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The plot twist was crazy!

JJK 2x22 Reaction

Password: JJK2x22FL



Big bro Choso to the rescue!


Todo and Choso fighting for Yuji's older brother role


The opening cover just wails. Gets me amped every time.


The thing with mei mei and ui ui is weird but would you really stay and fight geto when you know your just going to die and I think she don’t even like ui ui she just uses him for his technique bc she only cares about herself and if she can survive she’s basically the polar opposite of Nanami she’s more like gojo bc there both very selfish like how gojo said he would kill all the higher ups even tho they are innocent to protect yuji even tho he is a major risk factor as we seen in shibuya he sakuna killed thousands of ppl bc gojo wasn’t there to stop him.


It should’ve been me in that bed, not Ui Ui 😔


Baby girl yuki pulled up she’s her😂💯💯💯 ifykyk


I really believe that fake Geto (Kamo Noritoshi's body) must've swapped himself many many years later with someone close to Yuji and most likely Yujis parents. I think that's the only logical way that Choso felt the blood brother bond with Yuji. This is mindfuck but what other reason could there be? They are not even from the same time


Yea that’s the implication. The only way they could be blood related is that either Yuji is a part of the Kamo clan (which he’s not and we know this cuz of his name) or brain guy took the body of one of Yujis parents.


And what makes me more suspicious is the reason why Yuji is so damn strong and why he (in a thousand years according to Gojo) is a vessel that can withstand Sukuna.. Maybe i'm going overboard about the Yuji strength but he's an anomaly.


Man I love Choso. Yuki is one of four special grade sorcerers in case you forgot (along with Yuta, Geto & Gojo)

Night Sterling

If manga readers get our wish and the stars have aligned for us we’re ending on quite the cliffhanger 😂


Everybody Yuji's brother, he's just a great kid

Benjamin Sartain

uzumaki is actually his like "Ultimate Technique" other than a domain where he takes a bunch of cursed spirits and combines them into one big energy attack. Real geto used it against yuta in the movie! I think what he meant by he would have won is that during that time half of his spirits were in a different place thus leaving his attack weaker than it would have been.


Are we talking bout the same person…?

Maya Coleman

I feel like choso deserved mvp in my opinion because he really wanted to risk his life for his yuji and he was also holding his own against kamo noritoshi

Maya Coleman

And btw carlie and ange ever since I watched this episode I predicted that you guys would choose kamo noritoshi as mvp glad my prediction was right lol 😂

Philipp Scheuer

Excited to see Yuki, the last special grade human we haven't seen fight yet, fight next episode.

yasmina C

i think you missed Choso saying that it's "not impossible that Yuji is related to him" since Kamo/fake-Geto switches bodies all the time. Yuji isn't one of the 9 abortions, he's only 16 lol. Choso and his bros are like 150 xD

Joey Sabishii

Choso mvp in my opinion. Brain curse (Geto) i will not call him Geto bcuz he aint Geto. Brain Curse we already know is powerful so unless he defeated someone in this episode not including mahito he wouldve gotten mvp but he didnt.

yasmina C

100% agree, they extended his battle with fake-geto from the manga and it was amazing seeing how good Choso looked!


give choso mvp! love that goofy goober the animators give him so much love too haha

yasmina C

nah there's too much stuff to cover before then like the ...ahem .... zen'in clan


To add on to this from what "Geto" said in the episode. Originally he found the technique to be a waste because it was just a way to "recycle" lower grade cursed spirits due to its brute force nature, and his opinion that the real strength of Geto's technique was the versatility of using all of the cursed spirits separately and piling on their effects (like he was doing to Yuji). The quirk about it that he learned however is that if he uses uzumaki on a semi-first grade or higher cursed spirit then it will allow him to extract their cursed technique for his own use.


also for future reference, uraume is canonically nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns



My husband and I have a whole theory that Geto-Kamo carried on a specific technique in the Kamo line, jumping body to body, to create a vessel for Sukuna. Thats why he experimented with the cursed wombs mother in order to see if he could make a more sturdy body to hold Sukuna. We are theorizing that Sukuna's technique is actually a form of blood manipulation, we just saw Choso heat up blood to get out of the ice and Yuji didn't even get frozen, and along with Sukuna's random fire abilities we think its a blood manipulation technique.


yes I think this might be a spoiler! I don't think it was stated in the anime


okay about the Mei Mei thing. yes, Gege (I also call him Gigi hehe) did that on purpose, to show the difference between her and Nanami. in jjk world, the selfless die while the selfish get to live out their dreams... there's also the contrast of how Nanami died to protect children, while she exploits children 🤮 I was so sad when Carlie said she doesn't want to get harassed in the comments :( please don't be discouraged from theorizing. that detail about how Mahito got transfigured in the end totally flew over my head, for example! you guys have really good analysis. and finally about the Yuuji Choso thing - remember we don't know anything about Yuuji's family except for his grandfather.


