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Outside your door in the pouring rain. As the thunder peels in the background, we finally confess...



Becky Howling

Emotions are tricky things to understand sometimes, not always rational either and doing things when your upset does not tend to be the best idea but it's understandable at the same time.

Kiki Shea

1. I was going to sleep at a reasonable hour. WAS. 2. Is she rich? 3. Hot cup of stability. What a turn of phrase! 4. Julia and Jeff…they’re boning. I’m sure of it. 5. Called it. 6. OMG. NSFW. 7. A FILLING? What does that mean…never mind. I don’t want to know. 8. Why DO they say that? 9. Dave. I forgot about this. 10. The couch. That’ll last. 11. Cocaine? 12. A USB stick. Ok. 13. Wait. Is SHE a spy? Smuggler? 14. Awkward nice men as smugglers are unconvincing, perhaps that’s why it’s brilliant? 15. Weird girl. Been called worse. 16. NSFW!!!!!! 17. I can’t wait