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Hey everyone!

As some of you may know, we received some strikes on our Youtube channel which means that we cannot upload anything on there at the moment and we need to get those strikes rescinded in order to prevent termination of the channel.

After speaking to other creators who have in fact been in contact with the individual(s), it has been brought to our attention that some shows just cannot feature on our Patreon AT ALL. Which is a real shame but we have no choice. Every OPM and DS video has been deleted from our Patreon. It will have to be like that for the foreseeable future otherwise we will keep receiving strikes on Youtube.

We are extremely sorry and we hope you understand that we've been backed into a corner and we have to comply. Thanks for your patience during this time. For those wondering if we're going to still react to the new seasons of these shows. The answer at this stage is Yes, but only on Youtube.

-Carlie and Ange ❤️



Ah so it'll only be the edited reactions on yt for them atm? That's a shame but at least u can still upload a short reaction them on there


What was DS?


It is a shame what you are are going through. We all know you are working your butts off for our entertainment. Hard to believe that "one Individual" is causing so much trouble for so many channels. 😤 Stay strong! 💪👍


unfortunate for those shows, but que sera sera, youtube it is at least


Hey Carlie and Ange. I'm sorry to hear about the struggle you guys have been going through. Specially getting strikes on YouTube. Definitely can be scary and you don't want to impede your growth. We love you guys and will watch regardless. I was just wondering if full lengths for these problematic shows are still possible on Patreon by just showing like the first 5, 10 seconds of the intro and then we can sync up the rest on our side? You just keep a timer below so we know we're good maybe? This way the visual and audio are not there after the first 5 ish seconds and we can continue to enjoy your reactions in real time.

Carlie & Ange

Not even the timer reactions are safe. We cant post anything at all on here that has to do with those specific shows as well as a few others. Otherwise it Will unfortunately risk a strike. Thank you for the lovely comment though! ❤️


hmm not sure. I think another channel i follow got the initial strikes as well and they have always been doing that (blurring out the entire thing and you sync your own) but idk if they've been dealing it constantly like this channel though as i haven't heard them talking about more issues since the initial strikes. edit: just saw the above comment from carlie&ange. okay yeah probably just can't post at all then


Ah I see, was worried that would be the case. That's such a shame, but understandable. Thank you for the reply and clarity on the situation! Looking forward to future reactions as always.


Would you be open to hosting on Vimeo. Another React channel “Letts React” puts them on Vimeo without the show name ex. “DS##Tear” for Demon Slayer. Then in Patreon they have a pinned google drive link to a doc that list all links to the Vimeo. A hell of a complicated work around but it IS working over there.

Giovanni Velazquez

There are plenty of other great anime I’d be excited to watch you guys react to, we completely understand


This definitely brings the blues, but I hope you guys are able to work it all out with the least amount of stress and headaches.


As always, we appreciate your transparency, even when the news is sad. It's very frustrating that this crackdown happened.  I don't handle stress well, so I can't even begin to imagine how hard this has been on you guys.  Seeing all your hard work, community, and livelihood put in the crosshairs, it's just not right.  I hope the situation dies down soon. I'll be continuing my support regardless, as your channel really makes me happy and I love your reactions. There's something about the energy you guys bring to the table that just makes me smile. It's entirely possible that I'm missing something very, very obvious, so I was hesitant to ask at first, but I've decided to just look silly and bring it up. Your decision to hold off on these shows for right now makes complete sense, but if you're looking to avoid future strikes on YouTube, why would you post reactions to the new seasons of OPM and DS exclusively on YouTube instead of Patreon?  I'm sure you have a good reason, or perhaps I've just misunderstood what I read, but as I'm not an expert on these circumstances that you're dealing with, I wanted to ask.


It feels like every reaction channel has a different understanding of what triggers copyright strikes and channel takedowns right now. I only mention this because, as you said, that particular reaction channel is currently doing it's best to make Demon Slayer work despite everything going on, but they disqualified Spy x Family from their process of deciding what to watch next (despite it coming in first place in a poll) due to the show being a copyright risk. Meanwhile, on this channel, Demon Slayer has been removed due to being a copyright risk, but their Spy x Family videos are still up. Very complicated times.


Likewise, another reaction channel that I follow, which only provides Patrons with timer videos, removed his Boruto and Hunter x Hunter videos due to copyright strikes (on videos with nothing but his face and a timer), but he's continuing to upload Demon Slayer due to having never experienced issues with that show. That could change of course, but it's weird how inconsistent the DMCAs are applied.


There are some great western animated shows as well, if all else fails.


Hope you guy's don't have to stress too much over this stuff, sounds like a real pain in the behind


It really does. Fortunately, Carlie & Ange seem to have a really supportive and understanding community. That helps in times like this, when the last thing they'd want to deal with after all the stress and tightrope walking is having to deal with a bunch of angry, sweaty, unreasonable "supporters" leaving angry Karen-esque messages on their page.

Carlie & Ange

Thats a great question. It’s because the person who is working on behalf of these companies has said that the videos on YouTube are fine, but they do not want to see anything on Patreon or external websites. We’ve seen this in writing from other creators that have been in contact with him


Interesting. Thank you for taking the time to reply. I appreciate it!! And I'm glad to hear you guys have received support from other content creators. Hearing about the solidarity and information sharing leaves me feeling reassured that this tough time will pass. It might be soon, or if might not be for a while, but so long as the reaction communities persevere and patiently play the waiting game, things will work out. I'm sure of it. :)


What a pain. I am sure this issue will get resolved soon after the quarterlies are presented to share holders but don't worry, tyt in resolving any issues regarding this.


Dunno if you'd even want to do this, but you could always do timers for those anime on Patreon (for the full lengths) would require you to resync the timer if you skip openings, or sit through them etc. Most I follow just use timers, it definitely sucks for people on mobile, or 1 pc monitor, but it works for a lot of people regardless. Either way it is a shame all of this happens less than 1 year into you finding shows you like :/

Josh Knoebel

They said even those timer type reactions are getting hit. Anything regarding those properties, which is wild to me.


A timer based reaction can't be taken down unless you're including audio. The company can literally never reserve the right to their reaction. The stuff that gets claimed will be the anime video or the audio, which said companies do have a right to. Timer based is more just you say "3 2 1 go" and push play, others then sync with their own copy, it's less convenient for some, but I prefer it overall, let's me adjust volume of the reactor(s) and the anime so I can hear both nicely + 0 chance of takedown. The big issue with this solution is a lot of people don't wanna put the extra work in, they just want quick access, thus will either whine or perhaps at worst stop patronage.