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Echidna is WILD

Episode 2x2 Reaction

Password: RZ2x2FL

Episode 2x3 Reaction

Password: RZ2x3FL



Echidna simps into the “step on me” vibes


To the carriage discussion in the beginning, dunno if someone clarified the Rem stuff before but in case they didn't: 1. After they defeated the white whale, Subaru in the novel, confessed to Rem and said he wants both Emilia and her as his wifes (It's fine to have multiple wifes in this world). This was in the scene where they did the eskimo kiss at the end of episode 21, the dialogue was cut in the anime. 2. That was what he was trying to tell Emilia before she slapped him with the "Who is Rem" bomb in the carriage in episode 1 of season 2. 3. This is what they are referring to here in the carriage when they talk about Rem in episode 2.

FTN Chicken

The absolute slander of best boy Otto has been completely unacceptable XD


FYI, always check at the end of the episode (after credits) there could be additional scenes (i.e. S2 episodes 7 & 9) side note, a lot of episodes this season are lengthy (plus skipping OP/ED). White Fox animators worked hard on Season 2 (during the pandemic period). Typically anime episodes are around ~20mins (w/o OP/ED). A good amount of episodes on Season 2 are nearly 30mins (no OP/ED). Insanely commendable and shows the love the series is getting from the studio.




Looks like Ange is considering membership for the Echidna fan club.


Think you guys caught most of the idea of what season 2 is going to be about. Yes Subaru much like with the tea party got mentally taken to a different place to live part of his past and he wakes up in his room. All I’ll say is as long as you pay attention closely almost all the questions you guys have now will be answered. The early part of the season starts off with a lot of questions and ideas to flesh out


Yeah anime leaves it out but implies it for what Subaru has been saying and acting like with Rem. But also it should be mentioned Rem was the one who gave him the idea to take multiple wives. Which he agreed to do if Emilia would accept their relationship. Him and Rem already were at the point where they both wanted to be with each other but Subaru can’t pick to just choose Rem or Emilia.

FTN Chicken

Garfiel is voiced by the same VA as Noya from Haikyu and Genya from Demon Slayer (he really has a very specific type of character he's excellent at portraying)


Polygamy would ruin the romance for the audience. It turns it into some kind of a harem. I think that's why they removed it.

Baren Nerab

yoooo im glad yall are enjoying this season, lore and story about to go wild!

Nathan Mathews

I think that this is better emphasized that this decision was made at the expense of the advertisements for it's airing in Japan. This is not a minor loss, it is for every airing of Re:Zero season 2 that advertising is cut. Almost every episode leaves less or even no room for advertising. It is a true sign of dedication towards making the most of the series. When the decision comes at a financial expense so baked into the industry I cannot help but feel like the actual studio itself is working with integrity.

Charles Malo

Yeah I'm usually not a fan of Harems, but there were only ever TWO situations ever where i wished that the protagonist ended up with both. Here. Emilia and Rem, mostly because Rem deserves to be loved too as long as Subaru is fair between both. And the only other place I wish there was less Harem and more "only these 2" was Sword Art Online and Asuna vs Alice... I always was an Asuna fan, and probably will always be an Asuna stan, but... Alice... She was truly something special and it made me, even for a moment, wish she had the love she wanted, because of her...background. The SAO one felt like maybe they'd do something in-real-world vs in-game-world polygamy, like a work-wife vs real-wife, but they spent too much on making it a harem that i can see why the fear here is to repeat this harem mindset here... that being said, I feel like Rem and Subaru's feelings would have felt genuine, and not just "she's a traveling band groupie" for the lack of better wording.

Charles Malo

lol. Ya'll remember when Ange was slandering best girl Rem, and now he slandering best boy Otto? Tsk tsk :P Little does ange know that Otto is the real waifu of this series. :P (I KID I KID... i kinda relate Otto to Zenitsu from Demon Slayer for some reason, and Garfield to Inosuke or actually more like a Genya from Demon Slayer) in terms of how they appear to us vs how they are then evolving as characters.

Charles Malo

WAITTT A second. I literally JUST posted a comment above to you, out of all people, saying that for some reason Garfield gives me either Inosuke or more like Genya vibes from demon slayers. See now i can hear the voice and i can see why i was getting that subconscious feeling too!

