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We were going to film episode 6, and then we got confused...😅 Really enjoying it so far though!

Episode 4

Password: 86-4-FL

Episode 5

Password: 86-5-FL


Gabriel Barott

With the comments above, I'm sure you'll get the gist. I definitely recommend watching that last conversation back as well! Things will only become clearer the more you watch too, so don't be too hard on yourselves :)

Charles Baldwin

On the subject of the party it's less Lena is excited about it, and more it's a major holiday in San Magnolia she can't escape. Also as others said Lena got embarrassed cause she stumbled over that couple while she was in the middle of talking to her Discord boyfriend. Who she hasn't realized she likes yet.

Jake Thompson

Because the Para Raid links and shares senses, Shin's ability to hear the Legion is broadcast through it to Lena. Now you know why Shin is the Reaper and always shoots his teammates, so the Legion can't take their brains and copy them to make "Black Sheep".


I wanted to give Lena more credit for having a good ideal despite her not being able to take action but it was pretty disappointing how she wasn't mentally prepared. Hope I can come around before everyone dies


I’d say after a few more episodes everything will start to make sense but you guys are on the right track!


[WARNING] Super long texts below. Open at your own discretion. Just to pitch in and help clear some things up: The scene with the couple on the staircase was just to show Lena's innocence and her lack of experience in romantic relationships. The shadows of Shin and Lena were just her imagining the two being together. Ofc, she doesn't know what he looks like and it was more for the viewers that the shadow looked like Shin, I assume. Now onto the more important matters. Disclaimer: I wiki'd some parts, so hopefully it makes sense. There shouldn't be any spoilers as all of these should have been explained/hinted within the last 5 episodes. The Republic of San Magnolia's neighboring country, the Giadian Empire, declared war on the Republic using their autonomous army known as "Legion". After taking heavy losses, the Republic also developed a plan to start using autonomous units. So, in the battlefield, we had the "Legion" vs. the "Juggernauts/Processors", what we now know as the "Eighty-Six" (86). The "86" come from the Republic's 86th district, which is basically a concentration camp where people that were not of the Alba race were sent to soon after the Giadian Empire declared war. The Legion are an autonomous army that are believed to shutdown after 6-years since their initiation. Only inferring to the episodes that we've seen so far, we now know that the Legion's time limit is outdated info and that they have a solution for it. They use "Black-Sheeps", units with decayed/damaged brains that the Legion take from the battlefield to prolong their limit and strengthen their forces. They also have "White-sheeps", which all we know are that they are being replaced by the Black-sheeps (they are likely the original brains/AI that have been there since the start and have the 2-year remaining time limit). Lastly, there are "Shepards", commander units with undamaged brains that lead more powerful armies. We also now know that Shin can hear the Legion's voices, or the voices of the dead (voices from the "White-sheeps", "Black-sheeps", and "Shepards"). He says he believes he gained his ability from a near-death experience (though he says he "did" die). In episode 1, Annette explains that the Para-RAID can be used to share sensory data with the 86; specifically their sense of hearing, but also their sense of vision at the risk of burning out the brain. In the same episode, Lena's uncle explains that Shin has caused all of his handlers to retire, change units, or even commit suicide. It's clearly hinted at the start of EP1 that the handler shared senses with Shin and became one of the victims of the "reaper". You two seemed confused that the others in the Spear-Squadron also have the ability to hear the Legion, but they only hear them because they're connected to Shin's signal. Hope this helps! Ange, you asked for the paragraphs, so here you go 😅😂 I skipped some details, like the years things took place, etc. Hope my explanations weren't too jarring to read and digest. Thanks to this though, I have a better understanding of the politics in the story lol And now for the VA section: - You guys are seriously getting good at this. Yes, Anju is voiced by Yor's VA (SxF). - Theo is voiced by Damian's VA (SxF). - Think you mentioned this already, but Lena is voiced by Ikuyo's VA (Bocchi)

Handler One

Only Shin can hear the voices of the dead, but through the RAID device, which can link sensory data, everyone who resonates with Shin can hear what he hears. Ideally the RAID device can link all senses, but using it can overload the brain so only hearing is linked. Sometimes even feelings and emotions are transmitted, depending on the sensitivity level. The Legions operating system is modeled after a human brain, but they don’t last, so they replace it with something similar, live human brains that don’t have a time limit. 86 don’t get proper burials because they are not humans in the eyes of the Republic. It’s basically a free for all for the Legion with all their bodies laying around. The Republic don’t know any of this because they wouldn’t listen to the 86 or read their reports even if they did tell them.


yay 86 drop! looks like theres tons of clarifying comments already so ill just say that its not a panna cotta but a flan / creme caramel🍮🍮

Ordinary Guy

Ange, Episode 6 doesn't have an after credit so you can skip the ending.

Carlie & Ange

You’re all legends for these helpful comments ❤️