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A/N: This story is rated M for mature content not suitable for children.


Chapter 1: Reincarnated As A Human?

Tensei Shitara Universe [Kingdom of Brumund]

Brumund Adventurer Guild

"Thank you for patiently waiting, sir. Here is your payment for completing the request to subjugate the pit of Goblins that have been kidnapping women from the nearby village," a cute receptionist said to a blonde-haired teen with blue eyes while handing him a small bag of gold coins.

The receptionist is a beautiful young woman in her late teens or early twenties. She has brown hair and eyes, and she was wearing a business suit and skirt, like most female guild workers.

"Are there any other requests for monster subjugation available?" the blonde teen asked as he took the gold and placed it into his bag. "The last quest was too easy."

"There are some requests available," the receptionist answered with a small frown. "But I think you should take some time off to rest, you just came back from a week-long quest after all."

"I am not tired or injured, so can I please have the quest," the blonde asked the receptionist again with his hand out like he expected her to just give in and place the request paper in his hand.

The adventurer and receptionist looked at each other straight in the eyes without flinching. There was a battle of wills, with neither wanting to surrender, but the receptionist was the first to break eye contact and sighed as she gave Naruto the request paper. Her shoulders slumped as she watched the blonde have a triumphant smirk.

"You have to stop going on quest after quest without resting Naruto, you are going to get yourself killed out there one day," the receptionist said with a look of sadness on her face. She had sent countless adventurers off to their deaths but always tried to give everyone quests that suited their level and advice to raise their chance of survival.

"You don't have to worry about me so much, Sara," Naruto said gently. "I know what I am doing."

"I sure hope so Naruto, for your own sake," Sara said as she watched Naruto leave the Guild hall. She turned her attention to another adventurer who returned to get his reward. The receptionist put on a fake smile on her face as she assisted the adventurer and internally prayed for the blonde idiot's safety on his quest.

Outside Guild

Naruto walked through the busy streets of Brumund. He watched people going about their daily lives: adults buying food and clothes or simply talking to one another, and children playing. It was peaceful, but there was one thing Naruto learned from his past life: peace is a lie.

"Let me see here, this request is to subjugate a pack of monster wolves that has been killing travelers on the path to Brumund," Naruto said as he read the quest paper aloud. "This doesn't seem too difficult, but then again there could be complications."

The last quest he took to subjugate some Goblins was actually harder than he let on. He had located the Goblins' base, which was a hidden cave. He stealthily made it inside the cave, but once he was inside, things began to go south real fast.

Flashback Scene Ahead

Naruto was in a dark cave surrounded by Goblins, but that would usually not be a problem no matter how many Goblins there were because the monsters were usually very weak. However, the problem was that there were evolved Goblins there too: 2 goblin mages and 5 goblin riders on horseback. The blonde guessed they stole the horses from some of the people they killed.

Naruto created 10 shadow clones, having 5 handle the goblin riders and the other five distract the goblin mages. The magic-using goblins were the real danger in this situation; they could use various elemental spells and possibly even curses to weaken him or some other nasty effect.

"Let's get wild," Naruto shouted his battle cry as he killed goblin after goblin on his way to the Goblin mages who were attacking his clones. But they turned to the blonde as they heard him approaching them, the Goblins looked at the original like he was an idiot for giving up the element of surprise.

The Goblins started to chant a spell but was interpreted by a Kunai that barely missed one of the mages head they gave the clone a mocking look but only got a smirk in reply.

It was then the goblin mages heard a sound like a fuse being set off, they turned to where the Kunai was lodged in the ground behind them, a piece of paper was on the handle of the weapon, it was on fire, the Goblins eyes widen as it exploded.

The Goblins managed to make a magical barrier around themselves leaving them unharmed, they seemed to forget about the original, the Goblin mages had dismissed him as a threat subconsciously when he shouted like a fool earlier and that was their greatest mistake.

"Rasengan," Naruto shouted along with a clone he created to attack the second Goblin as they slammed their attacks into the magical barrier. It held up for a few seconds before it shattered to the Goblins horror.

"Eat this," Naruto exclaimed as his Rasengan hit the chest of the Goblin. His clone's attack also hit its mark, the attack blasted the Goblins into pieces killing them instantly.

The Goblins, seeing their strongest members die, started to flee. But Naruto and his clones were ruthless and killed every one of them, even the Goblin riders who tried to escape using their horses.

