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Hinata about to enter his villain arc

Episode 2x4

Password: HYU2x4FL

Episode 2x5

Password: HYU2x5FL



carlie and ange: "we think at least one of them may have failed" -the reveal- carlie and ange: shocked pikachu face 😂

Smash Bran'Discootch

Tanaka's sister's name is Saeko(pronouncing it like "psycho" is fine). "Ryu" is Nishinoya's nickname for Tanaka as his full name is Tanaka Ryūnosuke and his sister's full name is Tanaka Saeko. Nishinoya is a really informal guy who doesn't adhere to the normal conventions of Japanese society. It's actually seen as rude and overly familiar to refer to someone by their first name without an honorific(-San,-kun, -Sama, etc.). But Nishinoya doesn't play like that so calls Tanaka Ryu, Ennoshita Chikara and Hinata Shoyou. It's little things like that that really give you an insight into a character's personality.


I would say Hinata is overall an average player if not below. The quick is strong but he lacks so many other stuff like serving, receiving, and blocking. It's a pretty risky move for the team to focus on what Hinata wants but of course, it would be incredible if he can pull it off.


So what the coachs said was foreshadowing was how both teams need to answer for their failure at the first tournament. He's not saying our team needs a new player but that they need to decide if they are 'good enough' and simply refine the skills and moves they already have in order to hope it makes them a stronger team, or try something new, whatever that may be, and take that chance that you might unlock a new level of skill. His answer was to add Lev, but Karasano doesn't have an unused player waiting in the wings, they can either be complacent or change for the better


I lean more to Ange's thoughts about the fight scene. Hinata is right about being greedy and wanting to improve, but I understand Kageyama's position. We could even see that the other team members and the coach were agreeing with Kageyama. That weirdo quick is already so hard to do, and trying to improve it by letting Hinata open his eyes and try to control the timing is crazy hard, Kageyama sets the ball very fast... it's like trying to catch a flying bird while jumping! theoretically it's nearly impossible, and that's why Kageyama and the team don't want to waste time and energy when the competition is knocking on the door, especially that Hinata really needs to put all his focus on improving his basics (receive, block, normal spikes, etc.). Imagine a rookie basketball player who currently still needs to work on his basic skills, suddenly tries to convince his team that he wants to specialize a segment in the training to assist him to dunk like Michael Jordan... it doesn't make sense does it?! 😂 To be fair to Kageyama, he did agree to toss the ball to Hinata before they fought to see if it's possible... if he was that greedy, he would've declined without tossing. Also, Kageyama said that now he understands that the best setter is the one who helps the spikers be at their 100%. If he thought Hinata is capable of opening his eyes and controlling the timing of the weirdo quick, he would've gladly agreed, because it will make him better as well if he helps the spiker become better. But he knows that Hinata is not there yet.

Preetam Ozarde

The thing about the fight is that they do try it out Hinata's way. Kageyama stays late with him after practice and gives him ball after ball and he isn't able to spike a single one even by luck. Also, people are right that it is not selfish to want to get better to help the team. However, it is selfish that he wants to help the team only by spiking the ball and not by improving any of his fundamentals.


Funny how you're proven wrong by the show, but keep on keeping on.

Clément Creton

Hey hey hey the real haikyu fan will understand . Hike hike karasuno osé osé karasuno

Zinc Young

Carlie misunderstood Kageyama a lot lol. He is the guy that hate to lose, there's no point for him to tryna be the best in the team when losing to other teams. He is looking for efficient solutions to win the game, and he don't see that Hinata can get to that point in such a short time, instead, training on serve and defense in which he sucks is more reliable. That's why he disagrees. Also when last time, Kageyama found Hinata is opening the eyes, he immediately changed the way setting to adapt him. Lastly, their competition is only existing in their own thoughts, nearly everyone values Kageyama more than Hinata, for his talent and skills, there's no need for Kageyama to fear about the possibility that Hinata surpass him, they are in the totally different positions. As a setter, he has both peak passion and talent. But as a spiker, Hinata lacks the physical talent, in which is very cruel in this sort of sports, but luckily, he is passionate as hell, that's why he can stand on the court.


Ahhh, so excited for more Haikyuu reactions!!


Don't stress about the comment section for this episode, it's always a controversial or interesting part of the season for Haikyuu lovers. All reactors end up with fans in their comment section explaining both point of view's of this argument. It's a pretty interesting fight that both of them are having. I also definitely believe that Kageyama has no ill intentions. He just thinks that Hinata trying to improve this quick attack with no basis that it will actually work whilst a major tournament is coming around the corner is just unfeasible. While Hinata believes that he won't ever improve if he has to rely on Kageyama every time they want to use this special attack. The special attack in itself is something that cements Hinata to be on the starting lineup. Hope you enjoy future episodes!

