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We're already confused 😂



Daniel Molina

*Mad Scientist Okabe Laugh*

Allan Samano

yesssss!! also don’t worry if you’re confused, the first episode is kinda supposed to be like that

ChmpagnShadw (edited)

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2023-04-29 14:24:04 I never seen this
2023-04-29 14:24:04 I never seen this
2023-04-29 14:24:04 I never seen this
2023-03-08 03:22:48 I never seen this

I never seen this

David Salazar

The first 4 episodes were confusing ha but honestly IMO it's a masterpiece. HXH, Vinland Saga, Steins Gate. In that order


It'll be fine after once you guys get to know all characters and their wants


I've never seen this show, and I'm very confused as well. I would love to see a hunterxhunter reaction. You two are awsome!

Sepia Rainbow

A slow-paced beginning, confusing and maybe even kinda dull to some people. But just you wait until episode 12 when everything starts to click and you guys will know why it worths the patience.


I never really had the want to watch this, but I guess I'll check it out along with you two. We will be confused together


Steins Gate is such a top tier show. The dub is one of the best dubs ever. I highly recommend it and I normally watch stuff in sub.

Russell Gambardella

Haha yes everyone who watched the pilot would be lying if they said they weren’t confused at the time! For people who have already seen this show, I’m sure many like are taking guilty pleasure in your confusion hahaha. ❤️

Russell Gambardella

I was expecting your iconic use of “loose unit” to be an adjective in describing the protagonist hahah


I would have hoped that the community here would have voted to watch Steins Gate in dub instead. One of the few dubs that felt superior to the sub.


This first episode is one of those where you can come back and rewatch after the series is finished and everything will make sense to you then. It's intentionally confusing. Also, the OVA is technically episode 25, and there is a movie which is supposed to be viewed after the OVA, and a "sequel" called Steins;Gate 0. There's a bit more to how Steins;Gate 0 connects to the main story but it would be a spoiler now and I'm sure it'll come up after you finish this series.

Gabriel Barott

Even though I do enjoy the sub a bit more, the dub for this anime specifically (despite my lack of liking dubs for the most part) is actually really well done. So if you guys make the swap to that, I think the experience will be just as good. Totally up to you guys on what you think will be best for you!


Ahh yes... let the theory crafting begin. Just to answer/confirm some of your guys' questions that don't spoil anything: (1) People usually refer to MC as any of these three, but you can pick whichever rolls off the tongue easier for you two, "Okabe", "Rintarou", or "OkaRin" (2) Yes, Mayushii comes across very air-headed and innocent (3) Yes, the show is confusing for the first few episodes. Things will start to make sense at some point. (4) If I recall correctly, the show has 24 episodes in the season, an OVA that basically counts as episode 25, a movie sequel, a spinoff episode, and another season based on that spinoff. Hope this helps!

David Caine

Nah, the sub is still superior, in large part to Mamoru Miyano's supreme, excellent acting. They should watch the sub for a first time watch. The dub though is still excellent and worth a watch, they did a good job adapting it to a western audience. My only critique of the dub is that Okabe sounds like a scientist all the way through, while in the original it's obvious he is playing the part of a "mad scientist." But the acting of everyone in the dub is still good though and it is worth a watch, it's what I did on some rewatches.


I see fans enjoy subs more than dub and rightfully so. However, Carlie and Ange are fairly new to anime so I took that into consideration and thought that dub is superior for the average western audience. Long time anime watchers have already absorbed a lot of Japanese culture and thus they can pick up the nuances in the anime they watch. Both of them are very accommodating people and I doubt that they would voice their opinion most of the time. I think the community here should have let them adjust first. We want them to enjoy and understand the things they watch not just enjoy watching them react to anime. I mean look at them watch Kaguya-sama and I felt bad for them having to catch up to the fast pace of that anime. Steins gate would be very similar and a lot of the jokes and nuance would be missed and it's not their fault.


Agree with everyone's sentiment. This is up there with FMAB as one of the greatest dubs out there. Regardless of your choice, the anime remains top tier so you can't go wrong with either one. If you notice too many people asking for a change it'll be because good dubs (let alone great ones) are so few and far between.


I am voting for dub on this one


That sucks for you man lol if you really can't continue because it's dubbed, it's your loss.

