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A/N: This story is rated M for mature content not suitable for children.


Chapter 5: Slut Meets Stud Part 1.

Red-Light District [Tokyo]

Midnight, the rated R hero, this woman was a slut. She had slept with more men than any prostitute in the red light district would in ten lifetimes. Her conquests spanned from heroes like All Might to regular civilians.

At this moment she is hunting down a notorious child molester with a quirk that always him to take control of the mind of adolescent children.

The sick bastard had ruined the lives of more than 30 families, out of the 30 children he kidnapper only nine were found alive the rest were dead by the time the heroes could get to them.

Midnight had taken a special interest in this case because while she was a proud whore, some may call her a degenerate but she hated those who hurt children with a passion.

This stems from the fact that she herself was molested by her father as a child, which happened before she became the hero midnight and was just Nemuri Kayama.

Midnight never told anyone this fact or that she killed her father by accident, it was when her Somnambulist had first awaken, her father had become more aggressive with her and Nemuri wanted him to stop hurting her so her quirk released a potent amount of her aroma that would usually put people to sleep but it shut down all her father's organs killing him.

The R-rated heroine father's death was ruled as a accident because of her quirks sudden awakening, this was a common occurrence for child who quirk just active to accidentally kill someone so the law was more lenient in those cases.

Midnight knew that was the reason she became a slut, she was traumatized by her father's death and her years of being molested by him didn't help.

The R-rated heroine knew that despite all the harm her father did to her, she still loved and missed him so in order to feel something other than self hate she sleep with random men to forget her past.

Midnight came out of her thoughts as she focused on a shady-looking brothel, which was saying something because in the red light district everything was shady but this building stood out.

This building didn't have whores selling their services in front of it, the men and woman who enter the building were looking around nervously like they are doing something they shouldn't.

"Jackpot," Midnight said with a smirk, her eyes had a dark look in them. "Time to get to work."

Midnight walked over to a man wearing a long trench coat. He was trying to drunkenly flirt with a prostitute, but was not having any luck because it seemed he was out of money. The heroine let out a whistle to get his attention and gave him a wink motioning for him to follow her into a nearby alleyway.

The drunken man didn't hesitate to run after Midnight his eyes glued to her curvy form, he didn't even realize when the hero active her quirk, his vision darken as sleep took him.

Midnight smirked as she took his trench coat. She fished through the pockets and found sunglasses. The heroine removed her mask and replaced it with the sunglasses.

"That should make me look suspicious enough and hide my hero identity so I can get inside that shady looking place," Midnight said out loud as she slowly approached the brothel, her eyes were looking left and right, she did that to appear nervous.

"Halt, what do you want?" one of the two male security guards in front of the brothel demanded. "This is not an open brothel; it is by invitation only. So if you don't have one, beat it."

"I don't have an invitation but I was told that if I want a rare pleasure I can come here," Midnight said trying to sound desperate"Please let me inside, it been too long since I taste some young flesh."

"Look, lady, I don't know what you think is happening inside there, but you are wrong. I will tell you one last time: if you don't have an invitation, you're not getting inside," the guard repeated, and the second one nodded in agreement.

Midnight cursed internally when she heard this. She should have gathered more information before moving, but she always becomes impatient when children are involved in cases like these.

The heroine was about to use her quirk to get inside and rescue the child when she heard someone approaching.

"You can let her in, but take her phone and check her for taps," a voice said from behind Midnight. "You can never be too careful about these things."

Midnights turned around and found a short fat man wearing clothes that look like they came from a pimp in the sixties. He looked so ridiculous that it took all her willpower not to laugh at the midget.

"Geto sir, we did know you were coming here today," guard one said as he followed his boss's instructions and checked Midnight over and found nothing.

"Well since you are not a spy, you can go inside and enjoy all the pleasures that life can give you," Geto said to Midnight. She felt disgusted but didn't let it show.

"Thank you, sir. I am in your debt," the R-rated hero said to the short man, making him smile.