Edward Michaelle

I think Carlie missed the mark by a bit with Kageyama. He was being greedy, but not because he want to "stay the best" he just believes that in their duo, he is the one in power and that Hinata is just a necessary tool for the freak quick. He said multiple times "Your will is not needed for that quick". At the moment, he doesn't fully realize the value of Hinata, "Oh he is someone who can move quick and i can make something work with that". He puts so much value in his sets, that if you notice, everytime Hinata brings up the point Kageyama's response is always "So you think my set is wrong?" and never "You should be better to hit my sets".


(Pressed enter on my comment before I could finish it lol sorry) However I will say this, this season will bring up a massive change in Karasuno and also KageHina and I'm so stoked for you guys to witness it in the upcoming episodes. Just keep in mind that KageHina are rivals but they're also partners with the same goal. Their relationship is one of the BEST aspects of this show. I just know you guys are gonna love seeing the way it evolves xD


thats kinda spoiler, keep the suspense to urself please let them enjoy it on their own


Dont worry carlie and angie, you will know when you watch the future episodes anyway and after season 2, please talk about who is the correct one in this issue. Did hinata wanting to improve is wrong or did kageyama not wanting to try new things and wanting to stabilize what they want is correct? Please discuss about this after you have watched this whole season because i want to know if your opinions change or not. You will see why we always have to fight about this.


Personally this was my favorite episode and the next outside of main match of the season 2. Yachi would be my MVP for staying for post practice, her instincts during the practice games that something was off between the duo and for calling for Tanaka to break up the fight. It was terrifying!


I feel the need to defend Kags for a bit here. Kageyama is not the type of player to try and actively preventing someone from being better. He just wants to win really badly, and he'll do whatever he thinks is best to do that. Even when he was the "King" he didn't want the spotlight, that boy just is so in love with volleyball that all he wants to do is be on the court playing. If you remember their very first conversation about positions, Hinata is the one who loves the spotlight, which is why he wants to be the ace, it's the "cool" position. He struggles with being the decoy as well. On the other hand, Kageyama admits that setters don't get as much spotlight as the spiker, but setter TOUCHES the ball the most, and is the control center of the team, which is why he loves the position. The bad part is he goes about it in a way that is dictatorial and doesn't trust his teammates, but never because he wants the spotlight. He just wants to WIN and if Hinata will contribute to the team's win then he will toss to him. But this move (that he already TRIES with Hinata until they ran out of balls to play), he just doesn't think it's going to be ready in time, so he's very frustrated. He's actually very simple and honest that way, he says things as he sees it (might or might not be correct but that's how he truly sees things). When he says that Hinata is jeopardizing the team by trying something new with so little time for the Spring Tournament (and this is the last tournament for this current team and the 3rd years), he really sees it that way. And he actually has a really good point there as well to be fair. Also, Hinata DOES lack basic skills which are IMPORTANT, which is why he doesn't understand why Hinata doesn't focus on those things instead. (Volleyball players who watched this show also commented that they side with Kageyama on this point). Pay attention to their words; Hinata's are "...otherwise there's no point in having ME in the court.", "I want to be strong enough to fight by myself", etc. VS Kageyama's "Your selfishness is going to destroy the team's balance," "I'll toss to anyone essential to winning." If anything, it's Hinata's insecurity of not being good enough to be able to remain a regular without Kageyama, unlike Kageyama, whose genius more or less secure his spot, but he also knows that the team has a much better winning chance WITH Hinata on the team, so he wants really badly for him and Hinata to be able to pull off great, RELIABLE performances. However, Hinata is also not wrong in wanting to be better. His hunger is very important to him as a character and also to add that fire to the team. That's the beauty of it I think, like there's no right or wrong here. They both have fair points. They're a great duo who pushes each other to grow and be better. Just wait and see how they both grow, it's going to be rewarding. Another point is, they're not blaming each other. Kageyama thinks if HE sets better, they could win. Hinata thinks if HE gets better, they could win. It's almost like Asahi's and Noya's arc in that regard. And the point of this is THEY BOTH need to get better, which is also beautiful. One last point, Kageyama, Suga, and Coach Ukai are all setters. They're talking from a setter's point of view, which reiterates my point; NO ONE is being actively malicious on this show (maybe Oikawa for a teensy bit :P), they just see things from different points of view.


MY LOVE BOKUTO IS FINALLY REVEALED!! ugh there is always one person on every team that you love

storm (kasey) !

your discussion about greed here at the end has me really excited for whenever y’all watch blue lock!!


