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Probably one of the best episodes of the series. Absolutely amazing writing

Episode 19 Reaction

Password: YLIA19FL


paladar blade

Not gonna lie I'm hoping they'll watch the last 4 episodes at once instead of waiting a week after to finish the series. 1) Cause of the momentum in the last couple of episodes and 2) it's best to finish strong rather than prolong the inevitable. I really, really can't wait to see their reactions to the last 2 ep.

Maximilian Sauer

I really appreciate that you didn't mute anything on the streamable upload. Thank you so so much for this. The show just hits different with sound and having sound in here while watching you react makes it just so good. Regarding the series improving, I think that I agree with you but also once you're done with it, revisit the old episodes (if only just skipping through them or reading recaps) and you'll realize that whole the episodes aren't as "grand" as single episodes, they're doing so much for the story and build up this emotional tension that you're feeling that the show is now playing so well. In a sense the first few episodes turn our hearts into violin strings that's being played by Kaori. And how masterfully they are doing it too. You can't just rip your bow across the strings, you have to be very precise and gentle to get great sounds out of it. Imagine creating a show this dense with emotion, that just sucks you in because there's no real dull moments. The moments imbetween are more like pockets of air while diving, they're giving us a short moment to get a breather so we don't snap. And this emotional grind that you're describing (great way to put it by the way) is exactly why this show is one of my favorite shows of all time and so loved by so many. After all, we often times do consume entertainment media in hopes of being moved. Of it invoking certain emotions. And do the highs not feel way higher if there's also real lows? Not to mention that there's so much happy stuff out there, so many highs that we're getting really used and dull to them. Sad things rarely get explored, the bad guys almost never win, etc. And this is also rarely a side of ourselves that we explore a lot because it's not pleasurable and fun. We most of the time only do it involuntarily when something bad or sad jumps us and we are forced to look those bad emotions in the eyes. Oh and by the way, subtitles are really difficult to read with tears in your eyes I realized once again, lol. I had to rewind multiple times because I didn't see what they were saying. I'll forever be grateful to you watching this. You may think that we are a bit sadistic to be making and enjoying watching others suffer from sadness but we just love being touched emotionally and want to share those strong emotions with others because ultimately it's also really beautiful and romantic and I'm convinced that we all came out of it a bit better than we went into it.


Whoa, such passionate reaction on this ep!