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Both these new characters are phenomenal 🤣

Episode 86-87 Reaction 



You can refer the royal guards as Pito, Pouf, and Youpi for short. The hxh community as a whole all agrees these are their names 😂

Philipp Scheuer

For some reason your episode 87 says Promise and Reunion which is the title of 86 which had me confused for a seconds

The Great Santini

10 episodes of an anime is almost half of a normal 24-episode season. That isn't that short IMO. I think Gon had plenty of time to grow attached to Kite especially considering all the stories Kite told Gon about his father, the fact that Kite was directly trained under his father, etc. I think Gon might have been STARTING to look up to Kite as a sort of stand-in for his "father figure" right before he was killed. Why wouldn't this be a good enough reason for Gon's character to develop? He's a 12-year-old impressionable boy, after all.

The Great Santini

Do you two just want Gon and Killua to go back and die? Because that's what's going to happen if they rush their training and go straight back to NGL just because of some cheap "win" to get the wooden piece. C'mon, guys... y'all are getting frustrated at like... nothing. They've been given a month by Netero to complete this task and Bisky has been called to get them stronger within that time. They'd be STUPID not to take advantage of the time given to them. edit: Glad to see Ange say that they're not as frustrated as they came off during the episode portion. I feel like if you take a moment to think about the information we've been given so far things make sense.