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A/N: This story is rated M for mature content not suitable for children.

Naruto x Lady Nagant


Chapter 4: Assassin

U.A. Girl's Dormitory

Naruto couldn't help but get a perverted smile as he watched his handy work, Ryukyu the elegant and powerful Dragon hero and Mirko the reckless and strong willed Rabbit hero were both sporting fat bellies both carrying his children.

The Phenex had to admit that he loved watching women with his bay in their stomachs, Ryukyu and Mirko are no exception.

It was a few months ago that the pair learned of their pregnancies, and their reactions were amusing to say the least.

Flashback Scene Ahead

Tokyo [Shibuya]

Seven months ago [Naruto Living Room]

Naruto looked at the faces of the Rabbit hero and Dragon hero, both of whom had recently taken a pregnancy test. The test showed that they were carrying his children.

The blonde was sitting in his favorite love seat, wearing an open robe that exposed his chest and boxers. Ryukyu was sitting across from him with the Rabbit hero, discussing the issue both women were having right now.

"I guess congratulations are in order," Naruto said as he watched Mirko give him a glare at how casual he was being about all this and Ryukyu fidgeting nervously, not knowing how to discuss this topic.

"What the hell do you mean 'congratulations' like all of this has nothing to do with you, buster?" Mirko exclaimed as she matched up to Naruto to get right in his face. "Our children are both yours so you better take responsibility."

Naruto turned to look at Ryukyu who seem to be having trouble finding her voice but she nodded at what Mirko said in agreement.

"I never said that I won't take responsibility for our children," Naruto said as her brought Mirko into his lap making the Rabbit hero get flustered "I just thought it was obvious that you will get pregnant from all the sex we been having without any protection."

Mirko and Ryukyu look away as they hear the blonde's words. In truth, they hadn't thought about the risk of pregnancy; all they cared about was the pleasure that having raw sex provided.

Naruto chuckled as he saw Ryukyu start to pout in a cute way out of jealousy because Mirko was on his lap.

"Come here, Ryukyu," Naruto said as he moved Mirko to his left side so the Dragon hero could sit by his right side.

Ryukyu slowly made her way to the blonde devil and sat to his right, she was sitting on his right leg as Mirko was on his left, the dragon hero face turned a darker crimson when Naruto's right hand wondered under her dress she saw he did the same to Mirko get a surprise gasp out of the head strong hero.

"I plan to take responsibility for not only the children you give birth to but also both of you," Naruto said making the two women he had on top himself face brighten in happiness "and on that note it's time for us to celebrate in my bedroom."

Naruto without any difficulty lifted both women up with one of his arms and walked to his bedroom, Mirko and Ryukyu was not surprised at the blonde strength as they knew from past experiences that he is physically stronger than they are.

"Hey wait," Ryukyu said as she struggled in the blonde's arm "are you just going to accept that our babies are yours."

"Yes just like that," Naruto answer without hesitation but he can see Ryukyu needed a better answer than that, Mirko bunny ears also twitched as she also seem interested in this topic "I thrust you both and I know you wouldn't lie about something like this, that and I have the ability to detect when someone is lying to me along with enhanced senses so if you are fucking another man, I would smell him on you."

Flashback Scene End

After a lot of sex with his two new baby mamas, they all agreed that they couldn't keep being heroes during the last part of their pregnancies. Momo suggested they try to get a job at U.A., and got hired surprisingly easily.

Apparently the principle of U.A. Nezu, a rat or bear looking thing is more than happyto welcome two of the top ten hero as teachers to his school.

Momo was envious of the two heroines for getting pregnant with his babies and was upset that she had not gotten knocked up yet.

Flashback Scene Ahead

Yaoyorozu Mansion

Momo was in her room sitting on her bed, hugging a pillow. The usually cheerful girl was upset because she had just received news that her lover, Naruto, had gotten two of his other lovers, Mirko and Ryukyu, pregnant. Meanwhile, she looked at the pregnancy test on the table beside her bed, which showed that she was not pregnant.

This confused Momo as she had been with Naruto, yet she had not been knocked up. This led her to go and see a doctor in private and have tests done to see if there was something wrong with her.

