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Yeah okay fine, Rem best girl

Episode 11 Reaction

Password: RZ11FL



love your reactions sm!

Katherine Claire

Yay! I’m so excited! Side note: I finished all your most recent content, and stared watching your Invincible reactions the other day (I’d never even heard of it, but it’s fantastic!) While I was watching it, I saw that Part 1 of Season 2 was released recently, and I wanted to tell you in case you didn’t know. Part 2 is slated to be released in the next few months, and Season 3 is already in the works. I know you all have plenty on your plate but I’d love for you guys to watch it 🫶🏻 It’s super good


We're at the Smile that sent a Ship into Orbit and made some of the most die hard fans I've ever seen who I count myself as one. You protecc that smile at all costs Oh and there "IS" an explanation to the Witch's Scent thing, but it is a absolute planetary level spoiler that no one should try and explain. The only thing I'll say is that not everyone can smell the scent around Subaru and there's a reason for that.


hi, this is unrelated, but we just got the news that the One Piece anime is getting a remake done by Studio WIT! so it will be a perfect chance for you guys to start watching then


They’re all best girl, lets not get into politics.

Night Sterling

Man its finally time 😂 next weeks batch of episodes are gonna be fun

FTN Chicken

There's a couple of OVAs that were released between Season 1 and 2 that take place between now and the next episode. I don't know if you were planning on watching them, but if you do, I would recommend watching them after the first season


Memory Snow is chronologically right after Episode 11. It can be found in the Director’s Cut season on Crunchyroll as it’s own episode. Frozen Bond should be watched after Season 1 and before Season 2 as it will contain massive spoilers for the back half of season 1.


The people that attacked Rem and Ram’s village are the Witch’s Cult. Rem mentions them when she is torturing and questioning Subaru. She asks Subaru if he is a member since he has the Witch’s scent and remarks that she is disgusted that he shared the same space as them after what they did to her sister (Ram).


they'll probably watch it if it wins the poll 🤷🏻‍♂️


Emilia is better.

tracee miasco

Next few episodes is gon be frustrating

tracee miasco

I hope they do the pace better. I was gon go watch one pace which is the fan made version with better pacing

Charles Malo

Small note. The scene with Roswall and Ram, if we collect the previous note that Demon use their horn to siphon mana from their environment, and Ram using a lot of her magic and doesn't have a horn, it stands to reason that Roswall's basically giving her maan through her horn scar, basically he's recharging her mana battery because she can't generate that mana juice herself from her surroundings. And yes you are correct in a bit, those who attacked Rem/Ram's village are the Witch's Cult, it was stated before. I love how carlie was hyped that roswall wants to slay the dragon. It's been told in the story that the dragon helped in trapping the witch, which was implied that the witch was bad and the dragon was good, but it's really left for interpretation at this point as to why ya'll would be excited for this positively and not see it as a "wait, is roswall's intentions good or bad for wanting to kill the dragon"


@FTN Chicken --- Yeah, I completely agree. It makes sense to watch the OVAs back to back after Season 1. They were released in that order, so I think it's assumed that viewers have finished S1 but haven't started S2.


I think it might be best to avoid addressing topics if they shouldn't be discussed. Spoilers shouldn't be shared, on that we agree, but it feels like the interpretation of what constitutes a spoiler depends on the person. I'll use Attack on Titan for example. There are a lot of moments that don't get explained (or won't be fully understood) until much later in the series, like the word "warrior" and why certain characters refer to others that way. By pointing out, in the comments section, that the word "warrior" keeps coming up (even if the reactors did notice and discuss), you're almost validating the importance or relevance of that topic. I've already watched S1 and S2, but I never realized that there was an importance to who smelled the witches' scent, and I'm kinda wishing it had stayed that way (my ignorance). I'm grateful that you didn't say more than that, though. I hope this doesn't come off as harsh or rude, because that's not my intention. I only wanted to share another point of view.


I think they had a misunderstanding when Ram explained the dragon, they think he's mad about the contract ending or something and is gonna attack, idk


If we don't head things off early, there's going to be people who want to explain things just to "help out" as things can sound like they're confused when they're curious and guessing. (its why I was very clear right at the start by saying it's a BIG SPOILER no one should reveal as it involves things down the line in the story and what I've done here is give a basic assuaging while leaving things very unclear as to whats going on) Yes, Seasons 1 and 2 don't have any explanations (at least any clearer than we've had), but with S3 coming there is "something" involving it, and as you're suggesting you're Anime-Only I'm going to leave it at that because *Spoilers*. That's why I've said for people to not spoil anything for anime-only fans, it'd ruin a reveal coming up and I don't want that, having read the LN's I was shocked at the reveal and I want that for anime-only fans too.