After the fight ended Naruto had his clones scan the cave for any Goblins alive and traps, it would be minutes later one of his clones dispelled itself giving the original its memories making him groan from the influx of information and what his clones found.

Naruto went to where the clone found a room with ten naked females inside, most of them were human but there was an elf and a beast woman. All of the women were in bad shape; it was obvious that the Goblins were using them to increase their numbers via breeding.

Naruto walked closer to the women to see if any of them would tell him where they are from but all of them were too broken to even look up, as he was near the women, Naruto could see that some of females were pregnant making him give them a sad look, he would have to begin them to Brumund, it had people their to deal with situations like this one.

The blonde looked at the Elf, she must be a noble or someone of high standing in her race because even dust and bruised she still looks elegant, the beast woman had white tiger-like features showing that she was one of the rarer beast folk, there are less than 30 tiger like beast folk alive it is said that they have special powers.

Naruto's eyes then turned to the side of the room, which was covered in shades. A dead goblin covered in its own blood was being eaten by at least 20 baby goblins.

"It is cruel of me to say this, but I am sorry that it has to be this way," Naruto said as he approached the baby Goblins who growled and glared at him.

Fast Forward [Outside Cave]

Naruto, with ten clones who were carrying one woman on their backs, started to make his way back home. He didn't have to save the woman; his quest was just to kill the goblins. However, abandoning people in need would leave a bad taste in his mouth.

"I don't know if you all can hear me, but it is going to be okay now," Naruto spoke as he and his clones ran at top speed to get back before nightfall, when the stronger monsters came out. "Your memories of all this will most likely be sealed away, and your bodies will be looked at by healers."

Naruto could see that his words had an effect on some of the women; the elf and beast woman looked up slightly but still refused to look at him.

The reincarnated shinobi could only guess how defeated the two women felt, elves are a prideful race that excel in using magic and beast folk were bloodthirsty battle manics both probably want to die, so he would have to watch them until he got them to Brumund and out of his care.

Flashback Scene End

Forest [North Of Brumund]

"I hope they are all doing okay," Naruto said, knowing that the elf and tiger beast woman would more than likely have a tough time accepting what happened to them.

Naruto was now walking along the path that was said to have demon wolves. About 23 different travelers went missing recently, too many for the guild to ignore, so they had sent out some D rank adventurers to investigate. But when most were killed and only one came back with the information that demon wolves were responsible, the difficulty of the request was risen to C rank.

As Naruto walked along the path he kept his senses sharp but he let his mind wonder, he had died in the Elemental Nations of old age after living a peaceful life with his wife Hinata for many years, there were the whole Otsutsuki thing but that mostly was resolved by his sons and daughter.

"Who would have thought I would wake up as a baby in a world different from the one I am used to," Naruto said as the last thing he remembered was dieing surrounded by his children and their children.

"Now I am in a world of magic, skills, monsters, demons and many other races," Naruto said to himself, it was honestly hard to believe some times.

Naruto then focused inward and visualized his own skills.

Name: Naruto Uzumaki

Race: Human, Sage (Majin)

Unique Skill: Yang Sage Of Six Path-???


Sage Mode-???

Sage Transformation-???

Magicule Absorption-???

Sage's Aura-???

Basic Skills: Chakra, Magic

Resist Skills: Poison, fire

In this world, skills and magic rule supreme. Naruto, after reincarnation, found out that his old powers as a Sage turned into a Unique skill. His skill was stored within his soul.

The blonde also gained access to new abilities such as magic and sage transformation, and his race is still human but he was also a Sage (Majin).

Naruto had kept that information on his race a secret because some might lable him a demon and that didn't work out so well in his last life.

In any event, his skills made him more powerful than your average adventurer. He was now C rank, but if he showed his full power and exposed his Sage (Majin) powers, he would be A rank for sure.

So far, he has only used his chakra, magic, and martial arts on missions. He could always try joining a party, but then there's the risk of his true nature being discovered.

"I will just have to train harder using my magic and chakra to become stronger, maybe I can become an A-rank adventurer within a year or two," Naruto said continuing to walk further on the trail but stopped when he smelt fresh blood a distance away, it was soon accompanied by a loud scream.

The blonde took off running without a word and arrived at a seen of a woman being surrounded by three demon wolves, these wolves were bigger that regular wolves and had one horn in the middle of their head.

