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A/N: This story is rated M for mature content not suitable for children.

A/N2: Story will get dark, this is a crossover with House Of The Dragon and if you've read the books or watched the show, you know what to expect.


Chapter 1: Enter Naruto Targaryen

Westeros [Runestone]

The Lady of the house was in her bedroom, or rather, hers and her husband's bedroom, when he decided to pay her a visit. Right now, he had decided to stay longer than usual, meaning he would have her keep his company.

Lemon Scene Ahead

Rhea Royce let out a grunt as her husband Naruto Targaryen entered her from behind like an animal or a common whore.

"Ah ah fuck you, you fucking bastard, why are you so big?" Lady Royce cursed her husband, who smirked in return.

"It's so big for me to fuck you, my bronze bitch," Naruto replied, knowing his wife hated that name.

Some servant must have heard the name he called her and spread it. Now everyone calls her a bronze bitch behind her back, but no one knows it was a name Naruto called her during sex because he was so dominant with her, taking her like a bitch.

Hours Later

Naruto just sat on the edge of his bed. Lady Royce knelt between his legs, clearing his cock with her mouth.

"You have gotten better at this, my bronze bitch," Naruto said as Rhea glared up at him, still sucking him off.

Despite how the lady of Runestone acted, she knew better than to cross her husband. He was a free spirit who went wherever he wanted and did what he wanted, but he was not to be messed with. The last time she did, she couldn't walk straight for weeks.

"So how have you been in my absence," Naruto asked as he pulled his wife off his cock and sat her on his lap facing him.

Lemon Scene End

"Things were peaceful until you slithered back here," Lady Royce said spitefully, knowing how her husband hates being compared to a snake.

"Hahaha you have gotten more prickly while I was away, my bronze bitch," Naruto said also knowing that Rhea hated being called that.

"Whatever, just make sure to visit your daughter before you leave again," Rhea said, giving up on the exchange of words as she knew it would only end in her being plowed into unconsciousness.

"Don't worry, I will. I even got her some gifts." Naruto responded, smiling as he remembered his daughter, Rhee, who was a daddy's girl to Rhea's annoyance.

"Tsk so why did you come here anyway," Lady Royce asked, knowing it was not the usual time her husband would visit to basically assert his dominance over her.

"King Jaehaerys had summoned me to attend a great council to choose his heir," Naruto said after a moment of silence. needless to say, Rhea was in shock. This irresponsible son of a bitch came here to avoid the possibility of being named the next king of Westeros.

"I can't believe you, how could you refuse an order from the King. He might think I influenced you not to go," Rhea yelled as she glared at her husband, still in his lap.

"Hehehe yeah right like anybody is going to believe you can influence me to do anything," Naruto laughed at Rhea's annoyance, "even the king knows who is in control of this relationship."

Naruto pulled Rhea closer to him until her breasts were squished against his chest and their noses were touching.

The Lady of Runestone's breath caught in her throat as she gazed into Naruto's blue-ish purple eyes, which were kind yet powerful, unlike his brother Daemon or even Viserys.

Naruto was a true dragon in human flesh free as the wind and strong like a storm, she knew he was cheating on her with other women when he was away and by all rights she should hate him but she didn't.

"You are a bastard," Rhea said, knowing that Naruto would do whatever he wanted and nobody could stop him.

"Hahaha sorry to break it to you, but my parents were happily married when they had me," Naruto stated cheerily.

Lady Royce wondered how her life had been turned upside down by this Targaryen in front of her. In truth, she was given the choice to either marry him or Daemon. She chose Naruto without hesitation because, from her brief encounter with Prince Daemon, she knew he was arrogant and selfish. The prince was no where near as strong or naturally charismatic as Naruto.

Flashback Scene Ahead [First Meeting With Naruto]

Palace Garden

Her first meeting with Naruto was interesting to say the least, he didn't even give her a glance while he was flirting with a maid who looked nervously at her as if she expected Lady Royce to behead her at any moment.

Lady Royce was dressed in her family's signature bronze armor, making her look like she was going into a battle field rather than to meet a possible future husband.