Uzumaki was used in the movie againt Yuuta at the end. it combines the curses hes eaten into one "big powerful attack". what fake Geto here is talking about is if you use a high grade curse (semi first grade or above) in Uzumaki, he can take their technique for himself. real Geto in the movie didnt know that


and the other thing fake Geto is saying that simply if real Geto didnt use a bunch of curses across two different cities (his forces were split up) and instead kept them all for his fight with Yuuta, he would have won. especially if he would have extracted his special grade curse technique he had at the time


You missed the whole point gojo is selfish he said it himself and spoiler. Spoiler. Sakuna says they are both the strongest bc they are selfish mei mei uses her brother and other ppl to get what she wants just like how gojo uses his power to intimidate others and get what he wants he puts ppl in danger bc he believes that he is above everyone and can win and stop anyone gojo is willing to kill innocent ppl if it’s ok with furthering his goal as he stated multiple times through the story he wouldn’t want it to come to tht if there’s another option but he would resort to doing it they are very similar that’s why get along they get each other spoiler. And the fight in the manga gojo didnt even care if he lost and ramifications of him losing he just wanted to 1v1 so he could prove who’s the strongest


but then obviously if he didnt split up his forces he wouldnt have created the opportunity with Gojo being occupied to 1v1 Yuuta in the first place, so he was in a tough spot


And if you can’t see tht your delusional ion even like Mei Mei like tht but they are similar that’s why they respects each other also gojo bribed her to recommend his students with money witch is illegal he did tht bc he knows tht she would be the only one who would and he trust tht she wouldn’t tell the higher ups.

Yasiru Jayasinghe

What I don't understand about that is why it's different. Like, how is using Uzumaki using Mahito to extract his ability any different from the normal curse manipulation to summon Mahito and use his ability?


May be wrong, but I think "Geto" explaining was to make the technique even stronger - remember talking about a technique gives it a power boost! I think the parasite is the "parent" Choso and Yuji have in common, considering the poor woman and Noritoshi were alive centuries ago; I think the parasite has just been going around doing little experiments for funsies, and maybe Yuji is just one of them. Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion, but I don't think Yuki deserves the blame for Geto's spiral 🫣. All she did was help bring order to the chaos of his conflicting thoughts by laying them out as clear paths - like she said, either fully hating non-sorcerers, or choosing not to hate them. She didn't really push him one way or the other, just laid out the ideological options for him and peaced out. At first, it felt a bit insensitive to me considering Geto's mental state, but I would be more judgmental if someone closer to him had said that. After all, Yuki doesn't know him personally and probably didn't know he was on the verge of snapping; she probably just thought he was being philosophical or doing a thought experiment lol.

James Janak

I will ask before I just say it, but would you like to know the nickname of “Geto” manga readers use? It is adjacent to its actual name but you wouldn’t be able to decode what its name is from the nickname until it’s actually revealed. Only asking because you could get used to what to actually call “Geto”


man now I really wanna see a showdown between Choso and Todo where the winner gets to be Yuji's big brother 😂 I think Choso was the MVP of this episode. He risked his life for his baby brother Yuji and was up against one the of strongest villains, fake Geto! The way he adapted and kept up while fighting fake Geto was magnificent! I gotta say Choso's blood manipulation technique is one of the coolest curse techniques! I love the power and versatility of his technique. ❤️ It's so funny to see the 3rd year Kamo student be so shocked seeing how differently and powerfully blood manipulation is used by Choso 😂


Because Uraume did not maximize her Ice technique against Yuji due to him being Sukuna's vessel and all she cares about is Sukuna. And that the only messenger they need is Yuji. Uraume could freeze him if she wanted to


I mean I hear that but still other points stand, its a fun theory in my head


Splendid theory, except I have no idea how invisible slashes that move instantaneously have anything to do with blood, same for his “open” fire technique. Imo, Sukunas technique is related to a kitchen and he’s the chef. Something that is not in the anime (dw it’s not a spoiler because it’s not even in the manga, it’s a cool detail from an interview or fanbook Gege did) is that Sukuna was a cannibal in the Heian era. It has no bearing on the story and we never hear about it ever again outside of that interview but it’s a cool fact about Sukuna. Also, since Uraume is somewhat close to him, and she has ice ct she’s like his freezer. I’d imagine this is what Sukuna did back in his day, slice up some enemies, freeze them, then cook em up later 😭


I agree that Prick (Geto) should get the MVP. He was simply the most important character in the episode. Choso's VA is "Namikawa Daisuke", he's a legend! He also does Gilbert from Violet Evergarden & Haganezuka from Demon Slayer.