The source of Rem's relief is so tragic to me. Having always gotten put in Ram's shadow and compared to her - she developed a sense of value where if she couldn't live up to and do as well as her sister - she had little to no worth; something she felt she never was able to do on top of her attonement. Her relief when Ram lost her horn, which meant she no longer would have such a direct reminder of the difference in skill and the comparison it brought as well as her guilt because Ram lost it while protecting her is such an interesting conflict of emotions to explore.

Charles Malo

Yeah not sure where that came from. I think most of the confusion they had so far about the show has been about the witch (and the witch scent factor) heh, and the dragon backstory. Could be worth revisiting that storybook but oh well, I missed other details on my first watch too. At least they enjoying the show and I'm sure they'll catch up in time!

Charles Malo

I think we're at the point of the show where the next few episodes are gonna either give you more insight into the weaknesses and nuances and bad traits of characters after being indulged with some good traits. Some see this as a good insight into their flaws and ideals, all the characters, but others see this next couple of episodes as cringe worthy. Eitherway, just remember that even at the cringiest times of the show (which are coming up, trust me), the show is doing that intentionally to show you the "before" for the "after" or these characters' character growths!


Nooo not yet hahahahahaha


Them being the Witch's Cult isn't actually revealed until episode 15. I mean, it's heavily implied, but it isn't until then that Rem confirms it

The Great Santini

The fact that the episodes are cringeworthy is what makes it so good... I don't get why people take that as a negative. We see TRUE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT because of it. Edit: Oh wait, I just remembered why anime fans would take this as a negative: because this show (and Subaru in particular) is meant to hold a mirror up to anime fans.

The Great Santini

I think you guys are a little confused about the Dragon/Witch dynamic. Earlier in the season it was stated (by Reinhardt IIRC) that "swearing on the dragon" is a super serious thing to do and that the dragon is respected and loved by the people of Lugunica because he's protecting it. They also mentioned that the dragon helped seal the Jealous Witch. So the Dragon and the Witch are NOT accomplices. One has been implied to be good and the other is hated by everyone we've met so far. With that in mind, how do you feel about Roswaal claiming that he wants to "slay the Dragon?" Interesting.


I can’t wait, personally. Those are some of the most dramatic and shocking episodes of the series.


Everyone talks about Rem after the flashback but no one gives credit to little Ram always looking after her sister so I will. Ram is so cute and admirable for a child to be so mature at such a young age. Whatever the situation, Ram always look out for Rem and always consider Rem’s feelings above all else. Watching this episode most people just feel sympathetic towards Rem but no one realises how hard it must be for Ram too to lose her power. Like imagine how you would feel going from the one of the strongest to the weakest like Ram. But most of us don’t see it because Ram is a strong girl. She doesn’t let that thought bother her and because she is more concerned about Rem’s feelings than her own.


what episode is it that they mention dragon helped seal the jealous witch? ( i want to rewatch that scene on my own without filters)

Grey Cat

Rem did actually smile when Ram's horn got cut off, in the moment she was happy and relieved to not have to be compared to her sister anymore. And she is disgusted by herself for having that emotion at that moment even though she loves her sister. Since then she has been trying to make up for that night by trying to fill her sister's role: "All of this is atonement for what I thought on that fiery night". She thinks of herself as worthless, that she isn't enough to replace what her sister lost, that she should have been the one to lose her horn, that she shouldn't have been born. Which is all heart-breaking. Love your reactions and theories so far !

Charles Malo

oh 100% i agree with you. I LOVE these cringe moments because they are there to show you the progress that the person needs to break through. And if you look at them retroactively, you'll always go "ahhh now i appreciate this scene more because off where it took our character's growth". But I think the reason anime fans see these next few scenes as cringe is because of fear of the anime genre itself. There's a LOT of animes out there that do these cringe moments and DONT have a payoff and DONT have character development from it. So I do see both sides off it: if it helps in the growth pay off , then it's great writing, but if it stays as the "this is what it is because my characters need a cliche and they'll never evolve from this cringe factor" , then that's bad writing. And sometimes you THINK you know a character and then they drop a contradicting statement (if u know u know ) of what you expected would happen... and that gives eerie vibes because you think the character is going off-script but in reality YOU are the one that didn't truly get the character ...yet. So that's why people cringe: it's fear of the unknown of the anime/characters at that moment in time, on the first watch. I can definitely say i appreciated those scenes much more the second time around. And that's why i give that warning to reactors as a "trust the process, this is one of those animes that knows where this is going, and just silly useless cringe"