"You disrespectful, honor-less piece of shit, you are supposed to be paying attention to me. We are going to get married soon, and you flirt with the first pair of tits in front of you." Lady Royce exclaimed in anger, feeling insulted by the blonde man's actions.

Naruto looked at her briefly then turned his attention back to the busty maid, Rhea had to admit the woman was sexy. She had long dark hair and large breasts and ass. She had little doubt the prince would have had the woman spread out on a flat surface right now if she was not in this room.

"I have no interest in getting married. You can go to my brother Daemon. He might be a better match for you." Naruto replied in a dismissive tone. "I think we are done here, so I will take my leave."

"So you think you're too good for me, you arrogant prick," Rhea exclaimed in fury, not understanding how such a man could be a prince.

"I didn't say that, but as I said before, I have no interest in you or getting married." Naruto said as he took the maid's hand and put it on his lap, infuriating Lady Royce further.

"What about your duty to your house, is that not important to you?" Rhea said in a deadly calm voice as she watched as Naruto touched the maid, who looked at her in fear, but not because she was being molested but because she was afraid of the noble woman's reaction.

The maid let out a soft moan by accident when Naruto touched her nipples but froze soon after as she watched Lady Royce raise from her sitting position and marched over to Naruto, she brought her hand up and tried to slap the prince but he caught her hand before it could reach his cheek.

"You are a violent one, aren't you, I thought I made my feelings on this matter clear," Naruto stated in a calm voice that had a dark edge to it.

Lady Royce gathered her nerves and said, "I challenge you to a duel. You worthless waste of space. If you have any honor, you will accept."

"I don't see why I should, I have nothing to gain," Naruto said in a amused voice to Rhea's annoyance, the maid would be between the two, trying to make herself as small as possible, even with Naruto still molesting her body.

"Tsk, if you beat me, I will do whatever you say," Lady Royce said, "but if I win, you will apologize to me for this insult in front of everyone."

"Fine, I accept," Naruto responded as he had his hands under the maid's clothes, one under her skirt, and the other on her breast.

Fast Forward

The duel was a one-sided massacre, with Naruto standing over Lady Royce's defeated body. The pair had gone to the King and Lord Royce with the duel request.

King Jaehaerys had wanted them to resolve the issue some other way, but Rhea was determined to have the duel, and her father, Lord Royce, backed her up.

Lord Royce genuinely thought Rhea was strong, as she had defeated several of his men in Runestone. He trained her himself, there was no way she would lose to a prince whose reputation for being a lazy womanizer was well-known. He probably never used a sword in his life.

"Are you sure you want this duel, the other noble house will witness this, and the outcome can hurt the loser's reputation," the king stated, trying to get Lord Royce to change his mind.

"I believe in my daughter and am sure she will win. You grandson openly insulted her and that can't stand. I am sorry, my king, but your grandson had to face the consequences." Lord Royce replied.

"I don't think you know my grandson well, he might have his vices, but he is strong." The king said as his free-spirited grandson always caused trouble, either by deflowering the daughters of nobles or sleeping with their wives. "Well, since I can't change your mind, the gods will determine the outcome of this duel."

Now hours later Lady Royce lay beaten at Naruto's feet, her favorite bloodied, her armor dented, with a look of disbelief in her eyes. She had lost, badly, and all the ladies and lords openly mocked her and her house.

Naruto lifted Lady Royce by her armor and claimed her lips with his own. She was so weak that she couldn't fight back and let the blonde do what he wanted. The kiss ended almost as soon as it started, as the prince let Rhea go.

"Next time you meet someone to get engaged, wear a dress instead of armor," Naruto said to Rhea as she left the arena where the duel took place.

Lord Royce was furious about the way the prince treated his daughter, but the king reminded him that he was the one who pushed for this duel, making the noble lord grumble under his breath.

Meanwhile, Rhea, who was being helped up by one of her father's knights to be brought for treatment, could help the blush that made its way to her cheek. Thankfully, the blood and bruises on her face hid it, but the lady couldn't understand why her body started to feel this way. Her nipples were hard, and her cunt was moist.

This was the first time this had ever happened to her, no man had made her feel helpless like this, she should hate this feeling but the strength the prince showed her in the duel made her want to mount him and drain his balls dry.