To briefly explain supreme arts. It's basically a curse technique's ultimate form. It's different from a domain expansion because that just makes your technique guaranteed to hit your opponent. Geto's base technique is curse manipulation, which let's you capture and use curses like pokemon basically. His supreme art is called Uzumaki, which let's him sacrifice any curses he's collected and combine them into a beam of raw cursed energy. But a side effect of this supreme art is that he's now able to directly extract the cursed technique from the curse he's sacrificing and use it himself. Think of it like if ash sacrificed Pikachu so he's able to use thunderbolt himself instead of having to depend on a pokemon. Sorry for the weird analogies lol.


The gender is unknown. She looks like a woman, so she's a woman


Yeah I agree with your point about Yuki, she didn't make Geto into a mass murderer. I don't think Yuki thought Geto would actually attempt to make the ideological conversation into reality, and like you said, she didn't know Geto that well.


The technique extraction only occurs on spirits that are semi first grade or higher. Ones that actually have cursed techniques mind you. But this does confirm that Mahito is dead as he was just used up in that attack against Miwa. It also means that Kamo Getou has Idle Transfiguration. Wild.


The theory that Yuji is another sibling to the cursed womb death painting brothers by Choso's examination of things makes sense. In order to create them and make them his children all Kamo Noritoshi had to do was mix his blood in the process. The Kamo Clan specializes in blood based techniques which explains why Kechizu and Eso have blood techniques and Choso has the coveted hereditary technique Blood Manipulation despite being half cursed spirit half human. If Kamo Noritoshi has been around for 150 years then at any moment he could've added his blood into the birth of any child to make a 10th child. There are 9 siblings originally and Yuji makes 10. Hell, there might even be more.


the official JJK fanbook says uraume's pronouns are they/them


Can't believe they named him after the worst sorcerer. That's like naming your kid Adolf.


i've been waiting YEARS for this reveal😭 i can't wait to get more choso in the anime, he's a dear character to me, and i agree ange, him having his brothers as a no.1 priority is wholesome, there's more depth to his character that we have yet to see in the anime, i'm so excited!! i smiled a lot watching u guys getting confused by his behavior lmao😭


how? he does everything to protect his students while she bailed. they couldn't be more different. Gojo is selfish in a way that he loves fighting, you're right, but he would do anything for his students, and he's definitely not a child abuser lol


The difference is that he doesn't have to summon Mahito anymore (and can't) instead he just has the ability.


Gojo put his students in harms way multiple times he got yuji to eat multiple fingers knowing how dangerous it was he made yuta and maki fight a high level curse by themselves they almost died he let yuji live when he should’ve killed him bc sakuna was to much of a risk for the world he and never said he’s a child abuser and Mei Mei is not either we haven’t see her do anything yet beside tease ui ui if she does then she is one also even nanami don’t even like gojo he don’t like the way gojo handles his students and his god complex nanami has stated it multiple times he don’t like how gojo goes about things and his actions are not always the correct thing to do


Not just Adolf. They gave him whole ass "Adolf Hitler" lmao.


@Martina Gojo was extremely arrogant and selfish all his life, of course it’s a different kind of selfishness than Mei Mei. He believes he is superior because there is supposedly no one stronger than him. He uses this in a good way however, to help the next generation of sorcerers (such as going against the higher ups because he believes his methods are better and he knows they can’t stop him) whereas Mei Mei selfishness doesn’t benefit anyone except herself and her brother. Gojo had a pseudo awakening when he tasted his first ever defeat against Toji, and despite his ideals changing to now protect the weak, he still acts extremely selfish in regards to his own power. He’s probably got a bigger ego after killing toji because now he knows there is no one who can stop him. He even makes the arrogant claim, that throughout the heavens and the earth, he alone is the honoured one. As cool as it is, it’s such an arrogant thing to say after just barely escaping death. Sukuna also acknowledges Gojo’s arrogance in regards to his powers, mentioning it to Jogo in their fight, and in later moments of the manga which I will not spoil. The difference between Sukuna and gojo, is that Gojo, although selfish, still tries to help those around him, whereas Sukuna is completely hedonistic. This is the biggest hint Gege gave us of who is actually stronger between the two. It’s well known that Gege writes jujutsu society to mimic real life, in where it’s the most selfish who are the most successful, Mei Mei, Toji (until he did something selfless to help Megumi) Gojo, and the completely hedonistic Sukuna. As it goes, he is without a doubt the most selfish jjk character, and if we follow the theme where selfishness=strength, then Sukuna should be the pinnacle of strength. This is all the more interesting when you realize Yuji is the complete opposite, he is completely selfless and willing to die for others, yet despite being selfless and dead (Nanami 💀) yuji is actually alive and getting stronger. Why is that? It’s very intentional, and Yujis opposite mindset to Sukuna is meant to be a thematic one, where eventually they will clash. The complete selfless vs the completely selfish. This is why Gojo was never written to be stronger than Sukuna, because he is selfish in his own right, yet not selfish enough to reach Sukuna. Narratively, it makes sense that the polar opposites would be the ones to defeat each other. I think somehow by the time jjk ends, Yuji will end up beating Sukuna, and break jujutsu society biggest rule, which is that the more selfish you are, the stronger. Yuji is the exception.