Charles Malo

Ange this is a season that will answer a lot of questions... and open so sooooo many more questions. But i gotta remind you to take a step back when throwing the words of Archibishop and Sin etc. You said at some point that Roswall is the Sin of Echidna. There is no "Sin" as far as we know in the show right now, there's only the "archbishop of X Y Z " which is like the "pope" of the cult. And for Greed, you already knew that Regulus Corneas is the Archibishop of Greed, not roswall. All we know right now is that Roswall is very protective of echidna and asking for respect on her name, but we dont know why. But in no way is he her sin/archibishop (it's the same title, it's not 2 separate things). That being said, I do like your theory about how Subaru can be connected to ALL the witches because Satella consumed all of them. And if we were to assume that Satella, the witch of Envy, is the witch inside subaru or at least guiding subaru, and she's the one that broke poor Beetlegeuse's heart and enemy-zoned him LOL, then if she ate the other witches, maybe that is indeed why Subaru has this connection to all sorts of witches and can talk to Echidna. But we also know that Echidna did something to subaru, she said that she used the SLOTH's witch factor on him to strengthen his presence in the tea party world, because most people would throw up and get thrown out of there, and so there is something indeed inside subaru or something special about subaru that other people don't, and it's making Echidna, the witch who greeds for knowledge, VERY VERY curious about Subaru... Notice how she was playing the aloof role and mysterious badass witch role, but then when Subaru completely rejected her to see emilia, she was shocked more than anything. She was like "wait, i can answer anything you want, ANYTHING, and you dont want to know? how? that doesnt make sense" and she completely derailed there because i think as the witch of greed with thirst for all the knowledge in the world, she couldnt fathom how someone could just ignore this opportunity of knowledge and focus on another person instead... subaru caught her off guard, he's a mystery to her, an unknown variable that she doesnt fully understand i think, and that's what makes him interesting to her... but whether echidna is an ally or foe (i'm avoid the words "good" and "Bad" because this is a moral grey area in this show), then that is left to be discovered... all we know right now is that subaru is special in this world.. for some reason... why? I dont know, i actually do not know nor would I be able to tell you if I did. But that's why people act weird around him, including Roswall and Beatrice and Garfield and any person who he interacts with: we keep saying that there's "the witch's scent on him" that some people like Rem and others can feel more and to some extent remember how REM acted day 1 of mansion with him? and yet she talks about it now as a banter and not scared of him because it's no longer a "shock" or "wait what was that" feel to her, but it's just her hero near her. Her perspective changed once that scent or feeling became normal to her, but let's not forget how she was not having it the first time. Why do i point this out? Well It's not just the scent but the fact that it's so random in their day to day life, it catches people off guard and puts them into defenseive mode, unlike how echidna is acting now, and especially unlike how Beetlegeuse was acting too... he also could sense something is off, and in HIS broken mind, the only thing that he could think about was calling Subaru the Archbishop of Pride because he probably knows ALL the other archbishops of sins EXCEPT pride because that role hasn't been filled yet, so he probably just called him that by process of elimination, BUT the intent behind is less about the title and more about "why do you give off this witch's scent/presence/chaos and errie change of the "status quo" around me... why? Well... my theory it's because it feels like he's a chaotic presence in a world, like a wrecking ball punching through a carefully created building, either to destroy the building... or to build a new one in its place.

FTN Chicken

They both even got the spiky hair and scar on the face thing going on (and some other character stuff, but that could be spoilery)

Charles Malo

yeah i see where you're going with the other stuff, but even at this point in time, i dinstinctively remember feelign this resemblance but the other way around (i.e i saw this episode before genya voice actor episodes in the show, due to release dates, when i saw genya, i remembered garfield) and so comign back here, i REALLY felt it haha


I like both here because it isn’t shoved in our faces or makes light of it when it got serious. Not Like Subaru is going around collecting wives. Naw he’s set in stone now for only those 2. Him and Rem formed a real bond working together in the mansion and then in the capital it escalated and I like how they mirror each other in a lot of ways. SPOILERS FOR S2 I’m glad that throughout season 2 she isn’t around so she does not have a big role. But to Subaru he’s always thinking about her when he’s in critical moments. Fighting Garfiel, when he’s breaking down and Carmila shows up as Rem because Subaru wanted to see Rem. When he’s at the mansion he’s always thinking about how to get Rem out of there. It shows it wasn’t just a few moments to be forgotten after season 1 that Subaru will just toss aside for Emilia. He truly needs and wants both of them and they both deserve to be happy. That’s my opinion anyway


The ending part of Ange's cover for the new OP is so GREAT!!!! TOP SHELF COVER!

The Great Santini

You guys really dislike not being "in the know" with shows, huh? That's odd considering how long AoT took to answer even the most basic questions about its plot lol. I'm surprised to hear your criticism of s1 not giving enough answers. I honestly think things were relatively clear as long as you kept things straight in your mind. I mean, you're still asking about things like, "Did Satella consume the other witches?" A lot of the things you were wondering about WERE answered in season 1. Just have to pay attention and commit it to memory.


First the cover is fire thx ange. Now I know you are worried about not getting answers but Season 2 answer a LOT of questions. Just keep in mind something : there will always be mysteries when it come to RE ZERO, it's a show that is very similar to SNK in that aspect, it's you the viewer who need to piece the informations together on some plot points especially when we are talking about the witch cult.


This season only gets better and better each episode. So many hype moments to come 🔥

Charles Malo

Ange, you talking to the guy who's rewatched AoT 71 times in last year alone to catch every possible easter egg, you thought you could slip that sentence and not get caught ? :P haha




Hi Ange, I don't know where you got the idea, but the witch's cult worships one witch only, not all of them, so even if they have archbishops of the same sins as the witches it doesnt's mean every archbishop worships a different witch, at least that's what I got from the anime