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This arc was AMAZING!

55-56 Reaction

57-58 Reaction 



quick note: DO NOT FORGET NEN AFTER DEATH......good day


The troupe are def my fav villain group, they feel like an actual family unlike a lot of the other villain groups in anime and I appreciate that a loooot


Chrollo's identity is the spider. He questions his existence and purpose, which ties up perfectly with the city he grew up in (Meteor City), where people's identities are unknown (Great writing). Chrollo uses the spider to understand himself better. Everyone in the group is an important asset in building up who Chrollo is as a person. The motive for the spider is that Chrollo can understand himself thru the troupe members. Chrollo's identity is the spider. Everything about the spider is about Chrollo. Chrollo = Spider. Every member of the troupe represents Chrollo in some interesting way. That's how Chrollo tries to find his purpose. Even with the hostage situation, he has no value as one. Why? The spider is who he is. If the spider lives on, Chrollo lives on. There are many layers to his character that I can't go into now but I will say every line he's said hits home when you try to understand him more.

The Great Santini

Did I read it wrong or is it them reading it wrong? The end of this arc wasn't necessarily Kurapika letting the Spiders go because he wanted to "rise above" or what have you... Rather, he screwed up and his friends got taken hostage so he had to avoid combat and make a trade to get them back. The scene with melody, Kurapika, Chrollo, and Pakunoda in the "small room" wasn't trying to show that Kurapika was stooping to the Spiders' level by wanting revenge... IMO it was more trying to give context to Pakunoda and show that even Kurapika's hated arch-villains have camaraderie amongst themselves and care about each other (as we've seen with Uvo and Nobunaga previously and a few of the other Spiders as well). At the end of the day, well-written characters aren't 100% good or 100% bad. Even cold killers can have a semblance of a redeeming quality (like Pakunoda's loyalty in this case) that makes them a tiny bit relatable to our protagonists. PS: I have to say that Carlie's theory/desire for the Spiders' true "purpose" was wild to hear lol. "Restore balance" by genociding a race of innocents. Fun fact: Thanos inspired the writer of HxH!