This was the day that Lady Rhea Royce realized she was a masochist who enjoys being dominated by strong men. A week later, she would be to Naruto Targaryen the man who gave her this realization.

Flashback Scene End

"You have to go to the capital now," Rhea said as she tried to get away from the Targaryen. She would send a hawk to let the king know her grandson is coming.

"I don't want to, besides, Grandfather will choose Viserys to be his heir," Naruto stated with certainty.

"How do you know that?" Rhea asked Naruto as he finally let her go.

"It's not hard to guess, he wouldn't choose Rhaenys because she's a woman, and most of the Seven Kingdoms would never accept being ruled by a woman. I don't want to be king; it has too many responsibilities, and I would just run away." Naruto replied, making Rhea look at the prince like he's an idiot.

"So you know you wouldn't be chosen because you're a lazy bum who runs away from work," Lady Royce said as her shoulders slumped. "Why did I have to marry a bum like you?"

"Who knows, well I'll go see Rhee before I go," Naruto stated as he went to get cleaned up.

Rhea just watched Naruto go. She gave up. Her husband had all the qualities to be a king, but he didn't want the title. Lady Royce sighed. The truth is, she had a choice between him and Daemon. She had a brief encounter with the Rouge prince, and she was less than impressed.

Daemon is a selfish jackass and most of all she wasn't attracted to him at all with Naruto she could say she was attracted to him in the most primal of ways even if he was just as selfish as the Rouge prince.

Lady Royce was sure she heard rumors of her husband's bastards all over the kingdoms. There were some noble ladies who gave birth to purple-eyed silver-blonde babies, but their husbands claimed them as their own, mostly to save face because who wanted to admit that they were cuckolded?.

Fast Forward

Like Naruto predicted, Viserys was named the king's heir and was soon after crowned king. It was a joyous occasion in that time. Rhea found out she was pregnant with her second child to her daughter Rhee. Joy and dread not because she didn't want the baby but because she hated the pain of child birth.

The snake Otto Hightowerwas named Hand of the king, be was someone the both Naruto and Rhea agree was a manipulative schemer but there was nothing they can do about it.

Lord Corlys Velaryon was named the Master of Ships, he was a very capable man but he was another player in the game of thrones, anyone could clearly see he wanted to sit on the Iron Throne or at least have one of his children sit on it.

Queen Aemma Arryn, King Viserys' wife was pregnant yet again, they had been trying to have another child, preferably a male, besides Rhaenyra for years, but all the children were stillborn.

Naruto had decided to join the tournament that Viserys organized in order to celebrate his wife's pregnancy.

Kings Landing

Tourney Arena

Naruto had not told his brother, the king, that he would be competing in the tournament as he was doing it on a whim. He hadn't spoken to Viserys for years, and he knew the king would want to talk about them sticking together and other nonsense.

Now dressed in armor and a helmet that he bought on his way here, it was nothing special. This was to stop anyone from recognizing him in his usual attire. Naruto had a sword and shield in hand as he waited for the tournament to begin.

King Viserys began to give a butshit speech that Naruto wasn't particularly interested in, but thankfully it didn't last long.

As soon as the tourney began, Jousting was the first event. Naruto was on his horse, a black horse with a pitch-black coat that seemed bigger than a regular horse. He called his steed "Black Death."

Naruto was pitted against some unknown Knight with both charging at the other with lances aimed to knock the other off their horses.

Naruto saw that the knight was aiming for his head, so at the last moment, he tilted his head to the side and slammed his Lance into the knight's chest, impaling him through his armor, killing him instantly.

The people went wild, Naruto didn't understand why the small folk and nobles were so bloodthirsty when most had never picked up a weapon in their lives, much less killed someone.

There were a few more rounds of jousting before the melee competition started. It was just as vicious as the round before, if not more so, now that men had different weapons from swords to war hammers.

Naruto swung his sword down on one unfortunate man's head, cutting it in half. If a silent signal was given, everyone started killing one another.

It was brutal with men dying left and right, Naruto himself was bashing men's skulls in with his shield and cutting them into pieces with his sword.

In the end of the battle, it was Naruto vs two other men. One he recognized as his brother, Daemon, and another, a skilled knight he didn't know.