"After you are done having your fun, come to my private room, ask any guard where it is, you can pay me back then," Geto said with a lecherous look on his face.

The disguised Midnight, of course, knew that Geto was giving her perverted looks since he laid his eyes on her. The heroine was sure he only allowed her to enter so that she would be in his debt, and he would use that to sleep with her. Too bad she was going to shut this place down.

"I will be sure to do that, sir," Midnight said submissively as she was allowed in the brothel.

As soon as she entered, Midnight was filled with fury and disgust to the point that her quirk went out of control and everyone close to her fainted.

Men and women were abusing children left and right, the poor boys and girls had tears going down their faces as the cruel adult used them for their own twisted pleasure.

"Screw the plan, you are all pieces of shit and I will be happy to break every bone in your bodies," Midnight said in an enraged voice. "I have called for backup so please put up a fight so I have a reason to hurt you more."

The usual flirtatious heroine now looks like an angel of death to every child molester present. Geto would've been caught by her quirk, but the killing intent Midnight gave off caused his fallen form to shiver in fear.

Fast Forward


Midnight sighed as she had another disappointing night with a random man she picked up at a bar she frequented. He was asleep beside her, looking happy.

The female hero had picked up the man to help her blow off steam after the latest mission she went on.

"I was hoping that I would feel at least a little satisfied with how much you bragged about being able to knock my socks off, but you were just full of shit," Midnight said to the sleeping man as she got dressed and left his apartment.

After accidentally killing her father as he was molesting her, Midnight found that her quirk became stronger the more aroused she was and it turned deadly when she was at her peak so she had to train herself to resist having orgasms.

The female hero knew that this was not a healthy way to live her life, but she couldn't help it. After she accidentally killed her father, she sought comfort in men, specifically older men.

"Troublesome," the R-rated heroine said to herself, she knew that she should have tried to get professional help a long time ago but every time she did, the face of her father would flash in her mind.

Midnight would remember the happier times when her mother was alive and they were a complete family, her father carrying her on his shoulders as they walk through crowds so she would get lost while holding her mother's hand.

Those were the happiest memories she had while growing up before her mother died and everything went to shit, coming back to reality she couldn't help but feel depressed.


"Hello," Midnight answered her phone, but she checked the caller ID and saw it was Nezu, the principal of UA.

"Hello, Nemuri. How have you been?" Nezu asked the heroine in a cheerful voice.

"I am doing okay, Nezu, but I know you well enough to know that you would just call to find out how I am doing," Midnight replied, as she wanted to cut to the chase, "What do you want?"

"You know me so well, little Nemuri," Nezu said. "I want you to come teach a hero class at U.A."

"Hahahaha very funny, now what is the real reason you called me?" Midnight said after a fit of laughter, but stopped when she saw the dead serious expression on the UA principal's face.

"I want you to come teach at UA, but I also want you to keep an eye on Mirko and Ryukyu," Nezu replied, making the heroine's eyes widen at him wanting her to basically spy on her fellow heroes. "They have both become teachers at UA because of their recent pregnancies, but they have been acting suspiciously."

"What the hell, you want me to be a spy," Midnight exclaimed, having mixed feelings about what Nezu wanted her to do. "Why," she asked.

"I have reason to believe Mirko and Ryukyu are being controlled by someone, but I can't find out who. You might be about to," Nezu replied, not saying everything, but Midnight got what he meant.

Nezu thought that Ryukyu and Mirko had fallen into the hands of a villain and he wanted to use her as bait to draw out said villain.

"Fine, I will do it," Midnight said after she thought about it. If her fellow heroines were being controlled by a villain, it was her duty to save them. "I'll be there tomorrow morning."

"Good, I will get everything ready for you," Nezu said before cutting the call.

Chapter End


A/N: I didn't originally plan to divide this chapter in two, but it turned out that way, so this will be a two-part chapter. Special shout out to my Mega-Tier members. Until next time.


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