The Yaoyorozu Heiress was awaiting the results but in the meantime she had bought several pregnancy tests and would use them a few days after she has been intimate with Naruto, each time she was disappointed when it came back negative.

"Is there something wrong with me?" Momo said aloud as she looked at her toned stomach. Due to all the training Naruto put her through, she actually had well-defined abs.

Momo remembered looking at Mirko and Ryukyu with envy as they announced their pregnancies. She wanted to say that she took the news well, but she didn't. The Yaoyorozu heiress's face dropped as she saw how happy Naruto was at hearing the news.

Naruto had spun them around in his arms and promised to take care of them and the babies, to the relief of the two heroines who didn't know how the blonde devil would have taken the news.

"What do you mean? Is there something wrong with you, Momo?" Naruto's voice brought Momo out of her thoughts. The Yaoyorozu heiress turned her head to her room's door and saw the Phenex entering without knocking. "Are you feeling okay?"

"It's nothing, I am fine," Momo replied quickly but Naruto just kept on looking at her expectantly making her drop the act "I am not doing so well, I am jealous of Mirko and Ryukyu for getting pregnant while I the one who has been with you the longest am not, there must be something wrong with me."

Naruto looked at Momo who didn't meet his eyes for a few seconds before her burst out laughing making the Yaoyorozu heiress head snap up with a glare at his response.

"What the hell is so funny there might be something seriously wrong with me," Momo exclaimed annoyed that her boyfriend was being so insensitive.

"There is nothing wrong with you Momo," Naruto said as her wiped a tear from his eyes because he laughed too hard "I have been preventing myself from getting you pregnant."

"What, why would you do something like that?" Momo exclaimed. She was so shocked that Naruto would do something like that she didn't even think about how that was possible.

"I still need you as a spy in U.A., and I didn't think you would want to be a mother so soon," Naruto replied, feeling a little bad as he saw how distressed Momo was.

"Okay, I can understand why you avoid getting me pregnant, but why did you knock up Mirko and Ryukyu?" Momo asked as she felt bitter toward the two heroines.

"Well both Mirko and Ryukyu are grown women, if they get pregnant it wouldn't seem out of place," Naruto answered casually as he brought Momo into a hug.

Momo thought hard on what the blonde devil said, she could understand his reasonings but ahe couldn't accept them, the Yaoyorozu heiress stay silent for a minute before she spoke when an idea came to her.

"What if you no longer needed me as a spy in U.A." Momo said with a wide grin as she explained her plan to Naruto who was impressed by the younger woman.

Flashback Scene End

Thus Mirko and Ryukyu were sent to get a job at U.A. while Momo gleefully started to have lots of baby making sex with Naruto.

The Phenex could only shake his head as he lay back and watch Momo ride him, her stomach didn't start to show yet but she had succeeded in becoming pregnant.

Naruto's concentration was divided as he created some shadow clones to infiltrate the hero public commission, which is basically the organization that controlled the heroes of this world.

From what his shadow clones learned, they organization was corrupt as they come but that was not what interested the blonde, it was the picture of a purple haired beauty along with a picture of himself.

There were a mission briefing with the pictures and the more Naruto found out the more her couldn't resist holding his gut and laugh.

"So the hero commission assigned her to assassin me hahahahaha," Naruto said through laughter "They must have found out about some of my less than legal activities."

Naruto had been importing weapons and drugs to weaken and throw the country in chaos, and it was working more villains were arming themselves with gun and other weapons because the majority of heroes were not bullet proof.

Naruto couldn't help but smirk as he thought up a devious plan, "You stupid bastards are just going to hand me this beauty and unlike you I won't use and abuse her."

Fast Forward

Tokyo [Warehouse]

Night Time

Naruto was in one of his seemingly abandoned warehouses with a crew of ten henchmen, they were of loading his latest supply of illegal weapons and drugs.

In the world of superpowers, a gun was still a useful weapon. Most people have useless quirks anyway, and even those with powerful quirks are not bulletproof or fast enough to dodge one.

