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Be sure to look at these three before reading this piece.

1st Story

PatreonでのSting Operation (FANBOX : November 4, 2019) | God Hand Mar

2nd Story

PatreonでのAfter the Sold Girl (FANBOX : November 17, 2019) | God Hand Mar

3rd Story

PatreonでのKarma. (FANBOX:July 12, 2020) | God Hand Mar

4th Story

PatreonでのTraining complete. (FANBOX:October 31, 2020) | God Hand Mar

‘Kasumi-chan, because you were a good girl, so many presents have come for you.
Yuuna’s mom sent a special diaper cake made of disposable diapers.  How great.  Promised to go together to the amusement park, so when we do, let’s have you wear one of the diapers you received.’


‘What a nice response.  Now, I’ll give you a present from me.  Cover your face and wait until mama says “ok.”‘

“Ok, got it.”

‘Good girl. Now hold on a sec, ok?’


‘Ok, Kasumi-chan.’


‘Happy birthday, Kasumi-chan.  This is your baby sister, Eri-chan.’

“Waah! Eri-chan!”

‘Hehehe, I’m so happy you like her.  Oh right, let’s take a birthday picture to remember today.  I’ll go get the camera, so wait together with Eri-chan.’



“It’s been a while... Senpai.  You’ve became so cute...  You used to be so dignified and cool...  As for me, I’ve been having a dream ever since the day I came here...  Of the day that you would become a baby with me...”

“At first I was really resentful.  Why did this happened to me...  Crying everyday... Uh, huh?  Senpai, you peed yourself.  Did I scare you?  At first, it was scary and difficult for me too. But, once I accept that I am a baby, it won’t be hard or scary anymore.  On the contrary, just being with mama will make me so happy.  I thought I’d lose the ability to think for myself, becoming a baby from deep within and become happier just like my friend Yuuna-chan. But I couldn’t...  I just couldn’t get you out of my head.  I, myself,   don’t even know why.  I didn’t think I was resentful anymore but why did I keep thinking of you.  That’s why, I asked mama to turn you into my baby sister.  I thought I’d most likely stop thinking of you if we were together.  And it seems as if I was correct.  Just now after seeing you who became a baby, I feel my mind starting to drift.  I’m sure, maybe after just a little longer, that I won’t be able to think of things on my own  anymore.  That’s why I spoke out to you while I’m still able to think.  Doing this is my last chance to express how I feel...  I’m so grateful to you.  No matter what I did, someone was mad at me.  I was trash that no one needed.  Mama loves me, despite that.  No matter what I do, she compliments me with a smile.  She accepts all of me, unconditionally.  The reason being simple, because I am a baby.  Also, It’s thanks to you that I became a baby...  I know you must be anxious but, becoming a baby feels great and you’ll be so happy.  There is nothing difficult and hard at all...  Mama will do everything to make you feel good and happy...  You’ll just be loved...  Mama is very kind, so I’m sure you’ll understand this feeling soon.  Senpai, thank you so much for turning me into a baby.  From now on, we’ll be together forever.  My cute baby sister... Eri-chan♡”


‘Now, let’s take a picture.’

“Mama, you know, Eri-chan cried?”

‘Eri-chan, what’s wrong?’

‘Oh my, your diaper’s wet.  Eri-chan, I see you peed yourself.  Come now, don’t cry.  I’ll change your diaper to a new one right away.  We’ll take the picture after we change your diaper.  If we take it now, you’ll be crying in this special picture.  It’s a special day, so why don’t we change you into a matching diaper with Kasumi-chan.  Kasumi-chan, go ahead and comfort Eri-chan while I change her diaper.’


(From now on... We’re together... Forever... My favorite senpai......)

    This concludes the story of these two.  They will now spend their happiest days as babies.