Meg B (edited)

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2023-03-08 14:25:29 I enthusiastically vote sub. Lots gets lost in translation with the dub (it heavily relies on Japanese culture, mostly pop culture). Also, Mamoru Miyano is one of my favorite voice actors ever. (in terms of dub, FMAB is the one to go with the dub IMO.)
2023-03-08 12:38:25 I enthusiastically vote sub. Lots gets lost in translation with the dub (it heavily relies on Japanese culture, mostly pop culture). Also, Mamoru Miyano is one of my favorite voice actors ever. (in terms of dub, FMAB is the one to go with the dub IMO.) But, I'll respect whichever decision you come to of course. :D

I enthusiastically vote sub. Lots gets lost in translation with the dub (it heavily relies on Japanese culture, mostly pop culture). Also, Mamoru Miyano is one of my favorite voice actors ever. (in terms of dub, FMAB is the one to go with the dub IMO.) But, I'll respect whichever decision you come to of course. :D

Meg B

You know, I'm billigual with English not being my first language so when something is specifically from a certain culture I aim to retain as much from that culture as possible. Instead of defaulting to what I know and are familiar with. Steins;Gate is set in Japan with Japanese characters unlike some other anime so it only makes sense to me that that's the truer experience of the story. The dub is good, just not better. That's my opinion but I 100% respect yours. You're free to disagree :)

Meg B

Yes! Just one thing: The 2nd season (0) is not based on the spin-off but on the second visual novel which the show is based on. :)


I was very confused when I started watching this, but it really does get better the father you watch


All good! I complete understand where you are coming from. Most of the time I agree right with you :) I just watched this first in dub so I think that plays a part. I’m normally a sub person too. I’m just happy we get following along with their journey! Hope you have a great day!


Didn't get to finish the show the first time. Maybe I can make it this time along with you.


There are two seasons. There is Steins' Gate 0. Which by the end of the show, you'll probably want to see it.


Ah, thanks for the correction. I've only seen up to the movie and haven't seen the new season yet, so I just answered based on the synopsis I read👍

Ryan Ott

Agreed, I believe in sub supremacy just as much as the next guy but this show is simply superior in dub as a western viewer. The jokes hit harder, the characters are much easier to attach yourself too, and the show is much, MUCH, more digestable story wise, there is a lot of greatness to Okabe's sub VA, but I don't think a non-japanese speaker can really appreciate that as much...

Amrith (edited)

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2023-03-18 13:01:21 First time watching. In with you blind btw, brilliant setup and execution. For a second there I thought Carlie's knee was a Xenomorph, talk about an unexpected jump scare.
2023-03-16 22:13:11 First time watching. In with you blind btw, brilliant setup and execution. For a second there I thought Carlie's knee was a Xenomorph, talk about an unexpected jump scare. Btw there is a major difference between a capsule landing (which the protagonist sees) and a satellite crashing onto the roof which I realized while watching your reaction.

First time watching. In with you blind btw, brilliant setup and execution. For a second there I thought Carlie's knee was a Xenomorph, talk about an unexpected jump scare. Btw there is a major difference between a capsule landing (which the protagonist sees) and a satellite crashing onto the roof which I realized while watching your reaction.


I am going to cheat then by watching the episodes in dub and then their full reactions in sub. Best of both worlds. (Think I broke the Ein-steins's gate, if this is what this show is about).


Anyone who says subs are always superior are just elitist snobs. For this one, dub is more than fine.

Shreyas Sali

I was looking forward to steins gate, a shame you chose the sub over the fantastic dub

Slim Cognito

I've seen this show 5 times all in dub so I'm excited to go through it in sub like this. This is one of those shows I still think about all the time and try to get a deeper understanding for. It is only second to AOT for me these two shows are the GOATs in my opinion.


Rewatching this masterpiece after a decade. So hyped!


hopefully they didnt listen people who want them to watch this dubbed.... HOPEFULLY they didnt listen to you watch dubbed and miss a top 3 japanese voice actor performance should been criminal

Jacob Svensson

Only people who'd ever vote for dub here are people too lazy to read subtitles. I mean Okabe and Mayushii's voice actors are fucking legendary, how anyone could want to not hear that is blasphemy


How dare you... say that about Dr. Pepper....


Toot tooo ru !


I watched this back when it first aired. I came out of the first episode not knowing what was happening, but wanting to know more. It went on to become my favourite anime of all time, it's hell of a ride. Not a fan of the OVA though, it's the epilogue the show didn't need. A bit like Code Geass, this is also a show that's defined in many ways for me by the voices. I'm glad you're on sub, though I do hear the dub isn't bad, but I think Mayuri suffers from the standard dub problem of a squeaky voice sounding much weirder in a language you speak because you know it sounds wrong. I think the trap a lot of reactors fall into with this show is overthinking it and confusing themselves, rather than accepting that they're along for the ride with Okabe.


I subbed for this serie. Wısh u guys watch other Steins gate content too.