This operation however was not just to get his latest shipment it was also a trap for the little assassin the hero commission sent after him.

Kaina Tsutsumi, also known as Lady Nagant, was already here, Naruto's senses were correct. She was not too far away from his current location outside the warehouse; he was making himself an easy target in order to spring his trap.


In an instant Naruto was shot three times, his henchmen shattered when they saw this but before they got too far Lady Nagant shot each of them down dead.

With all of her targets seemly dead Lady Nagant made her way to confirm that nobody was alive, she check all the henchmen before she made her way to Naruto.

"Sigh i cant do this anymore," Lady Nagant said to herself, she was about to call her handler in the hero commission but Naruto eyes snapped opened surprising her.

Lady Nagant watch with Morbid fascination as the bullets she has got into Naruto face, neck and chest popped out of his body and healed up letting out steam and fire.

The assassin assumed it was the blonde man's quirk so she got over her shock and used her quirk and fired at the Naruto who didn't bother to dodge the bullets and just took them head on.

"I got you," Naruto said as he vanished and reappeared behind Lady Nagant. Before she could react, the Phenex knocked her out and caught her in his arms.

"We are going to have tons of fun together," Naruto said with a perverted smile as he pulled out a vial of his fertility potion.

Naruto knew that trying to break or seduce a train assassin like Lady Nagant was a waste of time so he decided to take the easy way out, he would use his fertility potion which will drive the assassin into a lustful state then her will ride her until she becomes addicted to him there is also the bonus that she will be carrying his child.

The Phenex, from what he learnt about Lady Nagant through the files he found, she was an aspiring hero who was fooled by the Hero Commission to become an assassin for them. By the time she figured out that she was nothing but a tool to kill their enemies, it was already too late for her; if she tried to leave, she would be either killed or thrown in prison.

Naruto lifted Lady Nagant up bridal style as he created a teleportation circle below himself, he looked at the dead bodies of his henchmen and created a fire balls and aim at the henchmen and the weapons and drugs.

Naruto figured that by destroying everything here, the Hero Commission would not be able to know what exactly happened here. That would give him more time to play with his latest conquest.

Fast Forward

Yaoyorozu Mansion [Momo's Bedroom]

Lady Nagant woke up with a headache, but that was not what bothered her. What drove her insane was the fact that she was naked in an unfamiliar bedroom and there was a heat between her legs.

Lemon Scene Ahead

Lady Nagant for the first time in a long time felt horny beyond anything she felt before, she quickly came to realization she was drugged and in the hands of a potential enemy.

"I am glad to see you are awake," Naruto said as he looked at the flustered face of the assassin. She looked like a birch in heat, panting with her nipples hardened and her cunt leaking juices.

"What did you do to me you bastard," Lady Nagant said as her breath was coming out short as she looked at Naruto who was equally as naked as she was, his shaft was already standing at attention.

"I have given you my fertility potion, which has the side effect of inducing uncontrollable lust in people who take it," Naruto said as he advanced on the assassin who was in Momo's bed.

"Why would you do such a thing," Lady Nagant asked as her hands unconsciously went to her nipples and wet pussy, she pinched and rubbed as her privates to try to relieve some of the lust she was feeling.

"I am going to fuck you into submission and impregnated you," Naruto replied casually as he reached the assassin "The hero commission doesn't deserve you so I will take you for myself and have you mother my children and live a normal life."

Lady Nagant looked at Naruto like he was crazy, he had basically said that he was going to rape her and force his child into into her, the assassin should feel disgust or maybe fear but she let out a moan as the idea excited her lustful mind like nothing else.

Naruto seeing her reaction to his words smirked, he pulled her to himself using her ankle, Lady Nagant was at the end of the bed, she looked more like a cock hungry whore than a dangerous assassin.

"I would usually have you suck my cock but I will skip the fore play since you are so wet right now," Naruto said as he looked at Lady Nagant finger her leaking pussy, it was squirting out pussy juice constantly.

Naruto position himself above Lady Nagant, he was between her legs, the assassin didn't even try to resist, she was just looking at the blonde devil with half opened eyes.

