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Hey everyone! Just letting you know that our JJK 2x17 upload will be 24 hours late because we have a wedding to attend when we’d usually film it! We’ve heard that the episode might be delayed anyway due to some bad working conditions at Mappa.



i saw wedding and i clicked so fast i thought you guys were having the wedding 😭

Karan Reddy

That’s all good but was suggesting all diving into music / albums reaction of genres you possibly aren’t familiar with. Also start bleach 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


have fun! this episode shouldn't be affected but the episodes after that will be either low quality or delayed or won't come at all 🥲


because Mappa is abusing animators and they've had enough.


ohh i thought yall were just engaged Heartfelt congratulations🩷


Im happy they’re standing up for themselves but awe man😭


I know 🥲 obviously I'm supporting their movement but I hope this doesn't impact the future of JJK. I don't mind delays but I really don't want it to be cancelled or something. but I'm sure a show as popular as this one would get picked up by another studio


https://twitter.com/epppyyy/status/1724836076198433177?s=19 so... this is currently happening, I wonder how is everything gonna go lmao.


Yea mappa really letting all the anime only fans down rn. Enjoy the wedding!


Hypothetically if jjk was gonna be delayed by a long time. Would you consider putting another anime in jjk spot?


If this is it for a while, it's been a pleasure watching JJK with everyone


Lots of animators tweeting about the horrible working conditions, some animators complained a couple weeks ago and now more animators are speaking up about it, and now there's rumours that the animators have had enough and decided to not do any more work because they're so mistreated.

zdravko georgiev

Mappa has overdone it again.. they might even postpone the last episodes just because of this. And they better do. We cannot possibly support such kind of working conditions just because we want the season to be over.

John duran

Yes yes congratulations!

John duran

Still sucks that we might not get the quality of eps epically for the last few episodes, anyone who read the manga knows why. angie and Carla I’m already counting the tissue box will be thrown at least once by the end of the series if we can make it then


No worries, and enjoy your time at the wedding. The Mappa situation is pretty crazy, but was also predictable, seeing as to how many shows they've been producing lately. Hope the animators can get some W after all of this

Night Sterling

I believe its the episodes after this one that might get delayed but either way I hope the animators get a W because they pumped out some good shit this past year


Very unlikely that jjk2 will actually get delayed. They will get fined a lot of money if they delay it and they would have to find new slots to air it, etc


yes but the animators literally don't want to work, soo

Kevin Lin

Ep17 is out👀

Usman Naveed

Naah don’t think so. People don’t be getting that the episodes were already made at this point. At most finishing touches are done during the week before release