God your haikyuu reactions are so good😭


The team us set...there is no one else joing their club this year. When the third years graduate there hopefully will be some new first years joining

Sharles Davis Kendy

To have an idea what a champ Saeko is, Tokyo is about 190 miles from Miyagi. So she drove a good 2 hours JUST to help her little brother's Volleyball team. That's absolutely awesome.

Sharles Davis Kendy

The fight with Hinata and Kageyama is a result of them both blaming themselves for losing to Seijoh. Kageyama thinks his set got read. He was too obvious and that's why Hinata got blocked. He thinks Hinata doesn't need to be better at hitting the Quick but instead Kageyama needs to be better at using the Quick and Hinata's (VERY limted) time is better spent practicing his other flaws (serving and receiving in particular). Hinata hates this view because he sees this as Kageyama saying that setting Hinata was a bad idea. Hinata thinks the Quick failed because he swung with his eyes closed. If he was a better spiker, he could have controlled the ball better and hit around the block. Kageyama doesn't think they have enough time to waste trying something that may not be possible isntead of working on something they know they need to improve.

Dr. Charlotte

Bokuto!!!!! I've been waiting for him to appear since the first ep. I love him so much 😁💜


Omg same! I can't wait for them to fall for Bokuto too, he's the best xDD


kageyama is setup to be a genius and he himself cant see how is it possible to improve the freak quick considering what it actually goes into that quick. hinata not thinking about ball, not looking where to hit and only focusing on jumping and swinging is why he is so easy to read for kageyama. With his eyes open he focus on too much and keeps getting distracted, that results in him jumping slower, lower, his swing takes longer time cause he does not just swing when he feels is the best he tries to allign with the ball and he does not have skills and expertise to pull that off at the speed that ball goes. In order for hinata to hit kageyama had to slow the ball down which is what they were doing in season 1, mixing the super fast "freak quick" with normal quicks. That is not out of ignorance or superiority, that is simply due to fact that freak quick is implausible to pull of in the first place and only reason it was possible for these two is because kageyama's pinpointing skills are genius level and hinata was willing to blindly hit. what hinata was saying is that he basically refuse to do his part in what made that freak quick possible in the first place. That is why kageyama was so against wasting the time trying to pull out something imposible. Because in kageyama's eyes and objectively in everyone's eyes that quick should have been impossible from the very beginning and now that hinata refuse to do his part that was making it possible even kageyama thinks what hinata is trying to do is impossible. Instead kageyama thinks it is better for hinata to increase his skills in other aspects. To put it in simple terms hinata's freak quick is his special move and his strongest suit aka his 100% but his serving is at 20% at best, his recieve is even worse, his blocking at 70% (i am just throwing random numbers for example to make a point)... and pragmatically speaking this is not a bad idea but from hinata's POV the way he thinks, if his 100% is not enough then what is the point of increasing the lower stats by another percent or two... he is simply useless on the court if his best is not enough especially when he is supposed to be a decoy. what is the point of decoy on the court if he is not a decoy. This fight was brilliantly done because they both have valid reasons to feel the way they feel and they defend their perspectives because both of their perspectives are correct


You guys probably have the answer by now, but the reason why Kageyama is so heated in that exchange is because Hinata is willingly jeopardizing HIS career. If things go well, which nobody knows whether they will, then it's all fine, but to give up their signature weapon when they're the underdog to begin with is just asking to lose. And losing isn't what Kageyama has in mind. EDIT: Also, Kageyama and Hinata both aren't the type to care about their "opponents", whether they be on the opposite team or the same team. Kageyama's attitude has always been "I don't know who the enemy is and I don't care. All I have to do is play the best I can and win." They are both highly competitive but their competitiveness is entirely focused inwards.


First of all, NO, Kageyama is not preventing anyone to be better than himself so that he could stay as the best. I can’t believe after watching all of season 1 something like this would even be a thought from a viewer. If he is that kind of person, he would never have been mad at Hinata back in season 1 just because Hinata clearly got great physical abilities but none solid techniques. Kageyama wouldn’t have told Hinata to become strong after that junior high match. It’s RIDICULOUS even having this kind of opinion regarding Kageyama. Second of all, I have never view the arguement between Hinata and Kageyama a matter of right or wrong but more so like what Coach Nekomata has mentioned in the episode, a matter of being stable or evolving. Kageyama prefers to keep it stable as the spring tournament is right around the corner which is less than a month away. On the other hand, Hinata is seeking evolution in order to break through current situation. This arguement between the two happened simply because the two of them see things from different POV and are both understandable and reasonable. That fight might be a bit aggressive but I think it’s pretty essential to both of them, plus they are teenage boys at the end of the day and that fight could be a way of communication.