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Hey guys! Our filming of HxH was impacted a little bit due to the Storms we had a few days ago. So we'll be doing 3 separate uploads this week. We finished Greed Island and took your suggestion of watching the first ep of 1999 to properly meet Kite! Ep 76 will drop tomorrow.

Ep 75 Reaction

Ep 1 Reaction (1999)  


Jason Serrano

Oh thank God you guys actually did the real 1st ep! 😊😊


Good idea going back to see that version to meet Kite! When I first watched HxH (2011), I was confused as to who he was since he hadn’t made an onscreen appearance yet


OH what a fun concept. i saw the 1999 first, thats how long ive been watching anime lol


omg I wasn’t expecting this! so excited to watch these when I get back from college🕺 stay safe guys, have a good day

James Usher

This is why you guys are unique reactors. Can't remember the last time a reactor did it this way. No idea why Madhouse cut Kite out of the first episode of the 2011 version, when everything else was so incredibly well done. So important.

Smash Bran'Discootch

OMG THIS IS AMAZING! Also this is the episode where gon dropped the racial slur!

Kaiser the Elitist

Preparing my mind, body and soul for the arc we've all been waiting for since Ep 1. Basically what makes HxH arguably the best-written shounen overall.


WOW! Can't believe that you guys reacted on the very original beginning of HXH. Award Winning Reaction Channel of the Year!!!

Maxime Goettelmann

We live one of my GOAT, Biksy-chama.... to enter the GOAT arc of HxH. With NARRATOR-sama


Oh man, 1999 soundtracks were THE soundtracks

Smash Bran'Discootch

L&M reactions did it that way EDIT: I should say thay the intention of my comment wasn't to be like "Naaaah, you wrong fool!", it was just a suggestion for another channel if you enjoy seeing it done that way 😅


as peak as hunter hunter has been so far, its time to enter the greatest arc of all time. HxH top 1


Oh I’m so happy you checked it out! I do love 2011 HxH, but the 1999 version holds a special place in my heart. The Yorknew Arc in particular was spectacular in the 1999 version.


I have such a soft spot for the 1999 version! Especially Kurapika's scarlet eyes


I originally watched HxH 1999 version as a kid. One of the most memorable scenes for me was when Gon gave Hisoka's badge back. The way they make a big deal of it (and it was!) and especially the soundtrack was so great I'm still tearing up whenever I rewatch that scene. I just didn't expect how they handled that scene in the 2011 version


YOU DON'T WANT TO HEAR HISOKA'S VOICE IN THE 1999 VERSION !!! It's so weird you'll laugh at it ! 😂😂😂

Philipp Scheuer

The Nen exorcist touched Genthru and said "I caught the bomber!" because while being able to remove the bomb with the Nen beast, the Nen beast stayed on him as long as Genthru's technique is "active" and touching Gentrhu and saying that line was one way (the only way?) to get rid of the Nen one and for all.


In general, 2011 version is better. Obviously it has better animation and no weird sound effects, I also think it's better paced because they removed some unessential stuff. Although I think they should've kept EP 1 as it is. Few things I prefer in the 1999 version is the original legendary soundtrack and Gon's VA. She has a similar voice to the 2011 VA but she's never annoying. 2011 VA is also good, but she can be annoying at times, at least for me XD.


The next arc has some pacing issues but it also has some of the most insane moments in the series! Can't wait

Astor Lefflinker

Thank you so much for reacting to the 1st ep of the 1999 version! The meeting with Kite is very important. It's basically how Gon found out not just about Ging, but also about the Hunter Exam. And yes, it gives us context as to why Gon's fishing rod is so strong. It used to be Ging's, so it's a special rod. Might even be infused with nen and that's why it doesn't break. An important thing to keep in mind though: Mito saying a line at 14:04 that implied that Gon's mother is her sister isn't canon since it wasn't in the manga. I was thinking that once you finish the series, maybe you could react to the biggest moments from the 1999 version like the Kurapika vs Uvo fight, Zoldycks vs Chrollo, Killua stealing a prisoner's heart, etc, then you'll be able to hear the VAs from the 1999 version.

Astor Lefflinker

Nah, you probably only heard it on some short Youtube video. If you hear it by watching the episodes as you were meant to, you kinda ease up on it. The 1999 VA for Hisoka actually fits his character better. Very weird, creepy, and scary.

Philipp Scheuer

I'd never seen the 1999 version but I gotta agree. The episode definitely was superior to the 2011 version. Also explains why they interact the way they do when they meet in the 2011 version for the "first" time.

the grafted

THE ANT ARC LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! (legit my fav arc of all anime)


I can't believe my boy Gon said that! How could he!!


I actually watched the full 1999 version after I finished the 2011 one. I think both VAs did a good job in making him sound weird and creepy, but the old voice was just not nice to hear, I personally didn't like it. It was "annoying and weird". Whereas in 2011 it was "mysterious and scary".

Smash Bran'Discootch

That's a good shout on the soundtrack. I'll even go as far as to day some scenes from the 1999 version do convey the tone of the manga a bit better, but overall the 2011 version is the superior product.

Astor Lefflinker

Just commenting again in case you've already read my previous comment. There's an erratum. I just checked the manga and it's true/canon that Mito won custody of Gon in court. Ging didn't abandon him. Though I like Ange's theory that Ging made legal arrangements so that he'd actually lose lol The only non-canon part from the 1999 version's 1st episode is the part where Mito said a line that implies that Gon's mother is her sister. I've edited my previous comment. Sorry, my memory failed me after all these years.



Astor Lefflinker

@Smash Bran'Discootch I agree. If we're comparing arcs, I think the 1999 version is only superior during the Hunter Exam arc. It was just a lot more fleshed out and darker. The Heavens Arena arc, they made the weird choice of not showing the full Hisoka vs Castro fight so I'll have to give it to the 2011 version. For the Yorknew Arc, I think it's a tie between the 1999 version and the 2011 with some scenes that I think I prefer the 1999 version like the beginning and end of Kurapika's fight with Uvo. Greed Island is a clear win for the 2011 version because at that point, the 1999 version already dipped in production quality. I think the 1999 version is superior in particular scenes like Killua threatening Sadaso, or the beginning and end of the Kurapika vs Uvo fight as I mentioned before.


A little bit late but it was explained that the Nen Exorcist's Nen Beast doesn't disappear until the Nen User dies or deactivates his Nen. Genthru has a condition that when one of his victims touch him and say "I caught the Bomber", his Nen on them will deactivate.