All around there were dead human bodies; some were being eaten by other wolves. There were about 20 demon wolves in the clearing, as they were still in a wooded area.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu," Naruto said, creating hundreds of shadow clones.

Naruto used a substitution Jutsu to exchange places with the woman who screamed earlier when he saw a wolf launch itself at her.

"Rasengan," Naruto exclaimed as he slammed his attack into the face of the wolf, sending it flying back into the two other wolves who looked like they wanted to attack him.

Naruto was mildly surprised when the wolf he attacked got back up with little difficulty. It would seem that it might be a subspecies of a demon wolf or have a skill that protected it from the Rasengan.

Naruto glanced around on the corner of his eyes and saw that his clones were also having trouble with the other wolves, it would seem they all had some skill to protect themselves from physical attacks.

One of the wolves must have developed the skill and because it is part of a pact, it shared the skill with the other wolves through their pact bond.

Naruto was forced to jump back as he was attacked. He tried to punch a wolf, but his fist stopped inches from the beast's face.

This made Naruto realize that the wolves had a protective barrier around themselves, which made them much more dangerous because regular adventurers with a B rank and below would not be able to deal with them.

Naruto's eyes widen when one of the wolves spit out a fire ball at him forcing the blonde to use his substitution jutsu on a log.

"This is getting out of hand," Naruto said as he looked on as his clones were having a hard time fighting the wolves up on the same tree where he had placed the woman he saved earlier.

"Let's get out of here while we can, Mr. adventurer," said the woman on the same tree branch. "We can go back to the guild and they will send notes to other adventurers to finish off all the wolves."

Naruto could see the woman was shaking in fear, her voice quivered with every word she spoke, it made the blonde feel sorry for her so he just gave her a smile before talking.

"There is no need to retreat to the guild, I can handle this," Naruto said with conviction but the woman he saved didn't look convinced as she watched the blonde's clones get destroyed.

"I think we should run or at least put me on the ground so I can run back to Brumund," the woman pleaded.

"It will be fine, just watch," Naruto said as his clones began to create Rasengans once more but this time they added elemental magic such as ice, wind, fire, etc.

As each attack hit, there was a massive explosion. This made the woman beside Naruto scream in fear as she clung to the blonde.

"Look," Naruto said simply as he pointed to a badly injured wolf. It was missing two of its front legs and its jaw. "These must be Hell Wolves, the evolved form of the demon wolves."

The woman watched in amazement as more and more wolves died from the blonde's clones attacking, causing huge explosions. After all the wolves were dead, the clearing was filled with craters and the corpses of the wolves.

"Now that taken care of, it's time to collect my prize," Naruto said as he jumped from the tree with the woman. "Wait here."

The woman absent-mindedly nodded her head as she watched the blonde go to each wolf and remove one tooth, she guessed it was the proof that he slayed them.

"I am done here, so do you want to get back to Brumund with me?" Naruto asked and received a nod from the woman. "My name is Naruto by the way, what is your name?"

"My name is Delia, I am going to Brumund to meet with my father so I would love to travel there with you," Delia replied with a tired face. The events of the day must be weighing on her.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful woman," Naruto said with a flirtatious look, making the woman blush slightly.

Naruto was not exaggerating when he called Delia pretty. She is a red-haired human with an hourglass body, so she was more than likely the daughter of a noble or merchant due to her soft skin and clothes.

Delia had on a skin tight black dress that showed all her curves leaving nothing to the imagination, she was giving Naruto shy looks and the blonde already know where this would lead.

Adventurers usually end up marrying the people they save, such as princesses, or at the very least, a night to remember.

"Let's get going. I'll leave some clones behind to bury the dead," Naruto said as he got on his knees for Delia to get on his back, her DD-size teats against his back. "Hold on tight; it's going to be a rough ride."

As soon as Delia was secured on his back, Naruto took her to the tree, his destination being Brumund. Delia all the while was screaming at the top of her lungs at the crazy blonde maniac who jumped from tree to tree at high speed.

Chapter End


A/N: This is just a story that came to me and before I knew it, I wrote a chapter. I hope you all like it.



Just curious Naruto x walking dead?

Caramal Hammer

It would be possible to reincarnate Hinata or someone from his family since things like this happen often in the Tensura world. known as Otherworlders. it also be funny to see if Rimuri would recognize Naruto from the manga.