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Episode 2 Reaction

Password: SL2FL



LETS GOOOOOOOOOO, idk why so many ppl are complaining, this adaptation has been awesome for the first 2 eps!!! Seems like ppl can't be grateful anymore :(


Just answering 2 of your questions. 1) The last scene of the episode is the yes button being pressed. 2) About how to earn money from dungeons. There are three ways that I am aware of how you can earn money from raids. The first is killing monsters. You get these essence stones that represent the level of the monster you killed. So the higher ranked the monster you killed the higher ranked the stones (more money it is worth, better equipment you can make). The second way to earn money is by harvesting mana crystals. We haven't seen them doing it so far but raiding parties are usually (with higher ranked dungeons at least) split into different groups. At first the fighting/hunting group goes in and defeats the dungeon boss. It was mentioned in episode 1 that once the boss is killed you have one hour before the dungeon closes. So once the boss has been killed by the hunting group they leave and the harvesting group goes in. They are specialized in mining mana crystals and together with carriers they mine as many crystals as possible before they have to leave the dungeon. If I remember correctly there are other resources as well they collect. These crystals and resources then can be sold for money. The third way to earn money from raids is being part of a guild. If a guild makes a contract with you, a salary is also agreed upon. So being in a guild is also some kind of a stability money wise. I hope my explanation was clear enough. Thank you for the great reaction. I'm looking forward to next week. 😊


I wasn't aware that ppl are unhappy with the episodes. What are they complaining about? The show so far has been very close to the Manwha. I can't comment on the light novel though, I never read it.

Night Sterling

Yes the becoming a "player" is part of the episode and just to clear things up, dungeons in solo leveling have always been just filled with monsters that drop essence stones that can be exchanged for money and then there's a boss and if you beat the boss you beat the dungeon which then goes away afterwards so the dungeon they were just at with the statues and the riddles is not typically what dungeons are like which is why in episode 1 after finding out the statues moved the group were expecting to have to fight the statues to get out and not solve riddles.


I loved reading solo Leveling so much, it's so fun to see it being animated and honestly I think they are doing a good job, I wasn't so sure after episode 1 because I had to adapt to the differences in the art style but I'm really satisfied of episode 2 ! And they really did justice to the smile I think I was a bit worried about that scene and I am really happy with the result ! I really like the sound design too, the music the voice acting and everything... really well done ! I enjoy seeing it with you so much you two are really one of my absolute favorite reaction channels !

Aaron Mitchell

So to answer your question E rank hunters can enter a higher ranked dungeon B,A etc but on the contrasts they SHOULDN’T just be simply they are to low ranked, and unfortunately they would just be a liability.

Ginta Liepiņa

Great cover as always! I was waiting for your reaction to this episode! I am a manhwa reader so it's cool to see someone reacting to it who isn't familiar with the story! I think you are really going to like it!


So far, it's pleasant to watch, but far from being excellent or really exciting. Given the crazy hype, you can guess what kind of anime it's going to be. It's always the same genre that creates the hype, and in the end it's never that good: Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer etc...

Matt Rhinehart

Jujutsu Kaisen and Demon Slayer are among their favorite shows theyve seen on the channel. So it would seem this show is made for them.

Astor Lefflinker

Adding to what Matt said, remember that Dragon Ball is like their top 1 anime ever, so I don't think it's good to be negative towards shonen here. You're just gonna appear as an obnoxious anime elitist. There's nothing wrong about a straight up/linear shonen series where fights and shocking moments get all the hype and exciting reactions. Shonens are also great gateway anime for people who are not yet into anime.


Tell me about it. People keep coming after me because I said on the Internet the first two episodes were OK but I haven't seen a reason to lose my mind yet like everyone else. People are too impressionable about a gush of blood, but the characters and the story have barely given me anything yet.


Is it negative or elitist to say that this kind of anime doesn't appeal to everyone and that some find it "just" pleasant" to watch? Please, come on... If they love Solo Leveling, I'm totally fine with it. That's all I wish for them/anyone. I don't want them to be disappointed. I have no problem with people having a different opinion and expressing it. Do you? Because you're the one saying that expressing less enthusiasm is a problem. From my point of view, that's the negative attitude. And please don't be offended if I point out that Shonen is not a genre. It's an editorial target. Spy Family, Frieren, Attack on Titan, Death Notes, The Promised Neverland, Chainsaw Man, Dr Stone, Takagi-san etc... are all shonen. Dragon Ball, Naruto, One Piece, Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, etc. are often shonen, but the category that defines them is Nekketsu. Isekai is another category. Nekketsu are indeed a good gateway into anime. They're easy to understand and built to be satisfying. Hence their popularity. And I say that with no disdain. But that doesn't mean they're the best or the most interesting.

Smash Bran'Discootch

This is a perspective I haven't heard before, or at least haven't really taken the time to understand. So if Solo Leveling, Demon Slayer, and Jujutsu Kaisen aren't that good, what are some that you do consider to be good? Also because tone doesn't convey very well online, I want to say that I'm not trying to be confrontational or trying to hit you with a "Gotcha!" or anything. I rather enjoyed those anime, so I'm curious as to why you didn't enjoy them and what kind of stuff you do enjoy if you're up for it.


