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Hello supporters. I have an announcement to make today.

Due to mental problems, I am currently behind in creating new illustrations. In January, I was only able to post two new illustrations. I'm very sorry to those who have been supporting me.

Now, I would like to make an announcement that I will not be updating the number of new illustrations as often as planned from February. This is because I will be spending more time to rest my mind and body.

Currently, we do not know the cause of my mental problems. Therefore, our priority is to rest our minds and bodies. Then, we will consult with a professional organization to determine the cause and remedy the problem.

We believe that once this problem is corrected, we will be able to post new illustrations as scheduled. Until then, we will not be able to post many new illustrations.

Thank you for your understanding.

We will continue to translate past works as usual. I will continue to translate past works as I have done in the past, which takes time but not much effort.

I hope you will continue to support me.

Thank you for reading to the end.


Stan Verox

It’s okay, it’s important to have rest during these type of problems. As for the cause, if you can’t find the reason, it’s probably just that you are burned out and tired. It can happen without you even realizing. You should definitely go rest your body for as long as you want.


Thank you. Your kind words saved my life. I'll get some rest and get my mind and body better!

Mikael Call

If you need time take time!!! Mental health and bodily health are both really really important!!! Go get good and then worry about making others happy!!!!


Take all the time you need. Wishing you good health from the USA


Get some good rest and take your time. 一日も早いご回復を祈っております


Thank you for your concern. It's true that mental and physical health are the most important things to take care of. I'll do my best to be healthy!


You are right, first I will take a good rest. Then, when my mind and body are healthy, I will work harder to make things better.