"So would either of you want to surrender now so that you can keep your lives," Daemon said arrogantly, making Naruto roll his eyes but he didn't reply; instead, he raised his sword to accept any challengers.

"I will not surrender my prince," the other knight said as he charged at Daemon with his mace drawn.

It would seem that the knight thought Daemon to be the biggest threat here. Naruto would make that mistake his undoing.

As the two battled, Naruto watched them go at it and decided that while he could wait for them to tire each other out, it wouldn't be satisfying for him to win that way.

"You two seem to be having fun. Let me in on it," Naruto shouted as he charges at the two dueling men and kicks Daemon away. He then slammed the hilt of his sword into the other knight's helmet, covering his face.

"You fool, you would have been in a better position to fight me if you had just stayed quiet as I finished off this upstart," Daemon said in anger, his sword aimed to cut Naruto in two.

"And where's the fun in that," Naruto stated as he saw the other knight running at him in the corner of his eye "Besides, it would be more satisfying to defeat you both at the same time."

The crowd watched as the mysterious knight battled the prince and other knights two on one, and he was winning. He was faster, stronger, and more skilled, and it was clear to everyone watching.

The king was called away. It was likely his wife was in labor. Most people didn't notice because they were more focused on the sight of Naruto humiliating two of the strongest knights in the seven kingdoms.

Rhaenyra and her friend Alicent watched the event unfold, the Hightower usually hated these kinds of events but the way the mysterious knight moved intrigued her.

Rhaenyra looked at her uncle getting beaten like she was a weak maiden and couldn't help but giggle. She knew she should be worried for her family member, but the way the mysterious knight fought didn't seem like he was after her uncle's life.

All too soon the battle came to an end. Naruto slammed his foot into Daemon's head. He pushed him to the ground and his shield knocked the other knight's helmet off. The side of his sword impacted the side of his face, sending him spinning into unconsciousness.

"We have a winner," the hand of the king Otto Hightower announced since Viserys was absent. The crowd cheered loudly. "Would you take off your helmet so we can see the winner?"

Naruto took off his helmet, showing everyone who he was, and Otto looked like he'd sucked a lemon when he saw him. His daughter had the expression of a love-sick maiden, with a blush on her face and eyes that looked like she'd seen a god in human flesh.

"The winner of the tournament is Naruto Targaryen," Otto declared reluctantly, which Naruto heard to get back at the man.

"May I have your name," Naruto asked the daughter of Otto who looked like deer caught in the headlights.

Rhaenyra elbowed her in the stomach, making her snap out of it, and she shyly answered, "My name is Alicent Hightower, my prince."

"That is a beautiful name for a beautiful young woman," Naruto said with a charming smile that had all the women in the area wishing they were in Alicent's shoes. "I declare you my maiden of beauty and innocence."

Alicent didn't know how to reply as she felt hot all of a sudden and everything went black. Later, it would be revealed by her friend Rhaenyra that she fainted as soon as the prince proclaimed her his maiden of beauty and innocence, a title that everyone agreed fit her well after her display.

While Rhaenyra was fanning her fainted friend, who had already been checked by a Maester, and she just appeared to have fainted because she was so flustered. She looked at her uncle, who she had only seen a handful of times in her life.

From what she knew, he was loved by dragons as he had three bonded to him at the moment. He was a free spirit who went where he pleased and did what he wanted, something she was very jealous of. There was also the rumor of him being a giant womanizer.

Apparently Naruto has two children with his wife and several illegitimate children from whores or noble ladies. There's a chance that some of the young men and women around her age in some noble families might be her cousins.

The princess watched Naruto collect his prize money, and the crowd cheered as he exited the arena, thinking things would be interesting with him around.

Chapter End


A/N: This is the first Naruto x House of The Dargon, I wrote I thought I did a Naruto x Game of thrones one but I guess I didn't and it was just a challenge I posted on FF.net.

A/N2: Next up to update is Light Born In The Darkness, I hope you all like this story. Thank you for the support and special shoutout to my Mega-Tier members you guy are awesome.



Ok I'm liking what I see here

God of Wind 200

Rhaenyra looked at her uncle getting beaten like she was a weak maiden it should be like he was a weak maiden