Fun Fact. Before Adolf Hitler took the stage Adolf was the most popular German name for boys in the 1920s. It was the equivalent to naming your child Zack or Amy in the 80's. That popularity quickly shifted after Germany lost the war.


Actually facts. I read the manga and I love Choso. I already have a tattoo representing my favorite One Piece character and I'm planning to get one to represent Choso


awww same! him, yuta, geto and maki have been back and forth in my no.1 spot lol😭 ahhh thats so cool! whos your fave op character?


"I think I figured out last episode finally rewatching this one now." I wrote this comment on 2x14 two months ago and am going to pat myself on the back for figuring out this twist 9-10 episodes ago. Shameless brag, but this show has been brutal on my predictions (I spent most of the first half of this season thinking Tengen was going to time travel us all and give Amanai Riko a second chance, for example) so its nice to get something right for once. It helped that I have seen the last 2-3 episodes of season 1 at least ten times now haha


Lowkey I'm *still* waiting for Tengen / Amanai Riko to somehow become relevant again.


geto said that kamo noritoshi was just one of many names that he had used so it implies that noritoshi isnt the original, he was used like how geto was


geto holds a blue ball while talking about "uzumaki" and yet people still believe jjk was inspired by bleach and not naruto lmao XD


but yuji doesnt have any blood techniques? the way i understood it is that choso's father is the "brain" inside getou who at the time was controlling "noritoshi" so while at the time he was blood sorcerer and that is how he is related to choso, i think choso is related to itadori because after his creation (chosos) all those years ago, "brain" changed bodies into someone else who is probably yuji's parent. so "brain" was in itadori's parent body before taking over getou's body. thats just my theory


so when he called jogo strong he wanted him to be his oven? XD


yes and Gege uses gender neutral pronouns for them!


yes he challenges his students because he wants them to become stronger, “strong enough to keep up with him” because he realized he can’t protect them on his own, like we saw with Rika. this is the dude that literally adopted Megumi, saved Yuuji and Yuta. yes he’s not perfect and has flaws like any well written character but he isn’t on the level of someone like Mei Mei and I’ll die on that hill


but I do like your analysis on selfishness and strenght, an interesting read, but we already have someone that breaks that rule and that’s Yuta


I like your points as well and I get how ppl don’t like Mei Mei she is weird I just think ppl take it as she’s attracted to her brother when this goes against her whole character Mei Mei doesn’t have feelings for anyone or anything besides herself and money I love nanami and his selflessness and him putting the kids above himself hes what jujutsu sorcers should be but that’s only if everything was perfect. But I also like how Mei Mei is a polar opposite of nanami she puts her survival first and unlike gojo instead of her putting her self in danger she would rather sacrifice her brother or students. It’s also showwn in her ct with the suicide crow showing more of her being about living things sacrificing themselves for her. Mei Mei is a anti hero she does good things and bad things she was created from seeing the only ways to survive as a Jjk sorcer is to put your self above everyone else if you know what’s happening in the manga it happened bc gojo cared about megumi to much which is a good thing.


Mahito is the Humans curse. he is the curse that is born by the negative emotions humans have towards each other. His name even has "person" in it


i dont know if any of this is relevant story wise (manga readers would probably know more) wouldnt mahito technically be "fight element"? jogo is fire, dagon is water, hanami is earth/nature... i dont know if brain that control geto would clasify as air (its a stretch) but i think mahito fits the description of 5th elements perfectly. it is ambiguous as to what 5th element is but it is often portrayed as either life or soul or humanity. every time someone mention how mahito is born from humans negative emotions towards other humans it reminds me of that


There's been inspirations in this series from Gurren Lagan, Naruto, Bleach, Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Fist of the North Star, HxH, Yuyu Hakusho etc. They're everywhere.


I wonder if kamo was only considered the worse because it wasn't really him or had he always had a shit demeanor.

Tyreesh Simmons

So glad this episode finally came out. Choso is my favorite character and I’m glad I can start to talk about him with the whole fanbase without spoiling his existence.


No idea what Choso was waffling about. They sure aren't blood related. I think he's high AF but whatever works for him to help us through this slaughter 🤣

Jeff Grant

Carlie's jumpscare was hilarious

Anna Lena Ciplajevs

The blood technique came from Kamo Noritoshis body - when the brain parasite mysteriously sorcerer (presumably) mixed his blood with Yuji, he wasn’t wearing that body = yuji didn’t inherit any blood techniques (not a manga reader, so not a spoiler)