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I'm still working on designing some fun events for the school. One way I found to do that was to call back an old friend. 

I'm sure this lil' fella was finding his house quite boring since everyone deserted. So I thought, maybe he would like going to the school to have some fun with everyone?

The goal of the event is quite simple, but again it was a good occasion for me to test how robust my new NPC system is and how flexible it can be. So, the ghost will give you a squeaky toy that will distract any NPC. 

This will give him the go to come by and scare the heck out of the poor NPC...And maybe make them wet their pants in fear !

It's not so much, but it's some fun little interactions, and more importantly you're not limited to "scare this NPC" in particular. You can do it to every NPC in school...Even your friends of the diaper club. 

This is pretty important to me as my goal is to make the systems as systemics as possible. This is also a good training for any future project. 

On top of this event, I also polished some bugs. The good thing of the public release is, as the player base got wider, more bugs get found and reported to me. I tried to fix as much as I could, and while this took me a lil' bit of time out of content creation, I'm sure this is for the best. I'll output a full detail of how many I fixed in the next release changelog.

Speaking about which, I will release the next update next week, either monday or soon after. I didn't get as much content as I want in it ( Feel like I'm telling this every release). but it feel like a good spot to make a cut here. I'll have family over this week, so I will probably not have any hot news for the rest of the week, as I will spend most of my remaining time writing filler dialogs and testing things out.

So, if everything goes by, I'll see you next week for the update ! Have a great week ! 




I love this idea! I hope there are messy accidents as well :D