Naruto hand to take both her hand and used one of his to hold them above her head nit because she was trying to stop him from entering her but because her hand were stopping him from putting her cock inside her as she masturbates.

Lady Nagant let out a pitiful whine as she could not long pleasure herself, but it soon turned into a moan as Naruto entered her slowly.

"Damn, you are so tight," Naruto exclaimed as Lady Nagant was extremely tight and wet. He guessed it was because she didn't get enough time to find anyone to sleep with or she probably didn't want to get close to anyone both emotionally and physically.

"Mmmm," Lady Nagant moan softly enjoying being filled up after so long, she had only had sex once before and it was not great, it was just after she graduated from high school and was recruited by the hero commission.

"Now get ready because the fun begins here," Naruto exclaimed as he started to thrust his shaft in and out of the assassin's tight cunt.

Lady Nagant could feel her pussy trying to keep the blonde inside her as best it could every time he pulled out, leaving only the head inside her. Every thrust inside knocked the air out of her lungs.

"Ah ah oh ah oh," Lady Nagant had long since gotten lost in the sensation of having her pussy stretched and used by the blonde, the fertility potion had done its job and made her both lustful and fertile.

"You feel so good," Naruto said as he grunted from having to keep himself from cumming, the Phenex lifted Lady Nagant legs over his shoulders and folded her in half, he started thrust into her with renewed vigor.


"Oooohhh so good," Lady Nagant said, her voice slurred from the overwhelming pleasure. "I am cumming."

"I am about to cum too," Naruto said as there was no way he could stop himself from seeding such a tight pussy "take my cum bitch and bare my child."

Naruto gave a few thrusts and then hid himself fully within the assassin who had started to cum as soon as she felt the blonde's hot seed enter her womb.

The pairs body stiffened as they came together, neither moved until there orgasm ended, "that was a good round one," Naruto said as he pulled out of Lady Nagant.

The Phenex then repositioned the woman placing her into a doggie style position, the assassin should weak from her orgasm and mind still foggy with lust could only moan as the blonde re enter her now sore pussy.


Naruto slapped Lady Nagato's asscheek as she started thrusting into her pussy from behind, enjoying the view of her hot ass bouncing on his hips.

"We are going to fuck until I am sure you are pregnant with my child," Naruto declared making Lady Nagant eyes widen because she could tell he was serious but she could only moan as her cunt was pounded once again.

Lemon Scene End

Naruto let out a breath of contentment as he pulled away from the now passed-out assassin. He had put the woman through the ringer and planned to do it again after she woke up.


Naruto turned his head to the side of the room that was concealed throughout his encounter with Lady Nagant.

A naked Momo was there with a camera in one hand, recording all that he did with the assassin. Her other hand was going in and out of her needy little slit.

"That was so hot," Momo said as she walked over to get a close-up of Lady Nagant who was in a face-down, ass-up position still passed out.

Naruto watched in amusement as Momo, who had developed a fetish for watching his conquests pleasured herself, the Yaoyorozu heiress begged him to bring Lady Nagant here after she found out about her being caught so she could watch him pound the woman into submission.

"I am glad you liked the show but it your turn now," Naruto said as he took Momo in his arms, she had placed her camera on the table beside the bed so it would capture all that they were about to do.

"I am ready, my love. Don't hold back on me just because I am pregnant; I am a big girl, so give me all that you have," Momo said with a cute pout, rubbing her slightly swollen stomach where their child was growing inside.

"You don't have to worry about that because you have been very nasty lately so it will be my pleasure to discipline you," Naruto said as he lifted Momo over his shaft and dropped her down hard.

Soon the room was filled with the sounds of there mating, Lady Nagant awaken some time during there session and was quickly made to join in leaving her sore in places she never was before and extremely satisfied.

Chapter End


A/N: Polls will be up soon. Thank you all for the support, especially the Mega-Tier members. Until next time!


God of Wind 200

his henchmen shattered his henchmen shattered should be Scattered

God of Wind 200

There were a mission briefing with the pictures and the more Naruto found out the more her couldn't resist holding his gut and laugh. It should be he couldn’t resist