"I'll be vomiting and you'll be shitting". Carlie disgustingly hilarious there 🤣

Kevin Lin

Any hunter can anger any gate(dungeon) however it is not recommended for low ranking hunters to enter a high ranking dungeon. There are set rules (by the association) like #of hunters as well as their ranks equired to enter x ranked dungeons. Each dungeon has around 7 days to be cleared until it becomes a dungeon break (monsters exiting the dungeon and into the real world).


For ur questions without spoilers. Normal dungeons are closed by defeating the boss. But this dungeon was a special case as a double dungeon something very rare, hence the whole "level type game" in this boss room is also rare and not "normal".

Astor Lefflinker

Yes, it's negative. Why? Because if you've been around this channel for some time and have watched their anime tier list, you know that they clearly love shonen, specifically the shows that you mentioned. So for you to be in the comments section of their channel, saying that those shows are never good, is basically equivalent to going over to people enjoying those shows and saying "hey, you know those shows that you're clearly enjoying and love? They're meh and never good". You seriously don't find that as a negative attitude? That's why I find it a total BS when you say that you're "totally fine" with people people enjoying Solo Leveling and that's all you wish for anyone. Don't lie. You find it irritating that people enjoy shonens and that they get all the hype they get. Expressing a different opinion is free speech, and should be allowed. But things are never black and white. Expressing a different opinion can sometimes be good, and sometimes can be bad. It depends on the context. In this context, you're clearly just being obnoxious. I'm also basically just stating a different opinion than yours. Why not use your own platform to criticize these shows instead of going over directly to people who clearly love them just to tell them that they're not good? That will show that you really are totally fine with people enjoying shows that you don't like and that really is the only thing you wish for anyone.


Just one of those things where ppl like to talk down on something that's hyped or that the majority seems to like. Like I understand it's a power fantasy with a bit of a generic story etc but it's still fun as hell to watch, feels illegal to enjoy fun things these days HAHA


This will be my last reply about this. You and I have better things to do than this nonsense. So I perfectly understood your negative attitude, since your speech can be summed up as follows: expressing a different opinion is a problem (unless everyone else around feels the same way). That's exactly what you're saying when you say: they love these shows, that you're expressing less enthusiasm here is negative. Hiding this behind "a context that doesn't allow it" because, you know, they like these shows, doesn't change anything to the real (problematic) meaning of what you're saying. You're literally forbidding me to express respectfully less enthusiasm because they/you like (more than me) these shows. Who the "negative aggressor" is here is pretty obvious. And don't assume what I know about Ange and Carlie. I can guess they enjoy these anime, but not necessarily how much. I haven't watched all their videos, far from it. Don't assume I deliberately wanted to be offensive (I'd have to be pretty immature to think like that). And again, I just said I don't find them THAT good, but fun to watch nonetheless. I can't imagine if I'd said I didn't like them or hated them. Would my comment have become downright insulting or harassing? Really ?...Seriously ?... (and please don't twist my words any further). When I like something and express it with friends/family/anyone, I don't expect them or the rest of the world to agree with me or keep quiet. And when someone doesn't share my enthusiasm, it doesn't scratch my pleasure and love for a show. When I don't understand a crazy hype or am disappointed with a hyped show, while there's always a frustration in not understanding something, it doesn't in any way mean I wish bad things on those shows and those who love them. One day you have to grow up. To sum up: 1) I didn't insult anyone. And I think I was cordial enough 2) I didn't insult any show, or say they're bad 3) I didn't force anyone to agree with me 4) I didn't say that those who like them are wrong 5) I just expressed my own feeling, which is a more moderate enthusiasm (the word "pleasant" has a positive connotation, doesn't it?), and made the connection with other cases that I didn't find as good as expected. And because these less enthusiastic comments displeased or irritated you, you became aggressive. That's all right. I don't blame you. All I can do is telling you that my comments were not intended to hurt anyone. I'm sorry if you were. Really. But I have nothing to regret, nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to apologize for simply expressing my opinion cordially because you don't like it. I hope I've made myself more clear about my intentions though. The incident is closed.


@Smash Bran'Discootch > Wow, It's hard to explain in a few words. I will answer you, when I've found the clearest and most concise way of doing so :)

Astor Lefflinker

I stopped reading at the part where I'm forbidding you to express your differing opinion. How can anyone do that? The only one who can do that here is Carlie & Ange or if they have mods since they can ban you or delete your comment. Calling someone out for being obnoxious is very different from forbidding that someone from expressing their differing opinion. Like I said, what I'm doing right now is basically also just expressing my differing opinion from yours. You attempting to counter what I'm saying - should I say that you're forbidding me from expressing my own opinion too? Of course not. It's just free speech vs free speech. You got called out for being an obnoxious anime elitist and now you're trying to play the victim, that's all there is to this. Edit: I saw a bit more of your post and you said you didn't insult anyone. I disagree. Like I said, since you went in this comment section of reactors and people who are clearly enjoying the show so far, as well as the other shows you mentioned, and describing them as far from excellent and exciting and never that good (verbatim), it's basically equivalent to going over to a group of people who are just trying to enjoy something and then being an obnoxious asshole and directly telling them "hey, that thing you're enjoying and loving right now? It's far from exciting and excellent and it's not as good as you're hyping it to be". If you really don't see the problem with what you're doing then I'm guessing you lack EQ. And again - since I know you're gonna play the victim again, what you're doing is technically your right, it's free speech, but so is calling you out for being an obnoxious anime elitist.


