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Hey everyone,

I hope you enjoyed the last release. A lot of content was released and we're just getting started ! For now, I'll spend most of the time adding contents to the existings systems. I took, as usual, a few days off to fix some less bugs, plan the next roadmap and brainstorm some content. So, here it is. 

The next release will refine and improve the "follower" system with a few tweaks that I have noted (In particular, the ability to dismiss them or just tell them to go away a bit so you're not getting stuck). I also still have a lot of dialogs to write for the named NPCs, related to the dynamics events. 

I'll also plan to deliver more side content for the diaper club, and a small side quest in the lab - something got planned here since a long time but I didn't had the time to make it.  

Of course, another big thing to come is that the school will come open in the day. I intend it to be an area filled with small interactions and small things to do. I don't have fully planned what kind of special event could take place here but I have a lot of ideas ! If you've got any, don't hesitate to let me know. 

That's the general line. This update shouldn't be too long to come, as we're resuming the usual pace. 

In addition to all of that, as we're slowly creeping toward the 1.0. of the game, I'm trying to draft the future. Hence, in a couple week, I'll release a survey about the game - what you did like, what you though could have been improved, and a tons of others questions that will help me :

1) Refine the game in his last stage

And, more importantly perhaps, 

2) Gather precious data for the future big thing. As I said early this year, I fully intend to commit to another big game after the pacifier project is mainly done, using all of what I've learned to be even more ambitious. Of course,you'll have your voice in it at every stage. I really intend to nail it. 

That's it, I'm back to work ! See ya!



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