clones, intent on destroying them, then going to find the original and get his pound of flesh.

Chapter End


A/N: Thank you all for the support. I hope you like this chapter. Until next time.


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