Fire cover. I actually prefer it over the actual opening


"I saw a bit more of your post and you said you didn't insult anyone. I disagree. Like I said, since you went in this comment section of reactors and people who are clearly enjoying the show so far..." Yes! We.get.it! This is the 3rd time you've repeated this and we all understood from the first time that you find it problematic and insulting to express a less enthusiastic opinion with more enthusiastic people. You've made your point perfectly and we've understood perfectly that you're a person who can't stand slightly different opinions to the point of asking others not to use their freedom of expression because it bothers you and makes them bad people (and assuming their "real intentions"). Since only strictly forbidding would be crossing the line into rudeness and abuse...your honor is safe, you're still the good guy, phew! Moral blackmail (if you express more moderate enthusiasm among enthusiastic people, then you're a bad person) is not toxic and abusive behavior... "Like I said, what I'm doing right now is basically also just expressing my differing opinion from yours. You attempting to counter what I'm saying - should I say that you're forbidding me from expressing my own opinion too? It's just free speech vs free speech." No it is not. -> Your point is that I shouldn't have expressed my opinion. At no point are you debating my opinion itself. Why I'm less enthusiastic doesn't interest you, it's the fact that I expressed it that you have a problem with. -> My point is to debate your opinion in itself (that my comment was insulting) without ever having told you not to express it. On the contrary "I have no problem with people having a different opinion and expressing it. Do you?" / "That's all right. I don't blame you." There's no equivalence. Discussing an opinion and agreeing or disagreeing with it is different from questioning the very choice to express it. One is the acceptance of dialogue, the other is the refusal of it (If you don't think the same of me/Ange-Carlie, don't express it). I hope you know this difference. I honestly don't even understand how it's possible that you don't see the problem with that, and how that makes you the unpleasant person who only agrees to you expressing yourself if you're exactly of the same opinion. You're free to be that way. And I'm free to think a little differently from you and express it politely. If you consider it an insult, that's your problem (which you may or may not solve), not the others. I can only say that offending you or anyone was not the intention and that I'm sorry. You can believe me, or not. But again, it's your problem. There's nothing I can do. We're already going round in circles on our respective points of view. I don't think the discussion will go any further and we can stop here. Let's move on, in peace. So, Let's be pragmatic: if Ange and Carlie ever read this and think I've insulted them, firstly I'm sorry, and secondly they should moderate my post or ask me to do so (I will).


Hmm. It's kind of difficult for me to say how I would like the show without knowing anything about it, since I've read the manhwa multiple times. Maybe my enjoyment would be different? I can to a certain degree understand if someone feels like there are too many similar shows coming out these days, but I'm just too hyped to see the story animated after so many years. If I had to nitpick anything, it would be that the art looks better in the manhwa. A1 is doing a great job with the animation, but the art doesn't hit as hard as the manhwa panels. I can't even say exactly why since the design of the characters and the settings are 1:1 the manhwa designs. Maybe it is the inking and the shading in the manhwa? But I'm getting used to it. 😂


I've only reread the manhwa again recently and that art is just top tier, so visually pleasing! See, unlike you who made good points in a friendly way, the ppl I've seen have straight up been trashing on it just because it is insanely popular right now with no reason to back themselves up. A1 are doing amazing as they always do. I really agree on the effects and stuff later down the road, I really hope they do the ______ army art all justice


I'm curios about that as well. I hope they aren't CG. Since the ants were real animation I hope they go this route there as well. CG often feels too foreign or like "uncanny valley". Keeping my fingers crossed. I read today that apparently it has been leaked that Omniscient Reader is going to get an anime adaptation as well. That would be awesome. Even more gory and brutal than Solo Leveling. I'm curious what studio is going to pick up that project.


Yeah same, either way I hope they just do a decent adaptation. Doesn't need to be the most perfect thing in the world, as long as they keep it consistent like these first 2 episodes. I haven't read omniscient so maybe I'll check that out! I've only read solo leveling, return of disaster class hero, player who returned 10,000 years later and return of mount Hua sec when it comes to manhwa, bit of a noob in that department hahaha


I'm not a manhwa expert either, but Solo Leveling and Omniscient Reader are definitely my favorite. They are/were done by the same studio, Studio Redice. So the art with Omniscient Reader is amazing as well. The plot is really great and it is in some aspects a little bit like Solo Leveling but I won't say more in case you read it for yourself. I'm curious how far this first season of Solo Leveling is going to progress the plot. We should get the famous scene were a very particular word is said since a character from that plotline is featured in the OP but with 12 episodes, I wonder where they are going to end it. Do we know if they are planning on a season 2 this year or if it is going to take longer?


I can tell they are so innocent for not knowing goblins (in anime).